The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2703 Implementing Monitoring

( ) The second elder suddenly said: "Speaking of which, I discovered another weird thing recently!"

"Oh? What's the matter?!" the Great Lord asked.

"The symptoms of the Sixteen Death God poisons among the disciples in my sect have been alleviated. Some people were already in a state of illness, but they seem to have improved recently. After I found out, I even went to the Medical Association's patients to After checking the containment area, we found that those who were sick all had the same feeling, and it seemed that their condition had improved to a certain extent!" said the second elder.

"Is this happening?!" The Great Lord's eyes lit up and he said loudly.

"It's true! I asked Nan Yuan, and he said that this may be because people are in high spirits during happy events. When they heard that the Yimi fleet defeated the Devouring Monster, their mood became better, and their illness also alleviated..." the second elder teased. .

"Impossible!!!" the Great Lord snorted.

"It's really impossible..." The other four elders all agreed.

For these old antiques, Nan Yuan's rhetoric cannot convince them.

They are well aware of how terrifying the Death Virus is. It is impossible for such a virus to become less toxic just because the poisoned person's mood improves. It may even speed up the pace of its poisoning while the poisoned person is in a state of uneasiness...

"I didn't think it was possible. Then I walked around the Doctors' Association and chatted with some other doctors. Suddenly I felt that the atmosphere there was a bit strange..." the second elder said, stroking his beard.

"What's so strange? Could it be that the strange thing you mentioned is not the patient's condition getting better?" the Great Lord asked.

"This... it is indeed a strange thing that the patient's condition has improved, but what makes me feel even more strange is..."

"What is it?"

"The atmosphere in the Doctors' Union seems to be quite different from the past. None of the doctors look like they have been poisoned. Instead, they all have glowing faces and are full of energy. Even their cultivation seems to have improved... I went there for a physical examination last time. At that time, I could still feel the decadent and helpless mood in their hearts after being poisoned, but now they are all full of energy, quick thinking, and full of confidence, as if nothing in this world can stump them..." The second elder Thinking.

The Great Lord was slightly stunned when he heard this, and said: "Speaking of this, if they didn't have such full confidence, how could they have developed a new type of cannonball that can corrode the shells of those monsters in a short period of time?"

"It makes sense! There were many people from the Wisdom Federation there at that time. I think they were the same as those doctors.

All of them are full of energy, full of wisdom, and full of vitality, which makes me a little envious..." the second elder sighed.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be envious of the juniors from my Zhi Shu Federation..." the great elder laughed.

"At this time, there are very few people who can be full of vitality. It is rare to see a large group of people like this. Can you not be envious?" the second elder snorted.

The Great Lord's face looked a little astonished. From the words of the second elder, it was not difficult to tell what the strange thing he was talking about was. You must know that now all the people of Yimi are threatened by the death of the God of Death, Sixteen. No one can have such a strange thing. High fighting spirit and exuberant vitality, if there is such a thing, is indeed a very strange thing.

When something weird happens, there must be a monster!

Could it be that he didn’t know what was going on in the Doctors’ Federation and the Intellectual Arts Federation?

Thinking back to the incident he analyzed before, that is, the hidden master most likely obtained his physical data through his physical examination in the Medical Association, and successfully passed the verification of that handsome ship, thus After remotely controlling the starry sky battle with the Wanrouxu Shield Fleet, the Great Lord became a little uneasy...

Is this person's ability to successfully obtain his top-secret information also related to the strange atmosphere in the Doctors' Union?

"No matter what, both events happened in the Doctors' Federation, and both are under incredible circumstances. Things in the world cannot be such a coincidence. It is certain that something must have happened in the Doctors' Federation, and even the Wisdom and Art Federation There may also be some situations, but the second elder didn't go there to check again..." The Great Lord's mind was spinning and he was thinking.

Judging from the battle report sent by Libushan and the conversation just now, there have been a lot of weird things happening in Yimi civilization recently. Although the situation has been peaceful for the time being, the Great Lord seems to feel that there is a pair of invisible hands that are slowly controlling it. With all this, it seems that a big net has been woven, slowly shrinking from the outside to the inside, trying to catch all the fish inside...

And I am like one of the biggest fishes. Maybe I have entered the net and my throat is about to be locked...

"By the way! Didn't the Doctors Federation develop an initial antidote for Death Sixteen last time? We all took it..." The Great Lord suddenly thought of this.

It was only by taking the medicine provided by Nan Yuan that he and the five supreme elders were able to temporarily contain the poison of Death Sixteen, and they are now in very good condition.

Nan Yuan said at that time that there were very few initial doses of this medicine, and only those six people drank it, but later they should have refined some more. If so, it is not difficult to understand that those doctors and intellectuals The people in the Surgery Association must have taken those initial drugs to alleviate their condition, and then they showed a different state from others...

"Yes..." The elders suddenly realized.

But the second elder insisted: "They are in much better condition than the rest of us! If we are taking the initial antidote, then they must have taken the real antidote!"

"This... this matter is very important, but it shouldn't be difficult to find out. Let's go to the Medical Association to ask Nan Yuan now!" the Great Lord said decisively.

"Wait a minute!" the second elder shouted.

"Oh?!" Everyone was slightly startled and looked at him.

The second elder stroked his beard and squinted his eyes and said: "I asked Nan Yuan this question last time, but his reply to me was perfunctory and did not tell the truth at all! Let me think about this matter and discuss it with the superior. It was related to the incident when we secretly supported Yu Shan to replace him as president. I guess he must have a grudge against us and refuse to reveal his true feelings..."

"This... the elder is right, that incident was indeed our fault! At that time, we were all confused and actually believed in the words of a person who did not even have formal medical qualifications. It is extremely embarrassing to think about it now..." The Lord sighed.

"So, even if we formally ask Nan Yuan now, he may not tell the truth. I think we don't have to be busy now. We might as well secretly monitor the Medical Association to see what they are doing and what they are saying. , the truth of the matter will probably surface soon!" the second elder said proudly.

"Is this appropriate?" the Great Lord asked doubtfully.

"Oh, Great Lord, if you want to achieve big things, you don't have to stick to small details. We monitor them not to do anything to them, but to find out whether the antidote for the Death God Sixteen has been developed. This matter It is extremely important not only to us, but also to all the Yimi people, so it is understandable even if we use some means..." The second elder shook his head and said.

"The second brother is right!"

"Nan Yuan is already dissatisfied with us and there is no way he can tell the truth!"

"The information obtained through surveillance is the truth..."

"We must do it without anyone noticing..."

Other elders echoed.

The Great Lord said helplessly: "Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you! Well, since the Doctors' Federation has been monitored, the Wisdom and Art Federation can't let it go either. I want to see what changes have happened to them. …”

"Yes! Great Lord!!!" The five people responded in unison.

"In addition, we must step up our investigation into the terrifying force that may be lurking in our Yimi starry sky. I believe in Libushan's judgment that that force must exist, and they may be around us..." The Great Lord said.

"Oh? Why is the Great Lord so sure?" the Great Elder asked suspiciously.

"This... I found that the system in our meeting hall and the system in my space have signs of being invaded. Ordinary people will never be able to do this. Only people with extremely high levels can do it! In short, we are now It seems that someone is watching..." The Great Lord sighed.

He still has not revealed the last time someone took his place in commanding the Star Wars. After all, that incident was related to his own reputation. If his reputation is shattered, it will also mean that his prestige will decline and the foundation of his rule will become weaker...

If he tells the matter directly, it will completely prove his judgment, but it will also have a considerable negative impact on him...

"Is this so?!" The great elder and others were shocked.

"That's right! What the weapon spirit detects should not be wrong. Maybe what we are talking about now will be under their surveillance, so we must be careful and careful..."


The six people quickly switched to voice communication. After discussing for a while, the five elders hurriedly left and began to take action...

This scene fell on the light curtain in the core space of the Doctors Association, and Wu Dao, Nan Yuan, An Jing and others watched it with great interest.

"They are finally alert..." Wu Dao smiled.

"Teacher, you'd better not be here anymore, why not go to Ling Daozi's place." Nan Yuan said.

"No! Ling Daozi is very busy, and I don't want to sit around doing nothing. I happened to have a research project that I haven't completed yet, so I went to the underground space to continue working on it..." Wu Dao said.

"That's fine! But don't take the normal route in the future."

"No problem! You don't need to be nervous. They can't do anything to Ling Daozi now. If it doesn't work, just move them all and let them stare and worry..." Wudao smiled.

"Although the teacher said it is true, we can't just leave. After all, Yi Mi trained us, but the Death God Sixteen we developed poisoned the people of Yi Mi. If we can't completely solve this matter, If you solve it, I will feel uneasy..." Nan Yuan sighed.

Wu Dao looked at Nan Yuan, shook his head helplessly and said, "You are so stubborn that you made little Yu Shan almost cornered..."

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