The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2704 The Rising Research Base

( ) Nan Yuan smiled bitterly when he heard this, but did not respond, but he was teasing in his heart: "Isn't your daughter the one behind the scenes?"

After all, Wu Dao is Meng Sha's father. He is simply blind to Meng Sha's role in this matter. He intentionally or unintentionally ignores the past, and instead puts all the blame on Nan Yuan himself. , it’s also hilarious...

Speaking of Mengsha, she is indeed the driving force behind the Yushan incident. She has been coveting Nanyuan's position as president for a long time. It's a pity that she doesn't follow the right path and doesn't study medicine properly. Instead, she engages in fighting for power, intrigues, and behind-the-scenes manipulation. , If you do something unjust, you will die. The last time I saw the tragic scene of Yushan's death, I was frightened to death. Fortunately, she was a girl of no virtue. Of course, Ling Daozi couldn't just watch her play like this, so he fed her An antidote pill allowed her to successfully get rid of the threat of poison.

After waking up, Mengsha had a profound enlightenment and never mentioned the previous events again. She also joined Wu Dao in Xingyun Castle and devoted herself to studying medicine. It can be said that the prodigal son returned with gold, which brought Wu Dao's heart back. She is loved in a thousand ways and pampered in all kinds of ways...

Therefore, there is a reason why Wu Dao ignores all the responsibilities for what Mengsha did.

In order to avoid the surveillance of the five supreme elders, Wu Dao hid in the space below the secret vault to do his research. Naturally, Nan Yuan was fully prepared, especially to the people from the Doctors Association. They also implemented information confidentiality techniques to prevent their souls from being searched...

On the other side, Yingsi had already instigated all the people from the Intelligence Federation to join the Star Fortune Castle, so he had made various preparations to prevent surveillance just like Nan Yuan.

In fact, if it were not for their gratitude to the Yimi civilization, these people could have left completely, but now they all stayed and continued their research tasks...

The Yimi civilization now faces many hidden dangers, the most obvious of which are the two. One is the poison of the Death God Sixteen, and the other is the Wanrouxu Shield Fleet that may come over at any time.

The Great Lord and others understand this, so the purpose of monitoring the Doctors Association is to find out whether Nan Yuan and the others have developed a real antidote. On the other hand, they do not dare to waste too much time searching for the missing person. On the battleships and personnel, after a period of fruitless search, all the battleships were recalled, repairs and energy replenishment began, equipment was added, and preparations were made to actively prepare for war...

In terms of information, they also control it very strictly and would never dare to leak the news that the new artillery shells have been fired. Only a few high-end personnel know this, because the new artillery shells have a deterrent effect on Wu Xu and the others. If the news Leaked, I'm afraid Wu Xu and the others will call soon!

They have done a good job in this regard, because now Wu Xu and Wood are in a dilemma...

After witnessing the scene where the Yimi fleet used its might to destroy the devouring monster last time,

They fled the Yimi starry sky in a hurry and hid in a farther station. They also set up many hidden formations. What they were afraid of was that the Yimi fleet would discover and hunt them down.

After hiding here, the monitoring network they had set up with great difficulty also lost its effect. They suddenly fell into a state of information isolation. They could only rely on information sent by people previously placed in the core area of ​​​​Yimi to understand the situation, but the activities of those people They have also been restricted recently because the Yimi people have been aware of it and have been very strict. If they move frequently, they will probably fall into the hands of the Yimi people soon. In that case, the gain will outweigh the loss, because they have to install a The cost of getting to the middle and high-level people in Yimi is very high, especially if you get into the high-level people. Unless the value of the information is particularly high, it should not be used easily.

As a result, the Wanrouxu Shield Fleet would never dare to maintain an offensive posture. In addition, they would not dare to disband and return to their respective civilizations.

Because the Yimi people may launch a new round of colonial operations at any time. If the fleet is dispersed, it will be even less likely to be an enemy. It will be defeated by them individually. Only by gathering together can they maintain a strong enough combat power to compete with them...

In order to maintain the operation and development of such a huge fleet, each civilization must spend huge manpower, material resources and financial resources to supply. As long as the war is not over for a day, the supply will not stop. If it takes too long, I am afraid there will be no need to wait. When the Yimi people come to colonize and plunder, the wealth of various small and medium-sized civilizations will be depleted by this fleet first...

You know, these battleships consume a lot of money. Every shell fired during training will consume countless wealth. How long can an ordinary civilization support such consumption?

This dilemma made everyone feel extremely confused and they simply didn't know what to do.

It can be said that civilization-level wars are fought not only on the level of fleets, but also on the comprehensive strength of each civilization. If a space fleet cannot achieve self-sufficiency, then it will soon exhaust the resources of the entire civilization, and eventually itself Will also embark on the road of decline...

After careful consideration, Wu Xu finally thought of the key point of the matter, which is how to deal with the new artillery shells of the Yimi people. If he can find a way to deal with them, he can turn passive into active and defeat the Yimi people as soon as possible. , instead of being stuck in this new station and consuming resources every day.

He quickly made suggestions, believing that each civilization must immediately gather a group of talents, all kinds of talents, to carry out relevant research.

In his opinion, the most fundamental reason why the surrounding small and medium-sized civilizations were colonized and enslaved by the Yimi people was because the civilization level was lower than that of the Yimi people. If they could surpass each other in intelligence and supernatural abilities, they would not be able to do so again. There are such worries.

For example, if Wanrou Xudun can develop more powerful artillery shells, or a battleship shell that is not afraid of corrosion by Yimi's new artillery shells, then do they still need to be afraid of the Yimi fleet?

After experiencing the battle with the Yimi fleet and the devouring monsters, everyone has reached a consensus that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Only by surpassing Yimi in the civilization level as soon as possible can you colonize it! Loot it!

Wu Xu's suggestion was supported by most people, but some people still had a sense of luck. They thought that as long as they hid for a longer time, all the people in Yi Mi would die of poison. However, Wu Xu denied this. It is believed that since the people of Yimi can develop Death Sixteen, it is possible to develop its antidote. The previous state of poisoning of the whole people is most likely due to some kind of accident.

Although what he said was quite different from the truth, the result was that he guessed it right!

Because the people of Yimi really don’t have to worry about the outbreak of the Death Sixteen poison for the time being. Even the people of Yimi themselves don’t know that someone is already secretly protecting them...

Of course Wu Xu didn't know that he had guessed correctly, but his opinion also reflected his characteristics as a professional soldier, that is, victory must be won by oneself, rather than doing nothing and waiting for victory to come. It's a very illusory thing...

He successfully convinced everyone, and as a result, all civilizations took active action. A large number of talents and resources were continuously sent to the new residence. A series of research centers emerged here one after another. Everyone was trying to gain time to conduct research and experiments. , making the new station a huge research base!

In the eyes of everyone, they are racing against time, dealing with life and death. Maybe if the research speed is slower, it is possible to see the Yimi fleet coming in advance but they are helpless. If they can research faster, there will be Maybe it will make your fleet stronger, so that it can survive when the Yimi people attack, or even counterattack...

The huge pressure to survive has caused this newly emerged research base to burst out with amazing energy!

Even Ling Daozi was stunned!

It has to be said that war is sometimes a catalyst for the development of civilization. If a civilization has been in the process of peaceful and stable development, although it is also developing, its speed has been very slow, and sometimes it will go backwards and then forward. , and then go backwards... This is because people's potential has not been forced out or squeezed out, and they have been doing tasks leisurely, living their lives, and enjoying the fun of life. If people live like this for too long, they will become slack, and it is difficult to make breakthroughs. Grow and develop explosively!

But if people live under huge pressure to survive every day, and they don’t know whether they will be able to see tomorrow’s sunrise when they fall asleep, this situation will make people prefer to stay up all night doing research and maximize their potential. Squeeze it out... maybe inspiration starts to burst out at this time!

Yes, inspiration, which is called enlightenment in the world of cultivation, is a very magical phenomenon. It can happen in any situation. For example, someone drinks a cup of tea, watches the scenery for a while, listens to music for a while, and smells something. There may be an epiphany when you pick up a scent, touch a card, or do something for a while, but...

After Xiaoxing’s research, it was found that although epiphany can occur under any circumstances, the probability of epiphany is very low, and the conditions for its occurrence are also very harsh. Generally, the person involved needs to be experienced in a certain field or something. There has been a lot of accumulation and thinking, and it was possible because of a certain opportunity!

In other words, epiphany seems to occur when encountering a certain opportunity, but in fact it is the result of a person's continuous practice, accumulation, and thinking. If the person practices, accumulates, and thinks more, the chance of epiphany will also increase. The bigger it is, the more times it will take!

This opportunity is like a fuse, but having a fuse does not mean that the connected shells can be detonated. If there is only a fuse and no shells, there will be no explosion.

On the contrary, if there are not only artillery shells, but also large artillery shells, and even connected to ammunition depots, one after another, these ammunition depots will also affect each other and constantly involve reactions, then there will be more and more explosions. The more intense…

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