The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2713 Where did the energy go?

( ) In other words, this small fleet of the Duofeng clan will stay in the positive universe for about thirty more years, and then will return to the clan along that passage.

"The Duofeng Clan... the Tianwu Clan..." Li Yun murmured, his interest in the dark universe becoming more and more intense.

Although my exploration of the positive universe has just begun, it would be a good thing if I have the opportunity to learn about the dark universe first, provided that I have enough ability to protect myself.

Judging from the current situation, the development level of the dark universe civilization is indeed much higher than that of the normal universe, but what surprises Li Yun and Xiaoxing is that even so, their strength is not necessarily as good as their own Xingyun Castle How much higher, except for the Heavenly Witch Clan!

According to the information records of the Duofeng Clan, the Tianwu Clan is the most powerful. According to Xiaoxing's estimation, their civilization level has reached level seven or above. Moreover, they are not the kind of huge monsters naturally born in the universe, such as the Tiangang Bao. Stars, black holes and quasars develop from small to large, from low to high, until they finally make the jump to level seven civilization.

In the eyes of the Duofeng people, the Heavenly Witch Clan is a superior civilization. They can only worship the Celestial Witch Clan. The most shocking thing to them is that the Celestial Witch Clan can control the operation of other planets. If there is If any planet's civilization disobeys, the Heavenly Witch Clan will most likely take action to make that planet deviate from its orbit, or even fall into the sun!

According to records, this happened three times!

As a result, all the planetary civilizations around the Sky Witch Clan were frightened, and everyone respected them and regarded them as the Lords of the Starry Sky!

Therefore, the Heavenly Witches control an extremely vast expanse of the starry sky. According to legend, their spacecraft can reach the speed of light at its highest speed, which is also extremely incredible in the eyes of other civilizations, so they worship and revere the Heavenly Witches even more. …

"Sir, if we talk about deviating the orbit of the planet, this is actually nothing to us..." Xiaoxing thought.

"We were able to do it before in the Xuanling Solar System!" Li Yun nodded.

"With this hand and the speed of light spacecraft, the Sky Witch Clan can control a large swath of the starry sky in the dark universe. This is really surprising..." Xiaoxing said suspiciously.

"Well, the data records are only part of it. Only when we explore the dark universe in person can we get the real answer." Li Yun said.

"Yes, but this at least shows that if our Xingyun Castle goes to the dark universe, there shouldn't be much problem in self-protection!" Xiaoxing said.

"This is indeed the most basic bottom line! As long as we can be sure that we can protect ourselves,

Then a trip to the dark universe can be put on the agenda. "

"No problem! However, we still have to solve a problem..."

"what is the problem?"

"In the dark universe, there is the problem of light speed flight and super-light speed flight, because if you really can't beat it, it's still okay to run away quickly."

"It makes sense..." Li Yun suddenly realized.

"Hehe, sir, you should have thought that Star Fortune Castle's current super-light speed flight was achieved in the positive universe, but after going to the dark universe, the energy system must undergo a transformation, that is, it must be driven by dark energy. This It's not a problem for us at the moment. We just need to spend some time building a system! When the time comes, we can switch to the dark universe at any time..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"In addition to the energy system, faster-than-light flight also requires understanding and adaptation to the dark universe environment. Although the dark universe also belongs to this universe and the basic rules of the universe remain unchanged, there is still a big difference between the dark system environment and the normal system environment. , we must do a good job in debugging the dark universe model to make it foolproof!" Li Yun said.

"My lord, what you said makes sense, the slave's experiment will begin soon..."

While the two were discussing, they continued to observe the movements of the Duofeng fleet...

This fleet has been in this dark energy nebula for a long time. This is somewhat different from their original plan. In the past, they should have gone outside to search for treasures, but their performance this time was somewhat abnormal.

Xiaoxing found out the reason from the obtained information. It turned out that the fleet encountered some accidents during the passage flight. There was an abnormality in a section of the passage. It should be related to the energy fluctuations maintaining the passage. Therefore, As a result, the fleet suffered considerable damage. Fortunately, they were already close to the exit of the positive universe at that time, so they gritted their teeth and persisted. They found the dark energy nebula by familiar means and hid in it to repair the spacecraft and heal themselves...

"It seems that they have been together many times and have long known about the existence of this dark energy nebula, so they came here so smoothly!" Li Yun suddenly realized.

"Yes, their maintenance mission is basically over now, and most of the injuries on the clan members have recovered. It is estimated that they will start taking action soon..."

"Our research on the dark energy nebula is at a critical moment, but we cannot follow them out at this time. However, it will take more than thirty years for them to leave, which is an extremely long time..." Li Yun muttered.

The more than thirty years here are calculated according to the Yika star calendar. If compared with the Xuanling world, it is more than thirty thousand years. Such a long time is certainly unacceptable to Li Yun.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether we have this fleet leading the way now, because we already know everything about them, including that passage. As long as we want to go to the dark universe, we can go there through it, so there is no need for us to go there anymore. Follow the movements of this Duofeng fleet," Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense, then let's ignore them for now. However, it's best to send a starship to follow them. If there is any information, we can see it in time..."

"Yes! Sir!"

After the two agreed on this matter, they focused their attention on the dark energy nebula. The current situation has changed significantly compared with before.

In the core area of ​​the nebula, the excitement continues. The huge mass of matter that was originally formed has shrunk a lot, which means that a considerable part of the mass of matter has been absorbed and digested by this dark energy nebula.

However, Li Yun and Xiaoxing knew that not all of these disappearing matter clusters were absorbed by the nebula, but a large part of them were snatched away by the black hole behind the nebula!

This is because, in the process of the close integration of positive matter and dark matter, positive energy and dark energy, more frequent "annihilation" effects will occur, and the matter energy of the positive system and the material energy of the dark system will merge into one, turning into "nothingness" ", but the result of this annihilation effect is nothingness on the surface, but it may actually be synthesized into a more basic fine particle. This particle is named "primary particle" by the small star, which is the primary particle that forms the universe. particle!

Where did the original particles go?

They should have run into a higher dimensional space, where the Lord of this universe may be. In that higher dimensional space, he can control the entire universe. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can cover the sky with one hand!

Since Li Yun and Xiaoxing's wisdom is enough to reveal the most fundamental secret of the universe, Li Yun actually saw the image of the Lord of the Universe in a trance last time, so he was alert and knew that the Lord of the Universe might have discovered it now. We are aware of this situation and are looking for him and Xiaoxing!

Therefore, the two people's actions have become more cautious. If they can not show up, they will not show up. If they can use others to act, they will use others to act. They just hide behind the scenes and control everything.

In fact, this should also be the strategy adopted by the Lord of the Universe. He is now hiding in his high-dimensional space, looking down at the vast universe evolving under his eyes. This feeling is really good, and it makes him feel Very comfortable…

According to the analysis of the think tank, the primary particles will split during the process of creating the universe, thus forming the basic particles of the positive universe and the dark universe, that is, the positive particles and the dark particles.

The cathode particles and dark pole particles continue to fission and evolve, forming a variety of different particles and molecules, and then from these particles, everything in the world evolves...

During this fission process, a huge amount of energy will be generated, which drives the evolution of particles and the formation of spatial dimensions, eventually forming the two largest spaces, the positive universe and the dark universe.

Now, an opposite process is going on in the core of this dark energy nebula, that is, the mutual annihilation of positive matter particles and dark matter particles!

And this annihilation process will also take away a large amount of energy, which will disappear as the original particles "disappear".

After the annihilation effect, the particles synthesized into original particles and ran into high-dimensional spaces such as black holes, which means that they took away a large amount of energy, so this energy will not be absorbed by the nebula!

Of course, the spirit of the dark energy nebula doesn't know this either, because it doesn't even know that this annihilation effect exists, let alone the existence of primary particles. It only knows that the less of these substances, the more it will get. …

In addition, during this period, the Nebula Spirit attracted a lot of dark matter and dark energy, but a large part of it was taken away by Star Fortune Castle, and a large part was consumed by the reaction in the core area. In addition, there were The Duofeng fleet was sucking blood inside, so the size of the nebula became much smaller than before!

However, the Nebula Spirit has not recovered at all at this time, because its attention is still on the core area. Although the mass of matter there has been reduced, the scale is still extremely large, and the momentum of struggle and resistance is getting stronger and stronger. , which makes it dare not take it lightly...

"The spirits of life were originally born in those material masses. Now that the spirit of the nebula wants to take them all away, it will naturally cause their collective resistance!" Li Yun said.

"The key to the problem is that this is originally a positive universe, and the spirits of life born from positive matter can exert their full power. However, the spirit of nebula belongs to the life of the dark universe, and the strength it can exert here is only about 30% at most. …”

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