The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2714 Micro Black Hole

( ) Li Yun and Xiaoxing’s analysis well explains the fierce confrontation currently occurring in the core area of ​​the nebula. The starry sky battle that took place in the Yimi Starry Sky before was nothing compared to what happened here. It can be described as a small witch can be compared to a big witch!

It can be said that from the perspective of the large scale of the universe, the star war between Qiming and Yimi is just a small fight, while the confrontation in the core area of ​​​​Nebula is a real war at the planet level!

Because this battle was too advanced, Li Yun and Xiao Xing did not dare to let people from Xingyun Castle watch it, fearing that accidents would happen to them after watching it, which would affect the ongoing civilized competition.

But the entire process has been recorded by the think tank, so sooner or later the people of Xingyun Castle will have the opportunity to see it.

This battle opened the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, and gave them the most intuitive feeling and experience of high-level battles in the universe. In fact, the two of them were also participating in this battle!

Of course, their participation was more indirect. For example, they used monitoring networks to observe and record the entire process of the war; they intercepted external dark matter and dark energy, and cut and swallowed some of the edge matter and energy of the nebula. This helped to a certain extent. The rebellious actions of the life spirits of the universe; they are even trying to capture those primary particles!

Yes, in such a high-level star battle, a large number of native particles will be generated, so it is a good opportunity to capture them.

Although the two have not discovered real primary particles so far, they have always firmly believed that primary particles must exist!

And if primary particles are born from this battlefield, then their most likely destination is the black hole behind the nebula.

If we could create a high-dimensional object or space similar to a black hole, it would be possible to capture primary particles!

After Li Yun proposed this idea, Xiaoxing and the think tank began to experiment around this idea, and the result...

They discovered that creating a high-dimensional space similar to a black hole is not a foolish dream!

This is due to the fact that Xingyun Castle and Tianyun World have been continuously devouring dark matter and dark energy in recent times, which has caused great changes in these two spaces. Dark space has begun to appear on the basis of the original positive space!

In other words, these two worlds are becoming more and more like this universe!

In other words, it is basically a universe!

The emergence of dark space makes it possible for think tanks to conduct annihilation experiments of positive dark particles. And with the capabilities of think tanks,

In a short period of time, hundreds of millions of experiments can be carried out. Therefore, think tanks are making rapid progress in this area, and the accumulated data are expanding rapidly...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing had previously estimated that only if the dark matter and dark energy in Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle increased significantly, would high-level things like black holes be possible. With the improvement of the civilization level of Xingyun Castle itself, Provides the possibility for the generation of black holes.

After a period of accumulation and experimentation, the think tank was finally able to create something like a black hole!

However, the black holes created so far belong to micro black holes. In the large family of black holes, they can actually be divided into many categories, ranging from extremely large to extremely small. Super large black holes can be as large as a galaxy!

It may be difficult for many people to imagine that there is a celestial body that can be as big as a galaxy, but this is not a lie, it is a fact. Among the celestial bodies in the universe, so far, only black holes have such a possibility. Others Celestial bodies will have a certain size limit. If they reach a certain scale, they may explode or collapse and destroy themselves.

However, there is no such size limit for a black hole. If environmental conditions permit, it can grow indefinitely, even larger than a galaxy, until it is as big as a small universe...

Of course, giant black holes like this are themselves cosmic-level stars, and their number must be very small.

Next, there are black holes of galaxy level, super large level, large level, star level, planet level, satellite level, interface level, small...micro...

From the largest to the smallest, the black hole family can completely refresh people's perception of the size of celestial bodies in the universe.

Now, what think tanks have created are miniature black holes.

Speaking of this miniature black hole, people would think that as long as it is a black hole, whether it is extremely large or extremely small, it will be extremely powerful, but this is actually a misunderstanding.

Ultra-miniature black holes are not powerful. They can even be said to be extremely weak. Even ordinary people can destroy them easily.

How weak is it?

It doesn't even have to wait for anyone to destroy it, it destroys itself first.

In other words, extremely tiny black holes exist for a very short time. Within a few seconds or even a few breaths after they are formed, they will disappear due to their own instability.

This kind of black hole will have no impact on the environment or life, so there is no need to be afraid of it.

However, although it is fragile, it already possesses some basic characteristics of a black hole, so it can be called a micro black hole.

In the universe, micro black holes are often produced on major planets, but because they are extremely small, exist for a very short time, and have almost no impact on the surroundings, people have not noticed them, but...

When it comes to the current research projects of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, it has extremely important significance!

Yes, although the micro black hole is small and short-lived, it is a black hole after all and has the basic characteristics of a black hole. Therefore, the micro black hole is also a high-dimensional thing. Even if its space is only a little bit, it is also a high-dimensional space! ! !

And as long as it is a high-dimensional space, it is possible to capture native particles!

"Sir, it is not a problem for a micro black hole to capture native particles, but there is still a key issue here..." Xiaoxing thought.

"what is the problem?"

"Since the micro black hole only exists for a few breaths to a few seconds, it will disappear after this period of time, and the previously captured primary particles may slip away again!" Xiaoxing said.

"This... is indeed true! We need to find a way to retain the original particles, otherwise we are doing useless work?" Li Yun agreed.

"Yes! This issue is indeed the key point at the moment! If the micro black hole disappears, then there will be no other space for the native particle to bind it, and it can completely slip away and find a place it likes..." Xiaoxing sighed.

"I suddenly thought of a way!" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he said.

"Oh?!" Xiaoxing perked up!

"Think tanks can now create miniature black holes. Moreover, it is not difficult to create such miniature black holes, and there is no cost. If we have the ability to continuously create black holes, then when one black hole disappears, there will be another new one. A black hole is produced, and this new black hole will become the home of the original particles. In this way, we can use the method of continuously producing micro black holes to retain the original particles, and we can also control its direction, or bind it to a certain In the area..." Li Yun thought.

"Wo..." Xiaoxing exclaimed when he heard this!

"How is it?" Li Yun asked.

"Sir, this method is so genius! Use continuous micro black holes to control primary particles... Oh my God, this is definitely the most feasible and effective method!!!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Don't draw any conclusions yet, we still need to verify it through experiments! I think the key is whether we can master the ability to continuously generate micro black holes. If we can, we can control the primary particles..." Li Yun said calmly.

"That's what the adults said! No problem. With the capabilities of the current think tank, creating micro black holes is a piece of cake. In fact, micro black holes will almost exist around everyone, but no one has noticed it before. What produces micro black holes The conditions are also very simple. With our ability, we can create unlimited creations, and then use the methods mentioned by adults to attract and control the primary particles. In this way, we can possess the primary particles and start studying them, and even..."

"Even what?"

"Using the method mentioned by the adults, we can also capture dark pole particles!" Xiaoxing said loudly.

"Dark pole particles?" Li Yun was startled.

"Yes! Before, we studied the dark matter and dark energy of the dark universe, but we could only study it to the level of microns, and not to the level of dark pole particles. However, dark pole particles, as particles larger than native particles, will definitely also Being attracted and controlled by micro-black holes, we can create new clouds of true condensation!"

"New Juzhenyun? It makes sense..." Li Yun suddenly realized, and his eyes lit up.

Xiaoxing said excitedly: "That's right! The new Juzhen Cloud! It is a Juzhen Cloud composed of tiny black holes. Such a Juzhen Cloud can not only capture primary particles, but also capture positive particles and dark poles. Particles, these two particles may also undergo annihilation effects in them, thereby producing new primary particles..."

"Oh my god... So, isn't it possible for us to create primary particles?!" Li Yun was shocked and said excitedly.

"This is completely possible! Because this is how primary particles are born, so we don't need any star wars or planet-level wars. We only need to create a large number of micro black holes to produce A large number of primary particles, so as to master the ultimate power in the universe!!!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Wow!!!" Li Yun exclaimed, completely uneasy!

Xiaoxing has taken another step forward based on his own imagination, and this step is extremely astonishing, because it is very likely that he and Xiaoxing will come into contact with the ultimate power of the universe, which is the original particle!

If you and Xiaoxing can cultivate primary particles, then given time, you will definitely be able to reach the limit of this universe. Even entering the high-dimensional space where the Lord of the Universe is is not a problem. From this height, we can look at the positive universe and the dark universe. , do whatever you want...


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