The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2715 Juyuan Yun

If you understand one thing, you can understand a hundred things. But when it comes to Li Yun and Xiaoxing, they can understand one thing and hundreds of things.

The study of micro black holes has completely broadened their thinking

Logically speaking, micro black holes are the most primitive form of black holes. Studying them thoroughly will not only help study black holes of different sizes, but studying micro black holes themselves can also bring great benefits. This benefit is somewhat incredible.

It turns out that the gathering cloud created by the small star can only receive positive particles, but if a micro black hole is added, it can receive primary particles and dark particles. After the dark particles and positive particles meet in a certain way, in a certain way, Primary particles can be synthesized under certain conditions, and the primary particles can not only be used as the energy source needed by Li Yun and Xiaoxing for their cultivation, but can also be split to form positive particles and dark particles, and release a large amount of energy during this fission process. energy

If all the upgraded Juzhen Clouds are applied to Xingyun Castle, the civilization of Xingyun Castle can be directly upgraded to a civilization level. There is no problem with this, or even more.

Among the civilization levels classified by Xiaoxing, the main difference between each civilization lies in the degree of utilization and control of energy. The higher the energy level used, the more comprehensive and sufficient it is, the higher the corresponding civilization level will be.

From this perspective, if Xingyun Castle can fully utilize the energy of primary particles, then the entire civilization will reach the ultimate height of this universe.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go before the ideas can be fully transformed into reality, but the seeds have sprouted, and as long as they water, fertilize and care for them regularly, they will one day grow into towering trees.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing are full of confidence in this, and the plan will be implemented immediately

The upgraded version of Juzhen Cloud is called "Juyuan Cloud". It can collect three kinds of advanced particles, namely primary particles, positive particles and dark particles. For this universe, being able to collect one of these advanced particles is already an advanced civilization. The manifestation of this, not to mention that all three types of particles can be collected at the same time. Therefore, the emergence of Juyuan Yun has truly transformed Xingyun Castle.

At present, the transformation has just begun. Except for Li Yun and Xiaoxing, others have not noticed it at all. They are all focused on developing the light speed spacecraft. What they did not expect is that Li Yun and Xiaoxing have already Beginning an epic journey of progress

After a while, the first Juyuan Cloud was officially released.

The appearance of this Juyuan Cloud looks a bit illusory. If your spiritual awareness is not high, you may not be able to discover its existence.

If you place it in the starry sky with the starry sky as the background, it will be almost transparent, but it must exist, it just depends on whether you can detect it.

In fact, this situation has caused a lot of confusion for many stargazers, because they often find that the starry sky they observe is very different from the actual starry sky.

For example, a star may appear to be in a specific location, but if you go to the actual location to look at it, you will find that there is no star at that location, and that star is actually in another starry sky.

Why is this

The main reason is that they are unable to detect the energy groups or interstellar matter between the star and his eyes.

For those who are upright in the universe,

Those energy clusters or interstellar matter are called dark matter or dark energy.

These dark matter or dark energy will produce an effect called a "lens" in the starry sky, making the position of the stars you see significantly different from their original position. This lensing phenomenon is very useful for novices who have just entered the field of stargazing. It is very magical and helpless for people, but for stargazing experts, they can calculate the original position of the star based on the lens effect.

Of course, it is not easy to become such a master. At the very least, you need to understand the lensing phenomenon and be able to detect dark matter and dark energy. Of course, some positive matter and positive energy can also produce lensing phenomena for observation. In short, if you ignore the line of sight The energy and matter in it, then your observation results will be very different from reality.

In this universe, the starry sky is filled with a large amount of positive matter and positive energy, and there are even large-scale dark matter and dark energy such as dark energy nebulae. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to accurately observe the stars without various means. , will often lead to wrong results.

Just like the Juyuan Cloud created by small stars now, if it captures a large number of primary particles, its energy level will reach an extremely terrifying level, causing a certain degree of distortion to the surrounding space, and it is It is transparent, so it will have a great impact on observers in the starry sky.

This polygonal cloud is not large, but the number of primary particles or positive and dark pole particles it can accommodate is hundreds of millions, which is enough for a test subject.

Under the control of Xiaoxing, this Juyuan Cloud flew toward the core area of ​​the dark energy nebula, and its speed gradually accelerated.

What is surprising is that wherever the Juyuan Cloud passes, the dark energy nebula does not seem to be affected at all. It is like a nothingness passing by.

When there is material blocking the front, the situation is exactly the same. Juyuan Cloud passes directly through, and those materials are not affected at all, and even the material structure remains the same.

Of course, such a situation would not attract the attention of Nebula Spirit, and even Ju Yuanyun did not notice when he came to the core area.

After Juyuan Yun arrived at the core area, it stayed in the direction between the core area and the black hole behind the nebula. The purpose was of course to intercept the escaping primary particles.

For Li Yun and Xiao Xing, they still don’t know whether they can make a difference after being busy for so long.

If the previous judgment was wrong and there were no primary particles at all, then the Juyuan Cloud's function would at most be to capture positive particles and dark particles.

The mood of the two of them now can be said to be very tormenting and very much looking forward to. In short, hope and anxiety coexist.

"Hey, there's a signal!" Xiaoxing suddenly shouted

"How is it?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Particles are really intercepted."

"What particle"

"The positive particles and dark particles should be the dark particles. The positive particles and the dark particles have all been kicked out, but the space inside is full. They should be the original particles," Xiaoxing exclaimed.

I didn't expect such a change

It turns out that although Juyuan Cloud can accommodate advanced particles such as cathode particles, dark pole particles and primary particles at the same time, in front of primary particles, cathode particles and dark pole particles have no status at all, or both are set through Juyuan Cloud way to synthesize, or they will be kicked out by the original particles and the space will be completely occupied by them.

"Wow" Li Yun shouted in surprise

It seems that all the previous efforts have finally paid off.

Not only do native particles exist, but they also have huge energy. Even positive and dark pole particles are easily subdued by it. The space of micro black holes is exclusively occupied by it. It shows that its level is so high that it is unimaginable.

"My lord, there are more and more," Xiaoxing exclaimed in disbelief.

It can be seen from the information coming from Juyuan Cloud that the energy in the cloud is rolling, and billions of micro black holes are constantly being produced and disappearing. In every small area, there will be countless micro black holes growing and decreasing here. And the original particles are active in it, becoming more and more dense, gradually reaching a limit

Soon, every small area in this Juyuan Cloud has reached the limit of capacity, and there is no more space to accommodate primary particles. Therefore, other primary particles naturally pass through it and continue to move forward.

"Sir, there is a phenomenon"

"What phenomenon"

"When there are native particles in the micro black hole, the black hole will appear much more stable, and it seems that it has not disappeared yet," Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"That's how it is." Li Yun was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, maybe the energy carried by the primary particles is too great, causing the micro black hole to become a real stable black hole," Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Can micro black holes absorb the energy of primary particles?"

"Both of them are advanced things. One is full of energy, and the other is full of suction. After meeting, it is like yin and yang attracting each other, and they suddenly become one," Xiaoxing continued.

"Perhaps they are originally two sides of the same body," Li Yun pondered.

"My lord, you are saying that the primary particles originally existed in the micro black hole, but they were separated due to some reasons."

"Well, what I mean is that the primary particles and the micro black holes may have been one before, but when they were put together, we couldn't see the primary particles and the micro black holes. But when they split apart for some reason , it becomes these two." Li Yun said.

"Judging from the current situation of Juyuan Cloud, once those micro-black holes are stable, it is indeed impossible to tell that they are a black hole, but just some extremely tiny energy points. From this perspective, they are about the same size as cathode particles. But the vitality is much greater than that," Xiaoxing said while observing.

"It's good that by providing a small nest like a miniature black hole for the native particles, we can directly see the dynamics of the native particles. If it were placed before, we wouldn't even know where the native particles are," Li Yun said excitedly.

"This also makes it possible for us to cultivate primary particles," Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Yes, if we don't even know where the primary particles are, it would be a luxury to want to cultivate them, but it is different now. With the primary particles in the micro black hole shell, its size is similar to the cathode particles. For us, There is no problem in practicing it," Li Yun said.

"Great, it looks like we are going to build a large number of Juyuan Clouds. Let's take advantage of the Star Wars opportunity here to collect more."

“Just as it should be”

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