The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2716 Black Holes and Galaxies

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After the Juyuan Cloud is filled with primary particles, it becomes a huge energy body. If such an energy body suddenly appears in the starry sky, it will have a great impact on the surroundings.

However, what is very magical is that this Juyuan Cloud does not seem to have an impact on the core area of ​​the dark energy nebula. Instead, it is directly controlled by Xiaoxing and flies back to Star Fortune Castle!

Of course there is a certain reason for this. Most of the huge energy carried by the primary particles when they are synthesized is contained in the particles. This huge energy will only be released after it splits into positive particles and dark particles. Come out, and then, if the positive pole particles and dark pole particles split again, part of the energy will be released again...

Therefore, most of the energy of primary particles is hidden, but a small part of its energy will be leaked with its movement. This is the same for any object or life. An object, A life, no matter what state it is in, will radiate a part of its energy. Many living things will also radiate heat when they are static, but it is extremely weak and difficult for themselves and others to detect.

The vitality of primary particles is extremely strong, so even when it seems to have a very small range of movement, its frequency of movement is actually extremely high, and a large amount of energy will leak out. But now it has a small nest, which is a micro Black holes, and the characteristic of black holes is that they have strong attraction, which can absorb the energy leaked by primary particles. On the one hand, it helps the primary particles to stay in a stable state, and on the other hand, it makes itself more stable and will not become short-lived. Black hole, then, the two suddenly become a stable energy body. From the outside world, the two are combined into one energy point, and the impact on the outside world becomes minimal...

"Juyuan Yun... Juyuan Yun... Juyuan Yun... is here!!!" Xiaoxing shouted excitedly.

This Juyuan Cloud filled with primary particles finally returned to Xingyun Castle, and only Li Yun and Xiaoxing could see and sense it.

Feeling the full energy points in it, the two of them were extremely excited. Don't underestimate this small cloud. The energy contained in it is probably much greater than the entire planet!

It can be seen that the dark energy nebula worked hard to fight the positive matter group. As a result, most of the energy ran away on its own, and what it could get was actually only a smaller part...

The problem is that it is not aware of this at all, and is still struggling to fight a planet-level war with the material masses trapped in its core area...

Seeing that the think tank's calculation of the energy contained in this Juyuan Cloud continued to rise, both of their eyes were a little dull!

"It's going! It's going!! It's going big!!!" Xiaoxing shouted.

"It's true!" Li Yun sighed.

Such a palm-sized cloud can be compared to all the energy contained in a planet. If Star Fortune Castle is filled with such clouds, what level will its energy level reach?

Of course, this takes time. In addition, such a terrifying energy body also needs to be rigorously tested to ensure its safety and complete control. Otherwise, if an accident occurs, it will undoubtedly be catastrophic!

Therefore, the two of them were not in a hurry to send out Juyuan Cloud again, but began to study this small cloud and accumulate experimental data...

"Huh? They moved!" Xiaoxing suddenly shouted softly.

"Them? Duofeng Fleet?" Li Yun came to his senses and asked.

"Yes! They are finally going out to search for property...their next stop is the Jialan Star Territory!" Xiaoxing said.

"Galan Star Territory? How far away?"

"Less than one light-year, but the direction is outside our one-light-year circle." Xiaoxing said.

The one-light-year circle that Xiaoxing refers to refers to the interstellar space from Xuanling to Yika to Yimi. It happens to be a large sphere with a diameter of nearly one light-year.

The Jialan Star Field is on the outside of this one-light-year circle, less than one light-year away...

"It seems that our horizons are about to expand again, so let's let the Duofeng fleet lead the way for us..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hehe, they have been to the positive universe many times and have interacted with many star regions. It would be good to have them lead the way!" Xiaoxing said happily.

In fact, these data can be obtained from the information obtained, but that is all previous information, and the situation will definitely change as time goes by. Therefore, just treat it as an eye-opener. A starship Has quietly followed the Duofeng fleet...

I saw that this fleet flew for a long time but still did not fly out of the range controlled by the nebula. After flying about half a light-year, it gradually left the edge of one side of the nebula and saw the outer starlight!

The Duofeng fleet began to become cautious. They adjusted their invisibility formation to the highest level and were almost completely hidden in the starry sky. In this state, it was difficult for people in the universe to detect them. On the one hand, it was because of their invisibility formation. The level of magic is quite high. On the other hand, they are driven by dark energy, and the spacecraft is made of dark matter, which is difficult to sense.

But there is no problem for the star transport ship that follows, because it is a star transport ship specially modified by Xiaoxing, and its level is unimaginable by the Duofeng fleet...

The Starship will lay out a monitoring network along the way, which can monitor both positive matter and dark matter. Therefore, in addition to allowing Li Yun and Xiaoxing to see the activities of the Duofeng fleet, this network also allows them to monitor the activities of the Duofeng fleet from other sources. Monitor the dark energy nebula from an angle, and at the same time, you can also observe the starry sky on the side of the nebula. It has a wide range of uses.

"Wow!!!" Li Yun and Xiaoxing exclaimed almost at the same time when they saw the starry sky on the side of the nebula!

The reason is that the stars in the starry sky on this side look particularly bright!

"Why are there so many stars in this starry sky?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"There are indeed many! Such brilliant stars usually mean that there is a dense area of ​​matter!" Xiaoxing judged.

"That's right! Only when matter is highly dense can so much starlight be formed. You know, these shining stars all come from the sun!" Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, there are so many suns, which also means one thing..."

"What's up?"

"Black hole!"

"Black hole?! Yes..." Li Yun suddenly realized.

The matter is dense and the sun is dense. Such a situation usually indicates that there will be a large or super large black hole near that star field. It is precisely because of the existence of the black hole that its strong attraction will pull the surrounding matter over, and the sun is also a matter. One of them will inevitably be pulled over...

"Actually, our starship has discovered the location of the black hole!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Really?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Yes, this starship has been specially modified by Xiaonu. It can monitor both the positive universe and the dark universe. Finding black holes is not a problem at all! Moreover, the location of this black hole is also normal, right in that brilliant field At the center of the starlight!" Xiaoxing said.

"I see... If the black hole is the center and the surrounding stars revolve around it, the starry sky in that area can actually be called a small galaxy!" Li Yun said.

"Yes! The Galan Star Field is in the outer corner of this small galaxy, not far from this dark energy nebula..."

"It seems that this dark energy nebula is between that small galaxy and the Ika solar system. Could it be that... the Ika solar system is actually orbiting the central black hole?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this.

Xiaoxing was slightly startled, but he quickly reacted and said excitedly: "Your Majesty is right! We originally thought that Yika Sun and the black hole were competing for these big planets from each other, but we didn't know that Yika Sun was one of those small galaxies. Just a star!"

"This is mainly due to our preconceptions and always looking at the problem with the Yika solar system as the center. But if our perspective can be extended further and higher, we can easily discover this! This galaxy should be centered on the super-large black hole It is formed at the center, and the Yika solar system is also orbiting around it, and the dark energy nebula is an energy cloud between the Yika solar system and the central black hole..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Yes! According to the observations of the monitoring network, the central black hole is about three hundred light years away from the Yika solar system... In this sense, does the Xuanling Starry Sky and the Yimi Starry Sky belong to this galaxy? You know, this The three stars are only one light-year apart from each other. From the perspective of the large scale of the universe, it is normal for them to be part of this galaxy!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Wo..." Li Yun exclaimed softly, feeling a little enlightened.

Xiaoxing is right. If we re-observe these starry skies from the large scale of the universe, we can discover the problem.

The span of a galaxy can reach thousands to hundreds of thousands of light-years. With the power of this super-large black hole, its control range can reach at least one hundred thousand light-years. Therefore, whether it is Xuanling Starry Sky, Yika Starry Sky, or Yimi The starry sky is actually all in this galaxy!

Moreover, these stars are very close to the center of the galaxy, because they are only about three hundred light years away!

No wonder the starlight is so brilliant. Because it is closer to the central black hole, the interstellar matter is denser, especially because there are many stars, so the brightness is extremely high.

In fact, this question should have been thought of before, because these starry skies actually belong to a certain solar system, and the solar system generally belongs to a certain large galaxy. As for galaxies, they are usually formed by a central black hole with a huge span. Interstellar forces…

When Li Yun and Xiaoxing discovered the dark energy nebula and the black hole behind it, they thought it was a bit unexpected, because how could a powerful black hole appear in a large solar system?

Now that I think about it, I should have guessed that this was the case at the time. However, as Li Yun said just now, the authorities are confused, but the onlookers know clearly. If the angle the two of them are standing is above the galaxy, it will be clear to them when they look down at the galaxy. But when they are in it, , but you will feel foggy...

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