The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2738 Bogeke and Yang Qinju

Latest website: "But why? Aren't we going well now?" Ao Bo said in astonishment.

"Brother Ao, we have already deflected the strong wind ball, that is enough! There is no need to continue to deflect it!"

"Brother Ru, you came up with this plan! We want to lead him all the way to the headquarters of the Mojie tribe! Everyone supports you so much, but now you say such things, it's really disappointing!" Ao Bo said fiercely. .

"Okay, I admit that the original proposal to lead the strong wind ball all the way to the Mojie tribe's headquarters seemed good, but now I think it is wrong, and we should stop this operation immediately!" Ruzhi said calmly.

Rumberg said curiously: "Intelligence Director, our operation has been successful so far, why should we stop? Just lead the strong wind ball all the way to the headquarters of the Mojie Tribe and see how they deal with it?"

"Clan Chief, the Great Wind Ball should be a spiritual storm. It has its own action plan, which we cannot control and cannot seduce!" Ru Zhi said in surprise.

"What?!!!" Rumbel and Obo were both stunned.

"There is a spiritual storm?! Are you sure?!" Obo said in shock.

"Incredibly sure! I think this is why Xuanji told us not to provoke it easily last time. A spiritual storm, or a storm with such a high energy level, is not something we can provoke now, and, in my opinion Observation, the strong wind ball does not seem to have the intention to harass any civilization. Along the way, when have we seen it sweep across any racial civilization?" Ruzhi analyzed.


Rumbel and Obo couldn't help but fall into deep thought...

Ru Zhi continued: "General storms rise and follow the trend. Regardless of any obstacles in front, they will move forward and surge away! After raging for a while, the energy will be exhausted and it will die naturally! However, this strong wind ball is special. Walking alone, the energy level quietly increased along the way, and he stopped and walked, as if he was strolling in the cosmic space. He also seemed to be quite interested in the various races and civilizations passing by, and always had to stay for a while before leaving. But we will not harass them. Such storms are extremely spiritual and must be controlled by wind spirits!"

"That makes sense..." Opo finally calmed down and agreed after thinking about it.

"What does the wise director think this wind spirit wants to do?" Lembel asked.

"The wind spirit seems to be following the energy wave route we have laid out, but the speed and time it takes are completely under its control.

The energy waves we set are more like snacks delivered to his door, but when he doesn't want to leave, the energy waves we set are completely wasted! If we continue like this, I am afraid that the energy resources we have accumulated over the years will be exhausted before we are even halfway through this journey! At that time, even if it really leads the strong wind ball to the Mojie tribe's headquarters, what's the point? What's more, the strong wind ball may not necessarily attack them, because it seems to be only interested in those racial civilizations, and does not want to use its power. As for its purpose, maybe it wants to travel around the universe, by the way. Increase your energy level, but..." Ruzhi analyzed.

"But what?"

"I think there's something quite strange..." Ruzhi thought.

"Oh? Which point?" Rumbel asked urgently.

Ao Bo also asked with great interest: "Brother Ru, are there times when you can't figure it out?"

"Nonsense! Do you think I am the god-man who knows everything? Maybe he is the only one in this realm who can do this. It is absolutely impossible for me! My previous analysis was indeed based on my careful observation and thinking, but There is still one thing I haven't figured out, because I think this wind spirit seems a bit arrogant. As a storm, there are countless storms in the positive domain with energy levels higher than it, and there are other terrifying things with energy levels countless times higher than it. For example, we all know the Galactus. If the Gale Ball encounters the Galactus Star, it will be locked and swallowed by it before it reaches its edge! So it is not the Gale Ball's turn to be so rampant in this starry sky, but you see the Gale How ostentatious the ball is now! Not only is it strutting around in our starry sky, but it also dresses itself up in a colorful and vulgar way, as if no one would notice it..." Ruzhi frowned and analyzed.

Ao Bo nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and agreed: "The storm is really vulgar. I have never seen a storm dressed up like this and going out for a walk. I'm afraid this has to do with its young age and little experience, right?"

"Younger? How did Bird see this?" Rumbel interjected.

"Clan Chief, this storm must not have been born for a long time. Otherwise, with its arrogant character, we would have heard about it long ago. Moreover, when Xuanji sent us a message before, its energy level was still at level 12. Around, but now it is almost growing to level fourteen. This growth rate is too fast. This is most likely because the wind ball is in a period of rapid body growth. Generally speaking, during such a period, a life will grow. It’s in its early stages, so I think it should be in its infancy,” Opo analyzed.

"It makes sense!" Rumbel was convinced.

Ruzhi nodded and said: "Brother Ao is right! The strong curiosity of the wind ball can also prove that it is in its infancy. You can see that it will stay for a while wherever it goes, although you can't see what it is doing. But it must be related to the civilization of the race it passes by. Maybe it is observing what people of these races are doing, what fun places are there, what delicious things are there..."

"Brother Ru is absolutely right. Therefore, this big wind ball is vulgar, young, curious, and has high energy and vitality. Generally speaking, people with such a personality will be very fun and naughty. Why is it Why not harass those races passing by?" Opo asked another question.

"This..." Ruzhi was startled and was speechless.

The three of them looked at each other and found that after some analysis and discussion of Dafeng Qiu, they seemed to have fallen into a strange circle, because even if they had accurately analyzed Dafeng Qiu's character traits, if they put Dafeng Qiu's character and his behavior together, A paradoxical situation arises…

This scene made Li Yun and Xiao Xing laugh secretly. They naturally admired Ru Zhi and Ao Bo's subtle insights. However, even if Ru Zhi and Ao Bo broke their heads, it would be difficult to guess the big wind ball. What is the real purpose!

Yes, the current situation of the big wind ball is indeed vulgar and ostentatious, but it is also very naughty. It is young and curious, but it does not harass the racial civilization it passes by. This contradictory situation makes it a contradiction. Unity!

If you don’t know the inside story and just rely on guesswork, it’s very unlikely to know the truth...

"By the way, what's the deal with the know-it-all mentioned by Ruzhi? Is there really a person who knows everything in the dark universe?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Sir, there is indeed a character like Know-It-All in the data, and there are many rumors and records about him. It is said that there is nothing in the dark universe that he does not know. As long as you are willing to pay a sufficient price, you can hope to learn from him. Get the answer you want..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? What is the price he usually proposes?" Li Yun asked with interest.

"This is a bit random. It mainly depends on the mood of Know-It-All. Sometimes he only accepts a roast chicken, a bottle of wine, and a plate of peanuts, but sometimes he has to accept extremely expensive items or high amounts of money. Of course, if others happen to have the information that Wanshitong needs, they can also exchange it with him..." Xiaoxing said.

"I see... Such a character is interesting, but..."

"But what?"

"If Wan Shitong is really good at information, then can we guess that he has a relatively broad information network?" Li Yun thought.

"Your Majesty, you are absolutely right! Know-how itself is most likely the boss behind a huge information force in the dark universe. This has been analyzed by Xiaonu and the think tank. Now, the dark universe has several huge information forces, and know-how is often active. Judging from the scope, he should be the boss of Bogeke!" Xiaoxing said.

"Bogeke? Is it an information organization?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Yes! And this information agency is particularly good at spying on some difficult information. General information is really not in their eyes. What people need and are willing to pay a heavy price to obtain is often difficult information. Information, so Bogeke’s business has always been very good and the profits are very high..."

"It seems that it is precisely because of their outstanding specialties that they are sought after by so many people. Even Confucian scholars believe in them..." Li Yun said.

"Yes! There are not many information organizations that can compete with Bogeke, but there is an information power called Yang Qinju who is also quite powerful. They may not be as good as Bogeke in terms of high-risk intelligence capabilities, but they are better than Bogeke. Their information covers the high, middle and low end, which is relatively comprehensive, and their fees are not as high as Bogue, so their income is also very good..." Xiaoxing introduced.

"So, whether it is Bogeke where Wan Shitong is located, or this Yang Qinju, both may have a huge information network. I wonder if their information network can be extended to Mojie Starry Sky?" Li Yun was suspicious. road.

"No problem! They can definitely do this! Therefore, it is estimated that the news about the storm has now entered their information network. Now, Xiaonu and the think tank are searching their network and trying to get in to see Look..." Xiaoxing said.

"Good! If we can do this, our understanding of the dark universe will be greatly accelerated!" Li Yun praised.

"Yes! In fact, the higher the civilization of the dark universe develops, the more large-scale forces like Bogeke and Yang Qinju will become. This will help us quickly understand the situation here! Unlike the normal universe, we I still don’t know if there is any force that can reach the level of Bogeke and Yang Qinju..."


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