The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2739 Dark Blood Beast Disaster

Latest website: Li Yun nodded and said: "It is true! It is difficult for the positive universe to be compared with the civilization of the dark universe at present, and it has completely fallen behind! For the two huge information forces, Bogeke and Yang Qinju, they Since they specialize in information collection and processing, their information network cannot be a single star network, but should also have a landing network!"

The landing network not only consists of communication networks, but also includes countless monitoring points, personnel at the points, monitors, communication supplies, etc. The biggest cost here is actually the activity cost of the personnel. In addition to the daily activities of these personnel, In addition to the cost of operations, there are also additional costs they pay to obtain information, and these costs are sometimes unacceptably high...

Both of them have deep feelings about this, because along the way, they have come into contact with many information forces, such as Tianji Palace, Zen Machine Palace, Xianji Department, etc. These forces often pay a huge cost to obtain a piece of information. , sometimes even at the cost of human sacrifice...

Xiaoxing praised: "Your Majesty is right! If there is only a starry sky surveillance network, it will be difficult to see more details. Unless their starry sky network can reach the penetration level of our monitoring network, there is no need to talk about it. Therefore, they must It also takes a huge amount of financial, material and manpower to build a landing network, and it also requires long-term tracking and timely updates to ensure the comprehensiveness, timeliness and effectiveness of the information..."

Li Yun thought: "In my opinion, if they obtain information on the landing network, they will definitely transmit it through the Starry Sky Network, so that the speed will be faster. Therefore, if we can cut into their Starry Sky Network, we can get all the information they have spent." The information I got through all the hard work on"

"Hey, this is exactly what Xiaonu wants! At present, we have captured many information frequency bands in the starry sky. These frequency bands come from different forces. As long as we find out the information frequency bands of Bogeke and Yang Qinju through analysis, they can be The information network is gradually analyzed..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Well, there is another issue to note. The information frequency band of a force cannot be fixed. They may change it at any time in different places and at different times!" Li Yun reminded.

"Yes! But everything remains the same. As long as we lock the energy characteristics of their information network, we can find and cut into it at any time. As for the frequency band, we just need to spend some time analyzing it..." Xiaoxing said with confidence.

"It makes sense!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

What Xiaoxing said is extremely reasonable. Although various forces can frequently change their information frequency bands, they cannot change the energy characteristics of their information network. After all, the construction of this starry sky information network is extremely expensive. Generally speaking, it will last for a long time after it is completed. It has not changed, because if you want to change, you have to replace everything. If you do this, even big forces like Bogeke and Yang Qinju will not be able to afford it.

Due to the differences in the level of civilization of each race,

Research directions also have their own characteristics, so the energy they use when building information networks will also be different. Especially information forces like Bogeke and Yang Qinju, they will definitely use what kind of energy. Be extremely cautious to avoid being discovered and exploited by others.

Therefore, grasping the energy characteristics of each information network is equivalent to grasping the lifeblood of each information force. For Xiaoxing, analyzing their information frequency bands is just a piece of cake!

Sure enough, not long after, Xiaoxing said happily: "Sir, I found it!"

"What did you find?"

"Bogeke! Yang Qinju! They indeed have a lot of information about strong wind balls being transmitted on the information network in this starry sky..." Xiaoxing shouted.

"Really? What's the main thing mentioned?"

"Many people attribute it to a natural storm, but because the strong wind signal is so arrogant, they will also make some guesses and are tracing its origin step by step. Now some people have discovered that its first appearance was in Mojie. The starry sky near the clan passage..."

"Wo..." Li Yun screamed!

He was a little stunned by this information. He didn't expect that these two information forces were so capable that they had already found the starting point of the Gale Ball!

It can be seen that in the racial civilizations he passes along the way, there are people with these two information forces, and they are also very professional, and the information transmission is indeed extremely fast...

"Could it be that there are people from Mojie tribe in the passage base?" Li Yun thought.

"This should be certain! Because in that starry sky, apart from the Mojie tribe, there were only a few passing fleets. The chance of having people with information forces among them was low, but it was different in the base, because the base More importantly, the Mojie tribe is the overlord of this starry sky, so the two information forces must find a way to get into it in order to get the information they want..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes! These people are also part of their landing network, especially Bogeke. They are looking for high-end information, so they need someone who can get close to high-level personnel of each race. In such an important place as the base, of course the Mojie tribe The high-level officials are stationed there, so there should be some of their people lurking among them..." Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, the actions of the Yeshi tribe were actually captured by these two people from the information force, and their purpose was even known. It can be seen from this that at the high-level meeting held by the Yeshi tribe, there were some people who participated It has become a pawn in the hands of these two information forces!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Wo...can we find who it is?" Li Yun asked.

"no problem!"

"It seems that the value of accessing these two information networks is greater! We seem to have made a fortune..." Li Yun laughed.

"Yes! Maybe it is not difficult for us to find out the forces behind Belief in Cave Heaven. If we can know everything that Know-It-All can know, then we are at least know-it-all! Moreover, we also know many things that Know-All does not know. So we have surpassed him in information capabilities..."

"But you still have to be careful! As the information force of the dark universe, they must be unique in protecting the information network, but be sure not to be discovered by them!" Li Yun reminded.

"Don't worry, sir! I will definitely be cautious, little slave!"

Li Yun was traveling in a racial civilization at this time, so Xiaoxing was in control of these things. Naturally, Li Yun had no doubts about Xiaoxing's abilities. All he had to do was to beat him from time to time to keep him from becoming It’s okay to get too carried away.

After Xiaoxing and Thinktank identified the information network of Bogeke and Yang Qinju, information began to flow in like the Yangtze River. It was like a huge gap was opened in the dark universe, gradually opening up its own layer of mystery. The black yarn allowed Li Yun and Xiaoxing to look deeply into it and understand everything they wanted to know...

While they were stepping up their efforts to understand the dark universe, Rumbel, the leader of the Yeshi Clan, and two famous mentors in the clan, Ru Zhi and Ao Bo, finally decided that regardless of whether the Great Wind Ball had a spirit or not, what exactly did it want to do? The clan’s action plans must be stopped immediately, so the fleets that were constantly creating energy fluctuations on the forward route stopped their actions one after another...

While they were waiting for the next order, a message came that shocked the Yeshi clan members!

It turns out that a "dark blood beast disaster" suddenly broke out in the area where the Yeshi tribe's forces are located!

Moreover, the outbreak occurred just as a large number of fleets were leaving, which caused great damage to various parts of his clan. Now Rumbel was a little panicked and quickly led the fleet back, and other fleets further away also stepped up their evacuation...

Xiaoxing had actually intercepted this news in advance. However, he knew that Rumbel, Ruzhi and others would receive it soon, so he did not issue a warning.

After Li Yun heard the news, he quickly asked: "What's going on with the Dark Blood Beast Disaster?"

"Sir, this is a more harmful beast disaster in the dark universe. Dark-blooded beasts are not just one or a few types of beast life, but are composed of many kinds of beast life with dark blood characteristics. Basically, it will form a full-scale riot of dark-blooded beasts. Under their leadership, other beasts and birds will join in and fight back against the civilization that usually controls this area!" Xiaoxing briefly introduced.

Li Yun was dumbfounded. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. It sounded like a counter-campaign by low-level civilization beasts against a high-level civilization race. He couldn't help asking anxiously: "What's the result?"

"The result...generally ends in failure, but they will not fail completely, because every full-scale riot will cause a greater blow to the racial civilization in the area under control, especially the reduction of their population. In this way , those racial civilizations in a controlling position will greatly reduce their material needs, and will also be full of awe of ordinary beasts. Both sides will have a longer period of peace. If those bird races and beast races make good use of it, It is also possible to reverse the trend of civilization and overtake the opponent!" Xiaoxing said.

"Are there any successful examples of this?"

"Yes! However, such successful cases mostly occur in lower-level civilization areas. It is impossible for advanced civilizations like the Yeshi Tribe to be reversed. In fact, before this, those bird races and beast races were all It has been suppressed for countless years, so much so that the Yeshi tribe has long forgotten about it, and has not thought of guarding against them..." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun suddenly realized and said: "I understand! The dark-blooded beasts lurking in the Yeshi tribe have accumulated some strength, but they also understand that it is difficult to shake the rule of the Yeshi tribe, so they have been hiding. However, this time In order to lure Da Fengqiu to the headquarters of the Mojie Tribe, the Ciye Stone Tribe had all their fleets transferred away, leaving the tribe empty. As a result, the Dark Blood Beast Tribe saw an opportunity to counterattack, so they launched this riot!"

"That's right! Since we have just entered various information networks, when we saw the information, these dark-blood beast clan had already completely surrounded and attacked all branches of the Yeshi clan. The battle was quite tragic..."

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