The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2756 Almost frightened

Zhenyi's words made Jin Feng, Zhen Sheng and others nod their heads. It can be said that the metaphor is very good. Although chess is a duel between two chess masters, these two are more like commanders, mobilizing their men. Thousands of troops and horses are going to fight against each other, and the flames of war will be ignited on every battlefield. You can imagine how complicated the situation is.

Therefore, the chess battle is more like a battle between two group forces, rather than a duel between two people.

It is really impossible to account for all the changes in such a complicated war situation and solve all the problems at once!


And even if it is as Zhenyi guessed, Liufeng can keenly capture the focus of the power struggle on the chessboard, which is even more mysterious...

Because the forces on the chessboard are criss-crossed, each piece may be related to many surrounding pieces. These forces may overlap and overlap, change and change, and they are changing, colliding, and influencing all the time. I'm afraid only those in authority can understand the mysterious and mysterious momentum, right?

But they have long been lost in such a complicated aura. No one can take away the entire chess game with one move like Liufeng!

From ancient times to the present, such a thing has rarely happened. Therefore, the one-child fixation almost only exists in legends...

Zhenyi sighed: "So, if Liufeng really did it, even if he only decided on the Tengu chess pattern, it means that he has figured out all the subsequent changes, or has the talent to keenly capture the chessboard. The focus of his aura, therefore, his chess skills must be very strong, and it is easy to be among the top twenty!"

"Oh my God, Liufeng is still so young. If he grows up, wouldn't he be even more powerful?!" Jin Feng said in shock.

"Yes! The future is indeed promising. Therefore, our trip is not only to inspect him, but also to make a decision after the inspection whether to take him to the headquarters. It is best to protect him..."

"Protect him? Your Majesty is saying..." Jin Feng suddenly said.

"Yes! With Liufeng's current popularity, the people in the outer space will probably get the news. The existence of such a person is a real threat to them, so they are very likely to strike first, or take him away. Or destroy him, as we have had similar painful lessons in our history..." Zhen Yi sighed.

"When the prince said this, I felt a little anxious..."

"Haha, don't worry, Liufeng should be following the Kangtian clan's fleet now.

With the strength of the Kangtian clan and sailing within our own starry sky, nothing will happen! "Zhenyi said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is right!" Everyone felt a little relieved after hearing this.

The cruelty of the world of cultivation, especially the harsh environment of the dark universe, has long made everyone understand that genius is fragile. Only those who grow up are real geniuses, otherwise they can only be short-lived...

This is just like in the low-end world of the wild, where hunters and prey are always engaged in a cruel survival competition. The prey cannot deal with the hunter, but if they encounter the hunter's young offspring, they will kill them without hesitation. Die, because if these young offspring are allowed to grow up, I don’t know how many of the same kind will become their food!

Liufeng is in this situation now. Becoming famous at a young age seems to be a good thing, but in fact it is not. Many young geniuses will be regarded as a thorn in the flesh and must be removed.

What's more, the genius Liu Feng has shown so far is too terrifying. He has accomplished something that almost no one can do at such a young age. I believe his name will soon be added to the major stars, and even within the Mojie Star Sky. There are people on the assassination lists of many racial civilizations, and even within the Kangtian clan, there are people who dislike him and want to get rid of him quickly...

The world is unpredictable, and people's hearts are even more unpredictable. Some people just can't see the emergence of genius. For them, being able to kill a genius with their own hands will bring them an extremely wonderful taste and enjoyment. These people can be called geniuses. Killers, but this name does not praise their genius as killers, but means that they specialize in hunting down geniuses!

When Zhenyi and others thought about this possibility, their moods became a little heavy. They all admired Liufeng very much and felt some inexplicable gratitude in their hearts. From Liufeng, they thought of some famous young geniuses who had appeared in the sky of Mojie Star. , those people are like shooting stars, after blooming with brilliant starlight, they disappear without a trace, which makes people sigh...

"Commander, a group of space pirates were spotted ahead, seemingly intending to attack Princess Xiangsui's fleet!" General Zhen Sheng suddenly received the message and said quickly.

"Kill without mercy!!!" Jin Feng shouted loudly.

"Yes!!!" Zhen Sheng and others responded quickly.


"What other orders does the commander have?"

"Don't alert the little princess's fleet!"

"Yes! Handsome!!!"

The generals quickly went into action to intercept and attack the discovered space pirate fleet. However, Xiangsu Fairy and others in the silver spacecraft had no idea about this. In fact, if they could allocate part of their attention to the safety of the fleet, If they go up, it is really not difficult to find the battle in the distance. However, all their minds have been attracted by the works of Liufeng and Universiade Palace, and they are deeply intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves...

"Princess, my little maid discovered that the Yang Qin Ju Information Network has the latest video information about Liufeng, as well as the latest works of Ling Daozi's Universiade Palace!" a little maid shouted.

"Ah?! Buy it quickly!" Xiangsu Fairy perked up after hearing this and shouted quickly.

"Yes! Princess!"

"Hehe, princess, my little maid also saw something interesting!"

"What's so interesting?"

"That is to say, there is a big wind ball, and it seems that there is a wind spirit in it. This wind spirit has been wandering around in the universe for some reason. Later, our great master Xuanji discovered its secret!" Little Maid Jiao smiled.

"Master Xuanji? What secret did you discover about it?"

"He thought that this wind spirit must have discovered Liu Feng's genius, so he followed him all the way. It would go when Liu Feng went, and it would stop when Liu Feng stopped. The races along the way were frightened at first, and they dispatched fleets one after another. We have to deal with the strong wind ball..."

"Is that so? Even Fengling has taken a liking to him?!" Fairy Xiangsui was stunned.

"That's right! Wind Spirit is a natural life in the universe and is very sensitive to Taoism. It must have discovered that Liufeng has a deep Taoism!" the maid guessed.

"Well, you are right! It seems that many people must have become fans of Liufeng..." Xiangsu Fairy sighed.

The maid didn't seem to notice the change in Fairy Xiangsui's expression, and still smiled: "That must be true. Judging from the information, there are many times more people going to Phuket Star to watch the chess match now than in the past! It is said that among them An important reason is the emergence of Liufeng, of course, there is another reason..."

"What other reason? It's not because I want to go, right?" Fairy Xiangsu hummed.

"This... the princess's trip is extremely secretive, and no one knows about it! Another reason is that the level of the Phuket Star Chess Tournament is extremely high. Masters who have never appeared in previous games have all appeared, and their purpose is naturally to compete for representatives. We will find out the rankings of the top ten players in the starry sky chess world, and then participate in the 'Hand Talk Competition' between the stars!"

"Hand Talk Contest?!" Fairy Xiangsui was startled.

"Yes, it's a hand-talking competition held every thirty years! This is a direct dialogue between the top wise men in each starry sky. We in Mojie Starry Sky also attach great importance to it. I heard that even the Sixth Prince has participated!" said the maid! .

"Will Grandpa Six also participate in the hand-talking competition?" Fairy Xiangsui asked excitedly.

"No! He went to Phuket Star to watch the competition and then picked people! As for whether he participated in the hand-talking contest, it's not very clear..."

"I see...that's great! If I had known that Grandpa Six was going, we wouldn't have had to sneak out. I would have followed him to Phuket Star anyway!" Fairy Xiangsui said.

"That's right! Princess, you don't know, the little maids are very worried now. This starry sky is full of darkness and horror. I wonder if there will be any danger..."

"Humph, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?! Haven't we been flying for so long? You don't see anything happening! Ah?!!!" Fairy Xiangsu suddenly screamed.

"Princess, are you okay?!" the maid asked urgently.

"Look! There..." Xiangsu Fairy pointed in the direction of the porthole, her face turned pale!

The hearts of the maids were beating wildly. They slowly turned their heads and looked out the window. They all screamed and the plates in their hands fell to the floor! ! !

I saw several humanoid corpses suddenly appearing on the portholes at some point, clinging tightly to the transparent part of the portholes, with blood splattered all over the windows. Two of them still had their faces facing inward, looking extremely ferocious...

The girls were trembling with fear, their delicate bodies trembling violently, and they all collapsed on the floor of the bridge space, curled up in a pile...


The screams can almost break through the portholes, which is as scary as you want...

Fairy Xiangsui was so frightened that one of her souls came out of her body, two souls ascended to heaven, and the third soul almost died. Her face was extremely pale. She could never have imagined that such a scene would happen. Such a bloody incident happened to her when she was growing up. It’s almost something I’ve never seen before, so no wonder I’m so scared...

Suddenly, a light curtain popped up between them and the porthole, just covering the corpses. A ridiculously handsome young man appeared on the light screen and said with a smile: "Don't worry, little princess, these people are dead." Just space pirates..."

"Space Pirate?! Are they really dead?!" Xiangsu Fairy asked in shock as she regained her composure.

"Well, this space pirate wanted to attack your small fleet, but it was intercepted and defeated by the main fleet of the Mojie tribe following behind. Your sixth grandfather was on the mothership of the fleet behind. These space pirates Well, after being shot down, it fell out, and ended up hitting your spaceship. Fortunately, your spaceship was pretty good and was not smashed. It would be interesting if it flew in, haha...hahahahaha..."

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