The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2757 Who is this person?

"You?! You're still laughing?! Do you know how scary this is?!!!" Xiangsu Fairy Bo said angrily.

"Oh? The little princess is a descendant of the royal lineage of the Mojie clan. She has grown up in this dark universe. Haven't she even seen a dead person?" The handsome young man teased. Of course he was Xiaoxing.

"You?! Who are you?! How do you know my identity? What other dark universe is there? This is the positive domain!" Fairy Xiangsu asked in surprise.

Xiaoxing smiled evilly and said, "It's not difficult to know your identity. Do you know how long the Mojie fleet has been following you?"

" long?!"

"It started when you sneaked out of the headquarters! I have helped you eliminate eight space pirate fleets along the way, and the number of space pirates who died as a result was not 10,000, but 8,000!" Xiao Xingyu said in shock.

"What?! How is this possible?! Oh my god!!!" Xiangsu Fairy screamed, her face turned pale!

When the other maids heard this, they looked at each other and their faces turned pale...

They never expected that so many people would die because of them, and their original intention was just to watch Liu Feng and Ling Daozi's show...

"You know it's bad now, right? However, you don't have to worry too much, because those space pirates are not good people. Each of them has more than a few to thousands of innocent lives on their hands..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my God!!!" These women screamed again, trembling with fear...

Xiaoxing was also a little dazed. She didn't expect Fairy Xiangsui and others to live in the royal family and should have seen many big scenes. How could even the death of a person scare them like this? !

Of course he doesn't know that the Mojie tribe has controlled the Mojie starry sky for countless years. Although there have been some rebellions, rebellions, and conflicts, they were quickly suppressed by the Mojie tribe. Therefore, the starry sky seems chaotic. Disorder is actually the absence of big chaos, but constant small chaos.

The Mojie clan is powerful, so the Mojie royal family can be considered stable. In this way, royal descendants like Xiangsui Fairy, who were born with crystal spoons in their mouths, will be blessed. Almost all of them are pampered, and they may really even Never seen a dead person!

It is precisely because of this that Fairy Xiangsui was so willful. She ran away as soon as she was attracted by Liufeng's Taoism, without even considering the risk...

"All right,

You are so cowardly. If you don’t want to see dead people again, I advise you to go back and find your sixth grandfather Zhenyi as soon as possible! Now you are just used as bait by him and Jin Feng to attract those space pirates. If this continues, more and more people will die because of you..."

With a "swipe" sound, the light curtain disappeared, but Xiaoxing's words still echoed in this small space...

Xiangsu Fairy and others saw the dead body lying on the porthole again and couldn't help but scream!

"Quick! Find Grandpa Six quickly!!!" Xiangsu Fairy hissed.


A maid struggled to get out, and finally found the guard controlling the spacecraft and conveyed the order.

This small fleet immediately turned around and looked for the main fleet behind it...

On the mothership of the Mojie fleet, Fairy Xiangsui lowered her head and sat tremblingly, recounting everything that had happened before...

"You mean, this person popped up that light curtain directly in your palace and said these words to you?!" Zhenyi asked incredulously.

"Yes, Grandpa Six!"

"How can it be?!"

"Really! How else would I know that you are following me?" Fairy Xiangsui said quickly.

The maids kneeling behind her also proved this point.

Zhenyi and Jinfeng looked at each other and felt that this was unusual!

This person can easily penetrate the protection of the spaceship shell and talk directly to Xiangsui Fairy. And judging from what he said, I am afraid that he can also invade his own mothership. Maybe this person is monitoring the conversations of these people. Woolen cloth!

He already knows all the action plans of his fleet, and he even knows the origins of the dead bodies on the Xiangsu Fairy spaceship, which shows that he almost knows the starry sky very well...

Thinking of this, the two people quickly turned to voice communication to analyze the origin of this person...

Judging from the conversation between this person and Fairy Xiangsu, this person does not have any malicious intent. Even his appearance seems to be to comfort Xiangsu and explain to her what those dead bodies are about. Therefore, for the time being, it does not need to be too much. Too panicked.

However, if such a strange thing happens, how can Zhenyi, Jinfeng and others feel at ease if they don't understand clearly?

Even one's own main mothership can be easily invaded, so what's the secret?

If it were during a war, this would be completely fatal!

What's more, due to the appearance of the flowing wind, it is very likely to trigger the arrival of some killers, or open and secret fights among the major stars. It is really a storm that is about to come. Who is blowing this gust of wind?

"Xiaosui, do you remember what he looks like?" Zhenyi asked.

"He looks...very good-looking, he is a young man..."

As Fairy Xiangsui spoke, she stretched out her slender fingers and started drawing in the air. Sure enough, after a while, an extremely handsome young man appeared, leaving everyone stunned...

"You're not thinking about Liufeng a little bit, are you? You imagine everyone looks beautiful when you see them?" Zhenyi snorted.


Fairy Xiangsui was so embarrassed that her face turned pink, and she quickly argued: "No! How is it possible?! The image I drew is definitely not as beautiful as the person himself, and all the maids can testify to this!"

Zhenyi was slightly startled and looked at the maids.

All the maids responded in unison: "Yes! The little princess is right!"

Fairy Xiangsui said: "This man is much more handsome than Liu Feng! But his skills are definitely not as strong as Liu Feng..."

"You are wrong!" Zhenyi said.

"Wrong?! Really?! Grandpa Six didn't lie to me?!"

"Of course not! If this person is really like you said, then his ability is many times stronger than Liu Feng!" Zhen Yi said in shock.

"Oh my god!!!" The girls were in an uproar.

I didn’t expect that a random young man would be so powerful. Are all young people today so powerful? !

Jin Feng's face was a little solemn, and while giving orders to the fleet to increase the protection level of the formation, he said: "Your Majesty is right, this young man has most likely monitored the starry sky we pass by now! How many times did he defeat us? A fleet of space pirates and how many space pirates know that they can even hear the content of my conversation with your grandfather, and can easily invade your spacecraft and talk to you like that. Such an ability is beyond our imagination. I'm afraid it's A super powerful force!"

"Wo..." Xiangsu Fairy was so shocked that her face turned pale and she was speechless.

She sneaked out this time, but she didn't expect to encounter so many things, each of which was enough to make her unforgettable forever!

For Jin Feng and Zhenyi, the main purpose of this operation was to escort the chess masters in the clan to Phuket Planet, and to fight against space pirates was only secondary. In order to prevent accidents, Jin Feng quickly issued an order, and the entire fleet moved forward at full speed to Phuket Planet. Heading on…

And in another starry sky, the fleet of Kangtian Civilization is also cutting through the waves and speeding through the starry sky!

The purpose of this trip is of course to take the clan's chess team to compete in Phuket Star. Hailiang, the leader of Kangtian, cannot easily go out, so the team is led by the national teacher Jinhuang, accompanied by the commander Tian Yuan and the president of the chess club Song Zeng, the strong players in the clan such as Siyuan, Jinghui, Zhuoguang and others, and of course Liufeng, as well as the great Moshi Xuanji of the Mojie clan.

The journey was long, so Siyuan and Xuanji started playing chess, and everyone was watching their game...

Behind their fleet, the big wind ball could be vaguely seen following leisurely...

Da Feng Qiu's behavior finally made everyone sure of one thing, that is, the purpose of this storm wandering in the starry sky is to follow Liu Feng, so Xuanji's guess is extremely correct!

Everyone here really admires Xuanji from the bottom of their hearts. He can guess such mysterious and mysterious things. He is truly worthy of being the great master of the Mojie tribe.

Moreover, he not only has this kind of divine calculation ability, but also has extremely good chess skills. He has already won the first game against Siyuan, and it seems that he still has an advantage in the second game!

Siyuan frowned slightly. For him, he had suffered a big blow recently!

First, he was overpowered by Liu Feng in one fell swoop when he was talking about chess, and then he lost ten consecutive games with Liu Feng, and in the end he almost lost his temper!

Fortunately, although Liufeng's blow was extremely powerful, his starting point was too high. Just the miracle of the ten sons setting the ten sets made everyone in the Kangtian clan think that Siyuan's defeat was natural, and the same would be true for others. , In this way, he finally kept his face.

But now facing Xuanji, he lost another game first!

You must know that I was the first place in the last Mojie chess competition. If I lose in the second game, I will lose not only my own face, but also the face of the Kangtian clan. Guang, Liufeng and others are all watching...

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Now both sides have not activated their Dao power. Whoever uses it first means that they may be at a disadvantage. This face cannot be lost, so Siyuan decided to No matter what, you have to wait until Xuanji uses his Tao power first before using it himself.

However, after his careful calculation, he should be temporarily lagging behind on the market at this time. How to restore this decline?

No one can help him at this time, and Liu Feng won't help him, so he can only rely on himself!

Siyuan stared at the board with his thoughts spinning. Now the focus of the two sides' competition is in the middle game. He will seize the advantage. If he can't win the middle game, it is estimated that this game will be dealt with again, so at this time, he is worried about himself. It should be a critical moment for the whole situation...

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and decisively used his Taoist will first. He quickly saw some of the entanglements on the board and dropped a piece with a "pop" sound!


"Master is the first to use Tao power again!!!"

"It's over, it's over..."

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