The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2848 God’s will

At the thought of this, Lian Chunqiu's whole body became paralyzed and trembled violently. All the original calmness and calmness disappeared and were replaced by fear and despair...

Know-it-all on the other side has already felt bad!

He is going crazy now. He never thought that, after working hard for so many years and accumulating such a huge family fortune, could lose it all in just one day!

How could this make him feel so embarrassed? !

After living for so long, he only now understands that it is difficult to start a business and even more difficult to keep a business. If he had known this, he would not engage in the gambling industry. With his own intelligence, what can he do that does not make money? Maybe it’s more profitable than gambling!

In the past, I used to laugh at those gamblers who persisted in not regretting nine times out of ten they gambled, but now it was my turn...

"Xiaoqiang...Xiaoqiang...who are you? You...can't just burst out for no reason..." Wan Shitong murmured, and his palms were already grasped so tightly that they were about to bleed...

"Hey, of course, now you know the pain, right?" came a voice, of course it was Xiaoxing.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoxing felt so happy!

There is no way, who makes his ability so powerful now?

It's so easy and wonderful to have you two self-righteous guys in the palm of your hand...

You actually dare to go to Zhengzhou to launch the Faith Cave Project. How can I not give you some punishment?

"Who?! Who are you?!!!" Wan Shitong screamed!


"What?!" Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu both screamed.

"What? Haven't you always wanted to know who I am?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"who are you?!"

"Ling Daozi!"

" you Ling Daozi? The Ling Daozi who released Taoist works together with Liufeng?!"


"Oh my god..."

"I should have thought of it earlier..."

The two suddenly shouted...

Turning back to watch the final, the two of them found that before they knew it, the game had reached more than 200 hands, and Mu Kejie's face was becoming more and more blood red, with redness still tinged in it. Qing, it is obvious that the pressure he is facing is becoming more and more huge. Everything is just as analyzed by Wan Shitong just now. This invisible pressure is constantly superimposed and doubled. Mu Kejie's end can be imagined. Know…

However, if you look closely at Mukejie's expression, he seems to be completely unaware of the situation he is facing. Instead, he is completely focused on it. The stars in his eyes are flashing wildly. It is his eyes that are running crazily. I am afraid that He was almost close to the limit, and a thick spiritual mist appeared around him, surrounding him...

In this situation, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu both know that they are really going to die this time...

"Ling Daozi, where did you come from? Where is Liufeng?!" Wan Shitong asked through gritted teeth.

"Do you know what this has to do with the betting market? You opened the betting market, I'm just betting. Besides, I've told you the results, but you don't believe it yourself. What can you do?" Xing teased.

"You?! How do you know Liufeng's chess skills are so high?!" Wan Shitong asked fiercely.

"Isn't it obvious that Liufeng's chess skills are high? He defeated all his opponents within three hundred moves. Don't you still think that his chess skills are very high?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This..." Wan Shitong was stunned and suddenly had nothing to say...

He suddenly understood that Liu Feng and Ling Daozi should be colluding together, but whether it was Liu Feng or Ling Daozi, they were both upright.

There are no twists and turns. If they are really playing a trick, then they are also playing a conspiracy. They tell you clearly that I am so strong and powerful, but I just don’t believe it. Why? Woolen cloth? !

If the two of them are playing a conspiracy, I am afraid that they will be tricked by themselves, because they have never been afraid of other people's conspiracies. When it comes to conspiracies, Wan Shitong believes that no one can play tricks on him. I still have some confidence.

However, what Liu Feng and Ling Daozi were playing were all conspiracy, and they both told you the truth. But with the mentality of a conspirator and an old fox and an old antique, how could he possibly see through their tricks? !

You must know that for so many years, no matter what happens, in the eyes of himself and Lian Chunqiu, it is almost likely to be a conspiracy, or a conspiracy within a conspiracy, and his specialty is to crush the other party's conspiracy and bring himself extraordinary pleasure. , achieved extraordinary success, however...

Faced with Liu Feng and Ling Daozi's conspiracy, both he and Lian Chunqiu guessed wrong and collapsed...

Mentality, in the final analysis, the mentality is not tempered enough!

Know-it-all had an epiphany…

Even Chunqiu had an epiphany...

The two found that ultimately there was something wrong with their mentality. After so many years of experience, experience, thinking and success, they were always used to treating things with conspiracy theories, and at this critical moment, this habitual thinking turned them into The whole idea is biased!

From the beginning, he regarded Xiaoqiang, oh no, Ling Daozi, as his strongest opponent. Since he was an opponent, how could he not play a conspiracy?

In my opinion, every move of Xiaoqiang may be a conspiracy. His purpose is to attack and hollow out himself, so of course I should fight back and not follow the other party's intentions.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for me to choose to bet at the same level as Ling Daozi. Even if the guessed results are the same, I will avoid his choice intentionally or unintentionally, but this is exactly the result Ling Daozi wants!

so amazing…

If Ling Daozi did this intentionally, it proves that he has already taken into account who he is and how he will react during gambling. Ling Daozi in this state is really terrible!

When Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu thought of this, they couldn't help having a cold war...

Looking at that final again, I found that Mukejie's figure suddenly became extremely bleak, shivering in the fog. It seemed that he was not far from collapse, and the current number of hands was 256!

Before that, Mukejie seemed to be able to hold on, but after Liufeng struck again, his expression suddenly changed, and the pressure on his whole body increased significantly...

With a "pop" sound, Mukejie persisted and made the 257th move!

"Pa", Liufeng followed up without hesitation!

Mukejie's whole body seemed to be bent over by an invisible pressure, and his size shrunk by half. The surrounding spiritual mist suddenly expanded suddenly, but he could see the light flashing wildly in it. His discerning eyes were flashing crazily...

Seeing this scene, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu closed their eyes in despair, unable to bear to witness...

The two of them knew that Mukejie was almost finished, and they were almost finished too!

All the results of countless years of hard work were given to Ling Daozi and Liufeng, and I still owed them a lot of debt. It is estimated that I will have to work for them in the years to come...


The chess piece in Mukejie's hand finally fell, but Liufeng followed suit. At this time, the situation on the field suddenly changed, and the astonishing spiritual mist surrounding Mukejie seemed to be dispersed by something, and it sprayed crazily around. Go and turn into torrents, impacting the formation on the central chess field!

The entire formation was swaying under the impact of the torrent of spiritual mist, and people were extremely shocked to find that Mukejie was paralyzed in the middle of the mist, motionless!

Obviously, he was already dying and had lost control of his spiritual power, so that the spiritual mist group was completely destroyed by the terrible pressure...

Liufeng wins!


"Flowing wind!" "Flowing wind!!" "Flowing wind!!!" "Flowing wind!!!" "Flowing wind!!!"...

The people at the scene were shocked and began to roar wildly. The sound was so loud that it could overturn all obstacles!

In a duel like this, people always pay attention to the winner. Although Mukejie has enjoyed supreme glory before, at this moment, he is like an insignificant person. No one will cast a glance at him again. A hint of compassion…

Just like those previous chess players, he became a stepping stone in Liufeng's journey to the top, and was extremely devastated...

And just as devastated as him are people from all major forces!

When these people saw such a result, they were all dumbfounded and stood on the spot!

The drastic changes that occurred in their accounts made them unable to believe their eyes, because at this time their accounts already showed the amount of their losses in this gambling plate. The huge amount made them tremble and tremble. I can't even stand still...

Now, whether it is and, or Yabozhai, Zhengyetang, Guletian, Shanmeici, Wanhuahui... hundreds of huge forces and thousands of ethnic civilizations, each of them has I owe a huge debt to Xiaoqiang!

This huge debt is more than ten times more than the money they have earned in countless years!

In other words, not only do they have to pay all the money they have earned after so many years of development to Xiaoqiang, but they also have to continue working ten times longer to pay off the debt...

"It's over... It's over... It's over..." The heads of all the forces had pale faces and closed their eyes in despair...

They know that they will become Xiaoqiang's debtors almost forever, and may even be forced to become his slaves, because the debt must be paid off within a period of time, otherwise they must pay the debt with their own bodies, but how can such a debt be possible? Still have to clear it?

Xiaoxing is almost overjoyed!

Although this result was within his expectation, it was hard to say until it became reality. Who knew whether there would be any unexpected events that would change the outcome?

But now that this ending has been determined, my and your adults’ intentions should be realized!

In fact, such an ending should be extremely beneficial to the racial civilization and major forces in the dark universe in the long run. As Li Yun and Xiaoxing analyzed earlier, these racial civilizations and major forces are still They have the ability to compete with the orc civilization. If the time is delayed longer, as the orc civilization develops faster and faster, they will face a more severe situation.

It can be said that this is also the will of God...

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