The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2849 Do they still dare to gamble?

Liufeng's reputation has reached its peak at this moment, and everyone is going crazy for it!

Especially in Phuket Star and the surrounding star fields, countless light points of faith converged into a torrent, rolling towards Li Yun...

And in more outer star fields, the entire Mojie Starry Sky, all major starry skies... more and more people are joining this torrent of worship...

Faced with such a situation, Li Yun knew that he had really overplayed his game this time, and he had to stop as soon as possible!

To hell with this empty-handed talk contest between stars...

But I couldn't just ignore the countless crazy people in front of me. I still had to explain something, so I stood up and saluted around...

He couldn't speak, because he was trapped by the formation, and his voice couldn't come out or in. Of course, Ye Hu didn't dare to open the formation at this moment, otherwise it would definitely cause chaos.

Seeing Liufeng salute him, the fans cheered even more and their enthusiasm increased!

"Flowing wind!" "Flowing wind!!" "Flowing wind!!!" "Flowing wind!!!" "Flowing wind!!!"...

People were roaring at the top of their lungs. With this momentum, I am afraid that it would only be a matter of words for Liufeng to make them go up mountains of swords and seas of fire...

Seeing this scene, Yehu, Hanyuan and several princes were filled with emotion. In previous chess competitions, how could the person who won the first place get such treatment?

And Liufeng was about to explode the entire Phuket planet!

"Whoosh—" "Whoosh—" "Whoosh whoosh—"

“Bang!” “Bang bang!!” “Bang bang bang!!!”…

Suddenly, there were loud noises in the air, drawing people's attention to the sky!

"Wow!!!" The whole planet burst into an uproar!

I saw bursts of light in the sky, reflecting colorful light and shadow pictures in the night sky, some like fire, some like water, some like mountains, some like trees, some like flowers, some like the sea, and some like On the battlefield, some of the elephants tell after another, extremely dazzling and brilliant, and can be seen by people in the entire hemisphere...

This dazzling display of fireworks and light explosions left everyone speechless. No one could have imagined that there would be such a performance. It was simply an eye-opener!

This scene was quickly spread through the Internet, and more and more people saw this amazing scene, and they were all shocked!

How much ability does this require?

No one can estimate it because no one has been able to do it before.

Watching this dream-like, miraculous performance, people felt as if they were having a sweet dream, and this sweet dream was brought about by Liufeng winning the first place...

At the end of this fireworks and light explosion show, the image of Liufeng was reflected, as lifelike as if it was really blooming in the night sky. It was so mesmerizing that people fell to the ground without knowing it. He offered his most sincere wishes...

Li Yun took advantage of this opportunity to perform a light explosion and quietly left the arena. He did not return to the Kangtian tribe's camp, but returned directly to Xingyun Fort.

In his opinion, he has had enough fun this time and cannot continue playing, otherwise big problems will definitely occur!

However, the basic purpose of myself and Xiaoxing has been completed. All I need to do next is to follow up. There is still a lot of time to do your own things...

"Sir, congratulations!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Same joy! This fireworks helped me get out of trouble!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course, they have already fallen in love with you. Otherwise, how could you come back?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Hey, I went too far this time.

I'm afraid the Lord of the Universe has begun to notice..." Li Yun sighed.

"Don't worry, sir. This is just a very small part of the dark universe. There are countless alien star realms, racial civilizations, orc civilizations, black gods, planet people, various forbidden places in the universe, and the dark universe. The boundary area of ​​the universe is also extremely vast... The Lord of the universe is busy and it is impossible to notice what happened on this little Puji star..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun couldn't help but nodded when he heard this and said with a smile: "That's right! It seems we still have a long journey ahead..."

"Sir, don't worry. Now you have become the biggest creditor of countless powerful forces and racial civilizations in this area. When they see you now, they must treat you with respect and treat you as a distinguished guest! Otherwise, you can immediately ask them to pay off their debts with their bodies and join the stars. Come on!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Oh? You won all your bets?!" Li Yun said in shock.

"It's really a win!"

Xiaoxing proudly told Li Yun the entire gambling process, leaving him stunned and shocked...

So cool!

Xiaoxing single-handedly crushed all the geniuses of these big forces and racial civilizations to a pulp, and now has full control over them.

This kind of control is extremely effective, and none of those who set up the betting can escape, and Xiaoxing has transferred all the claims to himself. At this time, he has already sensed the relationship between these claims and debts!

The number of debtors is so large that it can fill up the entire Phuket Island!

And these people are the elites of the Zhengyu, belonging to the upper class. After controlling them, it is almost equivalent to controlling the entire Zhengyu!

It can be said that it is unprecedented to achieve control in this way, because in this universe, there are generally two ways to achieve control. One is to recruit slaves and of course have control over the slaves, and the other is to use force to conquer and colonize. way to exert control over others.

But now Xiaoxing has created another brand-new way, that is, to achieve the purpose of control through the relationship between creditor's rights and debts, which is difficult for everyone to imagine, including Li Yun.

It seems that these big forces and racial civilizations are really seeking their own death. In the past, they won huge wealth by setting up gambling games, but now they have also paid a heavy price because of the gambling games they set up. This price is big enough to make all their efforts go to waste. The flowing water also exported his body and soul...

Originally, Li Yun thought that he could start a new journey after returning to Xingyun Castle, but he did not expect that Xiaoxing's victory was much greater and more glorious than what he had played, and he also attached this glory to himself. In this way, my connection with these elite figures in Zhengyu has been strengthened, and it will not be that easy to get rid of them.

There are so many people, and every one of them is a person of flesh and blood. It is impossible to completely ignore them. If everyone comes to contact me, it will take a lot of time, which may affect my future travels.

Little Stay far away..."

"Having said that, didn't you also say that the creditor-debt relationship has a certain period of time? If they cannot pay off the debt within a certain period of time, they can only pay the debt with their own bodies. By then, even if they No matter how far you hide, you have no choice but to come out and find me..." Li Yun thought.

"Hey, it's true! In fact, with their situation, it is absolutely impossible to pay off their debts, so sooner or later, they will become your lord's slaves. Doesn't this just allow us to control the positive domain? The positive domain is only in our Only under control can it be possible to defeat the Orc civilization, catch up with the Black Gods, and resist the planet people..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"It... it's still early anyway. I believe they won't come to me during this period, so we can still observe from the sidelines while doing our business..." Li Yun said.

Just as he was talking, he heard Han Yuan and Ye Hu calling Xiaoqiang...

"What's the matter?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Oh, strong lord, where are you? We have achieved such an unprecedented victory now. We should celebrate it. Haven't you shown up yet?" Yehu shouted.

Xiaoxing then remembered that he was still the leader of their group, so he had to say: "If you have something to do now, you can just go and celebrate! Each person will be rewarded with a thousand top-grade molten stones first!"

"Wow!!!" The Hanyuan Group cheered, and everyone's faces turned into flowers.

The powerful master is really extraordinary. If a thousand top-quality molasses were placed on an ordinary person, it would be a luxury for a lifetime, but he rewarded them casually.

Of course, compared to what he earned, this is simply a drop in the bucket, no, not even a drop...

Yehu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked urgently: "Does the powerful master still want to continue gambling? The chess games in other stars are not over yet!"

"Wo...that's exactly it!" Everyone was stunned.

For them, money and rewards really don't seem to be that important now, and gambling with the powerful master is the most exciting thing. After these rounds of gambling, everyone has made great breakthroughs. Such breakthroughs include Experience, thinking, courage, wisdom, cultivation realm, etc., these are the most precious!

Xiaoxing hummed: "Of course we have to bet! But now we don't bet on their plates. Instead, we just set up our own bets. Do as I say and make the bets as big as possible!"

"But why?!" The second prince asked curiously.

"We have won so much, do you think they still dare to gamble?" Xiaoxing teased.


Those big forces and racial civilizations have already lost so much that their pants have been ripped off, so do they still dare to set up a gambling market?

Do they still have money?

Aren't they afraid that Xiaoqiang will lead the crowd to place bets again?

Do they still have the confidence to defeat Xiaoqiang?

Impossible. They lost completely on the betting market between Mukejie and Liufeng. Of course, it is impossible for them to have funds to set up a betting market, because bankrolling also requires financial guarantees, and if they have money on hand, If so, according to the agreement, gambling debts must be paid off first. Everyone knows that you cannot owe gambling debts for anything. If you have gambling debts weighing you down, you will not be free...

It can be said that except for the gambling markets that Xiaoqiang did not participate in before, all other gambling markets have been eliminated by Xiaoqiang!

Right now, the largest gambling group in the major stars is none other than my own small and powerful group...

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