The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2861 Whistleblower

Latest website: After Wanshitong said this, his thoughts seemed to return to the long past...

An old antique like him has experienced many catastrophes, so he has the most say.

In particular, the dark-blooded beast disasters that had occurred many times in Zhengyu had left him with lingering fears and vivid memories...

At that time, the racial civilizations in the major stars were not particularly strong. Faced with the outbreak of the Dark Blood Beast Disaster, many people were often caught off guard and would soon lose their lives to the beasts. Moreover, do not think that you can escape because of your high level of cultivation, because the Dark Blood Beast Disaster broke out. Blood beasts are also extremely smart. They tend to stay silent for a long time, causing people to relax their vigilance. Unknowingly, their reaction speed will drop significantly, and then they will burst out suddenly and set up a dragnet, targeting everyone!

Therefore, they attack indiscriminately, regardless of your level of cultivation, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are beautiful or ugly, whether you are male or female... in short, they will kill them all, leaving no one behind!

This is the reason why the Dark Blood Beast Disaster is so terrifying. Therefore, when the people of the race and civilization who have lived longer live mention it, their hearts beat wildly and their expressions change drastically.

Lian Chunqiu sighed: "Dark blood beasts and fierce beasts are like viruses hidden in the real world. They always come out to cause trouble again after hiding for a period of time. Moreover, every time they appear, they may be different from the last time. Either they become stronger or they become more cunning. From this perspective, they are actually constantly evolving..."

"Continuously evolving? Then this time..." Gao Shitong's heart sank.

"If these weird spaceships are really dark blood beasts, then of course this time is no exception! Brother Wan, think about it, how long has it been since the last large-scale dark blood beast disaster?" Lian Chunqiu said.

"Isn't this... more than ten thousand years old?" Wan Shitong pondered.

"Yes! Ten thousand years are enough for them to undergo major changes. During these ten thousand years, the racial civilizations of our major stars have gradually relaxed their vigilance and have not resolutely suppressed them. As a result, Nowadays, there are signs of dark-blooded beast disasters appearing everywhere. For example, the beast disaster that occurred in the Yeshi tribe not long ago was quite large, and it has not been completely eradicated yet!" Lian Chunqiu said.

"This matter has indeed reminded us. It seems that we have to issue a warning to the major stars... Of course, the premise is that we must first confirm the matter and have corresponding evidence before we can convince the people of the major stars!" Wan Shitong said in a deep voice.

"Of course! If warning information is released rashly, it is very likely to cause panic! It is not very beneficial to the various races patrolling the dark-blooded beasts, so it is best to carry out this matter in secret..." Lian Chunqiu said.

The two basically reached a consensus and began to discuss how to confirm the matter.

Since the combined fleet is still in flight, the confirmation of this matter certainly requires the mobilization of people from the two major forces distributed in various branches of the starry sky. Therefore, Supreme Treasure and Flush are in charge of the overall responsibility and assign the tasks...

The ground network of the two major forces distributed in the major starry skies is extremely huge, but the cost of investment is also countless. If it were not for the extremely important matter, it would be impossible to carry out such a comprehensive operation, because such a task would have It may cause unimaginable consumption, which is also the helplessness of a large business.

Some people may think that only a big family and a big business will lead to eternal prosperity, but this is not the case!

Many big forces with big businesses are sometimes not as good as a small force in their ability to withstand risks. This is the saying that a small ship can easily turn around.

Once it becomes a behemoth and fails to straighten out various internal relationships and disciplinary systems, it is very likely to commit major organizational problems. This is just like what Li Yunxiang and his senior brother Ren Yu and others analyzed before. These major organizational problems will seriously hinder the development of the company. In the development of power, there are many internal shackles, which are hard to get rid of. Many people are just corpses and puppets, but they are good at intrigues, flattery, wealth and enjoyment. Not only do they not play any effective role, but they also play a counterproductive role in it, constantly eroding the power. The body of this large organization.

In normal times, this large organization may look majestic and rock-solid, but in fact it may be full of gold and jade but full of failures. If there is no effective risk prevention mechanism, it may fall into trouble once it encounters a major disaster. Civil strife has already fallen before disaster can knock it down...

But small forces will appear to be more flexible. Although they may not be able to withstand major disasters, they will quickly overcome the difficulties and rise again because of their small losses... and actually fell first this time!

In the final analysis, they lacked a good risk prevention mechanism, and neither Wan Shitong nor Lian Chunqiu realized the importance of this.

If they realize this early on, they will have some restrictions on the control of the gambling group, at least they will not give Supreme Treasure and Flush as much power to fully control it.

Even if such power is given, there will be further restrictions in terms of quota and system. However, the two of them basically act as hands-off shopkeepers, traveling among the people separately, putting all their power in the hands of Supreme Treasure and Flush. .

In the eyes of these two hands-off bosses, Supreme Treasure and Flush have enough control over the board to defeat all other opponents!

And this seems to have been confirmed by time. Over the years, the two major forces have really been invincible and made a lot of money. Supreme Treasure and Flush also enjoy great reputation in Zhengyu...


This obviously underestimates the heroes of the world and puts the rule of man above the rule of law. This is an important point in the problems of large organizations, and problems will occur sooner or later.

As the saying goes, the strongest among the strongest, everyone needs to be cautious and reverent when doing things in this world!

After being sniped by Xiao Qiang, Supreme Treasure and Flush were unable to react in time, and soon fell into chaos. Later, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu were added, and they gave it a try in order to recover their losses, but still failed, and finally led to complete ruin...

At present, although these two major forces still exist in name, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu know that if they cannot find Jingzi in the outer star field this time, then all the hard work will go to Liu Feng and Ling Daozi!

The thought of this always makes them feel extremely sad...

However, they also truly realized how powerful Liu Feng and Ling Daozi were. In this world, the strong will always get the respect they deserve!

Although Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu did not want to pay off their debts, they never dared to underestimate Liu Feng and Ling Daozi. On the contrary, they admired these two young men from the bottom of their hearts.

After being reminded by Ling Daozi, they also attached great importance to the strange spaceship and decided to investigate the matter at all costs!

In their view, the role played by these two information forces in the positive domain is actually that of a "whistleblower". They have the responsibility and obligation to sound the whistle before danger comes and remind everyone to pay attention to the danger. !

Of course, as a qualified whistleblower, you must only sound the whistle when you are relatively certain. Otherwise, if you release some false news every now and then and annoy everyone, then once there is a real When danger comes, no one will believe you when you blow the whistle again, and you will be in big trouble!

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to launch such a large-scale investigation...

"Sir, the investigation task has been assigned, but..." Supreme Treasure said.

"but what?"

"Recently, various branches have suffered huge losses. Not only are they unable to hand over their income, but their own operations may also be problematic. If they are asked to investigate this matter again, they may not even be able to afford protective items..." Supreme Treasure sighed. .

"This..." Wan Shitong was startled.

I didn’t expect to be in trouble so quickly!

It's true to say that the last gambling game organized not only failed to make a profit to compensate for the cost, but also lost hundreds of times. How could such a loss be affordable?

Now each branch should be in desperate need of food, waiting for the headquarters to allocate funds...

It's a pity that what they don't know is that the headquarters has already been completely depleted, and the hole they dug is much bigger than theirs. How can they get any money?

Wanshitong sighed: "Tell them that they don't need to hand it over for the time being, and all the business income will be used for investigation!"

"Yes!" Zhizunbao quickly executed.

The situation on the other side of is the same. Tonghuashun is also extremely busy, constantly passing on Lian Chunqiu's instructions...

"Brother Wan, we are almost at the end of our rope now! If there really is a mutated dark blood beast coming to kill again, I'm afraid we won't be able to resist it..." Lian Chunqiu sighed.

"Brother, don't be too nervous. Judging from the situation of that weird fleet, its destructive power is still within our control. If they really dare to harass us, they will never come back!" Loudly.

"Brother Wan, what you said is wrong!"

"But why?!" Wan Shitong was startled.

"Hmph, if it's just that weird fleet, it's certainly not a concern, but what if this mutation involves most of the dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts? If they all go up to the sky and wander around in the stars, our race's civilization will be Can someone really resist it?" Lian Chunqiu said.

"Isn't it possible?! Although this kind of mutation has a certain chance of appearing, it will definitely take a very long time, because the dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts have been suppressed by our race's civilization. In addition, we have not discovered other related information during this period. Information about the weird spaceship, so the mutation should be small-scale, not comprehensive..." Wan Shitong analyzed.

"I hope so! However, why do I always feel that something is not good? I always feel that there is a huge risk behind this matter..." Lian Chunqiu looked a little confused and murmured.

"Oh? Brother Lian really feels this way?!" Wan Shitong said in surprise.

"Yes! Maybe we need to take a closer look at these clues..."

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