The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2862 Close to the truth

Latest website: Lian Chunqiu’s words surprised Wan Shitong!

In Wanshitong's view, although the strange spaceship is very important, it does not make the people of the Zhengyu despair, because as he said, the mutation of life takes an extremely long time and requires certain conditions, but Dark Blood Beasts and ferocious beasts have always been suppressed by racial civilization, and it is difficult for comprehensive mutations to occur.

In addition, so far, a total of three weird spaceships have been found. Although I don’t know if they are the same, but even if they are different, they are just three kinds of weird spaceships. Compared with such a vast starry sky and countless orcs, To put it simply, it is nothing more than a drop in the ocean...

However, Wanshitong certainly knows that Lian Chunqiu's special feeling is very effective. Except for this time when he lost directly to Ling Daozi in gambling, except for losing to himself a few times in gambling, he rarely loses!

In many other fields, even Chunqiu's special sense has helped him a lot. For example, just now he was keenly aware that more than 80% of the damage caused by the strange spaceship fleet may be caused by the poison secreted by the living body. , which is much more sensitive than a know-it-all!

Therefore, Wan Shitong did not dare to ignore Lian Chunqiu's words, so the two of them re-examined all the clues...

These two people are both antique figures in the main domain, so they naturally understand what dark-blooded beasts and fierce beasts mean in the positive domain. To a certain extent, they are like viruses. Maybe they don’t make any movements in normal times. But at some point it will suddenly jump out and bite you, causing great damage to you!

For the racial civilization of the Zhengyu, beast disasters are often an important factor in the sharp decline in population. In severe cases, the population may be halved or halved again, because the targets of beast disasters are basically directed at living organisms, and It's not for things like money or resources. As for the orcs, they know that as long as those racial beings are wiped out, what's left will be their own?

It is precisely because of the extreme cruelty and bloodiness of the orcs that they have become a veritable "virus"-like existence, which makes people change their colors and become frightened...

After carefully screening the information, the two made new discoveries.

Lian Chunqiu said: "These three weird spacecraft incidents seem to have happened separately, but judging from the results, it seems that they serve more of a warning role than a targeted attack!"

"It's really weird! What do they want to do? In addition to warning, it may also be to show off, practice, or simply come out to have fun..." Wan Shitong added.

“Right now we don’t know about the weird spaceships that encountered the Guanghuan Fleet and the Trudeau Fleet,

Is it the same as the weird spacecraft that appeared near Puget Star? If not, then its purpose may be more complicated, but if it is the same, then I think the purpose of warning is greater! " Lian Chunqiu said.

"No, if they are all the same, it means they are from the same orc tribe. Why did they warn the Mojie and Kangtian tribes? And Puji Xing? From our understanding, for the orc tribe, they are not necessary at all. Warning, but direct action to kill!" Wan Shitong retorted.

"This..." Lian Chunqiu was startled. He accidentally overlooked this point. Know-It-All is right. The orcs hate racial civilization extremely. Why should they warn you?

If they really develop new powerful abilities, they will only hide them quietly and then seize the opportunity to display them again, causing huge losses to the racial civilization...

Therefore, no matter whether these three strange spacecrafts are the same or not, their purpose cannot be a warning, but has a deeper meaning...

So, what exactly is their purpose?

This question made Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu a little confused for a while...

When something weird happens, there must be a monster!

There must be a bigger secret waiting for them behind these three incidents. This is something the two of them can basically determine.

Lian Chunqiu thought: "Could we have been wrong from the beginning?"

"Oh? What point is Brother Lian referring to?" Wan Shitong asked curiously.

"For example, could my feeling be wrong? These spaceships are not living things, but some kind of special spaceships? Which racial civilization were they built by? Or do they come from some alien star field?" Lian Chunqiu analyzed.

"Wo..." Wan Shitong exclaimed softly, his eyes brightening.

Lian Chunqiu's train of thought made him feel suddenly enlightened. If this train of thought was right, then the difficulties he encountered before could be eliminated, which was why the Orcs had to warn!

Moreover, if this kind of spaceship is built by a certain racial civilization, then its purpose is most likely to be a drill or a show off...

But if it comes from an alien space, the problem will become more complicated! ! !

It was only then that the two of them finally thought of the alien realm!

In fact, all their previous analyzes were limited to the major stars in the main domain, and they did not think of the outer star fields at all. Now even Chunqiu mentioned the outer star fields inadvertently, which shocked both of them!

"Outer Star Territory?! If they really come from the Outer Star Territory, then all the possibilities we thought of before are possible!" Wan Shitong said anxiously.

"That's right! I just thought about it again and found that if these three incidents happened in the background of the outer star field, then the problem would become extremely serious! Perhaps, this is why I felt that this matter was extremely unfair before. The usual reason!" Lian Chunqiu nodded.

"Indeed, I believe in Brother Lian's special feeling. Ling Daozi and Liu Feng have also said before that this matter is extremely important. Therefore, we must not only analyze the problem within the scope of the main domain, but should include it in the context of aliens. Let’s analyze it within the context of the domain…” Wan Shitong said loudly.

"It makes sense! Now it seems that there are two possibilities. One is that the weird spaceship may be a special spacecraft built by one or several racial civilizations. The material may also be very special, and the performance should be good, because they already have extremely strong The aggressiveness, especially in the use of poison attacks, is a great threat to everyone, because no one knows how toxic these poisons are, and whether what you see in front of you is just a superficial phenomenon. It is not certain that these poisons will spread further in the later stage. Secondly, the strange spacecraft may be the mutation of some or several dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts. They already have the ability to fly and fight in the starry sky, which is very important to all racial civilizations. Both will be an unprecedented new threat! And these two possibilities are likely to occur in both the positive realm and the outer star realm!" Lian Chunqiu concluded.

"This...I suddenly thought that Ling Daozi and Liufeng came from the outer star field. They also said they had the answer last time, so this incident is indeed very likely to be related to the outer star field. Of course, it can also be said to be related to our joint fleet. About..." Wan Shitong pondered.

"Is it also related to us?" Lian Chunqiu was slightly startled.

"Brother Lian, don't you think it's relevant? We are going to the outer star territory now!" Wan Shitong teased.

"Oh my god...what if we encounter them in the outer star field? We need to take precautions in advance! No wonder I thought this was so scary before..." Lian Chunqiu was completely shocked.

"That's why we need to conduct a thorough investigation into these weird spacecraft..."


The two raised the matter to the highest level, almost like a wartime situation, and began to collect, analyze and discuss frantically...

As time goes by, the combined fleet continues to move forward, slowly deepening into the Mojie starry sky...

This journey has gone smoothly. However, as and launched a comprehensive investigation into the strange spaceship incident, the influx of various information has put the entire fleet in an extremely tense state...

The network transmission task that Zhuang Dade was responsible for was going quite well, and some information had been discovered from some outer star fields. From the transmitted information, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu made extremely important discoveries!

That is in that outer star field, there are dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts on many stars, and some stars are even completely occupied by dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts!

There are also many racial civilizations, and their relationship with the dark blood beasts and fierce beasts is more of a state of confrontation, rather than an absolute advantage like the main domain.

It can be seen that in the outer star field, the existence of dark blood beasts and vicious beasts is more common, and their power is extremely large. Being able to confront racial civilization shows that their abilities are extremely strong.

It's a pity that this information is intermittent and cannot let them see more secrets about the dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts.

However, some fragments of pictures that occasionally flashed up strongly supported their judgment.

In these pictures, they found that some dark-blooded beasts had very strange shapes, looking a lot like spaceships, and they were also fighting or flying with the starry sky as the background...

With the huge increase in the amount of information, there are more than ten types of dark-blooded beasts revealed in these pictures! ! !

Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu looked at these pictures, their expressions turned bad!

Now it seems that in the outer star realm, the mutations of dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts are extremely terrifying. Maybe they have in turn suppressed racial civilization...

"Brother, it seems that your first feeling is right! Those weird spaceships should be the mutated version of the Dark Blood Beast and the Ferocious Beast!" Wan Shitong said in shock.

"I'd rather my feeling be wrong, but the facts are in front of us. The mutation of the Dark Blood Beast and the Ferocious Beast this time is very likely to be comprehensive!" Lian Chunqiu sighed.

"It's over... It's over... If they enter the main domain in large numbers, can the racial civilization here withstand it?" Wan Shitong murmured.

"Some can be blocked, and some may be troublesome... If a beast disaster breaks out this time, I'm afraid the life in the main domain will be greatly reduced! It is impossible for many small and medium-sized races to stop these mutated dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts..." Lian Chunqiu analyzed.

"I hope they stay in the outer star realm. However, once the dark blood beasts and fierce beasts in the outer star realm mutate, does it mean that the orcs in the main realm will also mutate..."

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