The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2870: Tremble!

Latest website: Li Yun sighed: "Judging from the current situation, the virus is indeed very contagious. It can not only be spread through Qi and contact, but also through spiritual consciousness. This is simply for the sake of racial civilization. Tailor-made, because people's use of spiritual consciousness is as common as eating and drinking. If this continues, as long as someone is infected with the virus, it will not be long before it sweeps the entire clan!"

"Yes! According to the observations of our new network, this new virus seems to have been developed recently, and its spread is still quite limited. It is mainly concentrated in the major star skies in the main domain, as well as in places where some racial civilizations are concentrated in the outer star domain. But as the mutated orcs prepare to move, they will also spread widely with the actions of the orcs!" Xiaoxing judged.

"But won't the mobility of the orcs be affected by them?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"What you don't know, adults, is that the impact of the virus on the orcs is quite small. For the orcs, the impact of the virus can be delayed, which is equivalent to only receiving a very small impact. Of course, this impact will continue along the way, and eventually it will Reaching the point of getting out of control..."

"Oh? But why?!" Li Yunqi said.

"Because the orcs have always lived in a relatively harsh environment, their bodies already have factors to deal with viruses. Although they cannot completely resist the invasion of this advanced virus, the invasion speed of the virus is extremely slow, and even under certain conditions Next, the orcs can also eliminate part of the virus on their own!"

"How did they do it?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"When the orcs engage in strenuous activities, their bodies have a higher degree of fever. When a certain high temperature is reached, the body can kill part of the virus on its own. However, the bodies of racial civilizations have neither anti-viral factors nor can they heat up to a higher level. At a high level, only some powerful people can do this, but they don't know how to operate it now. You must know that many ethnic and civilized people have not practiced body training, and their bodies are extremely weak. Once the fever reaches a high level, they He spontaneously combusted first and killed himself before killing the virus. This is a tragedy..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"I see... What if you get cold? Just like the Ice Crystal tribe, some people's body temperature can reach extremely low levels..." Li Yun asked.

"Chilling is not enough! What viruses are least afraid of is cold. If it is extremely cold, the virus will actually be sealed. When it thaws, the virus will come out again to cause trouble." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun was dumbfounded and admired this virus very much...

"Hey, this new virus has no solution for the orcs and racial civilizations in the dark universe. If it spreads comprehensively, whether it is the orcs or the racial civilization, their fate and end will be different. Extremely miserable..." Xiaoxing said with a gloating smile.

"At least there is the Black God Clan, right?"

"This... for now, the powerful powers of the Black God Clan should be able to deal with them, but ordinary Black God Clan people still can't. And those powerful people will be too busy just to save themselves, and it is impossible to save those ordinary people... In addition, the virus is the biggest Their characteristic is that they can constantly mutate. When the powerful powers of the Black Gods figure out a way to deal with them, they may develop other abilities to continue to erode. In the end, these powerful powers will be exhausted and exhausted. We can no longer deal with the virus..." Xiaoxing said.

"So, this new virus may really kidnap the lives in the dark universe, and eventually turn these lives into walking zombies that provide them with nutrients..." Li Yun said in shock.

"Yes, this is the ultimate goal of viral civilization..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Oh my god..."

When Li Yun thought of this prospect, he couldn't help but be shocked!

Viruses are really scary!

Although it is extremely small, its ambition is extremely huge. It uses the extremely small to control the extremely large, and ultimately achieves the goal of controlling the entire universe. This kind of operation is really amazing!

It can be seen that in this world, big does not necessarily mean strong, and small does not necessarily mean weak. Big and small, strong and weak are all relative terms. As long as you promote the strong and avoid the weak, and give full play to your own strengths, a person can It is possible for small people to reach heights that are difficult for many to reach...

What is hard to imagine is that in the dark universe where energy is surging, civilizations are numerous, and power disputes are fierce, what really occupies the top of the food chain is not the powerful powers, but viruses that are so tiny that they cannot be detected!

Li Yun felt a little emotional in his heart. Looking at the universe outside, he felt that the universe seemed to be in an extremely depressed state before the storm, and those viruses invisible to the naked eye were raging. They flew in the clouds and mist, flying around, using various Various spreading opportunities to catch your prey…

Viral civilization is silently announcing that we are here! Tremble!

Li Yun and Xiaoxing laughed!

They have never been afraid of viruses. No matter how evil they are, their only purpose as a doctor is to develop the most targeted elixir to cure the disease!

Of course, ordinary medicine cannot deal with this all-pervasive new virus. Moreover, what is even further than the Yimi No. 9 virus is that the new virus in the dark universe has reached the level of supertrinos, and its mutation ability is much stronger.

With the ability of the two of them, they can certainly cure the disease by taking action personally. However, it still takes some effort to develop a pill that can be taken by every living being and achieve the therapeutic effect.

"Can the elixir we used to deal with the Yimi No. 9 virus be able to deal with the new virus?" Li Yun asked.

"Xiao Nu has done experiments. The two levels are similar. The mild ones can be dealt with, and the severe ones can also be dealt with, but they will be in a stalemate. The patient will not die, but will basically become a waste!" Star said.

"So, the only way to go further is to use micron-level elixirs?"

"This is a basic idea, but..."

"But what?"

"New viruses have extremely strong mutation capabilities. If we want to prevent their resurgence, we must fundamentally eliminate them!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? You mean to devour them completely and turn them into nutrients for our micron-level robots?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Yes! They must be completely devoured, otherwise over time, they will mutate again, possibly endlessly. In the end, even our micron-level robots will not be able to deal with them. This is equivalent to helping them complete the process of evolution. It’s definitely not what we want to see!” Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes, it doesn't matter if there is no harm, but if they evolve again, the life in the dark universe will fall into the rule of viral civilization in the future, and there will be no good days... But I didn't expect why the mutation ability of the new virus would be so Strong?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"My lord, please look!"

Little They are all as simple as possible, and even only one genetic chain of the living body is left!

You must know that a genetic chain like this carries a lot of information about life. Generally speaking, it must remain stable so that the genetic information about life does not change and can be well passed on to the next generation.

However, the new virus is so unique that it only has one genetic chain. It simply doesn’t regard itself as a living thing!

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "My lord, you are right. The new viruses are a bit crazy. They have completely abandoned their inherent evolutionary trajectory, and instead chose a development path that relies entirely on offense and parasitism!"

"Is this really okay?" Li Yun asked in shock.

"Judging from the current situation, this path is really feasible, and they have improved their civilization level through this method!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god..." Li Yun exclaimed, a little shocked!

Xiaoxing continued: "This path allows the virus to get rid of its previous inherent complete form, that is, it is a complete living body with various internal structures and shell protection. Various genetic factors can be extremely stable. It can be passed on to future generations, but for such a living body, its weaknesses are still very obvious."

"Weakness? It has both offense and defense, and is quite balanced. It develops just like the beast race and racial life. But where is the weakness?" Li Yun asked.

"Sir, if they are like the orcs and racial beings, then in comparison, their weakness is that they are too small!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Yes!" Li Yun suddenly realized.

Under the same conditions, viruses are simply weak compared to beasts and people with racial life forms, so they can only hide in unknown places and develop quietly. Occasionally they come out to run wild, but they cannot resist it. Even if a doctor uses a big move to deal with them, they will soon be killed by those drugs. In fact, a powerful cultivator can rely on his own ability to find them all and kill them all in one fell swoop!

No wonder both the orcs and race life have always been extremely ignorant of viruses and did not treat them as species that needed to be treated seriously.

"The shell of the virus protects the delicate internal organs. For doctors, as long as they find a way to break this shell, they can easily kill the virus. This is a common way for doctors to deal with viruses! Therefore, the virus wants to If you want to survive, you must hide yourself as much as possible to avoid being discovered, but in the eyes of doctors and powerful people, they are still invisible. This is why the previous viruses did not attract enough attention from them. However, It’s different now..." Xiaoxing said.

"Now...they're burning the boat, not even the outer shell!" Li Yun said.

"That's right! Not only were the shells removed, but several of the factor chains carrying genetic information were also discarded. In the end, only one was left! They are really whimsical..."

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