The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2871 Virus Mutation

Latest website: "But they really succeeded!" Li Yun exclaimed.

"Yes! This is the result of exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses! Although the viruses in the past were very small, in the eyes of doctors and powerful people, they can still be found. As long as they can be found by them, they will have thousands of ways to deal with them. As a result, it is difficult for viruses to resist even if they try their best, so the virus civilization has always been in a suppressed state. However, this state has begun to change recently. It is actually a mutation, but this The mutation occurs in an unknown virus, so no one thinks of its horror. In fact, this mutation is much more powerful than the mutation of the orcs!" Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun nodded and agreed: "That's true! But why did the virus mutate like this? And the time happens to be at this point?"

"That's a good question, sir! The mutation node of the virus is quite close to the mutation node of the orcs. Whether there is any connection between the two is a question worth exploring. Xiaonu is currently tracing back! As for why the virus happened like this A whimsical mutation, if you analyze it carefully, it is actually an inevitable result!" Xiaoxing said in shock.

"Is it an inevitable result? Can such a mutation be deduced?" Li Yun was startled.

"Yes! This is a virus mutation model established by Xiaonu. In this model, the virus will eventually evolve into what it is now!" Xiaoxing said while creating a light curtain.

Li Yun quickly looked around, quickly reading and digesting this sea of ​​information...

But I heard Xiaoxing continue: "To put it simply, the reason why viruses mutate like this is because they evolved in the long-term struggle with their hosts and doctors. At the beginning, the battle between them was quite smooth, basically It ends with the victory of the host and the doctor, and the virus has the upper hand and is on the verge of collapse..."

"But in this process, there seem to be some sudden mutations!" Li Yun interjected.

"Yes! The mutations in these individual cases are actually passive. In other words, these viruses were originally good and complete living entities. However, under the attacks of the host and doctors, their shells were shattered. Or they are broken by drugs and are on the verge of death. During this confrontation, although some of the more powerful viruses have broken shells and can no longer do evil, part of their bodies retains vitality. This part of the living virus cannot pass through its own Life activities obtain food from nature and support themselves, so they can only go through some natural cycle activities. After accidentally entering the body of life, they attach to some cell molecules in the body of life and survive by relying on the nutrients secreted by them... "Xiao Xing said.

"At this time, they should still be unconscious and not aware of the consequences of doing so..." Li Yun added.

"Yes! These diseased virus remnants gradually regained consciousness after living for a long time. They suddenly found that it was not bad to adopt this parasitic method. At least, the immune system in the host body did not detect them. , it will not attack them, and since it does not move around, the host will not have symptoms of the disease. Of course, it will not use its spiritual consciousness to find them to attack, let alone go to a doctor to see a doctor or use medicine to eliminate them. Kill them... It can be said that the parasitic method has many benefits, so these virus remnants began to rise!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"This should be the prototype of the new virus... But of course they will not be satisfied with the status quo, but will look for new breakthroughs to reach a higher level and rule the universe!" Li Yun sighed.

"Hey, even though the new virus doesn't even have a complete body, their ambition is no less than that of any orc or racial civilization! After they tasted the sweetness, they began to try to invade the attached cell molecules. , because the cell molecules themselves are constantly exchanging materials with the body's veins, and the incomplete new viruses reach the ultramicron level, they cannot be detected at all, so they are easily broken through. In this way, the new viruses He entered the cell molecules and started eating and drinking..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This is just the beginning..."

"Of course! They quickly kidnapped cell molecules and provided them with nutrients. In the process, some viruses will still be discovered by immune cell molecules in the body. After a fierce battle between the two sides, these viruses that are not yet very powerful will They were defeated, but some incomplete parts survived. They soon developed new mutations. When they encounter immune cell molecules next time, they can defeat each other! The mutation ability of the new virus gradually becomes stronger. And this has a lot to do with their incomplete structure." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh? Why is this happening?"

"Sir, you know that a virus with a complete structure is an independent life form, and its genetic information is stable. Stability also means that it is difficult for them to mutate, so they have always been suppressed by powerful orcs and people of the race in the past!"


"However, after their body structure becomes incomplete, it also means that their genetic information is unstable. As long as some new change factors are added, they can easily develop into other shapes and add new abilities. , this is the main reason why they have strong variability!" Xiaoxing explained.

"That's it! Generally speaking, genetic information and other life factors are related to the information chain in the living body. In order to pursue stable inheritance, the living body will have multiple information chains and form a relatively stable spiral structure. Now, It’s unbelievable that there is only one new virus!” Li Yun exclaimed.

"That's true, but they survived tenaciously with only one information chain, and they also used this information chain to combine with other useful factors to enhance their mutation ability and at the same time greatly shrink themselves. Their bodies become more difficult to deal with! As they develop more and more maturely, this part of the new virus gradually becomes the leader in the virus civilization and begins to emit relevant information..."

"What? You mean they spread this information to other viruses?" Li Yun was stunned.

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "Yes! Viral civilization is composed of billions and billions of viruses. They are distributed in every corner of the universe, and there are even viruses distributed in the empty starry sky. In other words, This is an invisible big net that covers the entire universe! All information can be spread through such a big net. Therefore, even though viruses are very small, their overall size is extremely huge and unparalleled!"

"Wo...then will they transmit this information to the positive universe?" Li Yun suddenly realized this.

"It's a matter of time! Since this information is already on the way, there is nothing that can stop it. It will definitely spread to the positive universe, causing the viruses there to start evolving in this direction. By then, all the people in the positive universe will All living things will face the same catastrophe as the dark universe!" Xiaoxing said with certainty.

"Oh my god..." Li Yun was completely speechless!

Viral civilization is so powerful. With such a large network, it cannot be compared to any orc or racial civilization. Even Xingyun Castle cannot compare with it now, because until now, the new network is still being laid, and virus civilization It has already covered the entire universe!

"These cutting-edge new viruses pass information to nearby viruses, and then continue to spread along their network world. As a result, more and more viruses will break away from their bodies and become smaller ultratrinos, starting to Cell molecules that invade living bodies will increase the level of the entire viral civilization and form a huge new force. At present, this new force should be developing. When it reaches a certain level, we can clearly feel it. Here we are..." Xiaoxing continued.

"Yes, in fact, we can now faintly notice this new force. They seem to be challenging us, but this is just them being complacent..." Li Yun snorted.

"Hey, they haven't discovered us yet, and they can't possibly discover us! Their challenges and ridicules should be directed at the Black God Clan. The powerful people of the Black God Clan haven't noticed it yet. At least it will take a long time. OK, but by then, it will be too late, because the new virus will evolve to become stronger and stronger..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"It seems like this is another life-and-death contest against time!" Li Yun said.

"That's true for them! But..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"But what?"

"Even if the powerful powers of the Black God Clan discover this secret, they will not be able to prevent the mutation of the new virus, because the mutation of the new virus this time is extremely powerful. It can be called a mutation, that is, a leapfrog mutation. After such a leapfrog mutation, the virus The level of civilization has surpassed that of the Black Gods, and they cannot resist it!" Xiaoxing judged.

"It seems that we can't just watch the show from the sidelines..." Li Yun sighed.

"Sir, don't be anxious! With our ability, we can of course restrain the new virus, but the mutation of the new virus is a major change in the universe. Changes like this should attract the attention of the Lord of the Universe, and he should intervene!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh?" Li Yun was slightly startled.

Xiaoxing is right. The development trend of the new virus poses a great threat to all life races. It is impossible for the Lord of the Universe not to intervene. If he intervenes too early, it may not be good and will attract his attention. …

"We can sit on the sidelines first and take the opportunity to see how the Lord of the Universe will solve such a problem. If he fails, it will prove that he is mediocre. Then it will not be too late for us to take action..."

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