The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2926 Blainey’s medical skills

"Move reinforcements?!!!" Everyone was shocked.

Tingxi nodded and said: "Although we know something about the Lincang Star Territory now, we don't know anything about the Mansong Star Territory beyond the border. What races are there? Which orcs? It can be said that they are all We don’t know anything. However, just because we don’t know doesn’t mean that the orcs here don’t know. They will suddenly appear at the border. It is very likely that they want to regroup there with the intention of counterattack, and maybe they will attack Mansong. The orcs in the Star Territory ask for help!”

"This is really a big problem!" Fu Chunzhi screamed again.

"Of course it's a big problem!" Tingxi said with certainty.

"Then what should we do?!" Fu Chunzhi asked urgently.

Ting Xi sighed: "What else can we do? Didn't Brother Wan say that? We are using silence to stop. There are no problems with this strategy so far, but..."

"But what?"

"If many orc fleets come to the Mansong Star Territory all at once, or if their combat power is very good, then we cannot just sit back and wait for death, but should avoid them as soon as possible!" Tingxi analyzed.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly when they heard this, and they quite agreed with Ting Xi's analysis. Currently, they and the expeditionary force are in a foreign land. Although they have won successively in the early stage, the so-called strong dragon is difficult to fight against the local snake. If the orcs here really go to Mansong. If Star Territory moves reinforcements, the danger will be great!

Wanshitong said: "What I heard from brother makes sense! We, Bogeke, and our brother Yang Qinju will definitely step up their efforts to inquire about this information, and we also need to learn more about the situation in the Mansong Star Territory, just in case!"

"Thank you, Brother Wan!" Tingxi said quickly.

"Haha, we are all on the same boat, why are we talking about thanking you? We have to thank you first for giving this warning!" Wan Shitong laughed.

"Exactly! Exactly!! Exactly!!!" Everyone agreed...

They held a discussion around this issue, and then began to arrange contingency operations. Multiple letters were sent out urgently, and the members of the expeditionary force who received the information immediately acted according to the requirements in the letter...

The expeditionary force is in action, and the many racial civilizations in the Lincang Star Territory are not vegetarians. In fact, since the invasion of the expeditionary force, the nerves of all races have been tense, and their respective monitoring systems have been fully activated to pay attention to the outside world. All movement.

At this moment, many ethnic and civilized people have also noticed abnormalities in the stars at the border of the star field, which has caused many people to panic!

As a universe dominated by cultivation civilization, cultivators are extremely sensitive to the stars, especially those who are stargazers. This is what they eat. Of course, they will pay close attention to the movement of the stars. Many people After discovering this weird reversal of the stars, I was so frightened that I almost thought that the whole world had been turned upside down. Therefore, this kind of statement quickly spread throughout all racial civilizations...

Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for the Tea Star Group to also receive the news. Just when the competition between individual forces ended, many leaders here received letters from the clan, mentioning this order. Shocking horoscope changes!

The atmosphere in the core area of ​​Banzhangxing suddenly changed!

The core personnel of each force felt a little bad, and quickly discussed countermeasures...

When Mingpu heard this information, he immediately thought of the unknown poison that was spreading on the planet, and he couldn't help but panic.

He quickly found Blainey to discuss it.

"Miracle doctor, do the changes in the stars mean that the poison is also mutating? Is it really going to overthrow our world?" Mingfu asked suspiciously.

Blainey pondered for a while and said: "Whether this matter is related to the unknown poison needs to be confirmed again? Now the star changes only occur at the boundary of the star field, not in our tea star group, and the unknown poison It is only found among our people in the Tea Star Group... Of course, if races on other planets also discover the epidemic of unknown poisons, and the astrological changes continue to expand, then the connection between the two is basically You can be sure, after all, this is a matter related to the fate of all races!”

After hearing this, Ming Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So, we don't need to worry yet?"

"Changes in the stars are often a prophecy, not that they will happen immediately. Therefore, even if this change points out the matter, of course we don't need to be in a hurry now, but we should try our best to do what we should do. Well, being clear in one's heart is the state that a cultivator should reach!" Blainey snorted.

Mingfu's face turned slightly red when he heard this, and he murmured: "The miracle doctor is right! I wonder what the disaster situation is like here now?"

"Now, we have sealed off the entire core area and checked all the Banzhang people in the area. Judging from the current situation, about 15% of the people have not been infected. Now they have all You know that we are sealed in the formation for protection, that is to say, except for the people in the formation and the people from my power, the rest are all infected!" Blaney said.

"Wo..." Mingduo exclaimed.

But Blainey continued: "But among the half of the people, it is not ruled out that some people have just been invaded by the unknown poison, and the symptoms in the body are not obvious yet, so they do not show any damage. According to my estimate, at least half of them may have been infected! So although these people are now in the formation, everyone is actually isolated from other people. We have to follow a paragraph After the changes in time, if all these infected people are completely found, then the remaining ones will be the truly uninfected people!"

Ming Fu was dumbfounded when he heard this, and his heart was extremely shocked!

I didn't expect the situation to be so bad. If it weren't for Blainey, I'm afraid everyone here would have been invaded by the unknown poison. Is this the rhythm of the tea star group that is going to die? !

"I wonder if the miracle doctor has found a way to solve it?!" Mingfu asked urgently.

Blainey was startled, thought for a while, and said: "I can't guarantee that this poison can be cured. I can only say that we will do our best! I believe that with our ability, we will be able to develop an antidote sooner or later. !”

"Sooner or later? How late? How early?" Mingfu asked.

"This... as doctors are always in a relatively passive position when dealing with a new poison, because we don't know where it comes from, what characteristics it has, its route of poisoning, how it works, and how it works. Shou Yuan, its mutation...especially this last point, will make us very passive!" Blainey sighed.

"Oh? You mean this unknown poison can mutate?!" Mingfu said in shock.

"Of course! This poison is not an artificial poison developed by people from the Poison Path. Generally speaking, that kind of poison does not mutate strongly and has a fixed formula. As long as we study and analyze its formula, we can develop corresponding drugs based on this. antidote, so it is relatively easy to crack. However, I found that this new poison is very powerful, and ordinary drugs cannot move them at all. Generally speaking, poisons like this come from nature and are life viruses, so its The ability to mutate will be extremely strong. If a drug inhibits it, it may adapt to the drug after a period of time. In other words, its circle of competence will expand. If this situation continues to happen, , the poisonous ability will become stronger and stronger, and in the end it will be out of control!!!" Blaney analyzed.

Mingtuo's expression became even worse, and he quickly asked: "What should we do? Are we helpless?"

"You can't say that. As medical people, since we understand this truth, of course we will not use medicine indiscriminately, because that will only make the poison become more and more powerful, and in the end everyone will be without medicine. It’s edible, but it falls victim to the poison!”

"That makes sense!!!" Mingduo praised loudly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Blainey continued: "However, there are many quacks in the world who don't understand this principle at all, or even if they know it, they won't practice medicine according to this principle, because they understand that the patient's mood is generally extremely urgent and has When you go to see a doctor when you are sick, you wish your illness would be cured soon. In order to make money, these quack doctors cater to the psychological needs of their patients and give them random medicines, heavy medicines, strong medicines, and medicines used to fight dark-blooded beasts. Little bug, although the symptoms were temporarily cured, the patient's body essence was greatly damaged, and his longevity was lost to an unknown amount! This also has a terrible consequence, that is, the poison that caused the disease can only poison small bugs. , but after adapting to the strong medicine of the dark-blooded beasts, their abilities also increased significantly, so they were able to poison the dark-blooded beasts!!! It can be said that many poisons will only become more and more powerful, and in the end they will become all People’s innermost problems are actually cultivated by patients and quacks!”

Mingfu was completely stunned after hearing this!

If you think about it carefully, Blainey's words hit the nail on the head. People in this world are eager to treat illnesses and blindly seek medical treatment. However, in order to make money and gain fame by treating illnesses as quickly as possible, ordinary quack doctors use a large number of heavy and powerful drugs to treat illnesses. , although this can achieve short-term results, in the long term, it seriously damages the vitality of life. Under such strong medicine, many people's vitality dies prematurely, and their path to seeking the truth always ends abruptly midway. Stop, I have to say it is a kind of sadness...

Blaney continued: "Now we will use some commonly used common drugs to try them on some patients and observe their effects, but our focus is still on studying the characteristics of the highly toxic itself. Only by knowing it and knowing The reason is that we can use medicine in a targeted manner to kill all the poisons at once and prevent them from having the opportunity to continue to evolve and mutate. Otherwise, with the ability of such unknown poisons, I am afraid that none of us can do it well. It is possible for them to become stronger and stronger..."

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