The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2927 Pressure

Mingpu nodded repeatedly after hearing this, feeling extremely impressed and praising: "The miracle doctor is indeed a miracle doctor. I believe that even a little poison can't stop you! It seems that we can continue to hold the finals!"

Blainey was startled and asked curiously: "You came to me just to see if you can continue to hold the game?"

"Exactly! If this matter will affect the safety of all of us here, the competition will definitely not be held anymore, but looking at it now, on the one hand, the star changes only occur in the border area, and are far away from our Tea Star Group Very well, on the other hand, the poison is already under the control of the miracle doctor. Maybe after the competition is over, the miracle doctor will develop the antidote, and they can all get it, wouldn't everyone be happy?!" Mingpu said excitedly.

"This...actually, I don't know when the antidote will be developed. However, since all these people outside have been poisoned, it doesn't really matter whether they are suspended or not, because although the poisons are powerful, their development The speed is extremely slow, even if it takes a longer time, there will be no problem." Blaney said.

"Oh? That would be better... But, should we tell other tea star people about this?" Mingbu said thoughtfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a letter coming from him. He picked it up and looked at it and said, "Zai Yin, Tang Qiao'er, Wei Jin and others are all here?!!!"

Ming Fu and Blainey rushed out to welcome them, and found that these people were all leaders of various tea stars, and they were quite powerful.

"Everyone, please come in quickly! Let's have a banquet!!!" Mingpu said loudly.

Everyone quickly entered the hall and took their seats, only to hear Zai Yin say: "The matter is urgent, so I will get straight to the point. Brother Ming should know about the changes in the stars, right?"

"It turns out that Brother Zai is talking about this. Yes, I heard a little bit about it..." Ming retorted.

"Such a strange change has occurred in the stars. I'm afraid God is hinting at some kind of crisis for us. We all just discussed it and decided that it would be better to suspend the tea competition. We must rush back to our respective clans to deal with it immediately!" Zai Yin said .

"Oh?!" Mingfu was startled.

Tang Qiaoer said: "Brother Ming, don't blame our Icelandic stars for being rude. Such changes in the stars are indeed unprecedented. Now everyone is very panicked. How can we rest assured if we don't return to the clan? Besides, tea products The competition has ended with the duel between individual forces, and the rankings seem to be not much different from the previous one. I guess the finals will be similar, and we can compete again in a hundred years!"

Wei Jin, the leader of Yi Wuxing, echoed: "Tang Xianzi is right! Now everyone has no intention of finals. Even if it continues, it will affect their mentality.

It’s better to go back and sort things out, and it won’t be too late to compete again in a hundred years! "

"That's right..." other people from various small and medium-sized forces also said one after another.

Mingfu listened and thought about lightning. Of course he didn't want these people to go back. You must know that this competition is extremely important to Ban Zhangxing, especially the finals, which are the top priority. How can he say it so easily? Just give up?

On the one hand, this is a matter of reputation, on the other hand, it is a more practical issue of interests, and the latter is what he values ​​​​most. Only by continuing the finals can all gambling boards, all shops, all entertainment services, and all personnel be able to Only by making money can you make money. Otherwise, if you leave a mess, the loss will be huge...

In order to prepare for this competition, Ban Zhangxing has invested countless manpower, material and financial resources over the past century, and is waiting to realize all the investments and interests through the competition and make a lot of money. Now that the single-power competition has just ended, the capital may They have made it back, but the expected huge profits will not be available until the finals are held. If they are allowed to return now, wouldn't it be in vain? !

Therefore, for Mingpu, there is no doubt that they must stay until the end of the finals no matter what!

However, this astrological change is really a bit tricky now. How to resolve it?

He thought for a while, waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down, and said, "Don't be anxious, please be patient! In fact, things are not as you think..."

"Oh? What's that like?" Wei Jin asked curiously.

"As far as we know, the astrological change is indeed a thing, but it only occurs at the junction of our Lincang star field and the Mansong star field, and it is more biased towards the Mansong star field. If the astrological change is related to the Mansong star field, It makes sense that it is related to the domain, but it is far away from our tea star cluster, so don’t worry about it at all!" Mingfu said.


Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look at each other...

"Haha, look, this is the latest letter I received!"

Mingfu gave a long laugh, threw the letter talisman in his hand into the air, and magnified it through the light screen. He saw a starry sky playing on it, but it seemed that the effect was far different from the quality of the information provided by Xiaoxing. …

Everyone has seen this starry sky many times, and they can recognize at a glance that it is the place where the star changes occurred. However, from the picture, it is slightly different from the information they have seen before...

Ming Fu used his spiritual power to draw a circle on the light screen and said, "Did you see it? The scope of the star changes is within this circle, and this circle is exactly at the junction of the two star fields. Looking at its location, most of the circle is close to the Mansung Star Field, with only a little bit in the Lincang Star Field, and this little bit is probably just the edge. It can be said that this astrological change is a warning to the Mansung Star Field, and Not to our side!”

Zai Yin, Tang Qiao'er and Wei Jin couldn't help but feel relieved when they heard what Ming Fu said so confidently. It seems that things are really possible as Ming Fu said...

If that's the case, there's no need to rush back.

"Brother Ming, when did you get this information?" Zai Yin asked.

"Just now! So this is the latest information! In addition, according to the continuous observation of our defense system, the entire star field is currently peaceful, and even the army of space pirates that wreaked havoc in the Lincang star field some time ago has disappeared. It is estimated that they have returned to their old nest, and the orcs may have been frightened by them, there is no trace at all, your planet is safe now, everything will be fine!" Mingfu said.

Wei Jin nodded and said: "We also know this. The messages sent by the clan have mentioned it, but..."

"But what?"

"Even if there is no danger outside for the time being, isn't there any danger inside?" Wei Jin snorted.

"Inside? Danger? What does Brother Wei mean by this?!" Ming Ming was stunned.

"Humph, Brother Ming, Ming people don't do secret things. You can't hide the fact that you are catching people in secret from us. Although you are catching people from Ban Zhangxing, this matter is extremely strange and has caused great harm to all of us Tea Star people. If Brother Ming cannot give us a reasonable explanation today, we will have to fight back first!!!" Wei Jin said loudly.

"This..." Mingfu was startled for a moment, and it suddenly dawned on him. It seems that Brainy and others' actions of detecting poisons and arresting people still failed to hide it from the eyes of other Tea Star people. This is actually quite normal. With their abilities, This matter was carried out under their noses, how could it not be discovered by them?

Tang Qiaoer chuckled and said, "Brother Ming, I don't know why you want to arrest so many of your own people. Are they not good enough? I think many of them are honest people?"

Mingfu finally understood that these people were here to investigate today!

They had discovered this a long time ago, but they were secretly observing and guarding against it, and did not reveal it. It was not until the star changes occurred that they finally couldn't help it anymore. They may have felt that there was some indescribable connection between the two things. , so they finally got together to find trouble for themselves, and once they came, they threatened to withdraw from the competition to force themselves to tell the truth...

Mingtuo communicated quickly with Blainey secretly, and said at the same time: "So this is what you are worried about..."

Tang Qiaoer smiled and said: "Oh brother Ming, we are not worried, we are just curious. After all, you are only arresting people from this planet, not us aliens. But things are so weird and make us panic, so where can we have any thoughts? How about participating in the competition?"

Zai Yin nodded and said: "Tang Xianzi is right. This matter has seriously affected our preparations for the tea competition finals. If Brother Ming doesn't make it clear today, then we can only say goodbye and go back..."

"Brother Zai, why do you threaten to say goodbye as soon as you speak? Have we neglected you in any way? If you tell us, can we rectify it immediately?!" Mingpu said a little angrily.

Zai Yin was stunned and felt that the tone of his words was not good, so he changed his words: "Brother Ming, you are serious! I am also troubled by this matter. I always feel that you are arresting people everywhere. This kind of thing feels like deja vu. …”

"Sounds like we've seen each other before? Why does brother Zai think we're arresting people everywhere?" Mingfu asked.

"Well... let me get it straight. Is there any terrible plague happening in Ban Zhangxing recently? Generally speaking, if a terrible plague is happening in a place, we will definitely try our best to remove the people infected with the plague from the crowd. They were first singled out and imprisoned to prevent them from spreading the plague to others. According to my observation, it was the people of Doctor Bu who took the lead in your arrest operation. You and Doctor Bu, you two You can't deny it, right?!" Zai Yin said loudly.

When Mingfu and Blainey heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. It seems that this point cannot be denied!

Everyone present had been observing secretly for a long time, and Blainey's people did not deliberately avoid their surveillance when they acted. In fact, they could not escape their surveillance, so it was normal for them to see them. Things.

Looking at today's situation, if you don't tell the truth, it will be difficult to tell the lie, because if you don't tell them the truth, you have to make up a reliable lie, but how can you come up with a well-thought-out cause and effect in a short time? Lies coming?

Moreover, as long as it is a lie, under the pressure of everyone, you will have to come up with more lies to cover up the lie. By then, I am afraid that the previous lies may collapse without attack...

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