The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2944 Mint Pond

When Mingbo recovered his spiritual power and adjusted his luck, a talisman came from a distance. Mingbo picked it up and looked at it, and said loudly: "Everyone, please don't panic! The vibration just now was due to the movement of the earth's veins. A misalignment caused anomalies in this area. Now our people are checking deep underground. The results will be available soon. I believe there will be no serious problems!"


"I see…"

"I was scared to death! What did you think happened?"

"Where are you holding on? Let go quickly!!!"

"Ah?! Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"You had to lie down early on purpose!"

"There's something wrong with the earth's veins? Is this a big problem?!"

"Yeah, it seems impossible to solve such a big problem in a short time, right?"

"It's over, it's over, can you still watch the game..."

"That's right..."

After a period of panic, people finally came to their senses and felt that this matter was in big trouble!

Generally speaking, the operation of ley lines is very stable. It is rare for many years for a misalignment to occur. I didn't expect that this misalignment happened during the game. Isn't it a coincidence?

In addition, once the ground veins are dislocated, extremely severe secondary disasters are very likely to occur, such as landslides, floods, violent storms, ice knives and frost swords...

The reason why so many secondary disasters occur is that the misalignment of earth veins will release extremely large amounts of energy. When so much energy is released in a short period of time, of course, an outlet must be found for excretion. Therefore, under the mechanism of nature, It will turn into various natural disasters, which will not stop until the energy dissipates.

However, many people understand this truth, but Mingfu, the leader of Ban Zhangxing, does not seem to understand, because after announcing such a shocking news, he shook off his sleeves and sat down again, and was able to calmly talk about it. Master Yizen said: "Master, don't worry, nothing will happen. Let the game continue!"

When Master Yizen heard him say such words, he opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't close it at all. He even wondered if there was something wrong with his ears...

It took him a while before he came to his senses and said: "Brother Ming, the misalignment of the earth veins is a big deal. We must suspend the game and see how the situation goes first."

Mingfu was startled when he heard the words, his mind was spinning, and he finally came to his senses and realized that there was something wrong with his performance just now. He secretly said that it was not good, so he quickly said: "What the master said is true, then just wait a little longer. People from this star are investigating the situation below. , there will be exact information soon!”

"Oh? Then the surrounding area of ​​​​the arena also needs to be reconsidered and confirmed, right?" Master Yizen hummed.

"This... what the master said is right, and the master is very thoughtful. I will send someone to verify it right away!"

Mingfu quickly ordered a thorough investigation into the matter, and suddenly there were hundreds of people flying around, and the soldiers of the Ban Zhang Guards were investigating everywhere...

At this time, almost no one noticed Powell who was playing. In fact, he was the biggest victim of this sudden crisis, and of course the Mint Pond camp behind him.

Due to the sudden earthquake, and Powell's condition being extremely natural, there was no time for emergency response. Tea was spilled all over the floor, many teacups were broken, and even the stove was doused by the kettle. In short, it was a mess. This game How to proceed?

Master Yichan first discovered this situation and suddenly realized something in his heart. He couldn't help but curse secretly and refuted it openly!

He knew clearly in his heart that this so-called natural disaster was actually a man-made disaster, and it must have been caused by explicit instructions. The purpose was of course to disrupt Powell's game rhythm. Judging from the effect, it obviously achieved its insidious purpose...

Seeing Powell's completely confused expression,

Master Yichan's consciousness awakened him and said: "Brother Bao, please continue! Seize the moment when the ground tremors are temporarily stable and finish the game!"

Powell suddenly realized after hearing this. It seemed that this competition was basically in ruins. Fortunately, his original expectations were not high, so he was not disappointed now. Besides, since it was a natural disaster, there was nothing to say, and neither could others. He blamed himself, so he said: "The master said yes! I will continue immediately!"

He quickly set up the stove and kettle again, replaced the missing cups, used his strength again, brewed out the stale tea soup, put it away, and made tea again...

In other words, Powell directly discarded the second best tea soup and used the third tea soup to compete. This was a wise choice.

Because the tea leaves are suffocated for too long, the tea soup will be too strong, and too much tea will result in a heavier taste. It is not the best time to taste it at this time. Unless you have a preference for heavy flavors, it is better not to drink it. use.

For good tea, the difference in quality between the first few brews is not too big, so using the third brew will basically not affect its quality. However, due to the interruption of Powell's tea ceremony, the quality of the tea will not be affected in the second brew. If you steep it for too long, it will directly affect the quality of the tea soup produced later. This is something you can’t do anything about...

He secretly sighed in his heart that his luck was really not very good this time. In fact, no matter what the record was, the most important thing for him was to be able to show his true level in the competition to prove himself, but now this wish is impossible Already…

But he still presented the carefully brewed tea soup with great piety. After tasting, scoring and voting by the judges, Yan Qingchen officially announced that Powell's record was finally settled at 65 votes in favor and two votes given up. , twenty-three votes against, ranked below Qingding, but above Qingshanke and Wanfengchui!

"Wo!!!" The audience was in an uproar...

Very few people could guess this result. Unexpectedly, Powell could beat Qingshanke and Wanfengchui, two of the four major tea star contestants, and finish second!

Moreover, this achievement was achieved even though the dislocation of earth veins occurred at the scene, which caused the interruption of the Dao's will, which is even more incredible!

Even Powell himself did not expect that he originally thought that this competition was over, but unexpectedly the final outcome turned out to be a successful counterattack. What on earth is going on?

It can be said that the announcement of this result immediately caused an uproar. Wei Jin of Yiwu Star and Tang Qiaoer of Iceland Star couldn't sit still. They actually protested at the same time!

Wei Jin loudly said: "This is unreasonable! It is impossible for Powell to get high scores if his Dao will is interrupted, so how can he be ranked higher than our Qingshan guest?!"

"Yes, he used the third brewing tea soup, and the second brewing has been brewed for too long and the quality of the tea has been damaged. How can this third brewing be better? It is even better than our evening breeze. ?!" Tang Qiaoer said angrily.


“There’s something wrong with the jury!”

"Are there still corrupt elements inside?"

"I didn't expect that Mint Tang was also using tricks behind his back..."

"Why are these judges like this? Something happened just now, and they turn around and do this again. They are really stubborn pigs who are not afraid of boiling water..."

"Hey, it's really terrible that this tea tasting competition has developed to this point!"

"If this continues, won't it chill everyone's hearts?"

"That's right..."

There was also a lot of discussion outside the court, and countless people began to question the quality of the judging panel...

Seeing such a scene, Master Yichan was not panicked at all, and said to Wei Jin and Tang Qiaoer: "If you two leaders have any objections, you might as well come up and taste this tea in person. If you still want to protest after tasting it, we will discuss it again." Not too late!"

"This..." Wei Jin and Tang Qiaoer were startled and looked at each other.

Naturally, the two of them would not believe how good the tea could be, so they came to the field. Powell picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea soup for each of them...

"Two leaders, please give me a treat!" Powell said solemnly.

The two took the tea cup and found that the tea was just right, so they started to taste the tea...

Looking closely at the tea soup, I found that the tea is green with bright yellow in it. It looks extremely fresh. A light tea fragrance comes to my nose. It is just right, not too strong, not too bland, just like the name of this tea. , as soft and sweet as mint, making people accept its existence without even realizing it!

When the tea soup enters the mouth, a faint scent of tea spreads in the mouth. It is light but not too rich, and it is endless. It quickly fills all the space, and soon goes down the throat. A faint scent of tea continues to erupt. When you open it, you feel extremely comfortable. The sweet fragrance that comes with the tea flavor moisturizes your taste buds, your throat, your body and mind, and brings you a pleasant pleasure, as if you are in the tranquil life of nature. In the fragrant environment, breathing the beautiful breath, bathing in the nectar and nectar, life is like this, what more can I ask for?

"Wow!!!" Wei Jin and Tang Qiaoer couldn't help but exclaimed, feeling a little crazy...

The first feeling that came to their minds was - impossible? !

Such tea soup cannot be brewed by Powell! This is absolutely impossible!

Because they couldn’t possibly not understand Powell. With Powell’s Taoist power, how could he possibly brew tea of ​​such quality?

What's more, as Tang Qiaoer protested earlier, the tea was already ruined in the second brew. How could it still have such a wonderful flavor after the third brew? !

This is completely against the principles of tea ceremony!


The facts are before our eyes, and the tea soup was indeed poured from Powell's teapot, which is irrefutable!

The two of them looked at the remaining tea soup, but they couldn't drink it anymore, and they were a little confused...

"Do you two have any opinions?" came the voice of Master Yichan.

"This..." The two of them were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other again, both looking a little weird.

Wei Jin slowly put down the tea cup and sighed: "I want to congratulate Brother Bao! Being able to brew such a high-grade tea soup under such circumstances is a well-deserved achievement!"

Tang Qiaoer echoed: "Yes! This tea soup is the best tea soup I have tasted in recent years! No one!"

"Wow!!!" When all the audience heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar...

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