The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2945 Victory in the first battle

Tang Qiaoer's comment immediately shocked the audience!

Everyone knows that for a person like her to say such a comment, and also to say it against a competitor, there is no doubt about the high quality of this tea soup!

Mint Tang Tea actually conquered the leaders of two major tea stars. When did it become so powerful? !

Or is it all down to Powell?

Of course, in the tea ceremony, people and tea are one, and no factor can be separated. If a person's tea ceremony is not good, even the best tea will be brewed bad, which is a pity...

Therefore, both Powell and his collection of mint tea suddenly became the center of attention!

People are imagining how this tea will taste and wish they could go and taste it...

Even Master Kutong couldn't help it. With his status, he could naturally enter the venue smoothly and have a drink!

Master Kucong has an extraordinary status. Powell felt a little uneasy and asked cautiously: "What do you think, Master?"

I saw Master Ku Cong squinting his eyes and not speaking for a while. As everyone was eagerly anticipating it, he finally slowly opened his eyes and praised loudly: "Good tea! If I were to rate this tea, it would get a perfect score of 100." If so, I would give ninety-five!”

"Wo!!!" The whole place was in an uproar.

Ninety-five points is an absolutely high score, which has never appeared in today's competition. Moreover, with the status of Kucong Master and as an outsider, what he said is absolutely fair!

Thinking of this, people immediately understood when they looked at the scores and votes of the judges on the court. These judges must know that this is a rare cup of tea, but because too many things happened in the past, and they exposed corrupt elements, The earth veins were misaligned again, even the teapot and tea stove were knocked over, the cup was smashed, and the tea soup was brewed for the third time... If we give a high score based on the actual situation, everyone will definitely think that it is a secret operation, so They all gave a more cautious score, so that the score of this tea was obviously lowered!

In other words, Powell's Mint Pond Tea had a high chance of defeating Qingding, but ended up falling behind him due to various reasons. However, surpassing Qingshanke and Wanfengchui is a sure thing, and it is well deserved!

Seeing this, Master Yichan said: "Brother Ku, what you said is good! This tea is indeed worthy of such evaluation! So, do you still want to protest?"

"Give up!" Wei Jin and Tang Qiaoer said at the same time.

"Okay! Everyone, please go back and continue the competition after the investigation of the dislocation of the earth veins is clear!" Master Yizen said simply and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"no problem!"

The storm subsided quickly, but what is strange is that after hearing Master Kutong's comments, Powell himself drank a cup of tea, and then he was stunned!

He stood on the field for a long time and refused to go back. I don't know what he was thinking...

Seeing that the situation was not going well, people from the Bohol Pond camp hurriedly rushed into the field and carried Powell down with all the tea utensils...

This scene makes people feel extremely speechless, and they have no idea what is going on...

Master Kucong returned to the audience, and of course became the subject of questioning. Everyone was asking how that cup of mint tea was?

"Everyone, I have just said that I can give a score of ninety-five points for that cup of tea. You must know that in my previous rating history, I have never given such a high score! Even if it is among the top three The same is true for the Qingding tea!" Master Ku Cong said.


"Does this mean that this tea is better than Qingding tea?"

"Yes, is that right?"

everyone asked.

Master Kucong waved his hands and said: "Everyone, tea tasting is not used for such direct comparisons. The way of drinking tea is a branch of tea ceremony, which has its own uniqueness! As the saying goes, each flower comes to each eye, and for each type of tea, Some people like tea and some don't like it, and there are different levels of liking. So, do you see why there are a hundred...oh, ninety judges in this competition? In order to maximize the reasonable evaluation, Choose a tea that is praised by the most people. Therefore, if you drink the tea that I say is good, you may not necessarily feel good when you drink it, and it does not necessarily mean that I give it a higher score than Qingding tea, so Mint Tang tea is Better than Qingding tea, that's not the case. Every tea has its merits. They grow in different environments, have different cultivation methods and methods, and have different refining and storage levels, so they all have their own characteristics. , the drinker needs to taste it carefully and give his or her most fair evaluation!”

"Master said it very well!"

"Thank you, Master, for your advice!"

"Listening to the master's words is better than ten years of reading!"

"It seems that I will have to work harder on drinking in the future..."


Everyone was filled with admiration when they heard Master Kucong's heartfelt words. Moreover, his words were simply the best introduction to the art of drinking. It can be said that he had unintentionally brought many people into this field...

At this time, the temporary gambling group office was already in a state of joy, and everyone was going crazy!

This game was simply full of twists and turns. At the beginning, they were very excited about Powell's performance, but as the so-called earth line dislocation occurred, the scene was in a mess. Of course, they knew that this was the work of Ming Pi and others, but The situation is in their hands, and even if they guess accurately, they still can't beat them. This is the biggest difference between bankers and gamblers!

Unexpectedly, after the scene was restored, the third tea soup prepared by Powell was so good that the extremely cautious judges had to give high scores. The result really fulfilled their initial judgment. Powell was extremely cautious. It’s possible to be a blockbuster!

This ending was too perfect, but the process was also too thrilling, causing everyone to suffer a round of extremely cruel psychological torture...

Fortunately, we won the first battle!

Guanlan, Melting Bing, Tingxi, Fukang and others threw the Supreme Treasure up and flew around in the air like a small meat ball, overjoyed...

On the other hand, at the core of Ban Zhang's gambling board, Ming Pi and the others looked like defeated roosters, their heads drooped, listless, and their expressions even more serious...

For Mingpu, he has fewer and fewer trump cards, and there are almost no cards to use, because it is impossible to expose the judges, which will probably trigger a huge resistance from the judges, and then the entire competition will collapse.

It is impossible for the ground veins to be misaligned again, because if it happens again, this game will not be able to be held anymore. No one wants to sit on a volcano crater to watch the game. There are many spectators at the scene anxiously waiting for Ban Zhangxing. According to the survey results, if there is any trouble, they will probably run away as soon as possible!

Is there any other way to control the progress of the game?

This problem is so imminent that Ming Pi and others no longer think about the fact that they just lost a large sum of money in a big gambling game.

Why is this matter so urgent?

All because of the sudden rise of Mint Tangxing, everyone's heart went cold!

You must know that in the past, these new tea stars were followers of the four major tea stars. They could not pose a real threat to the players of the four major tea stars. They either had people but no tea, or they had tea but no one. Even if someone has tea, the level will be several steps lower. Therefore, the four major tea star players only have eyes for each other and no one else.

Unexpectedly, in this tea competition, first Wu Xiqi from Tongqinghexing defeated Qingshanke and Wanfengchui, and then there was Powell who was even more outrageous and almost pulled Qingding down as well. Come!

Ming Pi had tasted that cup of tea, and he had to admit that it was indeed worthy of the name. He even thought that the tea brewed in Bijun Gengbei was better!

If he hadn't disrupted the judging panel earlier and made them more cautious in scoring and voting, I'm afraid that Powell would have ranked first and his score would have been extremely high, and there would have been no chance of defeating him in the Jungen Cup.

Now the question arises, how come these new tea stars become so powerful one by one?

In addition to the Tongqing River Star and Mintang Star in the front, there are also new stars such as Tianmenshan, Fengfengzhai, and Wangongzhai in the back. The level of these new stars is not lower than Tongqinghe and Botangtang at all. It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no one among them. If some ruthless person comes out and takes the first position in one fell swoop, it will put huge pressure on Jun Geng Cup, who appears second to last!

In fact, the current Jun Geng Cup is already under a lot of pressure...

Mingpu said harshly: "Our information collection for this competition is still far behind! Those new stars have developed to this level, how come we don't know anything about it?! We are still complacent and self-righteous!"

Yan Qingchen, Liu Sexin, Wujiren and others looked at each other with nothing to say...

"What is the level of their players later? We must find out immediately! We must not let what happened with Powell happen again!" Mingpu shouted.

"Yes!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Brother Liu, do we still have no means of control and influence?" he said again.

Liu Sexin was startled and said suspiciously: "Chief, the dislocation of the earth veins has not been resolved yet. If we control and influence it again, I'm afraid the consequences will be more serious!"

"Despite this, it is impossible for us to have no back-ups. If the next player is like Powell, we will be in big trouble!"

Liu Sexin said euphemistically: "This... it seems that we really can't influence it! Let's see, leader, although we did not hesitate to use methods such as dislocation of earth veins, we still couldn't make Powell brew the tea soup. And with his true level, even the third brew The tea soup is still competitive enough, which is beyond our control! In the final analysis, the final battle of this tea competition is how good the tea soup is. Even if the contestants make any accidents or mistakes in the middle, as long as they really If it can make good tea soup, the judges will still give it high marks and vote in favor! And we can’t possibly let them not even be able to make tea soup, right?”

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