The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2954 2 Transformation Paths

What Xiaoxing said greatly inspired Li Yun. Indeed, as long as it is a leaf, as long as the storage conditions are good enough, after millions of years of natural refining, it will become an excellent piece of tea!

Li Yun said: "Like the natural stone essence and the resin balls, it is really an excellent space for collecting and storing tea! However, the tea leaves on the periphery of the natural stone essence are easily affected by external factors, and I am afraid it will not be very good. Only the tea leaves hidden deep in the core That part is good tea leaves. As for the leaves in the resin ball, without the air factor, can it still transform naturally?"

Xiaoxing said: "No problem!"

Li Yun was startled and wondered: "But why? All the information here mentions that tea leaves must be properly exposed to the air in order to promote the later transformation of tea leaves, except of course our method!"

"Yes, our method can only be implemented by us. They can only rely on long-term accumulated experience, use natural conditions, and use time to achieve the goal of late transformation of tea. But Xiaonu has long discovered through experiments that There is something wrong with their experience!" Xiaoxing said.

"What's the problem?!" Li Yun asked urgently.

"As the adults said just now, the tea leaves outside the natural stone essence are not very good. Only the part hidden deep in the core is good tea. This is because the tea leaves on the outside of the stone essence are in contact with the external environment and may be affected by moisture and odor. Then The leaves have long been broken! In addition, in addition to moisture and odor, there is actually another main reason, which is over-ripening due to long-term exposure to air! If you put it in the ancient universe, it would be over-oxidation!" Xiaoxing said.

"Excessive oxidation? In other words, tea leaves cannot be exposed to air for too long?"

"Yes! For the tea here, picking and making tea cakes is only the first production. After that, the collection is actually a secondary production process. This process is indispensable. The quality of the collection is also extremely important, even if there is a little Mistakes may lead to wasted efforts, and a common mistake people make is not paying attention when collecting, causing the tea leaves to come into contact with air and cause excessive oxidation. As a result, for a large piece of tea cake, only the inner core part may be successfully transformed, while the outer part may be successfully transformed. Some of them are broken!" Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun nodded and thought: "This issue has been mentioned in many materials. It seems that people here advocate that tea must be properly exposed to air before it can be transformed. There is indeed a problem. But since someone has discovered this problem, why? Don’t you want to correct it?”

"That's because proper exposure to air does have an effect, but the degree is difficult to control. People here always act based on experience and cannot perfectly control the environmental conditions for collecting tea, so some accidents will happen from time to time. If the little slave controls it, there will naturally be no problem." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Of course! However, it is so dangerous to let tea leaves come into contact with the air. I wonder if its effect can outweigh this danger?" Li Yun asked.

"This is a good question, sir! Benefits and dangers coexist, and it depends on which one is greater. In Xiaonu's opinion, the dangers of letting the tea leaves come into contact with the air far outweigh the benefits, and it is not worth it! This is because, after the tea leaves are collected, There are actually two ways to transform later..." Xiaoxing said.

"Which two?"

"The first is to let the tea cakes gradually oxidize and mature by contacting the air. The tea aroma of the new tea will slowly dissipate, and the tea quality will gradually mellow, slowly precipitating and showing the aged aroma, and the tea charm will gradually brew and grow. This The process is relatively fast. It does not take long for the coldness of the new tea to weaken and the aging flavor to grow. Because of this, people here have observed this phenomenon through experience, so they all believe that the new tea cake needs to be exposed to the air to achieve rapid aging. The purpose of maturation!" Xiaoxing said.

"This can indeed shorten a lot of time and help the tea to be sold on the market in a shorter time." Li Yun nodded.

"But we know,

It is too risky to let tea leaves come into contact with the air. If you are not careful, all your efforts will be wasted. This rapid ripening method has a price, and sometimes the price is too high to bear. Therefore, we still need to pay more attention to the second transformation method. ! Xiaoxing smiled.

"Is the second method our method?" Li Yun asked.

"Our method is to completely dig into the origin of the tea leaves, and then inject polen energy to change the arrangement of the particles inside it, turning it directly into an energy body of tea leaves. The tea quality contained in it is by no means limited by ordinary spiritual consciousness. Being able to see clearly is by no means a state that can be achieved through collection. Even if a piece of tea is lucky enough to last for hundreds of millions of years, it cannot become the energy body we refine. So, this second method, Of course not our method, but..."

"But what?"

"It is somewhat similar to our method, that is, the pathway of microbial transformation!"

"Microbial transformation?"

"Yes, there are countless microorganisms in tea leaves, and they will all participate in the later transformation process of tea cakes. In fact, people here are not aware of this transformation pathway, but they inadvertently made the right step. !" Xiaoxing said.

"Which step?"

"It is to press loose tea leaves into dense shapes such as tea cakes, tea blocks, and tea bricks for preservation. Their purpose is to preserve and facilitate transportation. But doing so gives the microorganisms in the tea a rather stable The internal space allows them to live and move inside, and their activities will slowly promote the maturation of the tea cakes, making them mellow and mellow, which is why the Chen fragrance and Chen rhyme come from..." Xiaoxing explained.

"These microorganisms don't seem to need air too much?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"Yes! Many of these microorganisms are actually anaerobic. They do not need much air to survive and move in the tea. On the contrary, if there is too much air, their vitality will be severely inhibited. Therefore, loose tea cannot be transformed by microorganisms. The benefit is that only by pressing loose tea into tight tea blocks can this second transformation pathway be carried out. This is why the tea blocks become more valuable as they are stored. This is also the most important secondary production process of tea here. An important part!" Xiaoxing continued.

"So, the first transformation method is more suitable for short-term purposes. If people want to preserve tea for a long time to achieve the purpose of making it more valuable as they are stored, it is best to completely seal the tea and only focus on the second transformation method. ?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"That's right! Proper exposure to air is a short-term behavior of later transformation. It cannot last long and will deteriorate over time! The second microbial transformation pathway is the most important way for tea to become more valuable as it is stored. People here discovered through experience Knowing this, it has been passed down for a long time, but if they are asked to explain the reason, I am afraid no one can explain it clearly." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Of course! Now we can know that the leaves in those resin balls can also be transformed, because the leaves are sealed in the resin, and the microorganisms they carry are actually always active in them. These Resin is the best protection!”

"That's it. Therefore, if someone picks up these ancient resin balls and collects the leaves, it will be the best gift from nature!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Finding these resin balls or natural stone essences does not seem to be a problem for us, but we just don't need them..." Li Yun said.

"My lord, these resin balls and stone essences are wonderful treasures. They contain many tea tree factors. These factors are very useful for us to study the tea ceremony and cultivate top-notch tea trees!"

"Oh? Then look for it and get some!"

"No problem!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

He quickly controlled the monitoring network and searched for all the tea stars in the tea star cluster. Once he found one, he immediately captured it, protected it and made it invisible, and then flew towards Star Fortune Castle in a steady stream...

Some of these resin balls and stone spirits were deeply hidden, but they could not escape the penetrating power of the monitoring network. They were all captured from their hiding places and merged into this grand logistics...

There are also many that were collected or piled somewhere, and they are also missing...

Naturally, the people in the Tea Star Group did not know what happened, and the audience of the tea competition did not know even more, because their minds were completely focused on Jun Gengbei. At this time, he had taken out his tea leaves and put them into the teapot. This The action attracted special attention from countless forces!

Everyone, including Zhizunbao and others, are observing the quality of this bunch of tea leaves.

Many people have figured out that the good results achieved by Gao Guan, Hong Ji and Powell are inseparable from the emergence of top-quality tea. Including Qingding, their teas are all top-notch. This is the tea ceremony. The most important factor, bar none!

Therefore, if the Jun Geng Cup contains top-quality tea, then there will be suspense in this final, otherwise it will be impossible to defeat those in front...

However, whether the tea is of top quality cannot be seen just by looking at it. It can only be verified after brewing. What's more, there is an exquisite formation in the middle, so people can only stare at it, not knowing what to buy in the gourd. What kind of tea is...

Of course, what they don't know is that the so-called top-quality tea is actually just a little trick played by Xiaoxing, and of course he takes action again at this moment!

After quietly modifying the tea leaves in Jun Geng's cup, Xiaoxing smiled and said, "Sir, you're done!"

"Yes, just think of it as feedback for us taking so many resin balls and stone essences!" Li Yun said.

"Then we will deploy virus-killing nanobots here in the future?"

"This was deployed on a large scale. Of course, we have recovered the cost. With so many tea leaves, resin balls and stone essence, Supreme Treasure and the others have made a lot of money, that's all!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, but the Supreme Treasure and the others won't make much money after Xiao Nu takes action. Even if they win the first bet, they won't make much money in total..."

"We can't bankrupt Ban Zhangxing..."

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