The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2955 Overbearing Tea Qi

While the two were talking and watching Jun Gengbei's performance, they found that his tea ceremony was really good and he had his own style.

If many people in the tea ceremony pay attention to pouring high and low, being elegant and calm, and sipping slowly and slowly, then the Jun Geng Cup is much more grand!

His movements are extremely crisp and domineering, making people feel that he is not just sighing for tea, but fighting on the battlefield, and he has a breathtaking momentum!

You can tell just by listening to the sound of placing the teacups. Others place the teacups almost silently and quietly, but the Jun Geng cup just makes a clear and loud sound when the teacups and the tea table collide. This sound One sound after another, sometimes crisp, sometimes dull, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low, sometimes killing, sometimes singing... ups and downs, high and low, forming a sound of battlefield battle, which is extremely shocking and also I feel refreshed!


"Master Jun is Master Jun..."

“What an eye-opener!”

"If only I could do this..."

"Dream on you, the power of Taoism in this voice is not something that everyone can achieve. It might cause the cup and table to be smashed..."

"This is simply an audio-visual drama!"

"Drunk, drunk..."

The audience had mixed reactions, but it can be said that they admired the symphony presented by Jun Gengbei to the bottom of their hearts and were deeply addicted to it...

The trick of changing the cup can be said to be a head start. Before the tea soup is ready, the sound of tea has arrived, which arouses people's imagination...

When the tea boils, it rushes down from the kettle, and an astonishing burst of tea gas rushes out, but it is restrained by the spiritual power, and lingers in the spiritual power circle, making people drool...

Many people immediately discovered that this tea aroma was stronger than all the tea aromas they had seen before, and they couldn't help but cheer! ! !

Yes, the overbearing tea aroma is the most important feature of Banzhang tea. Anyone who has drunk Banzhang tea will be fascinated by its powerful tea aroma. After one cup, you will feel sweaty, and you will feel sweaty after several cups. If you feel your belly, your whole body will feel warm and comfortable, and you will have the urge to fly lightly...

After countless people drink Banzhang tea, it is difficult to forget the powerful tea aroma, and they usually feel like falling in love with it!

The strong tea aroma brings a rapid sweetness and a rich tea flavor, which makes people salivate in the mouth and feel like a spring at the bottom of the tongue. For tea drinkers, it is simply the top enjoyment. ...Of course, this is just because they have not yet tasted the tea that Tali is about to bring.

In fact, not to mention the audience and people from the major camps, even Jun Gengbei himself felt his heart beating violently. He had to try his best to control it in order to master the rhythm of his tea ceremony.

The reason for this is that he found that the tea energy today was extremely powerful. It was very different from before, at least ten times stronger!

This feeling was something he had never dared to imagine. He never dared to think that his tea could have such explosive power today. This was simply the rhythm of making history...

The tea gas was so strong that Jun Gengbei had to concentrate even more to prevent the pot from exploding!

Although his teapot is also a rare treasure, it is a huge question whether it can withstand the strength of the tea energy when it is increased by more than ten times. The Jun Geng Cup is carefully controlled, and the rhythm is much higher than before. transformation.

In the past, his tea ceremony was full of open and closed, domineering, letting people see his amazing courage to run across the battlefield and kill everyone, but now he is lightly gathering slowly, pouring high and low, and caring carefully. This is another Reflecting his tough and tender side, such a double-sided cup made countless people outside the venue fall in love with him, admire him, scream and cheer for him...

Even Ming Pi, Liu Sexin, Yu Qingchen, Wu Guoren and others who had been watching at the center of the big gambling board couldn't help but scream,

I have been cheering for Jun Geng Cup’s performance!

Everyone's hearts are beating fast. Whether Ban Zhangxing can win the first place depends on this!

Moreover, this game of Jun Geng Cup is also related to the fate of the big gambling game. In the previous gambling game, they have been defeated by the group of those big gamblers and are heavily in debt. Now they are misappropriating the bets of other gamblers. On the other hand, if the Jun Geng Cup fails, Ban Zhangxing will be completely defeated and everything will be over.

However, if Jun Geng Cup wins, everything will be different!

This is because the scale of the gambling game has grown far beyond what it was at the beginning. Even the first big bet made by the big gambler group is only meager from now on, and it is not as good as the amount of bets in the previous gambling games.

As long as Jun Geng Cup can win this game, the big gambling market can be completely turned around. Not only can you win money from the bet, but according to the odds, you can also win more money from other people. Xun Qingchen did the math, I found that this game is too crucial. If you win, Ban Zhangxing will live, if you lose, Banzhang Xing will die!

One round determines the outcome, the gambling game is so cruel!

This is also the main reason why Ming Pi and others are so excited. Now they have seen hope. With their eyes, they have already seen that the tea in the Jun Geng cup today is different from the past. It is obviously much stronger. Such tea flavor , which was many times stronger than the Banzhang tea they were familiar with. This made them excited but also very surprised.

"Brother Jun, is this tea the oldest tea from their Green Tree?" Liu Sexin asked suspiciously.

"Maybe, but I've never seen it, so I can't be sure!" Yu Qingchen said.

"Could it be the same as the reason why he learned from Qingding and asked people to cover their tea?" an unknown person speculated.

"This..." Everyone was stunned and thoughtful.

Mingfu said: "That's not the reason. What the tea cup adds is the aroma of tea, not the tea gas. The tea aroma now is the most authentic green big tree tea, and it can't be brought by the tea cup!"

Yan Qingchen nodded and said: "The leader is right! The aroma of tea is light and ethereal, which is quite different from the real aroma of tea. The aroma of tea brewed from brother Jun's tea is almost completely explosive." In this scene, I’m afraid not many people can withstand this drinking..."

Liu Sexin smiled and said: "Of course, not everyone can tolerate such tea!"

"We'll be able to drink it soon! It's been a while since we've tasted such top-quality green tree tea..." Wujiren said with some anticipation.


What was different from the reaction of these people was that at the temporary gambling group, Zhizunbao and others looked a little bad. With their eyes and their current understanding of the tea ceremony, they had already noticed that the tea in the Jun Geng cup today was There are differences.

Such a powerful tea spirit is much more powerful than the previous tea leaves from Powell, Gao San, Hong Ji and others, which means that the tea leaves in Jun Geng Cup are very likely to be top-quality tea leaves!

In other words, it is exactly what they discussed before, it is ancient tea!

Zhizunbao has attributed the outcome of this game to the tea leaves in Jun Geng's cup. In other words, if his tea leaves are only relatively high-end, he will lose. If his tea leaves are also top-notch tea leaves, then based on his tea ceremony level It is a sure win.

The reason why I bet on him is that from the history of Ban Zhangxing’s past games, they have lost three times in a row without having top-quality tea. This proves that Ban Zhang’s camp does not have top-quality products like ancient tea. If there is, With their pursuit of fame, it is impossible not to show it.


Things are really funny. There are too many surprises in this tea competition. Even the top teas can appear again and again. What has not been seen in the past can be found this time!

Looking at the tea aroma brewed in Jun Geng's cup, we can judge that the tea aroma of his tea is not only beyond the original expectation, but also far exceeds the tea aroma of Powell, Gao San and Hong Ji, reaching A new peak!

Seeing this, Zhizunbao exclaimed in disbelief: "How is it possible?! Ancient tea leaves are definitely not so easy to obtain!"

"But it did appear!" Tonghua sighed.

"It's over, it's over..." When the Supreme Treasure heard this, he couldn't help but lamented.

Everyone was stunned and felt extremely incredible about the scene in this final!

In their opinion, ancient tea leaves with a terrifyingly low probability of appearing appear one after another like cabbage on the roadside. Is there something wrong with all their previous perceptions?

Everyone stared closely, while constantly reflecting in their hearts...

But they know that this game is really hanging in the balance, unless something unexpected happens!

Just as I was thinking about this, something really happened on the field...

"Ka..." "Ka Ka..." "Ka Ka Ka..."...

Just hearing bursts of tearing sounds coming from the exquisite formation, everyone was shocked to find that the teapot in the Jun Geng Cup could not withstand the powerful tea gas, and cracks began to appear!

These cracks were extremely small at first, but the cracking sound was extremely loud, making people's ears pound and their hearts beat wildly...

As the tea gas continued to increase, the cracks also grew from small to large, gradually covering the entire body of the pot!

Jun Gengbei's face was extremely serious, and he used his whole body's spiritual power to protect the teapot tightly to prevent it from exploding. At the same time, he speeded up the process of making tea, quickly rushing the tea soup from the spout into the cup, and waited until a hundred cups were filled. Full, this powerful force of tea energy finally subsided, and the tearing sound stopped. Looking at the teapot again, it has completely turned into an ice-cracked body. If it weren't for the spiritual power of Jun Gengbei to protect it, I'm afraid it would have been broken by now. It's torn apart...

Everyone was finally relieved, but Zhizunbao and others were deeply disappointed. The teapot did not explode, which meant that the control of Jun Geng Cup was still successful. In this way, this accident was not an accident. , the ending is almost certain!

Zhizunbao's heart ached as if it was bleeding. For someone like him who had seen countless high-rolling gambles, it was still difficult for him to treat the outcome of this round easily. You know, if he won, then this gambling action would be simply unbearable. It can be described as perfect, but there was a big surprise in this game...

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