The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3095 Quan Bing

Falke's simple words have already given the Ice Skin Jade Cake its identity!

As the most advanced crystal-level gourmet besides Ling Daozi and Liufeng, and also the most senior gourmet in the gourmet constellation, Falke's words have the most authoritative meaning to everyone!

As soon as people heard it, they immediately believed that the ice-skin jade cake was the most perfect delicacy that Falk had been looking for, and now it was right in front of them, and they could buy it as long as they paid, so why not hurry up and get it? !

Everyone's eyes were red, and they were swallowing their saliva involuntarily...

With a smile on Xiaoxing's face, she said: "Seniors, with Pharaoh's personal experience and comments, the value of ice skin jade cakes needs no introduction. As for the quantity, it is indeed not much, only a mere billion, but its The price is at least half of a level 5 energy bar, otherwise it will not match its value at all. What seniors need to know is that if you take it to an alien group, selling it to a level 5 energy bar is not a problem at all. !”

"Wo..." Everyone couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this. Such a price has indeed begun to challenge their limits!

Level five energy bars already belong to the range of high-level energy bars in the core universe area, and there are level six and level seven energy bars above. As for level eight and level nine energy bars, they are extremely rare and belong to the treasure level. Even if people have them, they are not ordinary. They will be used as currency.

A five-level high-end energy bar can only buy two ice-skinned jade cakes. Such a price is really shocking!


For the gourmets at the venue, this was no problem at all!

In their view, top-notch food naturally needs top-notch prices to match. Otherwise, how can we talk about top-notch food?

It is precisely because of the wealth gap that these delicacies can only belong to a few people in the end, and owning such top-notch delicacies indirectly proves that you are part of those few people. What an honor is this? !

Especially in the food constellation, what everyone is fighting for is not all kinds of miscellaneous things, but mainly food. Whoever has tasted more delicious food is more advanced, and whoever has more food made by famous chefs means that Who has more face, more status, and more worthy of everyone's admiration...

Therefore, in this gathering of gourmets, if you do not compete for such delicacies, not only will you be looked down upon by others, but the gourmets themselves will look down on themselves!

What's more, Ling Daozi just said that if this jade cake is taken to the alien group, it can be sold for twice the price of a level 5 energy bar. This is of great significance to those who have been preparing to speculate. Endless attraction…

"I'll buy ten!"

"I'll buy a hundred!"

"A thousand!!"

"Ten thousand!!!"

"One hundred thousand!!!"


"Crazy... crazy..." Quan Feifeng saw this scene,

She was almost confused. She couldn't imagine how people could use a level 5 energy bar to buy two ice-skinned jade cakes? When she bought steamed buns and dumplings before, she already felt like her heart was bleeding. If her grandfather Quan Bing hadn't urged her again and again, she really wouldn't have been able to do it!

After all, Quan Feifeng is not a member of the gourmet group, and she does not pursue food so persistently, so it is indeed difficult for her to understand the psychology of these gourmets.

In her opinion, a level 5 energy bar is already a huge fortune for some ordinary people, but gourmets actually used it to buy two ice-skin jade cakes. These jade cakes are really so valuable. Is it tasty?

Even if the jade cakes are really as perfect as Falk said, if one bites, two will go into the stomach, and a small fortune will disappear in an instant. For someone like her who has not really been exposed to big wealth, it has an impact. is huge.

Although Quan Feifeng is the granddaughter of Quan Bing, the boss of the Quanzhu Group, and is certainly not short of money, she has grown up under Quan Bing's strict control from childhood to the present, and has never been in charge of a large fortune herself.

From this point of view, Quan Bing's way of educating Quan Feifeng seems to be a bit special. I don't know how he educates other children and grandchildren, but judging from the current Quan Feifeng, she does not have the arrogance that a wealthy princess usually has. Erqi is also careful with money and not lavish. These good qualities make her seem more approachable...

Quan Feifeng was in a daze when her subordinates suddenly reminded her to get to the spacecraft to see the light curtain information. Quan Bing came to find her again!

She quickly transformed into a spiritual body and returned to the spacecraft. Sure enough, she found that Quan Bing was already on the light screen, obviously waiting a little anxiously. When she saw Quan Feifeng appeared, she immediately said: "Xiao Feng, buy me ice skin jade cakes right away! One hundred million!!!”

"What?!!! One hundred million?!!!" Quan Feifeng was almost frightened...

"Yes, it's 100 million! I've already transferred the money to your account! Come and buy it right away!" Quan Bing said.

"Grandpa, are you mistaken? One hundred million means fifty million level five energy bars. How much can be done with so many energy bars? How can we buy pancakes?" Quan Feifeng finally resisted, because she I really can't bear the huge buying pressure.

Quan Bing hummed when he heard this: "What are fifty million level five energy bars? This is just a drop in the bucket to me. Next, I will also purchase a large amount of Xiaoling and Xiaoliu's delicious food, wine, coffee and tea. You can give it to me." I just need to keep an eye on it, you must definitely buy enough for me!”

" can you spend money just for food and drink? This is what you have taught me since I was a child! If this is the case, then I will start buying in large quantities!!!" Quan Feifeng said fiercely.

"Haha! Hahahahaha... Okay! It seems you finally dared to say no to me! This surprised me a bit, but when it comes to food, you can buy it if you want. I won't stop you. Money If you don't have enough, ask me for it, but I want to remind you that although those delicacies are good, they are like poison to you. Didn't you hear what Xiaoling said? You will transform as long as you eat an ice skin jade cake. This is right for you. It's like losing your virginity to you, so even if you buy it, don't eat it, you can save it for later!" Quan Bing laughed.

"You?!!! How good is grandpa!!! I'm ignoring you!!!" Quan Feifeng turned around and ran away, but Quan Bing's words came from behind, asking her to buy immediately...

Quan Feifeng withdrew her consciousness, and her whole expression was a little strange. Thinking of what her grandfather had just said, she felt hot and soft all over, and her face was as pink and tender as a peach blossom...

"The ice skin jade cakes sold out so fast, only 20% are left..." Xiaoxing seemed to be muttering to himself.

Quan Feifeng was shocked when she heard this. Isn't 20% equal to 200 million?

In just a short period of time, Ling Daozi sold 800 million units. If he didn't do it, how could he complete the task assigned by his grandfather?

She was excited and said quickly: "Xiao Ling, I want 100 million!!!"

"What?!!!" Falk, Hemu, Niu Feng, Popov and Drake all screamed when they heard this.

Xiaoxing asked: "One hundred million?"

"That's right! It's 100 million! I've already transferred the money to your account!" Quan Feifeng straightened her chest and said proudly.

"Very good! I have received the money, and I will give you this space stone!"

Xiaoxing said with a smile, took out a small space stone and handed it to Quan Feifeng...

Quan Feifeng took it and said in surprise: "There are really 100 million ice-skin jade cakes in here?"

"Of course! In order to show respect to the big customers, I gave away 10,000 more!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Really?!!!" Quan Feifeng was a little stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect Ling Daozi to do such a thing.

"If you don't believe me, count it yourself...Okay, I still have to ship goods..." Xiaoxing turned around to take other people's orders...

When Waki ​​and Ushikaze saw this scene, they felt bad!

Both of them bought one million, but they didn't expect Quan Bing to buy a hundred times as much as they did!

This shows how strong the financial resources of Quanzhu Group are now!

Both are famous big forces in the universe, but Teng Xin Network and Ah Wai Network are dwarfed by the Quan Zhu Group. How can this make Hemu and Niu Feng feel so embarrassed?

"It seems your grandpa has made a fortune!" Niu Feng teased.

Quan Feifeng was startled and quickly responded: "Senior, do you know my grandfather?"

"Of course! We used to enjoy delicious food together often. His pursuit of delicious food is much crazier than my brother and I, so you must be helping your grandpa do the shopping!" Niu Feng snorted.

"This...senior is right! If it were me, I would definitely not buy these delicacies!" Quan Feifeng said.

"Oh? Didn't your grandfather's love for food pass on to you?" Niu Feng was startled.

"Is loving food an advantage? Well, I admit that it is indeed an advantage, but it costs too much money to cultivate this advantage. Anyway, I am not very keen on it..." Quan Feifeng responded.

"What?! If your grandpa hears you say this, he will definitely object! For him, food is his life. Look at his big belly. There are so many delicacies from all over the world and all over the universe. ! Didn’t he teach you his unique insights into food?" Niu Feng asked curiously.

"Grandpa rarely talks about food when he is with us. I didn't know he was so obsessed with food!" Quan Feifeng told the truth.

"Oh my god... I seriously doubt that he did this to save money, because he was afraid that you would spend his money on delicious food!" Niu Feng laughed.

"Giggles, senior is right! However, grandpa just told me that if I want to buy delicious food, I can just buy it and he will pay for it all!" Quan Feifengjiao said with a smile.

"Really?" Niu Feng was startled.

"Of course it's true! However, since Xiaoling gave another 10,000 ice-skin jade cakes, I don't have to spend money to buy them. Thank you Xiaoling!!!" Quan Feifeng said happily.

"Hey, you're welcome! As long as they are big customers, I will give them away. Calculated based on one ten thousandth of the order quantity, 100 million pieces means giving away 10,000 pieces. Several seniors ordered one million pieces, so I gave them one as a gift. Hundreds, so if you want to get more delicious food for yourself, just place a big order!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

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