The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3096 Roast Chicken Cheaper than Life Extension Pill

Quan Feifeng's eyes lit up when she heard this wonderful thing, and her thoughts turned secretly. Anyway, it was her grandfather's money. She didn't want this advantage to go to waste. Think about it, the value of the 10,000 ice-skin jade cakes given this time is 5,000 yuan. A level 5 energy bar, it seems like I have never owned such a huge amount of money alone...

She quickly checked the Xingyun Baozi and Xingyun Dumplings she had purchased before, and found that Ling Daozi had indeed packed them with gifts without saying a word, and she couldn't help but feel overjoyed!

"Giggle, I didn't expect Xiaoling to be so good at doing things. He is so smart! Sister, I really like you so much!" Quan Feifeng said with a smile.

When the people around heard this, their eyes immediately focused on Quan Feifeng's face!

Quan Feifeng took a bad look, and then realized that what she just said seemed very ambiguous, frivolous, and provocative. How could such words come from the mouth of a lady like herself? !

She suddenly turned red with embarrassment and said quickly: "What sister means is that she likes the way you do things, not like... Oh, anyway, it means that you are very lovable when you do this. Don't misunderstand me... "

"Haha, hahaha, hahahahaha..." When the people around heard her saying such words, they were getting darker and darker. They couldn't help laughing and burst into laughter...

Quan Feifeng was so embarrassed that her delicate body trembled. She felt bad and hurriedly hid behind a bodyguard...

Fortunately, Ling Daozi was really smart. He changed the subject in time and said loudly: "Seniors, all one billion ice-skin jade cakes have been sold out! The speed is quite fast. The next thing to be sold is roast chicken. The quantity There are only 500 million of them, and the price of one is a level 5 energy bar. I hope the seniors who want to buy it must be faster, otherwise I will not be able to control the delicious food falling into the hands of others! You must know that chefs There are only so many delicacies made by God himself. If you sell every one, there will be one missing. I don’t know how long it will take to buy one in the future..."

While he was talking, the gourmets were also discussing...

"Oh my God! One billion ice skin jade cakes sold out so quickly?!!!"

"There are too many rich people!"

"No, there are definitely not too many rich people, but the purchasing power of one rich person is much higher than that of 100 million ordinary people!"

"Brother, what you said makes sense! In fact, a large part of these delicacies have been bought by a few people, and others can only compete for the remaining small portion according to their own abilities..."

"Yes, I just heard that Quan Feifeng actually bought 100 million!"

"Not bad! I heard that her grandfather Quan Bing asked her to buy it... Ling Daozi also gave her 10,000 pieces as a gift!"

"Wo...the gifts alone are beyond our imagination..."

"The gap between the rich and the poor is too big!"

"Who says he is the major shareholder of Quanzhu Group? If he has no money,

Who else can have money? "

"That's right! If you have the ability to build a big group and power yourself, then you will have endless food..."

"That's exactly what it means!"

"Oh, I finally made up my mind to buy it, but it was sold out! If I had known this, I wouldn't have hesitated for so long..."

"You are a real person, what do you have to worry about? Anyway, you can sell it as soon as you change hands. Are you still worried that the Taoist works of God of Cooking will rot in your own hands?"

"Yes, if I had heard what Xiongtai said earlier, I would have grabbed it. I really regret it..."

"Look, Xiao Ling has brought out a big round egg!"

"Big round egg? He seemed to have said it was roast chicken just now! I must buy this!!!"


Everyone's eyes quickly focused on the roasted chicken that Ling Daozi took out. They saw that the chicken was still wrapped in an oval earth shell ball. The entire earth shell was steaming and exuding a warm smell. Special scent…

"Huh..." When Falk, Hemu, Niu Feng, Popov and Drake smelled the fragrance, their noses suddenly twitched, and their faces looked quite wonderful...

Their eyes were fixed on this oval earth-shell ball, their throats moved slightly, and their saliva secretly swallowed...

The earthen shell ball rotates gently in the air, attracting tens of billions of eyes, and everyone's hearts are full of anticipation!

Speaking of roasted chicken, I am afraid that countless people can roast a fragrant and fat chicken by themselves, so what is the difference between Chef God's roasted chicken?

Even Quan Feifeng is full of curiosity. Although she has not been so keen on food since she was a child, in such an atmosphere where gourmets gather, it is impossible not to become interested in food, not to mention that she is now helping her grandfather Quan While purchasing Bing, I can also get some gifts, so naturally I am also imagining what this roast chicken will be like...

I saw a flash of golden light in Ling Daozi's hand, and a small golden hammer with sparkling crystals appeared. He aimed it at the earth-shell ball and knocked it gently. The earth-shell ball suddenly broke and fell, and was recovered by him. At the same time, one was covered by the thick spiritual mist. The roasted chicken that was so wrapped that it couldn’t be seen with the naked eye was exposed!

Although no one can see it clearly with their naked eyes, the people at the scene can detect the real situation of the chicken through their spiritual consciousness, while those who watch the live broadcast on the Internet can only stare...

"Wow!!!" The people at the scene burst into cheers. Apparently, they could already feel the charm of this roast chicken!

Quan Feifeng couldn't help but drooled, but her spiritual body hurriedly ran to the spacecraft. Sure enough, Grandpa Quan Bing was almost impatient with waiting. When he saw her arriving, he asked hurriedly: "How is it? !How about it?!"

"Grandpa...that chicken...smells really fragrant!!!" Quan Feifeng said excitedly.

"Is it just fragrant?"

"Hmm, I can't tell you anything else, but now my consciousness is on this chicken, and I feel that the spiritual power of this chicken is as wide as the sea, and almost every place is condensed with vitality. This is simply... It's not a chicken, but a spiritual vein, a small world full of vitality, which a level five energy bar cannot compare to!!!" Quan Feifeng said in astonishment.

"What?!!!" The more Quan Bing listened, the less calm he became. He felt that Quan Feifeng's comment was quite unique.

Because few people would evaluate a delicacy as spiritual and small world. However, Quan Bing knew that Quan Feifeng was extremely sensitive to the breath of vitality. If she said that this chicken was full of vitality, then it must be so. !

And the breath of vitality is so rare and valuable in the universe, and it is what everyone is diligently pursuing. Who doesn’t want to live forever?

All living beings are tired and busy. Who doesn’t want to live for a few more years and enjoy the beauty of life while the body is still there?

Therefore, many people are willing to spend thousands of dollars for a life-extending pill, and give everything they have for a breath of life...

They all know the value of life, but it is too difficult to take the road to life, because everyone finds that no matter how hard they try, they cannot prevent the life in them from gradually passing away over time...

The power of time is great, and it will constantly take away the vitality of life. Very few people can enter this way. Only a very few people can possess the way of time, thereby saving part of their own vitality. However, it is even more difficult to possess the way of vitality. , because almost no one can find that not only will they not lose vitality, but they will continue to generate vitality!

Quan Bing understands that it is almost impossible to have vitality in delicious food!

Because in the process of making delicacies, almost all the ingredients used are dead and not alive. Of course, some people will choose to eat them raw, but there are very few delicacies suitable for eating raw, and they seem too cruel. After eating, On the contrary, it will cause backlash to the person who swallows it, which is harmful to the body.

So, why does Ling Daozi’s roast chicken have a vitality? And it seems that the situation is still so strong, as attractive as a spiritual vein?

"You really didn't feel wrong?!" Quan Bing asked in disbelief.

"You can't be wrong!!! This chicken is much more energetic than alive! Almost everyone present can sense this, but you can only see it through a light screen, so naturally you can't sense it!" Quan Feifeng said confidently.

"Oh my God! Does it mean that the God of Cooking has the power to bring life to life?!" Quan Bing finally came to his senses.

"The way to life?" Quan Feifeng was startled.

"That's right! Only those who have the way of vitality can condense the vitality into the food they make, otherwise it is impossible!" Quan Bing said.

"This... what grandpa said makes sense!" Quan Feifeng's eyes lit up and she suddenly realized!

"Based on your sensitivity to vitality, to what extent can you feel the vitality contained in this chicken?" Quan Bing asked again.

"As I said just now, this chicken is like a small world full of vitality. During my investigation, I can almost see the entire life course of this chicken. It grew up in a lush forest from childhood to adulthood. They fought, interacted with other chickens, fought against the weasels who came to catch them, etc. Later, they were captured and made into such a roast chicken..." Quan Feifeng said happily.

"Wow!!! Xiaofeng, buy me 100 million right now! No! 200 million!!!" Quan Bing said excitedly.

"What?! Two hundred million?!" Quan Feifeng thought her ears heard wrong.

"That's right! This kind of roasted chicken is the same as a life-extending pill, but it's much cheaper than a life-extending pill! You go and buy it right now, there's no problem in buying them all!" Quan Bing yelled.

"Wo...Xiao Ling seems to say there are only 500 million chickens..."

"What? Only 500 million?! Buy them all!!! I'll send the money right away!" Quan Bing said impatiently.

"Okay!!!" Quan Feifeng was already numb and rushed back immediately.

Seeing Ling Daozi shipping the goods, he immediately said: "Xiao Ling, don't sell it, I'll take care of the rest!" Quan Feifeng said loudly.

"What?!!!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "You have it all covered? There are still 200 million left?"

"Twenty million? So few?!" Quan Feifeng was stunned.

Hemu interjected: "Two hundred million is still less? Does your grandfather really want them all?"

“Want them all!!!”

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