The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3164 Shura Field

Xiaoxing was controlling and observing, and said: "Sir, the effect is very obvious. The energy flow around the center of the storm is weakening, but the center is still extremely stable. It won't take long for this place to become a relatively independent gaseous space, just like Like a bubble floating in the storm..."

Li Yunyi laughed and said: "Your statement is very vivid. Our move is like creating interstellar bubbles. Each bubble is a gaseous space. It is indeed very magical... It seems that our deduction is still very successful!" "

"Of course!" Xiaoxing said with a proud smile.

"See if there is life in this central space?" Li Yun asked.

"Yes! Sir, please take a look!"

Xiaoxing opened countless light curtains. Li Yun took a closer look and couldn't help being startled and exclaimed: "So many?!!!"

"Hehe, I don't know how many years this place has existed. These beings can only get in and out. They have accumulated so far that they can be said to be countless!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"I suspect they are lucky that they did not starve to death..." Li Yun sighed.

"It's good to be able to starve to death naturally. The scary thing is that some people may have been eaten by others! The weak eat the strong. In such a closed environment with no future, you can imagine what kind of stories will happen..." Xiao Star said.

Li Yun was dumbfounded and sighed softly: "It makes sense. I guess the people in front, as well as the strong ones, are waiting for the people who come in behind. If they find any weak people, they will grab them for food..."

"This may be just one of many stories. There may be many other possibilities. For example, some women are raped first and then eaten, some are forced to work and serve by strong men, and terrible things may be happening in some bubble spaces. Due to the war, there are still some bubbles where people from the planet may have appeared to dominate the bubbles..." Xiaoxing gave an example.

"Although the story you told is a bit extreme, in such a closed environment, the interpretation of life is indeed easy to go in an extreme direction, so it is possible to happen... A bubble is equivalent to a world, and with the life entering it More and more, all kinds of extreme things will happen here..." Li Yun nodded.

"Sir, what Xiaonu said is right! In this space, there are currently many forces that are separatist. Fights often occur between them, and those who are captured are captured and eaten by the other party!" Xiaoxing was surprised. said.

He didn't expect that his words came true. After grabbing some information here, he discovered that cannibalism really does exist!

"Oh my God! How long has this been going on?!" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Judging from recorded historical data, cannibalism has been around for nearly a million years, and the data before that may have been destroyed. It is estimated that the time will be much earlier!" Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun was dumbfounded. They began cannibalism more than a million years ago. How many people have they eaten in these past million years?

What is mentioned in the data is recorded, but what about those that are not recorded?

He quickly began to read the bubble space information captured by Xiaoxing. This information included the formation time of the storm center space, how it was formed, internal evolution, the entry of life, the evolution of life, etc., and most of the information happened After life comes...

These beings who entered here by accident due to some reasons are indeed relatively unlucky. After arriving here, they will be glad that they have escaped the influence of the storm at first, but later they will be shocked to discover that this windless space turns out to be They actually exist in the storm, and they cannot go out at all. Once they go out, the consequences are unpredictable. After the previous escape, they have almost lost the courage to leave this space again, so they can only choose to stay here and hope for miracles. happened…

There are more and more stories happening next, and they are becoming more and more unbelievable. This nihilistic world has almost no energy sources. Without a good energy conversion method, it is impossible to obtain the energy you need. For cultivators, the lack of energy replenishment is quite fatal. Not only is it impossible to guarantee normal cultivation,

It will also affect the longevity of the body, so everyone starts to worry about energy issues...

The situation was okay at first, because many people came in together with the ship. The ship itself had a certain energy reserve and could last for a while. However, as time went by, the energy could only go out but not in, and it was consumed very quickly. So various plots began to unfold...

These plots almost coincided with Xiaoxing's previous predictions, which made Li Yun extremely emotional. It seemed that even a good person would become a bad person after being exposed to such an extreme environment. Demonic existence…

Because even if you don’t rob and murder others, others will come to rob and murder you sooner or later. It’s better that you are a strong person. Maybe others won’t do anything to you, but there is a problem, that is, if you don’t rob and murder you, If you don't get new energy replenishment from others, then your cultivation level will decline accordingly, your combat power will of course gradually lose, and the strong will turn into a weak one, and of course you will become the target of others' schemes!

Therefore, in order to protect yourself, you must also rob and murder others, and even work hard to cultivate to a higher level to prevent others from immediately targeting you after surpassing you!

In such a world, almost everyone is in danger and there is no sense of security at all. What makes Li Yun and Xiaoxing even more distressed is that when there are powerful enemies outside and no outside life enters to divert the target, many people They began to turn their targets inward, because they almost all brought slaves into the space. In order to protect their masters, those slaves were willing to commit suicide or sacrifice themselves to sacrifice food to maintain their master's fighting power. In their view, as long as the master's fighting power is there, Then he and the other slaves will still be safe...

Therefore, those slaves almost always play a game, which is somewhat similar to some kind of death game in the pre-universe, which is a revolver gun. There are six bullet holes in the gun, one of which is loaded with bullets. No one knows where the bullets are loaded. bullet holes, and then everyone takes turns shooting themselves in the head, and the unfortunate ones are shot and die...

Every time you play the death game, one person will die, and the entire team can last for a while, but as time goes by, the number of slaves will gradually decrease, and some people may even be left alone!

People who have devoured their slaves will almost always have some kind of mental problem. Some people think it is because of the backlash of heaven. In fact, Li Yun and Xiaoxing know that these devourers should be poisoned by corpse poison. In every life, Corpse poison is almost always present in the human body, especially when life is on the verge of death. The corpse poison in the body will be secreted in large quantities and rapidly, and is distributed throughout the body, especially in the internal organs and brain. The devourer usually eats it alive. After that, they will be infected with corpse poison. With their cultivation level, they can resist a small amount of corpse poison, but accumulating too much will definitely not work. Corpse poison will corrode the brain, internal organs, golden elixir and other parts of the devourer, causing them to appear mentally similar. The problem.

Then someone may ask, is there any problem if it is cooked and eaten?

Generally speaking, the situation will be much better if it is cooked, because it can kill most of the corpse toxin molecules. However, even if it is cooked, there will still be a small amount of corpse toxin molecules, but its activity will be affected. That’s all, eating too much will still cause problems with the brain and internal organs, so of course, the food must be well cooked!

However, in the world of cultivation, people have a simple understanding, that is, only by eating them alive can they absorb all the essence of the other person. If they are cooked, how can they swallow the other person's spiritual power?

You must know that for a cultivator, the essence of his body is the powerful spiritual power that he has cultivated, and these powerful spiritual powers are hidden in his skin, flesh, muscles and bones. If he cooks them, will these spiritual powers disappear? Woolen cloth?

No one is willing to do such an experiment, because the training and teachings received by Devourers are to devour each other alive, so they finally have the opportunity to devour each other, but they don’t want to lose the opportunity to gain spiritual power by cooking them...

In addition to the devouring within the forces, the prisoners obtained after the battles between the various forces are the primary targets to be devoured. All slaves know that if they can catch the other party's people, then the force can reduce the number of suicides and food sacrifices. Therefore, in every war, we try our best to either catch the other party's people or be caught by the other party. If we are really unfortunate enough to be caught by the other party, everyone knows that it will inevitably end up being swallowed up. So basically everyone will self-destruct first. Of course, after using this trick too much, the opponent will be on guard against this, and their powerful will definitely take action to prevent the captive from self-destructing...

These stories mainly take place among the lives and forces that settled in the bubble space in the early days. However, new entrants will appear in these bubble spaces every once in a while. After these people have experienced the torment of the violent storm outside, they finally survive. Entering this space gives you a chance to breathe, but some people may have been killed before they even react!

That's right, how could the powerful people who settled in early miss such an opportunity to gain energy?

Even if they are fighting with each other, there will always be people monitoring the surrounding situation. Once they find that new life forms have entered, they will immediately launch a terrible attack and kill these people in ignorance...

Unless the opponent is a strong person, it is possible to save his life under such a surprise attack, and then learn from this incident and become another fighting force in this bubble space...

Bubble space seems like a rare haven in a violent storm, but it has actually evolved into a terrifying Shura field, so much so that some people finally couldn't stand its cruelty and even chose to plunge back into the violent storm outside. Lost in an instant...

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