The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3165 Catch them all in one swoop

Although Li Yun has seen a lot and has a strong psychological endurance, he is not as hard-hearted as other great powers, but still has a soft heart, so he can't help but feel a little unbearable to see this, but he knows, Under the extreme environment of the bubble space, the good part of every living being is firmly suppressed, while the evil part has been fully stimulated and continuously developed to the extreme. If a person does not have strong ability and determination, It is impossible to withstand the force...

Therefore, any situation in the bubble space is acceptable. However, after seeing these horrific situations, Li Yun felt a little hesitant in his heart...

"Xiaoxing, do you want to save these people?" Li Yun asked.

"Why do you ask this, sir?" Xiaoxing was startled and asked curiously.

"You see, the vast majority of them have become real Devourers, and after becoming Devourers, they will become addicted! We have encountered countless Devourers. These people want to change Devourers. It is almost impossible, or extremely difficult, to save them but not reform them, but release them, it will be tantamount to putting these devourers back to where they were originally. place, in that case they will swallow more and more lives..." Li Yun sighed.


Xiaoxing suddenly understood when he heard this. Of course he understood this situation very well, so he said: "Don't worry, sir! We can imprison these people and reform them, and we won't let them go until the reform is successful! By the way, they can actually be included in Xingyun The Hope Civilization inside the fort, that civilization is composed of Planets and Devourers, it would be best to let these people go there to transform it!"

"That's right..." Li Yun's eyes lit up!

The establishment of Hope Civilization appeared at the strong request of those planets and Devourers. After such a long period of transformation and development, the current situation looks quite good. It really makes Li Yun and Xiao Xing saw hope. Not only had many Devourers basically given up their addiction to devouring, but Hope's civilization had become quite advanced and was one step closer to building a light-speed spaceship!

It is indeed a good way to bring the people in the Bubble World under the control of the planet people and use evil to fight evil. Although some of these people are already extremely powerful, it is still impossible to defeat the planet people who want to be civilized, so let them It's just right to accept the management of planet people...

"In that case, there's nothing more to say, just do it!" Li Yun said.

"Okay!!!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

For Xingyun Castle, it can be said that it is extremely easy to deal with these people now, because the difference in civilization level between the two is too big. To be honest, Xiaoxing is a little annoyed even taking action, but thinking of it, Xiaoxing thinks it is quite interesting to bring these people into the Hope Civilization and let the people from the planet severely punish them. After all, among the four major civilizations in Xingyun Castle, the people who want to be civilized are the least. In this regard, those planets People have been complaining for a long time, so when Xiaoxing said that they would add some personnel this time, the people on these planets immediately became excited!

Ruo Shan, a person from the water planet, smiled and said: "Xiao Ling, are you telling the truth?! Are there really so many Devourers?"

"Of course! An interstellar storm was discovered this time. Many bubble spaces appeared in the storm. Most of the people who entered it have evolved into Devourers. Your Excellency has already said that we will rescue these people, but we will not release them immediately. If you kill them, they will be imprisoned forever if they cannot be transformed! So, this is a great opportunity for you to expand your manpower!" Xiaoxing said.

As he spoke, he fired several huge light curtains, and the planets quickly stared at it. Sure enough, they confirmed it immediately after taking a look!

Ku Rong, a man from Huangmao Planet, said loudly: "Xiao Ling, I can confirm that these people are Devourers at a glance!"

"Oh? All of them?"

"This...a few of the ones I've seen so far are not...but the number is very small! The rest are basically all!" Ku Rong said.

"Okay, after I capture them later, you can identify and screen them. If they are not Devourers, I will arrange them differently!" Xiaoxing said.

"Okay! Don't worry, Xiao Ling!" Ku Rong said quickly.

"Jie Jie Jie... Looks like I'm busy again!" said the man from the human-faced planet with a bright smile.

Leng Shuang, a man from the ice planet, sneered: "Last time you almost tortured several Devourers to death. It's lucky that I didn't punish you. Do you still want to make the same mistake again and again?"

" could this happen? I'm very measured in my actions! Besides, even if I want to torture, I will still find someone with a stronger body..." Sheng Yan defended.

"I think you should save your money. It's better for me to do this transformation task!" Leng Shuang said sharply.

"That's not possible! The transformation task has always been done by me, why should you do it this time?" Sheng Yan said quickly.

"Because you didn't do a good job!" Leng Shuang said.

"Who said that? Except for you, neither Xiao Ling nor the adults said anything!"

"You?! I took action for your own good. If you make another mistake and are locked up by adults and Xiao Ling again, I'm afraid you will never have a chance to stand up again..."


"Who says it's impossible?"

"It's just impossible..."

Sheng Yan and Leng Shuang were about to have a huge quarrel over who would carry out the transformation mission. People from other planets finally couldn't bear it anymore and started to stop the fight. The scene was quite intense for a while...

Suddenly, Huang Qi, a native of the earth planet, said in a cold voice: "Why don't you shut up?! Xiao Ling has already started arresting people!"

When everyone heard this, they quickly turned to the big light curtain, but they felt that their eyes were almost dazzled and they almost couldn't open their eyes...

Ter Rui, who is from the gold planet, said in shock: "Xiao Ling seems to be using Guanghai's method. Is he going to kill them all in one go?"

"That's for sure! Do we need two nets to catch these people?" Huang Qi said loudly.

"But the scale of that bubble world is a hundred times your body. It is extremely huge. It seems quite difficult to catch them all in one go, right?" Ter Rui said suspiciously.

"Are you confused? With Xiao Ling's ability and the power of our Xingyun Castle, even a bubble world that is thousands of times bigger is no problem!" Huang Qi teased.

"What? Do you really think so?" Ter Rui said in shock.

"Of course! If you don't believe it, just watch..."

After hearing Huang Qi's judgment, the planets couldn't help but become very interested in this capture operation and stared closely...

But I heard Xiaoxing's voice saying: "Don't just stare here, someone has already been arrested! Go to Hope Square and keep an eye on it. There are about 100 million people in this bubble world. I will arrest them in batches. You must hurry up and conduct the screening, and you must not make any mistakes!"

"I see!"

"Yes! Xiao Ling, don't worry!"

"Go quickly!"


Huang Qi and others did not dare to neglect, and quickly turned to Hope Square, and found that countless people had gathered here. It was completely dark at first glance, and everyone was unconscious, lying all over the floor...

Several people immediately identified and screened these people and found that some of them were not Devourers. Most of these non-devourers were slaves of certain Devourers. It can be said that they are extremely lucky to have survived until now and were given to them by Xiaoxing. saved!

These people were picked out, and the other Devourers were transferred to the transformation site. Soon, a new batch of them were transferred over...

The small star's sea of ​​light used its unstoppable crushing force to trap all the lives in the bubble space, and transferred them to the Hope Civilization one by one. It didn't take long for nearly 100 million lives to be transferred!

Among them, there are close to one million non-devourers, which is only one percent. The reason why they are so lucky to survive until now, from the information point of view, is that most of them are new entrants and have not had time yet. Being consumed, if time goes on, this group of people will no longer exist!

"Sir, what should we do with these non-devourers?" Xiaoxing asked.

"They have gone through the cruel process of the bubble world, and I am afraid that their mentality has collapsed! It is better to erase their experience and put it into Xuanling Civilization, Yika Civilization and Aitan Civilization. Moreover, after Star Fortune Castle The rules in the world are different from those in the outside world, and they will no longer be affected by the previous relationship between master-slave and master-servant, and can develop there with peace of mind..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Hehe, in this way, these people can be said to be a blessing in disguise! Of course, the same is true for those Devourers..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Of course, when we encounter this situation, we actually have to save it, because we can't just watch them be destroyed, and we can't let them come back, so we can only let them join Star Fortune Castle! What's next? There are many bubble spaces. Unexpectedly, this star field has turned into a bottomless pit that swallows life. No one who enters it by mistake can return, so no one knows that the risk is so great..." Li Yun sighed.

"This is indeed a bottomless pit. Many people also know that interstellar navigation is risky. If you are not particularly familiar with the route, don't try it easily, otherwise you may encounter certain risks! Moreover, for space navigation, everyone Each voyage may take a long time, and some people may be trapped inside. People outside may think that they are still on the voyage, so they do not raise enough alertness until they find that they have no information for a long time. Will realize that something may be wrong with them..." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun nodded and added: "There is another reason, that is, this star field is extremely confusing. There is no risk at all on the outside. Once you enter, you will be involved in the storm in a very short time. These people There is no time to send out a warning message. Even if it is sent out, it will be interfered by this energy field and lose its effect... Therefore, those on the periphery can only judge where they may be trapped based on some of the messages they have sent before. Only then is it possible to find this place, like"

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