The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3182 Perpetual Motion Formation

White hole? ! What kind of hole is a white hole? ! Quan Binghu asked.

Guowei stroked his beard gently and said mysteriously: "A white hole is the opposite of a black hole..."

"Black hole?! What kind of hole is a black hole?!" Quan Bing became even more confused...

"A black hole is a star that is so dark that you can't see it at all. If you accidentally bump into it, it will be over..." Guowei hummed.

" there really a kind of star in the universe that is so dark that we can't see it?" Quan Bingqi asked.


"So, when we look at the interstellar space now, many places are covered in darkness. If there is a black hole hidden in those places, wouldn't it be very dangerous for us to sail through it?" Quan Bing said.

"Haha, you don't have to worry too much. Black holes must be hidden somewhere in the universe. However, the universe is so big, it is not easy to encounter a black hole. Otherwise, there must be many fleets. You suffered a disaster, right?" Guowei laughed.

"I see, it's okay, it's okay... Speaking of which, is the white hole a white star? But why did Xiaoling say just now that we still can't see it?" Quan Bing asked again.

Guowei rolled his eyes and said: "Um...didn't you hear what Xiao Ling said? The energy level of the white hole is extremely high, and we cannot easily see it. We must rely on spiritual consciousness and detectors to observe it!"


Quan Bing was confused for a while. He didn't expect that Guowei's words went around and around again. I'm afraid that even Guowei himself didn't understand the two kinds of stars, black holes and white holes...

However, Guowei's qualifications are older than his own, so Quan Bing will not expose his behavior of pretending to understand to his face. Besides, Quan Bing has not figured it out yet, so he has no choice but to remain silent and listen more attentively. With…

Xiaoxing was secretly happy. These old foxes in the universe actually had a cute side. I had tried very hard to explain it to them before, but now it seemed that the effect was not very good. Even Guowei didn't understand it. , so he took the trouble to explain to Quan Bing that celestial bodies like black holes and white holes have long been beyond the imagination of people like them. If he wants them to understand, I'm afraid he will just keep talking about it for ten days. It will probably be difficult to tell clearly in half a month...

He put away the light screen again and said: "Seniors, our fleet is very close to the first bubble phantom now. It is not appropriate to be distracted. Please pay attention to my instructions..."

"Wo..." Everyone suddenly came to their senses upon hearing this.

Looking out of the porthole on the flagship, I found that the bubble was already visible to the naked eye!

According to Ling Daozi, this bubble has been named Phantom by him. It seems that the headquarters of Phantom Group will undoubtedly be here in the future. Everyone couldn't help but perked up and stared at Phantom Bubble...

They found that this bubble space was much more gorgeous than it looked on the light screen. It was not an ordinary mist, but a colorful ball with rich tones and gloss. Its size was also extremely huge, compared to the core There are no big planets in the universe, and it can be said that it is the largest gaseous planet that everyone has seen with their own eyes so far!

It is unimaginable that such a huge planet is actually empty inside. If it weren't for the video message recorded by Jiang Hui and the introduction just now by Xiaoxing, no one would have dared to believe it.

At this time, the Phantom Bubble had already exerted a huge traction on the fleet, causing the fleet to unknowingly become faster and faster, and involuntarily rushed towards the bubble...

Everyone felt a state of weightlessness, and their bodies involuntarily became light and airy. The design of these ships was difficult to cope with such high speeds, so there was no good design to prevent weightlessness. This situation is extremely normal.

Except for Li Yun, Xiao Xing and Shui Xin, everyone else was thrown up by the inertia of high-speed flight and hit the ship's board hard. Various items fell to the ground in an extremely messy mess...

Shui Xin stared at Phantom Bubble closely, feeling extremely shocked. He had traveled through the universe for millions of years and had never truly entered a gaseous planet to observe.

He had never seen a gaseous planet with an empty interior. He couldn't imagine how such a bubble planet was formed?

How long will it exist in this state?

In his opinion, this huge gaseous planet is really like a bubble, and the life cycle of a bubble is extremely short, and it may disappear soon. Didn't Ling Daozi say it before? There were originally countless bubble spaces here, but they were all taken away, leaving only these nine big bubbles. So, is the formation and maintenance of these nine big bubbles related to him and Liu Feng?

These questions kept flashing through his mind, but he had no time to think about it now, because he saw an extremely spectacular scene. When the fleet dived towards the Phantom Bubble, he saw that the bubble below actually seemed to come alive. A huge gap opened in the middle, forming a rolling and flowing circular gas ring. From a distance, it looked like a burning flame...

"Wow!!! It's so beautiful!!!" Shui Xin couldn't help shouting...

When Guowei and others heard Shui Xin's words in the cabin space, they also tried their best to look at Bubble, and were immediately stunned by this scene!

A giant bubble that comes to life? ! ! !

Before they all reacted, the entire combined fleet had passed through the aura ring like lightning and disappeared in a flash!

After a while, the aura on the Phantom Bubble was slowly sealed, and everything became the same as before...

"Plop" "Plop" "Plop"...

Everyone fell from the sky one after another, and was in a state of panic. Fortunately, Xiaoxing had already prepared and cleaned the floor. These people fell exactly at their original positions, so they didn't lose face too much...

But they can be said to be in shock. This trip to the bubble planet is something they have never experienced before. What makes them even more scared is, what if this is not a bubble planet, but a real planet?

Then the tragedy of a big collision was going to happen just now...

What they don't understand is why this bubble planet is so involved? At least ten times more than other planets, no, more than a hundred times, which is why these advanced ships cannot control the speed at all. If they were facing other ordinary planets, such a thing would not happen to these advanced ships.

In fact, the reason why the bubble planet has such a strong traction force is that on the one hand it is extremely large and has a huge potential energy. On the other hand, a large part of this strong traction force actually comes from the depths of the nebula. The influence of white hole gravity can be said to be everywhere and extremely overbearing.

Fortunately, now that the fleet has arrived in the bubble planet, the power of the bubble planet and the gravity of the white hole have canceled each other out, allowing the fleet to finally return to normal. But just now, many spacecraft in the fleet flew apart in the process, all thanks to small forces. The guidance of the star flies back again...

"Oh my God, is this the Bubble Planet?"

"It's really nothing!"

"Wrong, aren't those gases matter?"

"Of course gas is material, but when you look out from inside you only see a colorful sky, not even stars!"

" was blocked by thick clouds..."

“How do we create the headquarters we need in this empty space?”

"This problem is indeed a bit difficult..."

"That's right..."

Shui Xin looked around and wondered: "Xiao Ling, to maintain this state, the bubble planet requires huge energy and gravity, but it is impossible for this space to generate its own gravity to bind these gases, so how is it formed and maintained? "

"Good question, senior! At present, the energy source of this bubble planet actually comes from an array we have arranged. This array can absorb a steady stream of energy from the universe. Of course, a considerable part of the energy comes from In the white hole deep in the nebula, as long as this formation operates normally, this bubble planet can exist forever and can be controlled by us at will..." Xiaoxing smiled.

Shui Xin's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said in shock: "You have set up a planet-level formation?!!!"

Guowei and others were also shocked and couldn't believe their ears.

Now they finally understand that this bubble planet can almost be formed and maintained by Ling Daozi and Liufeng taking advantage of the environmental conditions here to set up a planet-level formation...

Xiaoxing said proudly: "That's right! Didn't you just see a hole opened on the Bubble Planet? That was controlled by me secretly. If the fleet is allowed to directly impact this thick atmosphere, some of the lower-level ones may be affected. The ship has caused some damage, and maybe there will be an accident..."

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned.

It seems that Ling Daozi can completely control the formation of this bubble planet. No wonder he can remotely control it without being in the bubble just now...

Shui Xin thought: "Can this formation really absorb enough energy? You must know that this bubble planet is consuming energy all the time..."

"Senior, don't worry. In fact, you can now regard this place not as a bubble, but as a large formation, and then the outer layer of this formation will appear in a gaseous state. As long as a formation is arranged properly, it can realize itself Energy circulation, no need to consume additional energy, and you can even continuously store energy for your own use..." Xiaoxing said.

Shui Xin's eyes lit up and he said in deep thought: "That makes sense! But isn't it too difficult to achieve self-energy circulation?"

"There is a certain degree of difficulty. This involves a perpetually moving Dao. You must have a deep understanding of this Dao to arrange a perpetually moving formation. Now, this bubble planet formation is a perpetually moving formation. method, its energy consumption is actually not large. The energy absorbed by the formation greatly exceeds its consumption. Therefore, not only do we not have to worry about insufficient energy, we can also use the excess energy stored in the formation to build our Phantom Headquarters…”

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