The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3183 Quan Bing’s anxiety

Perpetual motion formation? ! ! ! "Everyone was shocked.

Such a formation that can be called a divine formation may have been thought of in many people's minds, but they have never seen it. Unexpectedly, everyone actually saw the real version today!

In the eyes of many people, generally speaking, the stronger the formation, the greater the energy it consumes. Therefore, many forces will first weigh their own strength when choosing the large-scale formation they want to use. If they cannot afford it, As for its consumption, it is better to be realistic, choose a slightly lower level formation, and add some manpower for protection, so that you can save costs.

However, if there is a perpetual motion formation, the situation is reversed, because such a magical formation can be said to be a cornucopia. The more you use it, the more energy it will accumulate for you, which also means more of wealth!

Therefore, if such a formation were to be auctioned, it would probably set a historically sky-high price, which even Huiyuan Dan would not be able to match. There is no doubt about this.

Now, everyone finds that they are actually in a perpetually moving formation, and this formation is as huge as a planet and is accumulating countless energy for themselves. The shock in their hearts at this time is simply difficult to describe in words...

They quickly thought, if the headquarters of the Phantom Group is located in such a perpetually moving formation, what else can't be done? !

As long as you have money and enough energy, is there anything you can't do?

"Xiao Ling, so this formation is storing energy for us, right?" Guowei asked urgently.


"I wonder where the energy it stores now is? How much is it? How to use it?" Guowei asked.

Others were also staring at Xiaoxing closely, as if fire was coming out of their eyes. It was obvious that everyone has an innate desire to pursue energy. After all, everyone knows that in the universe, energy is wealth, and energy bars are money. , so pursuing energy is like pursuing money...

"Everyone, follow me..."

Xiaoxing directed the entire fleet to move forward while saying: "This bubble is bigger than many big planets, and it can become larger or smaller according to the control of the formation. For now, go to the center of the bubble It will take some time…”

Quan Bing was extremely shocked when he heard it, and asked quickly: "I wonder how big it can be at its maximum? How small can it be at its minimum?"

Xiaoxing said: "This is mainly related to the ability to control the formation, and this ability is also related to the size and level of the energy it stores. Theoretically, it can be very large or very small. It all depends on how much energy it can store and the level of this energy..."

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned.

Xiaoxing continued: "After using it as the headquarters, our entire high-energy high-speed network is centered on it and extends to all directions in the universe. These high-energy mesh wires are like its extended body. Not only can it run various Of course, all kinds of information can also run with energy. Within the scope of the perpetual motion formation, these meshes are also helping the formation collect energy. Therefore, our cosmic network not only does not consume energy, but also Being able to store energy, over time, our cosmic network will grow into an energy monster. Even if we encounter a cosmic war, we will have endless energy, which is extremely beneficial to us in battle..."

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar...

Unexpectedly, the cosmic network designed by Ling Daozi and Liufeng had reached such a high level. Now when I look back at Tengxin Network and Awai Network, they are just like two little local dogs and cannot be compared at all!

With such a cosmic network that gets stronger with use, what else is there to worry about?

As Xiaoxing said just now, you don’t have to be afraid when you encounter any powerful cosmic forces, because you are an unbeatable energy monster. Even if the opponent is stronger at the beginning, but after the fight, their energy is exhausted, that is The world belongs to your own side!

"Xiao Ling, you want to build a high-energy and high-speed cosmic network?!" Quan Bing finally understood,

asked in great shock.

He found that he had to ask Ling Daozi directly about this question, because Ling Daozi was now the leader of everyone, and he could say whatever he wanted. If he didn't want to say anything, he couldn't ask anyone else.

"Not bad..." Xiaoxing smiled.

It's just building a network. As for the purpose of this network, of course I won't say it now. Quan Bing couldn't accept too much at the same time...

"Isn't it enough to have Tengxin Network and Awai Network? Their network coverage is already wide enough..." Quan Bingqi said.

"It's really not enough, because our goal is more ambitious!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's it!" Quan Bing said in shock.

He now has a preliminary understanding that these forces have formed a huge phantom group, and their ambitions are not small. I am afraid that the goal is to be set outside the core universe. With their strength, it is extremely normal to set such a goal!

In Quan Bing's view, the Phantom Group is extremely powerful, and there should be no force or race outside the core universe that can stop their expansion...

After understanding the goals of the Phantom Group, Quan Bing was secretly shocked because he suddenly discovered that the Phantom Group has become a powerful opponent of the Quanzhu Group's future development. Even since its establishment, this opponent has already far away the Quan Zhu Group. If you are left behind, you will be in big trouble!

This is because the original goal of the Quanzhu Group is actually the entire universe. This goal is the same as the Phantom Group!

When it was first established, Quanzhu, Weili, Xingma and Juyi were the four major adventure groups in the core universe. They divided up the development direction and each developed an area without interfering with each other. This situation lasted for a long time. For a period of time, each of them lived in peace and harmony.

However, in recent years, under the leadership of Quan Bing, Quan Zhu Group has gradually stood out from the four major adventure groups and become the largest adventure group with the most solid foundation. Its sphere of influence has gradually reached all other groups. The controlled star field…

However, the expansion of the Quanzhu Group is mainly in the core universe and nearby star fields, and it is impossible to go outside. This is why they extend their expansion goals to the star fields where other groups are located.

Why can't it expand further?

This is actually related to the cooperation with other conditions. For example, if you want to expand to a farther star field, you must have enough energy to supplement it. If you lack energy, it is extremely dangerous for you to go deep into an unknown star field alone. It is very likely that Never come back!

In addition to energy supply, information services must also be provided. Without the help of networks such as,,,, and, the farther they fly, the more dangerous they will be because the people behind them need to obtain Their messages at the front will take longer and longer. Perhaps when they call for help, it will take a long time for the message to be received by the rescuers at the rear. By the time they arrive at the scene, the fleet in front may have been finished!

It can be seen that no matter how lofty the goals of the adventure groups are, they cannot blindly expand away from reality. The current level they can achieve is already the limit, and it is impossible to go out anymore. Therefore, various adventure groups will have some conflicts in the near future. Because the territory is restricted, if everyone wants to expand and develop, they must extend their hands to other people's territory...

After Quan Bing heard about the goals of the Phantom Group, he immediately realized that something was wrong, because this was a force with greater goals than his own adventure groups. With their strength, it seemed that it would not be a problem to occupy the entire star field in the core universe. , and it will expand greatly beyond the core universe!

The Phantom Group may have discovered the shortcomings of adventure groups such as Quan Zhu early on, so they started from a high starting point, first created a cosmic network, and used this network to expand.

From the information I just heard, we can analyze that this network can not only transmit information, but also energy. Moreover, it is a perpetual motion formation with an unlimited supply of energy!

In this way, this cosmic network has laid a solid foundation for the expansion of the Phantom Group, which is exactly what Quan Bing has always dreamed of but has never been able to realize!

"Oh my gosh, it would be great if I had such a cosmic network..." Quan Bing screamed repeatedly in his heart, almost drooling with envy...

But this is impossible, because this future network is in the hands of these powerful people, and it is impossible for me to reach out and seize it anyway. If I try to take any unkind method to seize it, I am afraid that I will end up taking it for myself. perish…

Besides, all this has just begun. Even the shadow of the Internet has not been seen yet. The perpetual motion formation cannot be understood or controlled by me. Even if it is put in my hands now, it cannot be used at all. So what's the point?

Quan Bing sighed in his heart. He suddenly found that he knew almost nothing. In front of Ling Daozi, he was like a baby. He needed to consult him for many Taoist ideas, and he might not even understand his explanation...

"It's over, it's over...what should we do?!" Quan Bing's mind was racing, and he was extremely anxious.

He knew that the Quanzhu Group would definitely be suppressed by the Phantom Group in the future. Under the pressure of their big mountain, not to mention achieving the goals set before, even to maintain the existing territory, it might be a big problem. problem…

In fact, he knew very well that people like the Phantom Group were very confident. He knew that he, the boss of the Quanzhu Group, would know their secrets when he came over, but he still agreed to bring him along, and he did not deliberately avoid him during the discussion. , it can be seen that they do not take Quanzhu Group seriously at all...

Quan Bing had distracting thoughts and secretly discussed countermeasures with Jiang Hui. At this time, the combined fleet was already heading deep into the planet. Everyone suddenly felt that there seemed to be a relatively large energy point in front of them. This was an obvious difference from before...

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