The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3211 How to Prevent Pig Killing Plate

"Since you are not worried, then eat it! Let me tell you, these foods are Taoist delicacies. Eating them is not only very helpful in replenishing energy, but also has great benefits in improving one's Taoism. Ordinary people cannot eat them at all. , can’t afford to eat it. Even people with a certain status and money can finally spend a lot of money to get such a level of delicacies, but they only take it out to taste it occasionally. How can we enjoy it as we treat it as a normal day? ?" Guowei said with narrowed eyes.

Qing Cement was shocked when he heard what Guo Wei said, and he believed what Guo Wei said. However, the more Guo Wei said this, the less he dared to eat casually, and muttered: "The little life of the three uncles is really shocking. I’m so envious, but this kind of life is not what I’m living now, so I won’t eat anymore, you can enjoy it slowly, I’ll take my leave now!”

He turned around to leave, but heard Guowei say: "Wait!"

"I wonder if uncle has any other instructions?" Qing Shui said with a salute.

"It's good that you can restrain your desires. To be honest, I am becoming more and more satisfied with you!" Guowei said, stroking his beard.

"Uncle is so complimentary!"


"But what?"

"If you don't even dare to live such a small life today, will you still have the courage to conquer other forces and dominate the entire online world in the future?" Guowei asked.

"This..." Qing Cui was startled, and his face suddenly turned red...

Yes, what Guowei said makes sense. Dominating the world certainly requires courage. If you are very timid and lack courage, how can you command thousands of troops and take the head of the opponent's king in the chaos?

A man who regards world domination as his career doesn't even dare to live such a "small life". How can he have the courage to live in the big life in the future?

If we can really dominate the online world in the future, what kind of life will we not be able to live? Don’t dare to pass?

A surge of pride in Qing Shui's heart was provoked by Guowei's words, and went straight to his forehead. As soon as his head became hot, he wanted to sit down again and enjoy his little life, but at this time, there was another thought in his body that reminded him of this thought. It has been with him since he grew up, or it is the unique temperament he has developed over a long period of time...

Qing Cui's face turned red and white, and he was obviously fighting in his mind and brain. After a while, he seemed to have figured it out, and his face finally returned to normal, and he said calmly: "Thank you for reminding me, uncle! But it's not that I don't dare to go through it." It’s just that I can’t live a small life of this level in my current situation. It’s important to note that it’s easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it’s difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After eating such delicacies, I may not be able to eat other ordinary food in the future.

If I can't drink ordinary wine, the money I finally borrowed from you may be wasted on higher-level food, which will make me deviate from my plans and goals! If I fail to repay the loans of the three uncles due to this reason, then my sin will be even greater! Besides, there are many factors required to dominate the world, and courage is just one of them. There are various other factors. I believe that restraining one's desires is much more important than indulging one's desires! Farewell! "

After saying that, Qing Cement turned around and walked out with extremely confident steps...

Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan stared blankly at Qing Cui as he walked out, not even feeling the chicken drumsticks they were chewing fall off...


This was definitely a surprise to them!

In their minds, especially those of Guowei, a child like Qing Cement will definitely be manipulated by him. If he is asked to go east, he will definitely not go west. If he is asked to eat shit, he will definitely not Will drink urine...

However, the performance of Qing Cement just now can be described as amazing, because even these three old foxes in the universe felt that they were completely unable to control it. It was like two sides in a game. They thought they had controlled each other submissively, but unexpectedly The opponent suddenly unleashed a big move, which was completely unexpected. This big move would most likely cause the situation to turn suddenly and become the opponent's game-breaking move!

genius! A true genius!

The three Guowei people finally realized this. It seems that they have really found a treasure this time, because only true geniuses can do this. Otherwise, under the aura and inducement of the three of them, as well as these delicacies, Under the amazing temptation of fine wine, almost no one would refuse the opportunity to enjoy a small life like this, but Qingcei proved that he is an exception!

Such a person often has his own principles and bottom line for doing things. He knows what should be done and what should not be done. Even in extremely difficult situations, he can stick to his bottom line and not steal or rob. , instead of taking food that comes from outside, they would rather chew their own dry bread, or even bark and grass roots. A true gentleman loves money and takes it in a wise way...

As Qing Shui said just now, restraining one's desires is far more important than indulging one's desires!

If a person cannot restrain the desire in his heart and instead allows it to grow wildly without restriction, then the desire will soon destroy him, because no matter how much wealth you have, in the crazy growth period, Desire is not enough, it is a real bottomless pit...

Guowei came back to his senses and sighed: "It seems that I don't have to worry about losing my twenty six-level energy bars..."

Yi Xing also smiled and said, "It seems that Brother Lai and I have also saved the fifteen level six energy bars..."

Lai Huan grabbed the chicken leg and took a bite, saying: "Not only will you not lose, but you will definitely get doubled in return. If you had known better, you would have invested more at once!"

"Don't worry, this is just the first phase of investment. We can increase the investment when he grows up..."

"Brother Guo still has a sharp eye. He saw that this kid is not a fish in the pool, and he still wanted to invest in him. I wonder how you saw this in the first place?" Yi Xing asked.

"Haha, I just wanted to spend some money to find a bodyguard so that I can enjoy my life here with peace of mind, but I didn't expect that Qingcheng Cement has great potential. It seems that the saying "Don't bully young people into poverty" really makes sense!" Guowei laughed.

Lai Huan said: "Hey, today's young people are all good at spending money. Those who have money left in their hands are very rare. How many of them have fixed assets like Qing Cement? If I have a great-granddaughter, I will definitely consider choosing him as my son-in-law. After all, there are not many people who can own this base at his age..."

"Hahahahaha..." The three of them couldn't help but laugh...

Everyone who saw this scene in the Phantom Bubble also laughed. These people now have spiritual bodies practicing and honing in the online world. Naturally, they are very concerned about the development of other people. After all, these spiritual bodies can They are regarded as a big force, and they are likely to come together in the future. If they join forces, and with Ling Daozi's guidance, this force will definitely be the strongest in the online world!

Everyone firmly believes in this, but it is still too early to reach such a level. After all, even Shui Xin has not yet entered the Tao.

Shui Xin said with some envy: "Brother Guo is very comfortable. Not only has he joined the Internet money industry, he also owns a base, and even got a talented bodyguard like Qing Cement..."

Guowei smiled proudly and said: "Haha, this is all thanks to Xiao Ling. If it weren't for his plan, our Qianqian might have been finished long ago. How could we live such a small life now?"

"That's right, Xiaoling, you can't treat one favorably against another, so many of us are still suffering inside!" Shui Xin said loudly.

Xiaoxing heard the words and said: "Old Guo is speaking in a humble manner. Even without my advice, their wealthy customers can get through the difficulties. How can children like Stone Ladle and Clear Cement be able to defeat Elder Guo and others?"

"This... children in the online world should not be underestimated. I understand this very well! Recently, I was pestered by a child who insisted that I tell her stories every day, otherwise there would be no peace. But she listened. After reading the story, I turned around and sold it on the Internet, making much more money than me!" Shui Xin sighed.

"Really?!" Everyone was stunned upon hearing this.

Unexpectedly, even a cosmic boss like Shui Xin would be treated as a pig by a child, because this operation is no different from a pig killing tray...

The so-called online pig killing scheme generally refers to using the other party's feelings to enhance the relationship between the two parties. After the relationship matures, the other party's money is squeezed out little by little. After squeezing out all the money, the other party is asked to borrow money and squeeze again until the other party If it completely breaks down, it will be cut off in two. This is the classic process that starts from raising pigs and ends with killing them.

The most hateful thing about pig breeders and pig killers is the use of emotions, because this will make the other party fall into an emotional trap. After the other party invests in emotions, they are squeezed out of all wealth, and even borrow money from everywhere to continue investing. It was not until the end that it was discovered that all this was false, and this would lead to a terrible result, that is, this "pig" would be completely disappointed in life, look at the world with suspicion, and would most likely never see it again. Trust anyone and no longer want to have a love life. Some people who fall too deeply into it are very likely to end their lives easily...

This kind of harm is more terrifying and harmful than monetary losses!

However, no matter how smart and rational a person is, he may become a fool in the face of emotions, and become a "pig" obediently to be slaughtered by others. This is also sad...

So, how to prevent problems before they happen?

In fact, regardless of whether it is a pig-killing plate or not, emotional liars will always appear. When you want to invest in a relationship, you still have to maintain a basic judgment, that is, it is generally impossible for things that are too beautiful to fall on you. Yes, this is a basic rule. If something seems too perfect and fits all your fantasies, then it is unlikely to be true. As long as you look at it, you can find that it contains many flaws...

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