The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3212 Red Boy Riding the Wind and Waves

However, listening to Shui Xin's words, his matter is still quite different from that of the Pig Killing Plate. After all, the child only came to steal the story, not to fall in love with him. With Shui Xin's level as a hardcore character in the universe, it is naturally impossible. To fall in love with a child...

Xiaoxing felt happy and shot out several light curtains. On one of them, there was a little girl in red who seemed to be performing a live broadcast. She was telling a story with gusto. The content of the story could not be heard clearly at first, but Her expressions are extremely rich. Sometimes she is crying like a tearful person, sometimes she is smiling like a blooming fairy flower, sometimes her mouth is curled up as if she is unhappy, and sometimes her eyebrows are raised in an exaggerated expression as if she is angry. status…

It’s not easy to tell stories so vividly, and she’s still a little girl. No wonder there are many people listening to her stories on the Internet. There are many comments and bounties. Some people even offer to buy from her. Physical book…

Yangcuo was very happy to listen to the little girl's story and said with a smile: "Hee hee, could it be that this red kid who rides the wind and waves is the kid who entangled Senior Shui?"

"It's her!" Xiaoxing smiled.

"Is she alone? Where is her family? How did she recognize Senior Shui?" Yangcuo asked curiously.

"Hey, it's hard to say anything..." Shui Xin sighed and didn't want to go on.

But Xiaoxing said: "Why did you forget? Didn't Senior Shui say before that he lived a carefree life in the online world, and often told people stories and wrote books and sold them? The red boy who was riding the wind and waves just didn't know it when he listened to a story. Why did you focus on Senior Shui, and also designed a very good chance encounter scene..."

"Oh? What plot?!" Yangcuo asked urgently.

Others also became more interested and stared at Xiaoxing closely. Of course, they also looked at Shui Xin intentionally or unintentionally...

"Hey, don't get it wrong. The red kid in Chengfeng Polang is just a baby-level cosmic little girl. Of course she can't do a very outrageous romantic encounter scene. This time she dressed up as a little beggar..." Xiao Xing Le said.

"Little beggar?!" Everyone was startled and couldn't help but feel that it was even more interesting!

Unexpectedly, Red Boy Riding the Wind and Waves actually came up with this idea in order to entangle Shui Xin...


As the scene got closer, everyone saw that they were watching a little beggar. Her face and hands were all painted black.

Her hair is messy, her clothes are in tatters, and she has a pair of bare feet. She is trying hard to do some stunt-like movements. Due to her small size and weak strength, these movements are naturally very difficult for her. She shakes from time to time, attracting the attention of those around her. People exclaimed one after another...

Of course, this aroused the pity of many people. People kept throwing crystal stones into the small basin placed in the center of the venue, and they also cheered and encouraged her from time to time...

When everyone saw this scene, they soon discovered that the red kid who was riding the wind and waves had carefully chosen this place, because not far next to her was the place where Shui Xin told stories. Those who were listening to the stories looked at the little girl while listening. The performance, with one or two screams from time to time, made Shui Xin's story not so smooth!

Shui Xin simply stopped talking and watched the little girl's performance...

When the performance ended and the crowd dispersed, the little girl let out a scream, staggered and fainted directly in front of Shui Xin...

Shui Xin is now tied up by her, so she can't just die without saving her, right?

With Shui Xin's eyes, it was natural to see that her fainting was part of an act, but there were many people watching around. As an elder, he had to at least help her, so he took her to the workshop. He saw a doctor at a medical center in the city and found that the illness was nothing. It was probably due to "overwork, malnutrition" or something like that. However, after the red boy of Riding the Wind and Waves woke up, he immediately clung to Shui Xin. She found out all kinds of things. There are various reasons why she insists on following Shui Xin, such as to repay her kindness, because it is not safe to be alone, because she is too young to make money, and because she especially likes to listen to his stories...

Shui Xin didn't think much about it at first. She felt that although this little girl was a bit weird, it was really boring to walk around the world by herself. It would be nice to have such a little girl following her around, so she agreed to stay with her, but he didn't. What I thought of was that from then on, I started to embark on a road of being raised and killed by pigs...

As the story in the picture progressed, everyone began to understand the cause and effect of the incident. The subsequent light curtain story accelerated. Everyone saw that after successfully staying with Shui Xin, the red boy in Riding the Wind and Waves began to use his mind to escape from Shui Xin. I don’t know where she came from. Ever since I followed Shui Xin, Shui Xin often encountered bad weather when walking in the rivers and lakes. It was either strong winds, heavy rain, or thunderstorms, which made Shui Xin unhappy. She doesn't often stay in hotels or find places to hide, but this is the time for Hong Boy's performance. She always throws herself into Shui Xin's arms with an extremely frightened expression, trembling all over, begging Shui Xin to tell her stories. Listen, because only by listening to his stories will she not be afraid of strong winds, heavy rains, and thunderstorms...

This kind of trick would naturally not be effective if used by an adult woman. However, no matter how many times a "weak" girl like Honghai'er used it, Shui Xin could not refuse her request and had to obey her request obediently. Stories, these stories basically happened during Shui Xin's travels, but she took them out of Shui Xin's mouth again and again...

In fact, telling stories is one of Shui Xin's fun, so he was not defensive at first and told them with gusto. After all, telling stories is one thing, and on the other hand, you also need people to listen to the stories. The two are one. , this matter can continue, so the old and the young live in harmony in this online world.

However, things always come to light. As Shui Xin continues to practice in the online world, he gradually becomes a well-known Internet celebrity, and his main business is telling stories and publishing and selling books. In fact, there is very little money to be made, and it would be impossible to stick to it if you were not interested.

Shui Xin himself didn't think carefully about how to tell and sell to make more money, so his reputation was not obvious until one time when he was telling a story, he suddenly saw someone making a barrage and sent Audio and video, accusing his story of plagiarizing Red Boy Riding the Wind and Waves!

"What's going on?!" Shui Xin became a little uneasy after seeing it. This was obviously his own story, so how could he plagiarize it?

He hurriedly checked on the Internet. This check was not a big deal. He was shocked to find that there were already many stories about him on the Internet, and the tellers of these stories were all called "Red Boy Riding the Wind and Waves".

This person is more famous than him, has a lot of fans, and the bounty he receives every day is much higher than him!

Seeing the speed at which this person attracted fans and made money, Shui Xin felt really ashamed...

So he decided to come and see for himself who this red boy who rides the wind and waves is, how he tells stories, and why he can get his own story...

However, what surprised him was that whenever he wanted to find a node in the online world to watch this person's live broadcast, the live broadcast was either temporarily canceled or postponed, so that he was unable to see this person in person for a long time. The true face of people…

And when he is busy with other things, the live show of Red Boy Riding the Wind and Waves will continue, and many of his stories are still out there...

"Strange, what is going on? I have never told these stories to others in this star field. How did this person know about it? No, I think I just told this story a few days ago, but this story There is only one person in the audience, and that is this little girl..." Shui Xin finally began to doubt the little girl.

From then on, he became more discerning, and he noticed that as long as he told a new story to the little girl, the new story would be told by the red boy in the wind and waves within a few days, helping her gain a lot of fans and bounty money. , it is said that Red Boy also wrote and published books everywhere, and counted money until his hands cramped...

"What the hell is going on? This little girl did hear this new story, but she didn't have the chance to go online because she was always by my side and didn't go online to tell the story. So the one who is riding the wind and waves is famous on the Internet. Who is the child?" Shui Xin felt a little incomprehensible...

Shui Xin originally didn't want to tell the little girl any more stories to avoid losing his patent rights. However, in order to find out the matter, he continued to tell the little girl stories and then paid attention to the little girl's behavior. However, what made him feel speechless was , the little girl behaved extremely normally, neither telling stories online nor leaving his side...

"It's over, it's over. If this continues, I'm afraid my story will be wiped out by her..."

Shui Xin lamented in his heart, it was for this reason that he just mentioned this matter in front of everyone.

However, after he mentioned the matter, Xiaoxing displayed the light screen, and Shui Xin was stunned when he saw it!

Because this was the first time he saw the real red boy riding the wind and waves so clearly!

I have also searched for some videos of her telling stories on the Internet before. However, the quality of these videos cannot be compared with Ling Daozi's light screen images. Moreover, those videos are always difficult to see clearly and the images are always blurry. Shui Xin didn’t know the reason for this either…

Now he looked at the picture carefully and found that this child looked quite similar to the little girl who had been following him, but no matter in terms of appearance, appearance, expression, articulation, etc., he did not know how many times better, so he suddenly looked , it is impossible to think of any relationship between these two little girls, let alone whether they are the same person...

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