The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3245 Andavi’s emotion

"Wo!!!" Everyone cheered and immediately followed Xiaoxing and Li Yun into the hall...

Entering the hall, I found that seats and jade platforms had already been set up here. The jade platforms were arranged in a circle. There were no upper seats, middle seats, or lower seats. Everyone's seats were equal, and it was extremely convenient for them to communicate with each other. Conversation makes everyone feel like a real part of the group!

Andavi discovered this very keenly, and couldn't help but sigh again...

He already has a high opinion of this phantom group, because in most civilizations, the hierarchical system is extremely strict, including the Turia tribe. This does not mean that a strict system is not good. The advantages of strictness are that it is easy to form a world order, which is quite beneficial for a relatively low-level chaotic world. If such a world does not strengthen management to form an appropriate order, it will basically be like a piece of loose sand, and the people will be Everyone is focused on their own affairs, and the upper management has little charisma and leadership, and of course there is no fighting capacity at all.

Such a hierarchical world order generally presents a pyramid-shaped distribution, with strength, wealth, power, etc. concentrated in the hands of a few people at the top, while others make up the middle and lower classes of the world.

The pyramid-shaped world order also exists at the top of it. Those at the peak of power, wealth and power are a few people, and others are dependent on them to manage the middle and lower levels.

However, such an order will make the entire world relatively depressing. The focus of people's lives and work often revolves around the will of the upper class, and they rarely have their own creativity and personality development. As a result, the vast majority of people's Creativity is suppressed, and the mental state is hardly optimistic and lively. The whole world is filled with an indescribable feeling of superiority and inferiority...

It can also be seen from the above analysis that a hierarchical world order is more conducive to the rapid establishment of a world order, making the entire world relatively cohesive, and people staying together for warmth, thus forming a strong combat effectiveness, which is very conducive to improving the survivability of this world. .

However, such a world order can also easily suppress the creativity and initiative of the people, causing their personal development to be restricted and their vitality not to be fully stimulated, making it difficult to achieve greater and higher achievements in their respective fields.

From the perspective of the development laws of civilization, the development and upward transition of a civilization requires the comprehensive development of the entire world in all fields. Only by promoting it in all directions can it be possible for this civilization to develop upward and enter a higher cycle. system.

Therefore, how to stimulate the vitality and creativity of the people is extremely important. If the mental state and behavioral patterns of the people are suppressed in order to strengthen the world order, then their vitality and creativity will be correspondingly restricted, and it will be difficult to build their own Continuously explore unknown laws in the field...


If the vitality and creativity of the vast majority of the people cannot be fully utilized, it means that the world has wasted its greatest value. This greatest value is obviously the brains of these people and their subjective initiative.

In fact, life is the greatest wealth of a world, and the thinking ability of the brain and the action ability of life are the greatest wealth of life. If a world can fully mobilize and activate the energy contained in every brain of every life in it, Then this world has a considerable possibility of achieving great development and an overall upward leap!

As a great wise man of the Turia tribe, Andavi actually has a very deep understanding and recognition of this principle. Therefore, when he saw the banquet of the Phantom Group, everyone's table formed a circle, and there were no seats or seats. With the clearly hierarchical seats such as the middle seat and the lower seat, he quickly understood that there was no strict hierarchical order at the top of this bubble planet. Everyone could speak freely and play freely without any need to surround themselves. Let certain people do things or talk, and live your own little life carefully...

This state is very conducive to active thinking and creative expression. Of course, conversely, this does not mean that such an order is a good order. If there is no backbone, such an order can easily lead to the disunity of people at the top, and it can also cause The possibility of becoming a piece of loose sand!

But here, An Dawei did not feel this way, and he soon realized that the reason for this was because of the existence of Ling Daozi and Liufeng. These two people had become the backbone of this group of top core figures, almost Everyone obeyed them, so a relatively tight leadership group was formed around these two people!

An Dawei saw clearly that the fundamental reason why this leadership group has not turned into a well-ordered power organization lies in Ling Daozi and Liufeng. It is precisely because they have no desire for power, nor do they pursue wealth or lust. , plus their abilities are strong enough, so they can form such an equal and lively top-level atmosphere, and the efficiency and effects that such an atmosphere can bring out are unimaginable...

For example, now, everyone is here enjoying delicious food, watching the light broadcasts playing around them, talking and laughing, which is really enviable!

Andavi thought to himself: "It would be great if the top leaders of the Turia tribe become like this one day... However, this is impossible!"

Because he knows that when the top leaders of the Turia tribe hold a banquet or some other gathering, the atmosphere will be so depressing that it is difficult to even breathe. Even if you want to drink a glass of wine or eat a meal, you may have to wait for the right time. Before you dare to start, everyone must be careful and watch your appearance. Compared with the atmosphere here, they are simply two completely different worlds...

Even within the royal family or internal gatherings of various forces, there will be such a situation. From top to bottom, everyone lives a cautious life, for fear that if they make some mistakes, their position may be insecure and their interests may be damaged...

In this situation, it is easy for people to guess that the Holy Emperor of the Turia tribe should be a tyrant with extremely concentrated power. A single sentence may be enough to make people unable to stand up for eternity. But it is strange to say that. Andavi knows very well that Holy Emperor Yunhan He does have supreme power, but he is by no means a tyrant. On the contrary, he should be a rather benevolent emperor who treats the people around him and the middle and lower classes quite favorably. Although this time due to Yun Wei and Yun Qi ran away from home and punished some people in anger, but that was all. After all, no one has lost their head because of it so far!

So, why do the Turia people, as an advanced civilization, also encounter problems that are very likely to occur in a low-level chaotic world?

In Andavi's view, this situation was not very serious in the past. When the Turia people developed rapidly and achieved an upward leap in civilization as a whole, the entire civilization was full of optimism and active emotions, and everyone seemed very happy. Many geniuses were born at that time. They did not have to worry about their own survival and development. They could explore endlessly in their own fields without any worries, thus creating miracles one after another. That was an achievement. It was an era of explosion, it was an era of miracles, it was an era of geniuses emerging in large numbers!

Geniuses like Andavi, Beimo, and Artis were almost all born in that era!

Thinking of that beautiful era, Andavi still remembers it and is very excited, wishing he could go back to the past and live again...

However, it all seemed to be put on hold at some point until it came to an end!

When did that moment begin?

In An Dawei's impression, it should have started after Yun Xiaotian, the father of the current emperor Yunhan, came to power!

Yun Xiaotian has a strong desire for power. After he came to power, he sorted out the relationship between the entire Turia clan from top to bottom and formulated one set of codes after another. In his words, A race must use Chongdian Zhixian, otherwise wouldn't it lead to chaos?

At that time, the authority of the royal family was often ridiculed by some bold people, and short jokes were made up one after another and spread quietly among the people, making many people and things within the royal family become the talk of the people after dinner. It was these things that touched Yun Xiaotian's sensitive consciousness and made him unable to bear it no matter what, so he began to use Chongdian to govern.

Since it is a strict governance, a group of people will inevitably be killed to achieve the effect of killing chickens to scare monkeys. Many large prisons have also been added to the clan, and more and more people are caught inside. Even no matter how many prisons are added, there seems to be The overcrowding trend shows that the power of those heavy rituals has reached an unimaginable level!

These heavy rules were not only aimed at people of the same tribe, but also against outsiders. For example, Wu Ma had to escape because he hooked up with Luye and did not dare to stay there anymore in order to save his life.

The sound of the wind is getting louder and louder, and everyone feels the horror of Chongdian, as if a shadow has been cast over their heads, and they can no longer get rid of it...

In the turbulent and terrifying atmosphere, everyone began to live a cautious life. The free and undisciplined temperament of the past was gone forever, and with it everyone's creativity and exploration spirit. Even initiative and ability to act have been greatly suppressed!

This is because everyone believes in the truth that if you talk too much, you will make mistakes, and if you do too much, you will make mistakes. Therefore, it is better to speak less and do less, so that you will make fewer mistakes. When such a trend is formed, the entire Turia tribe will be like Suddenly they lost their motivation, many achievements began to stagnate, the development speed of various fields dropped sharply, and there were even signs of regression...

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