The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3246 Flowers bloom and fall

Yun Xiaotian's rule of law and family governance certainly achieved results, but what he didn't expect was that such governance would make the Turia people go from one extreme to the other, from a race that prefers freedom, liveliness and creativity to a race that prefers freedom, liveliness and creativity. It has become a race that trembles under the heavy code. Everyone tries their best to live within the scope of the heavy code and never dares to take another step easily!

This is true for ordinary people, it is also true for the powerful people in the middle and upper classes, and it is even true for geniuses such as Andavi, Beimo, and Artis. Countless heavy scriptures are like a string of curses, binding their spirits and Their vitality has been locked up, causing them to lose themselves to a certain extent, lose their self-confidence, and also lose their vitality and ability to pursue and create themselves...

The history of the Turia people kept passing through Andavi's mind like a movie, making him deeply immersed in it and almost unable to extricate himself...

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his ear: "Master, it seems that the Holy Emperor has received the message you sent and is ready to launch an attack according to the requirements in the message!"


An Dawei was shocked when he heard this. Xiaoxing's voice woke up his almost intoxicated head in time, and he suddenly returned to reality!

"Is it really going to start?!" Andavi asked in surprise.

"Master, please look at the light curtain. Now the Blue Fish Fleet has begun to change its formation. This should be an attack formation, right?" Xiaoxing said.

Andavi took a closer look and said quickly: "That's right! This layered formation is the most commonly used attack formation to attack large targets! We call it a butterfly attack!"

"Butterfly attack?!" Everyone was startled when they heard this.

Everyone can definitely understand the layered formation. It can be seen from the picture that every three spaceships of the Blue Fish Fleet are in a row. It looks like there are at least thirty rows. And behind these thirty rows of spaceships, There are also motherships and various backup ships. Such a huge fleet is a bit frightening to see.

But why is the platoon attack also called the butterfly attack? Could it be related to butterflies?

Just when everyone was a little suspicious, the Blue Fish Fleet's attack began!

The three spaceships in the first row in front were seen flying in a straight line, heading towards the bubble planet. Judging from their flying formation and the shape of the spacecraft, they looked like a butterfly fluttering its wings forward.

Suddenly, after each of the three spaceships fired a round of cannonballs, the middle one flew up and flew back, while the two spaceships on the left and right flew past each other, one to the left and the other to the right.

Drawing two semi-circular flight trajectories, it stirred up circles of energy waves, which looked very much like the wings of a butterfly!

"Oh!!!" When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but suddenly realized!

The shape of this attack indeed looks like a butterfly. It is very vivid to call it a butterfly attack!

The advantage of doing this is to create an attacking space for the companions behind you, and ensure that you can attack continuously to achieve fire suppression!

Almost all of the people here are superpowers in the universe, and they must all have this kind of vision, so after seeing this, they all understood in their hearts.

In fact, we can learn a lot from the Blue Fish Fleet. This is one of the reasons why Li Yun and Xiaoxing invited the Blue Fish Fleet to attack.

Just like Jiang Hui was on the opponent's mothership before, Xiaoxing reminded him to pay attention to the research and discussions of Beimo, Artis and others. Of course, he could also learn useful knowledge from that process.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. If you are honest, I will not bully you!

This is the common feeling that arises in everyone’s heart…

Sure enough, after the three spaceships in the first row finished attacking, the second row quickly followed up, almost without pause. They cooperated seamlessly with each other. The fierce artillery fire rained down and fell on the Bubble Planet. On top of the colorful airflow on the periphery!

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"..."Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

Explosion rings spread out on the planet, just like raindrops falling on the water, splashing countless sparks, and stimulating round energy waves one after another, one wave after another, one after another, one after another, Endless! ! !

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar and felt uneasy.

The Blue Fish Fleet is the Blue Fish Fleet. Such terrifying attack speed and blasting capabilities are definitely not comparable to any fleet from any force in the Milky Way Galaxy!

The gap was so big that all the cosmic powers present tightened their hearts. They were secretly glad that it was not their own fleet that was facing this blue fish fleet, but the bubble planet built by Ling Daozi. To withstand such a terrifying level of blow...

However, as they watched, everyone suddenly came to their senses. By the way, wasn't the Blue Fish Fleet attacking fiercely? Why don't I feel anything?

With their eyesight, it is not difficult to judge that the attack capabilities of the Blue Fish Fleet are definitely planet-level. If placed on any ordinary planet, such an attack would most likely damage the planet beyond recognition and paralyze the entire ecosystem. It is difficult for all life to survive such a blow. Even if it can survive, it will gradually die because the ecological system is damaged and food may no longer be found...

If it were more powerful, for example, if the Blue Fish Fleet completely released its attack, it might be able to completely smash a planet. This kind of thing would not be surprising at all for an advanced civilization in the universe.


The butterfly attack of the Blue Fish Fleet seems to have failed in front of the Bubble Planet!

Those energy wave circles are more like creating an extremely eye-catching performance, but they cannot cause any damage to the bubble planet...

Of course, it can be seen from the picture that on the surface of the bubble planet, those airflows and air masses are affected by the explosion and seem to become more violent and chaotic. Whenever there is an explosion, the local airflow will be accelerated. The movement of air masses, but after a while, these air flows and air masses will begin to become orderly again...

What is even more pleasing to the eye is that the colors on the surface of the bubble planet seem to become richer and brighter under the impact. It looks like a huge garden, where flowers are in full bloom, colorful and red, blooming thousands of times. , one after another, one after another, each flower is vying to bloom, lest people can't see its beautiful moment...

"Oh my God!!!" Yun Wei and Yun Qi couldn't help shouting. The situation in front of them was something they had never seen before, and the beauty in front of them was also something they had never seen before, so they were easily intoxicated with it, their eyes filled with joy. Blurred color…

"So beautiful!"

"Can this still be called a bubble planet? In my opinion, it's just a garden planet!"

"It makes sense! The whole planet seems to be blooming, and I seem to smell the strong fragrance of flowers..."

"Is that the scent of Xingyun Wine? Of course there is also the delicious taste of these delicacies..."

"Why don't I feel the slightest vibration here? Couldn't a blow of this level cause some internal energy waves?"

"Indeed not! Look at this light curtain. This is our world above the clouds. Those birds and starry sky beasts are still moving, and they don't seem to be affected!" Shui Xin reminded.

"Yes..." Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Yes, the birds above the clouds and the giant beasts in the sky are all very responsive beings. If an external blow is transmitted, they will definitely be the first wave of beings to receive it. However, today they are still flying and flying leisurely. Walking around, showing no signs of being affected in any way...

Andavi was dumbfounded. This situation was something he had never expected. According to his estimation, the blue fish fleet's shells should be able to penetrate the outer air layer and land on the inner planet!

Originally, the airflow layer was just a layer of atmosphere, so how could it block the cannonballs of the Blue Fish Fleet?

You know, these cannonballs can completely penetrate thick layers of earth and rock, drill into extremely deep underground and then explode. Their destructive power is extremely powerful. Otherwise, how could they possibly shatter the planet?

Regarding this, Andavi had strong self-confidence, but the facts in front of him made him have to shut his mouth and couldn't say a word!

Could it be that the Blue Fish fleet is too weak?

Even if Anda Wei believes in this, everyone here must not believe it, because they all can see that the Blue Fish Fleet is not ordinary powerful, but particularly powerful. Such an attack can definitely penetrate the surface of some planets and penetrate very deep. Go underground...

"What's going on? I see that the shells of the Blue Fish Fleet have extremely strong impact and are extremely fast. Why hasn't this force penetrated our atmosphere yet?!" Hemu finally couldn't help but ask!

Shui Xin thought for a while and said: "This should be a formation that uses softness to overcome strength. Don't underestimate this layer of atmosphere. In fact, it is extremely deep. It takes a very long distance to fly through it. During this process, the gap between the cannonball and the atmosphere Strong friction will occur, which will reduce the speed, and slowly the cannonball will lose its original power and impact speed!"

"It makes sense!!!" Everyone suddenly realized after hearing this!

Shui Xin smiled and said: "Of course, what I said is definitely not comprehensive. How about Xiao Ling also talk about it?"

Little After slowly weakening, it will explode in the atmosphere. This explosive force also needs to be weakened. At this time, the atmosphere's energy absorption and conduction will come into play. This energy has been conducted by them to the countless formation eyes of the inner planet. So you see the flowers blooming and falling on the surface of the planet at extremely fast speeds, which is exactly the speed at which energy explodes and disappears!"

"Wow!!!" Everyone couldn't help but screamed after hearing this...

Isn't this energy absorption speed too abnormal?

In the midst of flowers blooming and falling, an extremely powerful cannonball that can pierce the belly of a planet is completely destroyed? !

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