The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3251 2 Tingpeng

( ) The sudden appearance of this vast planet did make everyone confused for a while. However, Bei Mo, Wu Ma and others quickly realized that this should be what the inside of the bubble planet looks like!

Looking up, you can see that the atmosphere that was still inside just now is still roaring with strong winds, and the air currents are rushing. One after another, the air masses are born and destroyed, destroyed and reborn, born and destroyed, endlessly...

Thinking of the phantom formation and earth-enhancing method they just encountered in the atmosphere, everyone broke out in a cold sweat and were filled with fear!

Now that they have finally come out of it, it can actually prove one thing, that is, Ling Daozi and the others inviting people like them in are definitely not a trap. Otherwise, they can completely trap their fleet in the atmosphere until their energy is exhausted. Defeated without a fight…

At the thought of this, everyone's hearts stabilized, knowing that they were finally out of danger!

Wu Ma was extremely excited and almost wanted to cry to vent his unwillingness and grievance. Is it easy to think about myself?

In order to live a good life, to have power, to have wealth, to prolong life, to have a wife...he did not hesitate to work hard and perform, and finally got into the direct lineage of the Turia royal family, but he has not even had a good day. It almost came to an abrupt end because of Beimo's wrong decision!

Fortunately, Ling Daozi let himself and the blue fish fleet go, so that his dreams and desires could continue. This simply gave him a second life and chance...

From this perspective, Ling Daozi is not only not his enemy, but also his benefactor, a great benefactor!

Ling Daozi's image in Wu Ma's mind has been greatly improved, and even jumped to the top!

On the contrary, Bei Mo's status in Wu Ma's mind has dropped significantly, and he almost treats him as his enemy. However, because he is too far behind Bei Mo in terms of cultivation level, wisdom and ability, Of course, Wu Ma will not let this emotion show out, but hide it in his heart, waiting for the opportunity to show it again...

He believed that as a direct descendant of the royal family of the Turia clan, sooner or later he would be able to seize the opportunity to punish Master Beimo. Who made him almost ruin his own big event?

What Bei Mo never expected was that just because he was suspicious and too cautious, he would offend Wu Ma, a member of the royal family, and almost all the suffering he would suffer in the future would be caused by him...

However, how could Beimo notice this at this time? He has long been attracted by everything on the inner planet!

Wandering above the clouds,

From time to time, the Blue Fish Fleet encountered birds of prey flying by, large starry behemoths hesitantly walking, meteor showers passing through the sky in endless distances, lush starry plants one after another, and small interstellar objects one after another. …

Here is a lush starry sky, which is the scene that all space travelers want to see most. It has appeared in many people's dreams, but they did not expect it to become a reality here!

What everyone found incredible was that the violent atmosphere did not affect the peace and tranquility of the starry sky at all. The two sides were closely adjacent to each other, but they were like two completely different worlds, with no intersection at all...

It can be seen that the atmosphere is indeed an independent formation. This formation is simply an indestructible outer cover of this huge planet. Under the protection of this outer cover, the world inside is operating and developing independently according to its own laws...

Beimo suddenly realized a problem, that is, since the atmosphere is an outer cover, its function is almost equivalent to the outer cover of the spacecraft. From this perspective, can the planet inside be regarded as a large spacecraft?

As soon as this idea came up, Bei Mo was so excited that he couldn't control it!

That's right! This is a completely new concept!

In the past, Beimo himself had never thought about this problem at all. However, after experiencing some adventures on this bubble planet, he saw the scene inside. All this strongly stimulated Beimo's brain excitement. Click, let him finally realize this problem!

He felt that somewhere in his brain, he suddenly had a breakthrough. Many fragments of the results of past thinking were connected because of this breakthrough, which allowed him to initially form an idea, that is, the spaceship can not only look like the current Blue Fish, it can It can also be a huge planet!

Just like the planet in front of you, you can completely imagine it as the inside of a spacecraft, because everything here already has all the things necessary inside the spacecraft, including life, training, environment, monitoring and control, etc., and it is based on the size of a planet. Huge, these things need to be many times more perfect than a single spaceship, and their reserves will be many times greater. They even form a complete circulation system themselves. The combat effectiveness that such a spaceship can achieve is really amazing. Unimaginable!

At least Beimo himself has truly tasted its power. With its outer cover alone, it can not only withstand strong external attacks, but can also completely trap a fleet, causing it to run out of energy and die. .

As for whether any attack formations and weapons are added to this outer cover, Beimo can use his imagination even more. Although the atmosphere in the front only reflects its defensive capabilities, Beimo believes that such a powerful atmosphere can completely overlay Coupled with some powerful attack methods, when your fleet is trapped in it, if you add these attack methods, you can make your fleet collapse faster...

Beimo is worthy of being a master of the Turia tribe. When his thinking has made a great breakthrough in a certain aspect, his ability to associate is extremely strong and he can integrate many fragments of thinking in his original brain. This idea gradually formed a system, became more and more perfect, and became more and more integrated!

This kind of ability is not something that just anyone can possess. Only those who persist in thinking, constantly accumulating, and constantly exploring can achieve such brainstorming thinking. This way of thinking is undoubtedly an important factor in improving a person's intelligence. way!

The blue fish fleet cuts through the clouds and waves, and the big blue fish swim in the white sea. It looks really pleasing to the eye. This scene is now seen by the large fleet waiting outside!

Yunhan, Addis, Yun Xiaolong, Lushan and others were extremely shocked to find that just on the surface of the bubble planet, that is, above the atmosphere, a giant planet-level light curtain appeared, and the picture was incomparable. The ground is clear, and I can see the movements of the small blue fish fleet from the spaceship with my naked eyes...

They saw the Beimo fleet flying above the inner clouds of the Bubble Planet. Along the way, scenes of starry sky scenes were displayed in front of their eyes in extremely vivid ways!

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

"Yes, this starry sky is many times more beautiful than the starry sky outside!"

"Look! What kind of giant beast is that?!"

"This kind of giant beast in the starry sky is called a soul beast!!!"

"Soul beast?!!! Oh my god, didn't I say that this kind of soul beast has become extinct long ago? Why are there still here?!"

"That's a legend from our side. Soul beasts should be found in various star clusters. Although they are often massacred, there are still some lucky ones who survive..."

"It makes sense! What about that big bird? It looks very cool!"

"This kind of giant bird is called a dragonfly. When it spreads its wings, it can cover the clouds and the sun. It's extremely powerful! I didn't expect there is one here!"

"Oh my God, there's more than one, right? I saw two. Are they mating?"

"Wo!!!" Everyone screamed again and again, extremely uneasy!

I didn't expect to see this legendary giant bird today, and I also saw them perform a live mating performance in front of everyone. This made everyone red-faced, but also extremely excited, because such a scene may last a lifetime. You can only see it once, so you are lucky enough to see it once!

Even the great powers of the universe, such as Yunhan and Artis, were stunned. They cheered for the wonderful performance of these two big birds, and wished they could help them make this reproduction process go more smoothly...

At this time, Beimo's small blue fish fleet also discovered this scene, and was urgently stopped by Ling Daozi to avoid affecting the mating action of the pair. After all, it is extremely difficult for such a big bird to be in estrus once. , I don’t know how long it will take for them to come into heat, so every time they come into heat is extremely precious. Maybe after their heat this time, a new dragonfly will be born!

Every one of these big birds is a priceless treasure. It is said that when the dragonfly has grown to its extreme, it can cover a planet with its wings spread out, and it can pick up a planet with just one claw. It is really amazing. Unimaginable!

In fact, these two dragonflies have not really entered the adult stage. This estrus may be their first time, so they must be extremely careful. Once they are frightened, not only the mating activity may not be successful, but also the Their future mating activities will leave a shadow, which will cause big trouble...

Beimo quickly ordered to stop flying, and adjusted the stealth function of the spacecraft to the highest level, hiding motionless in a white cloud...

Fortunately, the two dragonflies were far away from the fleet, and their movement trajectory did not affect the white clouds. They staged an extremely romantic confession of true love for everyone, and of course, their most primitive reproduction activities, which made everyone It’s an eye-opener for people and they say it’s so enjoyable!

This true love show did not last too long. After all, such an activity between two such big birds consumes a lot of energy. For the Tupeng clan, it is impossible for them to perform such activities often. Sometimes It happens once a year, sometimes it may last for ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years...

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