The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3252 The person in the play

( ) Just like a piece of music, from the beginning of the intro, then the opening, then the gradual theme, until the exciting climax, and then to the final epilogue, the performance of the two dragonflies was extremely perfect, and the whole process did not happen. Any accident, in the end, they flapped their wings and flew away in the eyes of everyone with great envy. It was not until they could no longer see two small black dots that people slowly came back to their senses...

"Oh my God, it's so spectacular!"

"So exciting..."

"This is true luck! I seem to be more passionate and yearning for this natural world..."

"This scene will stay in my heart forever, and I can brag about it to anyone in the future..."

"Haha, that's necessary. There are definitely not many people in the world who can see Shen Peng mating, let alone such a real live broadcast. I really admire Ling Daozi. How did he do it?!"

"Yes, it's true when I hear you say that. This live broadcast is not easy. It has to be so clear and yet not attract the attention of Xi Peng, so as not to disturb their actions..."

"Did anyone record it simultaneously?"

"No, I was so absorbed in watching it just now that I forgot..."

"I really forgot, it's such a pity..."

"If it can be recorded, this information can definitely be sold for a high price..."

"Although we didn't record it, Ling Daozi must have! He should have done the live broadcast just now..."

"Yeah, hurry up and ask him for..."

"That's right..."

People reacted and were ready to ask Ling Daozi for this video. Even Yunhan, Artis and others couldn't wait. There are some things that even if they have extremely high status, status and wealth, they may not be able to have them, such as this That's what video is.

As the two dragonflies left, Beimo's blue fish fleet finally continued to fly. Their actions were guided by the small star, so they did not dive directly, but flew in a circle along the clouds. Why? They didn't know how to fly like this, and thought there was something special about it. In fact, the reason why Xiaoxing let them fly slowly was to map their actions onto the giant light curtain represented by the planet, so that Yun Han could Together with Artis, they can clearly observe Beimo's actions...

Since Beimo and the others became suspicious due to a misunderstanding and carried out a risky operation, Xiaoxing certainly does not want the same story to happen to the Blue Fish Fleet in the future.

That's really speechless...

With the help of the Beimo fleet's flight, Yunhan and the others also saw the situation inside the planet and what kind of hospitality Beimo, Wu Ma and others received when they arrived, thus dispelling their concerns and allowing them to enter the Bubble Planet with peace of mind. Come as a guest.

Sure enough, this giant planetary light screen played its due role. Yunhan, Artis and others saw with their own eyes the Beimo fleet sinking from the clouds, and then saw a clear picture of the inner planet. This sight made They were instantly hooked!


"So beautiful!!!"

"There is actually a big planet inside!"

"It's over, this is beyond all my imagination..."

"Didn't you say that there was nothing inside? Why did a big planet appear all of a sudden?"

"Master An said that this was transformed by Ling Daozi and others using their abundant energy, and everything came from this!"

"Wow...that's incredible!"

"This is much more powerful than nature! You must know that this is a big planet, and it was formed in such a short period of time..."

"I wonder how Ling Daozi and the others greatly accelerated this energy-matter transformation process? If we understand the reason, it will definitely be a huge breakthrough for us!"

"Of course! However, I'm afraid Ling Daozi and the others won't reveal this secret..."

"Indeed, if it were us, would we reveal it?"

"Oh, by the way, can this situation be said to be a binary star system? You see, there is a bubble planet outside, and there is a solid planet inside?"

"Yes! However, generally speaking, a binary star system refers to two planets forming a certain relationship with each other, such as the relationship between the main star and the satellite, rather than one planet containing another planet..."

"Indeed! Maybe from now on, there will be another explanation for the binary star system!"

"That's right..."

When a group of wise men from the Turia tribe saw this, they couldn't help but start discussing. It can be said that what they saw and heard this time helped them greatly expand their horizons, and their accumulation of knowledge greatly increased. Bigger than imagined…

The Beimo fleet flew all the way, triggering a big discussion among the people watching outside. They talked about everything, but Beimo and the others were kept in the dark. They had no idea that they were also performers now...

Therefore, when a person is watching other people's performances, he may not realize that in the eyes of other people, he is also a person in the play. This is related to the different perspectives of each person, and the height and height of each person's thoughts. The difference in depth is also related to the different levels of development of each civilization...

While all living beings are busy struggling with the life in front of them, there are some people who have already jumped out of this suffocating life cycle and reached a higher level. Of course, these people can look down on it. Looking at the so-called performances of this group of people who are as busy as lemmings, what they don't know is that in the eyes of civilizations at a higher level than them, they are also a group of lemmings, but they are more mundane than those ants. Just bigger...

This huge planet-like light curtain not only reflects the flight trajectory of the Beimo fleet and their entire action process, but it also reflects that the Phantom civilization has stood at a higher altitude than the Turia tribe and can be extremely calm. Treat their arrival in a respectful manner, and there is no need to set any traps at all, because the Phantom Civilization does not covet anything from the other party at all!

The things that Xiaoxing brought out to entertain them were all delicacies that the Turia people had never seen, tasted, or imagined. Even the utensils used to hold these delicacies were of designs they had never seen before. Whether it is a wine bottle or a cup and tripod, everything is exquisite and exquisite. People will be deeply fascinated by it as soon as they see it and can't put it down...

Yunhan, Artis and others have long been dazzled by the beautiful scenery of the inner planet, as well as the strange giant peaks, the starry scene that makes people feel like they are falling into a dream, the magnificent high-rise buildings, and the infinite tops. The helipad, the transparent ladder that passes through countless spaces, the patio that makes people look at the sky from a well...

Drunk, drunk, drunk...

This is simply an imaginary paradise world. Unexpectedly, it appears in front of them at this moment. All the Turia people can't sit still!

Yun Xiaolong shouted loudly: "Grandpa, let's go in quickly! I want to eat Jiangguo! Eat Panlong Xiantao! And drink Xingyun Wine! Drink coffee!!!"

Yunhan and Artis looked at each other and couldn't help but nodded slowly. They couldn't stand such a huge temptation anymore. Even if it was really a trap, they still had to take a look!

"Let's go!!!" Yun Han ordered decisively.

"Go!!!" Artis gave the order to the fleet...

The entire blue fish fleet finally launched and headed towards the Bubble Planet. Needless to say, a gap slowly opened on the surface of the Bubble Planet to welcome the arrival of this special fleet...

At this time, among the Milky Way stars outside, the appearance of this blue fish fleet has attracted everyone's attention. Almost every major force knows that such a powerful fleet suddenly appeared here in the core universe. This caused caused their great panic!

Where did this fleet come from? To what extent can their combat power reach? What is their purpose here? Will they bring an unprecedented catastrophe to the core universe...

These questions come one after another, affecting everyone's sensitive nerves. Every major force is trying to understand the progress of this matter as quickly as possible. As the place where the Blue Fish Fleet first appeared, the food star cluster appears again in people's minds. In the field of vision, everyone's focus of attention is directed here first...

Soon, people discovered what happened in the Food Star Group. For example, the little internet celebrity Riding the Wind and Waves' famous kids were actually twins. They were caught by the Willy Group for some reason, and this seemed to have attracted Great cause for Bluefish Fleet!

The reason is that the people who came down from the Blue Fish Fleet directly found the Star Master Cai Lang and asked him to cooperate with them to rescue the two little sisters.

But these two little sisters were rescued first. No one knew how they escaped from the terrifying prison of the Willy Group, and this was of course the focus of everyone's attention.

Although the Blue Fish Fleet did not launch an attack and left, they were still wandering among the stars, looking for the little sisters. This left a suspense, whether they could find the little sisters? Will the little sisters be safe when they are found? Or has he been killed?

If it is the latter, then the result will be frightening, because almost all forces are likely to face crazy revenge from the Blue Fish Fleet. There seems to be no doubt about this...

On the other hand, if anyone can find these two little sisters, they will undoubtedly have a life-saving charm, and they can also find this blue fish fleet to claim credit. There is no doubt that the benefits are great...

This idea triggered a vigorous search operation, and almost all forces were involved. Each force sent more or less people to search and inquire, hoping to find these two little sisters...

In addition to these focus events, some subsequent events that occurred on the food star cluster are also eye-catching. Many people began to realize that things seemed to be a little different. There were some intriguing things in this world. What exactly were they? What secret does it contain?

Many wise people discovered this problem very sensitively and began to work tirelessly to collect information and conduct research...


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