The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3264 Video Space

( ) Everyone looked up and couldn't help but exclaimed again: "Blue Fish Fleet?!!!"

This fleet has long been deeply rooted in the core universe, and almost everyone knows it, so you can tell it is it at a glance. However, what the Blue Fish Fleet is showing at this moment is its amazing attack power. Only three ships and one Groups of attack formations emerged in turn like butterflies piercing flowers. Cannonballs roared one after another, flashing brightly and with light and shadow. They rushed towards the bubble planet like meteors piercing the sky, like a rain of light falling from the universe. In addition to making people shudder, they also felt as if they were in a dream, because everything in front of them was indeed dream-like. Everyone did not realize that they had actually entered a video space. In this space, they could wholeheartedly Experience everything shown in the video...

They found that they could observe such a star war as they wanted, such as watching it from the perspective of space, or they could experience it in the atmosphere. They could even catch the cannonballs fired by the Bluefish spacecraft to see what they looked like. of?

However, they found that the visual effect is best when viewed from space, because at this time, the Bubble Planet is like a big spring garden, where flowers are blooming, butterflies are flying, and even the air you breathe is filled with... The sweet floral fragrance is extremely intoxicating...

It can be said that they finally experienced a real Star Wars. Before that, they had only seen it from the information, and it was impossible to have such an experience.

As for fighting opponents in the online world, it is nothing at all because the level is so low.

The shock of this Star Wars to them was extremely strong, which raised their entire perception to an unprecedented level. However, what they did not expect was that this perception was just the beginning...

The Star Wars show finally ended. After experiencing the baptism of war, a huge gap slowly appeared on the Bubble Planet. The appearance of this gap could completely enchant everyone, making them fly towards the gap involuntarily. Go, want to see what is inside the bubble...

Advancing in the passage, they looked at the violent airflow and air masses all around, almost suffocating them. However, such an atmosphere was almost the same as the surface of a gaseous planet. This experience was equivalent to a visit to a gaseous planet. The appearance is undoubtedly the first time in their lives, and it can be said to be extremely precious...

For them, they did not have the courage to enter the atmosphere and take risks, so they all followed the front of the passage. They did not know how far they had advanced. Finally, they flew out of the passage, and their eyes suddenly opened up, and they faintly discovered that there was a huge planet in front of them. , and I am wandering above its clouds...

Next, like the Blue Fish Fleet, they had a full view of this unique binary system, saw various scenes on the inner planet, appreciated the incredible construction style of this foreign planet, and of course felt the extremely powerful strength of the Phantom Group. !

Unlike the guys from the Blue Fish Fleet,

They finally entered the core of the planet, which was the master control center. Here, they saw the most exciting scene...

New network! ! !

That's right, here at the General Control Center, the construction of the new network was shown. They saw that this network had covered the entire core universe, and was still extending outwards...

This network looks much simpler than the original network. Those threads cannot be seen at all unless there is a special way to display them. Their extension seems aimless, but they can always be intertwined into a network at a certain time. , a node is often formed where an intersection occurs. The number of nodes is not large, but the range it can control is extremely wide, and the efficiency is many times higher than the original network!

Moreover, under the control of Qi Ling, a new node can be randomly generated where needed, or a node can be cut off. This can not only improve management efficiency, but also save costs. After all, some places are too desolate and there is no need to set them up. What node, so limited resources can be used where needed.

As Xiaobao said before, the so-called portal that appeared in the old online world is actually a randomly generated new node. After it completes its task, this node will be removed at the same time. No matter how people in the online world look for it, Can’t find it anymore…

The hardware of the new network is being extended, and its internal world is the main focus of everyone's observation. They know that this will be their main battlefield in the future. This opportunity is very rare now, because they are almost the first to see this new world. people!

Compared with the old world, the most direct feeling is that the sky here is much brighter, the air is much fresher, and everything is almost the same as the outside world, and even much better than the outside world! Much more real! More charming and vibrant!

The trees here are real trees, and the flowers and plants are also real flowers and plants. They are not supported by the spirit of their plants and trees...

The mountains, rivers, winds, thunder and lightning, topography, vegetation, flowers and birds here can arouse everyone's urge to travel and explore. Compared with the gloomy world of the old world, everyone's heart is bright and refreshing. , cheerful, I wish I could stay here for a long time!

"Oh, what kind of spaceship is that?!"

"So beautiful!"

"Oh my God, this isn't the World Spirit's spaceship, is it?"


"What? It's a faster-than-light ship?!"

"Oh my god..."

The appearance of the starship caused everyone to exclaim, and the explanation of the super-light spacecraft made them take a breath, and they were shocked and speechless...

Seeing this super-light starship slowly disappearing from their sight, everyone's hearts were still beating wildly. This time it was truly eye-opening!

After seeing the new network and the new world, the next step is the highlight, which is the new economy!

Mingcheng and others immediately entered the position specially set for them and began their first experience on the new network...

"Oh my gosh, so fast!"

"It was an instant reaction!"

"That's right, just voice commands are enough, you don't even have to move your hands!"

"That's wrong, voice commands are still available. If your consciousness is strong enough, you can control it with your consciousness!"


"That's how I am, and it doesn't seem to require a particularly powerful power of consciousness. Basically, ordinary people can use it this way!"

"That's great! Xiaoling really takes good care of me. You know, I'm young and my spiritual consciousness is not strong enough!" Xiaobao shouted excitedly.

Mingcheng teased: "Xiaobao, being young is not an excuse for your weak spiritual consciousness. You must know that Xiaoling and Xiaoliu are about the same age as you. Why can they reach such heights?"

", they are my new idols! I have decided not to go to that broken network anymore, and I will stay here from now on!" Xiaobao announced loudly.

When Mingcheng, Xiaoqi, Heike and others heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other and nodded slowly...

Xiaobao's words are actually their thoughts at this time. With such a new network and new world, what are they going to do in the old network world?

You know, if you use a network that responds instantly, you will definitely be unbearable if you use a network that responds ten seconds, not to mention a network that may respond hundreds of times until it is disconnected and stagnant?

The advanced nature of the new network made them determined, and what made them even more determined that they couldn't wait to join the Phantom Group was the new economy they saw and experienced on the new network! ! !

They soon discovered that this new network was really powerful!

After going online, you can find that the economic ecology on the Internet is extremely rich, including selling food, clothing, supplies, toys, spiritual products, and various services... everything is available, it is dizzying!

It is much richer and more exciting than going shopping outside!

Because here, you can buy Spoon Star food at the Food Basket Star and have it delivered directly to your door in a short time; you can also book a boat ticket, and then take it to the space port on the appointed day, and then go to When traveling to your destination, all services along the way can be booked in advance; you can find that there are items you like on an extremely remote planet, which can fully satisfy your desire to play and collect, and the price is extremely cheap; you According to some ranking lists on the Internet, you can be the first to see a meteor shower happening in a distant star field, or a rare aurora show!

You can be the first to see the latest single video released by your favorite internet celebrity, the latest poem written by your favorite poet, the latest painting by your favorite painter, as well as the latest dance and music you like. !

Of course, there are also special cultural performances, customs, strange people and strange things of other races... You can keep watching as long as you want. No matter how you watch, there will be no repetitions, because there are so many connected planet civilizations that you can't even count them. Countless…

The new network world is really exciting, but this kind of excitement is not something that ordinary people can enjoy all the time. After all, enough money is needed to exchange for the corresponding physical goods and services. However, this is not a problem for the new network, because it provides Everyone provides a big platform to make money. As long as you have products and services and are willing to provide them to others, then you have the opportunity to earn enough money for yourself to satisfy your desire for consumption...

Even hackers like them have their uses, because they can provide network protection for others to prevent their stores from being attacked by hackers, they can write and produce anti-hacking software for sale, they can provide Taoist guidance to customers, and they can help them Build an online store, etc…

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