The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3265 Warring States Period

( ) The business prospects shown by the video space are so broad that there is simply no ceiling. If it continues like this, Mingcheng and others will feel that they will have no problem becoming super rich!

Xiaoqi said in surprise: "Isn't it? Our hacker profession is quite popular!"

Mingcheng said loudly: "Does that need to be said? In the future, the new network and new economy will be the largest economic platform for countless civilizations in the universe. I am afraid that the online transaction volume will soon exceed the offline transaction volume. Professionals like us will naturally be huge. There is a place for us! There are so many planets and so many customers. Just being a customer of one planet can make us a fortune, not to mention there are so many planetary civilizations?!"

Heike echoed: "Boss is right! Guys, we will all become rich in the future. What do you want to do most?"

Xiaobao shouted first: "I want to buy a starship, and then run to see what Tiangang Star looks like!"

"Tiangang Star?!"

"What planet is that?"

"where is it?"

"Didn't you see? Tiangang Star ranks first on the list of strange planets in the universe, because it combines high energy, high light, high treasure, high beauty and other factors into one. Whoever can own a Tiangang Star is almost the number one in the universe. Monopoly!!!" Xiaobao said in a sweet voice.


"Are there many more Tiangang stars?"

"No, the probability of its existence is still very small. Of course, from the perspective of the universe, the absolute number will not be low, but the conditions for their existence are quite harsh, and few people can actually see it. And seeing it People may be reluctant to leave... because Tiangang Star is almost entirely composed of Tiangang Stone. The value of this Tiangang Stone is much higher than the gems here, and almost all of them are there. The entire planet is in the universe. The starry sky is shining and dazzling..." Xiaobao described excitedly.

"A treasure star made entirely of Tiangang stones? Such a planet must have fallen into the hands of some cosmic power a long time ago. How can it be our turn? The most we can do is visit it..." Mingcheng sighed.

"Gee, it's great to have a look at it. Boss, do you still want to own it? It's not easy to own a planet like that, because its mass is extremely huge, and its pulling power is no weaker than that of the sun. Do you think you can come out after you go up?" Xiaobao laughed.

"Isn't there... a starship? We can walk around it and visit it. There is no need to go up. We will definitely not be able to get out!" Mingcheng thought.

"How did such a planet form? Is there really such a planet in the universe?" Heike asked suspiciously.

Xiaobao hummed: "Brother Hai, the universe is so big, there are all kinds of wonders! There are only things you can't think of, and nothing you can't see. For example, if you can imagine a strange planet, maybe there will really be something in the universe you imagined. Such a planet!"

"Oh?! You seem to be overdoing it. After all, the formation of planets will be based on certain world rules. It cannot be said that there are no things beyond these rules, but they must be very few. If I ignore those rules and imagine a planet How could a planet exist in the universe? For example..." Heike retorted.

"say what?"

"A planet will both revolve around the sun and rotate on its own. If the planet I envision rotates a thousand times faster than our planet, do you think it is possible?" Heike said proudly.

"A thousand times faster? For example, the rotation of the Cai Lan star is one day. If it is a thousand times faster, it rotates once a thousandth of a day, right?" Xiaobao asked.

"That's right! With such a fast speed, I'm afraid that the Vegetable Basket itself will be unable to withstand it. I believe that its equator will definitely rotate and expand, and the gas and some frivolous dust on the planet will be thrown away by the huge force generated by its rotation. Go out, and by then, there won’t even be gas on the Vegetable Basket planet, and it will be impossible for people to survive..." Heike imagined.

"Giggle, Brother Hai is wrong!" Xiaobao laughed.

"Wrong? What's wrong?!"

"If it rotates once a thousandth of a day, a planet like Lai Lan may be thrown out of its crust, and life there will not even have a place to stand!" Xiaobao said.

"Well, anyway, a planet that rotates so fast is definitely not suitable for the survival and reproduction of life. Fortunately, there should be no such planets, or even if there are, there are definitely not many!" Heike said.


"but what?!"

"The planet that Brother Hai mentioned that rotates once every thousandth of a day is nothing in the universe, because there is a kind of planet in the universe that can rotate once in just a few tens of breaths!" Xiaobao was proud. said.

"What?!" Heike was startled.

"How is this possible?!" Mingcheng and Xiaoqi were also extremely shocked.

Xiao Qi said: "For a planet that rotates so fast, I'm afraid all the matter on it has been thrown away long ago? How can it still exist?"

"That's because you didn't expect that some materials in the universe can be so hard. Even if the planet rotates so fast, it will have no impact on the materials on the planet, so they can still exist in the form of planets. From then on, According to the data, just a little bit of that kind of pulsar material can be equivalent to the weight of the entire vegetable basket star!" Xiaobao said.


"Pulsar? Where is it? I'll check right away..."

"It's on the list of strange planets I just mentioned..."

"Oh my god, there are such planets, so what other planets can't exist?"

"Yes, it seems that the universe is much more magical than we imagined..."

"Why is this information only available on the new network and not visible on the old network at all?"

"That's because the level difference between the two sides is so big that they can't be compared together..."

"That's right..."

Everyone is deeply fascinated by the profundity, comprehensiveness, novelty and power displayed by the new network. They are immersed in the network and are reluctant to leave it at all...

In the old network world, there are several teams attacking the hacker organization base at this time. One of them is the Green Team led by Shi Laiao. Also gathered with him are the Yellow Team, the Orange Team and the Blue Team. Team, the reason why they dare to attack the hacker organization is because the strength of these four organizations has increased significantly recently!

Since more and more people have entered the online world recently, showing a mushrooming growth momentum, it has become easier for them to recruit soldiers. As their number of soldiers increases, the territory they occupy is also expanding day by day, and their strength has expanded quite a bit. Awesome, ambition is naturally growing...

However, they are still self-aware and know that it is difficult to defeat the hacker organization on their own, so they gathered together to jointly attack. In the view of several of their leaders, as long as they defeat this force that has always been entrenched on their heads, they can defeat the hacker organization. Eat your fill once and for all, and truly set a milestone for your own rise!

Everyone knows that the current online world has entered an era where all the heroes are coming together, and no force can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, especially the front wave. If they do not continue to develop, they will only be beaten to death on the beach by the back wave rising behind them...

Therefore, as their strength grows and their ambitions expand, their targets are directed at the old organizations, such as hacker organizations, Hongke, Qingke, Zike, etc. The world is undergoing drastic changes, and the front wave will They will gradually grow old and decay, and then the waves will gradually replace them, blooming with their own dazzling brilliance...

Shi Laiao and others were ambitious and launched a strong attack on the hacker base in four directions. The journey was quite smooth and they soon advanced to the core area of ​​the hacker base!

Since their goal is to overthrow the hacker base, they do not want to follow the general rules of online world war. If they follow those rules, then this battle will be more like a contest between gentlemen. The two sides agree on a time and place. Let's wait for the personnel and weapons to be ready before engaging in an open and honest battle. However, this method of fighting only belonged to before the Warring States Period. At that time, there were no deep conflicts between the various forces, and there were no conflicts between spheres of influence. Everyone was more Get together and compare your experiences on the Internet to achieve mutual promotion.

Just like the last battle between Hongke and hackers, the battle between them was more of a Taoist contest. No matter which side won, they would not rob and massacre the other side, but Click until you reach the point, quit when you are faced with difficulties, and come back if you can’t do it again…

But things are different now. With the sharp increase in the number of people entering, they also bring different ideas and fighting capabilities. The online world has become somewhat similar to the fighting situation in the outside world. They fight against each other, use treachery, intrigues, and all kinds of things. Such tactics continue to be staged. The original battle between gentlemen no longer exists. The bottom line of the battle is constantly lowered until there is no bottom line...

In fact, now the spheres of influence have begun to intersect. Conflicts and interests have become the main contradictions between the parties. It is impossible for everyone to exchange experiences with each other. If you want to get the other party's experience, I am afraid it is more likely to take action directly. Poaching people, digging for information, or launching merger wars. Therefore, the online world has begun to become more and more dangerous. It is no longer possible for many individuals to return to the carefree life of traveling alone. More often than not, they must join an organization, stay together in the organization, and advance and retreat together...

The last time Shi Laiao's Green Guest failed to dig for treasure in the grove of Hong Ke's, he was driven back by Qing Cement. This made Shi Laiao very embarrassed. He learned from the painful experience and began to expand aggressively, recruiting troops everywhere. In a short period of time, he gained strength. It has advanced by leaps and bounds, expanding at least ten times!

This was also the reason why he dared to attack the hackers alone this time. However, they advanced all the way, and when they arrived at the core area of ​​the hacker base, they found that there seemed to be a problem with their attack. No matter how fierce the firepower was, the hacker base But it is not affected at all, as stable as a rock...

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