The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3287 The realm of national war chess

Everyone present, except for Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Shui Xin, didn’t know the origins of Yan Na’s group. They only knew that they were members of the Canglang tribe. As for why they came to the Tianjing Hall, it can be said that there was no clue. As far as I know, almost everyone, including Guowei, Yi Xing, Lai Huan and others, thought that the purpose of studying this question was to challenge Ling Daozi...

An Dawei had made a similar move before, but in the end he was rejected by Xiaoxing, who suggested that he select some elites from the young people of his clan to watch and comment on the battle. This led to Yuheng, Hongxiang, Gehai and Hua Wu and ten other young people were promoted to participate in the scene of watching the battle.

So now Yanna asks Ling Daozi again, will Ling Daozi repeat his old tricks?

However, there were only three people who came with Yanna, a mighty-looking man named Dashuai Yaguang, and two children who were about the same age as Yunwei, Yunqi and Yun Xiaolong, namely Dafu and Si Yue, so if Ling Daozi refuses again, will Da Fu and Si Yue come out to comment?

Everyone looked at Ling Daozi with interest, wanting to hear what he had to say...

Little In fact, it has basically covered the principles of national war chess confrontation... Of course, in a chess match, due to the different personalities, abilities, and styles of the coaches of both sides, the final games they played were ever-changing and memorable. Infinite!"

"Oh? So, you think that there is no fixed rule of victory or defeat in this national war chess, but it varies from person to person?" Yanna said suddenly.

"It is said that soldiers have no constant momentum and water has no constant shape. Only by changing according to the enemy can we defeat the enemy! Whether it is a team confrontation or an individual confrontation, if you can formulate a strategy based on the enemy's situation, you can finally win the victory. , must be a person with great foresight, confidence, and great strategy!" Xiaoxing continued.

"So, how can we truly change according to the enemy?" Yanna asked.

"Changing in response to the enemy must first be based on one's own strength. If one's own strength is insufficient, wanting to change in response to the enemy will actually be insufficient. Therefore, as a commander, as a The team must be very clear about where its circle of competence is. If the circle of competence is not large enough, then it must focus more on strengthening itself, building walls high, accumulating food widely, slowly becoming king, and strategically The above is mainly to avoid the opponent's edge and reduce the chance of direct confrontation with the opponent. After all, there are high walls and deep ravines, and the loss to the defending side will be much less. Slowly, one's own strength will be strengthened. If one's own strength Now that we have come up, we have the ability to deal with the opponent. At this time, changing according to the enemy has real meaning!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well said! To strike, you must be strong. If you attack rashly without knowing the situation between yourself and the opponent, the outcome will only depend on luck..." Yanna praised.

"Yes! As a commander, you need to understand that the opponent's situation does not only refer to their army, but also includes many aspects. For example, what is the character of the commander of the opponent's camp? Where are the main points of ability? What is the command style? What are the various aspects of the opponent's camp? What kind of people are the kings of the country? What are the abilities of their advisers and generals? Are the kings and ministers united and united? What is the astronomical and geographical situation, product situation, development situation, population situation, manufacturing process, and economy of the other camp? Operation status, diplomatic exchanges between countries... What you need to know is that the so-called national war chess is based on the country and the alliance as the supplement. What you face is not just the commander of the other camp, but a person. Another country, each country is actually relatively independent, and the alliance is actually relatively loose. If the commander of the camp does not do a good job, internal conflicts may intensify, and conflicts may arise between countries and between countries. Differentiation, therefore, if you want to change according to the enemy, the early stage of information warfare must not be ignored..." Xiaoxing emphasized.

"Wo!!!" There was an uproar in the courtyard hall. After hearing Xiaoxing's analysis, everyone felt suddenly enlightened...

When they were watching the national war chess match before, they always felt a little confused. Many times they felt unable to start when faced with such a complicated scene. They didn't know what unknowable changes would happen later, but now after hearing Xiaoxing's words, , they finally grasped a main idea and knew where to start to observe and understand the progress of the game!

This will be of great help to them in playing national war chess on their own in the future, there is no doubt about this...

Yanna nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and praised: "Xiao Ling is indeed a master. This analysis can be said to be right on the target, hitting the target! I would like to ask again, if the preliminary information collection and analysis tasks have been completed, is it Isn’t it possible to kill people when you meet them, kill Buddhas when you meet them, kill gods when you meet gods, and go straight to the Yellow Dragon?”

"Hey, senior, what you said is a bit radical. If you rely on your own strong strength to start killing everyone, building bridges when encountering rivers, opening mountains when encountering, attacking cities when encountering, and killing soldiers when encountering, this is definitely not a wise move. It should be noted that killing one thousand enemies will result in eight hundred losses for oneself. Every bloody battle is actually a tragic victory in the final analysis. If this continues, it will not take long for the strength that one has finally accumulated to be squandered, and the situation may be manipulated by the enemy. Reversal!" Xiaoxing laughed.

Yanna's face turned red when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "Well, it seems that I have also made the mistake of being proud and complacent. I think that if I have food in the barn and soldiers in my hands, I can do whatever I want..."

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Senior may have been misled by the word war in the national war chess..."

"Oh? Does the word "zhan" have any deeper meaning?" Yan Na was startled.

Others also looked at each other, wondering what Ling Daozi was referring to...

Xiaoxing continued: "As I said just now, the national war chess is mainly based on the country, and the camp is the supplement. Each country has its own characteristics, so as the commander-in-chief of one party, your understanding must be in-depth in each country. , we must not regard all the other countries as the same, that would be too simplistic. As for the word war in the national war chess that I am talking about now, everyone may think that this game is to see who is more powerful and who is more heroic. Good at fighting... But what I want to say is that whether it is in the national war chess game or in the real world of cultivation, fighting is worse than not fighting. If everything can be solved through fighting, then something must have happened in the middle. Big problem!”

"This..." Everyone was confused when they heard it. They felt that Ling Daozi's words were a bit convoluted and seemed to have a lot of mystery, but they just couldn't grasp the key to it!

Andawei asked: "Xiao Ling, you said it would be better not to fight than to fight, but if you don't fight, how can you conquer the city and conquer the enemy?"

"Senior, have you heard that the first step is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the third is to attack the city?" Xiaoxing asked in return.

"This... I wonder if Xiaoling can explain it in detail?" Andavi said hesitantly.

"The meaning of this sentence is that the best military action is to use strategy to defeat the enemy's strategic intention or war behavior, the second is to use diplomacy to defeat the enemy, the third is to use force to defeat the enemy, and the lowest strategy is to attack the enemy's The city. The so-called subjugation of the enemy without fighting is the highest level of defeating the enemy!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Conquering the enemy without fighting? How do you say this?!" Andavi seemed to have realized the beauty of it, and continued to ask with some excitement.

"For example, the last time the Blue Fish Fleet came to Cai Lanxing, although Cai Lanxing didn't fire a single shot, Cai Lanxing was already trembling under the huge pressure of the Blue Fish Fleet and did not dare to fight against it, let alone Arousing your anger, but carefully helping you find the missing Xiaowei and Xiaoqi, this can be said to be a victory without a fight, right?" Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! The strength difference between the two sides is so big that there is no need to start a war. The other side knows that it is impossible to defeat us, so it can only obey our orders obediently. However, if we encountered the bubble planet at that time, the situation would definitely be different. It will be different!" Andavi suddenly realized.

Xiaoxing nodded and praised: "That's true! Therefore, winning without fighting is the highest level in national war chess. If the opponent knows that it is impossible to defeat you, you can win almost without losing a single soldier! Of course, it is still difficult to achieve this. After all, the strength of both sides is basically equal at the beginning. It is difficult for you to obtain such an overwhelming advantage. Therefore, in the realm of subduing the enemy without fighting, It’s what I just said: attack the enemy first, then attack the enemy, then attack the army, then attack the city..."

Yan Na interjected: "Xiao Ling, can you tell us more about these realms?"

"In the realm of national war chess, if you can win without using soldiers, then such a realm will naturally be more advanced. As the senior said before, the realm of winning with strategy is also extremely high. After all, human life is extremely precious. If a living life is exchanged for a piece of wasteland gained from victory, it is fundamentally uneconomical and unkind! If a commander does not love soldiers, he will not hesitate to use them, and he will treat soldiers like pigs and dogs, and he will be accustomed to using human lives. In exchange for military exploits, such a commander is not a good commander, and such a monarch is not a good monarch. Therefore, in a war, the first thing to think about is how to use strategy and diplomacy to win victory, and It’s not about relying on your own force to win!”

"That's true! I have a deep understanding of this..." Yanna nodded in agreement.

Xiaoxing continued: "Of course, if strategies and diplomacy cannot achieve results, then troops must be used when it is time to use them. If we don't fight, it's not that we are afraid of war, but that we are disdainful of fighting. If necessary, Then we must fight to the end, even if we fight every last soldier, we will never give up easily..."

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