The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3288 Principles of the Art of War

"Okay!" "Okay!!" "Okay!!!"...

Xiaoxing's words were sonorous and powerful, and they immediately aroused the sympathy of everyone in the hall. The blood in everyone's heart was ignited, and everyone shouted loudly...

Yun Han also shouted excitedly. He was completely fascinated by Ling Daozi. He felt that every word of Ling Daozi seemed to speak to his heart. It was extremely helpful!

The atmosphere in the hall reached a new climax, and everyone's face was flushed, much redder than after drinking Xingyun wine...

This also shows how profound Xiaoxing's Taoism is now. His words are like rules, which can influence people's thoughts and actions. This is the saying that what he says is followed by the law...

For the people in the palace, they are all cultivators who have survived countless battles, so when it comes to battle, it naturally arouses the fighting spirit in their hearts. This is why they understand the national war chess. One of the main reasons for deviations.

After the palace calmed down a little, Xiaoxing continued: "Seniors, you may not know much about the battles in the mortal world. I have warned you before that you should not substitute the battles in the world of cultivation into the national war chess, because that would definitely be OK. It doesn’t make sense. Therefore, the battles of the National War Chess I am going to talk about next are mainly applicable to the mortal world, not the world of cultivation. Of course, if used properly, the world of cultivation can learn from it. After all, many years ago, now Almost all the worlds of cultivation evolved from the mortal world..."

When Bei Mo heard this, he couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Ling, what do you think the battle in the national war chess is like? What's the mystery in it?"

Xiaoxing said: "The battles in the national war chess are also divided into stages. They are not static but changeable. In fact, the forms of battles in the mortal world are rich and colorful, such as cold wars, hot wars..."

"What is a cold war? A hot war?" Beimo asked urgently.

"Cold war refers to the weapons used by the army, which are knives, guns, swords, halberds, bows and arrows and other metal weapons, while hot war will add powerful artillery fire. In the initial stage of national war chess, it is mainly cold war. , there will also be thermal weapons in the future.”

"Will there be a spaceship?"

"No! The energy form used in the mortal world cannot support the flight and consumption of the spacecraft, so at most, it is just some primitive flying objects that use ordinary natural energy... Of course, if used well and with exquisite craftsmanship, these flying objects can kill The power is also extremely strong, which depends on the cultivation of talents and the ability of all parties to utilize resources." Xiaoxing said.

"I see…"

"Cold soldiers and hot soldiers are mainly distinguished by their weapons. As for the specific forms of fighting, there are more, such as water warfare, mountain warfare, field warfare, siege warfare, horse warfare, fire ox warfare, chariot warfare, ambush warfare, Great battles...these battles are actually challenging the ultimate combat power of mortals. It was their tireless research and impact that laid the foundation for the emergence of cultivation civilization..." Xiaoxing said.

"Wo..." There was a soft cry in the hall. Many people were extremely shocked by Ling Daozi's words. They felt that many of the things involved in it were ignored or had not been thought of. Therefore, they all felt refreshed and their horizons were opened. …

Bei Mo finally came back to his senses and asked quickly: "With so many forms of fighting, it is extremely difficult for us cultivators to study them thoroughly, let alone for mortals, right?"

"Senior's words make sense! However, seniors must not underestimate mortals, because there are also powerful people among mortals. Although they do not have the physical and spiritual power of cultivators, their wisdom is not at all. Those who are lagging behind, and the outstanding ones among them, are actually not much different from the powerful ones in the world of cultivation..." Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"Really?!!!" Bei Mo said in surprise.

The people in the palace also felt a little incredible when they heard this. In their eyes, mortals are like weak ants. How can their wisdom compare with the great masters of cultivation?

Seeing everyone’s confused looks,

Little The conclusion mentioned above also comes from this. In fact, many of the things I just said about the realm of national war chess came from outstanding strategists among mortals. They have learned through long-term observation of war. Through thinking and practice, we have summarized many of the essence of the art of war, which are of great significance in guiding war!"

"The essence of the art of war? I wonder what their opinions are on these forms of combat?" Andavi couldn't help but ask.

"Senior, the so-called essence does not only refer to a certain form of battle or a certain war, but to provide guidance from a strategic perspective. For example, when the two sides are confronting each other, some military strategists pointed out that when the two sides are in confrontation, the enemy must be surrounded by ten people. If you attack them when they are five, and divide them when they are doubled, you can fight the enemy, if you have fewer, you can escape, and if you have fewer, you can avoid it... This principle of military art plays an extremely important guiding role when two armies confront each other!" Xiao Star said.

"Xiao Ling, can you explain it in more detail?" An Dawei was a little confused and felt that his head could hardly accept it, so he had to say.

The others were actually much worse than him, they all looked at Xiaoxing blankly...

Xiaoxing was secretly happy. This principle of the art of war is indeed extremely refined. It is not easy to understand it exactly. So he explained: "This principle of the art of war means that if you have ten times the enemy's force, you must surround the enemy. If you have five times the enemy's force, you must surround the enemy." If you have twice the enemy's strength, you must attack the enemy. If you have twice the enemy's strength, you must try to disperse the enemy. If you have equal strength, you must try to defeat the enemy. If your strength is smaller than the enemy's, you must retreat. If your strength is lower than the enemy's, you must avoid a decisive battle. Everyone knows , for mortals, it is difficult for a superpower like the one in the world of cultivation to appear. One person can kill all directions and easily destroy a team. Therefore, when mortal armies confront each other, most of the strength of both sides is reflected in the strength of the armies. In terms of quantity, whichever side has more soldiers and generals will have an advantage. However, military strategists point out that when occupying different advantages, the strategies and tactics adopted are also different. For example, if you have ten times the strength of the enemy, Then you don't have to attack the opponent at all, you just need to try to surround it, cut off its waterways, cut off its backup, and cut off its food and grass. It won't take long for the opponent to be able to withstand it, and you will have to surrender obediently. In this way, you don't have to lose a single person. If you can win a perfect victory with just one strike, then why bother to attack the opponent with great joy?"


"That's so good! Isn't this just subduing the enemy without fighting?"

"If you rush over at the beginning, the enemy has food and water, plenty of physical strength, and can still resist stubbornly, even if you can win, you will have to pay a heavy price. In fact, such a military exploit is far inferior to encircling and winning! "

"Of course! It seems that this mortal summed it up well!"

"That's right..."

"Xiao Ling, what about the combat principles behind?" Artis couldn't help but ask. After hearing Ling Daozi's words today, he felt that it was of great benefit to him as the commander-in-chief. He admired Ling Daozi so much that he also cared about it at this time. I'm ashamed of myself, I just want to know more about the principles and essence of combat mentioned by Ling Daozi...

Little If you have ten times the enemy's strength, then you have an overwhelming advantage, so you can encircle and defeat it. If you have five times the enemy's strength, although it is not an overwhelming advantage, it is still much better than the opponent, then you can definitely Take the initiative to attack and put strong pressure on the opponent to win. But if you only have twice the enemy's strength, this advantage will not be obvious. At this time, you must try to disperse the enemy's strength, and then concentrate your superior strength to defeat the enemy. Defeat them one by one. The essence of this tactic is that you must always maintain your own absolute superiority in local forces, because only in this way will your chance of victory be maximized! On the battlefield, the situation is changing rapidly. If you cannot concentrate Superior strength ensures victory, but there may be loopholes, and the inability to control the situation may lead to a reversal of the situation... In the end, as a commander, you must be very clear about where your own strengths are and where the enemy's weaknesses are. Only by attacking the enemy's weaknesses with strength can you ensure the inevitability of victory!"

"That's great! Thank you Xiaoling! I really learned something this time!!!" Artis said sincerely.

"The commander is too modest! After all, there is a big difference between the mortal battlefield and the battlefield of the cultivation world, so we focus on its essence, rather than the specific strategies and tactics. Of course, the mortal battlefield and the cultivation battlefield have the same thing in that they are constantly changing. , in a battlefield that is constantly changing and advancing, if you want to maintain control and ensure victory, the commander's command level is extremely important. Here, mortal military strategists also pointed out an important principle..."

"What principle?!" everyone asked.

"Use the right combination, use the unexpected to win..."

"This...does this military strategist mean that when one's own side is facing off against the enemy, one's own side will fight the enemy with regular troops to maintain a stable situation, and then use surprise troops to attack the enemy from the side or rear, thereby winning in one fell swoop?! ” Artis thought.

"That makes sense!"

"It should be so..."

"I think this is good. The role of surprise soldiers is very great. If the two sides are fighting in a stalemate, a surprise soldier suddenly comes out from the side or the rear. It will definitely disrupt the situation and make the other party panic and become confused. It will be much easier to kill the general this way..."

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