The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3315 elixir and holy elixir

( ) Li Yun said in a deep voice: "Seniors, I understand your feelings, but..."

"But what?!" Wu Ma asked anxiously.

"Do you know the price I have to pay to refine this magic elixir?"

"Price?!" Wu Ma was startled, and the others were also stunned!

Seeing how easily Liu Feng refined the magic pill, what price did he have to pay?

If there is really any price, I'm afraid it's that he spent some energy and spiritual power, right? This is nothing to a cosmic power...

Li Yun said: "Each of these strange fires is above the tenth level, and it is a rare Danyang fire in the universe. It is the best strange fire for refining alchemy, no one! However, every time the Danyang fire is refined, Every pill consumes a certain amount of energy. If it is not replenished in time, the level of the pill will drop. Especially for refining this kind of magic pill, the consumption is extremely huge! In fact, I learned from you The herbs and seeds obtained are simply not worth the energy consumed. It can be said that these magical elixirs are almost given to you seniors for free by me! This is not important to me. What is important is that the energy of the elixir fire is a A special kind of energy, the most important of which is the energy from all directions of the universe. Therefore, its replenishment is also particularly troublesome. For example, after it is used once, it needs to be immediately placed in a specific cosmic environment to slowly absorb it. The energy of the universe cannot be used for at least a period of time, so after refining this batch of magical elixirs, it will be a hundred or two hundred years before we can use them again!"

"Wo..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but exclaimed, suddenly realizing it!

They finally realized how much advantage they had just taken advantage of Liufeng, and what made them blush was that they were greedy and demanding, and even tried to turn the magic pill into a big business...

Wu Ma's face turned red and he muttered: "Xiao Liu, I really don't know that it is so troublesome to refine this magic elixir..."

"Seniors may not have a deep understanding of alchemy, and they don't know much about divine elixirs, so there is no need to blame yourself! In fact, the consumption of strange fire in refining divine elixirs is nothing. If you want to refine elixirs or holy elixirs, Dan, that is the biggest test for the strange fire!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? There are... elixirs and holy elixirs?!!!" Wu Ma screamed, and he was not calm anymore.

Others were extremely shocked when they heard that, and felt their hearts beating wildly, as if they felt that some unique treasure was about to emerge from the ground...

An Dawei asked urgently: "Xiaoliu, are the elixirs and holy pills you mentioned are pills that are more advanced than the divine pills?!"

Li Yun nodded and said, "That's right.

In my pill classification, although there is no such division, if the seniors call the Sha Teng Pill just now a divine pill, then there should be elixir and holy pill above it. These two pills Pills are much more effective than magic pills! "

"Oh my god... I wonder what the difference is between the effects of this elixir and the holy elixir compared to the divine elixir?!" Andavi asked in wonder. For him, he was no longer shameless in asking questions, but was actively asking for advice and trying to Digging out more useful principles from Liufeng, if this can bring him a breakthrough in the direction of development, it will be so worth it!

Li Yun said: "This magical elixir is, after all, condensed from a single medicinal material. Although the vitality essence is quite pure, its effect is indeed relatively single, and it cannot achieve the bonus effect of one plus one being greater than two, so , Seniors have also seen that such a magical elixir can extend life for a thousand to tens of thousands of years at most, and it cannot be extended any longer..."

"That makes sense..." Andavi praised.

Li Yun continued: "The problem that the elixir wants to solve is to add a variety of medicinal ingredients on the basis of the magic elixir, so that these medicinal ingredients can react better with each other and stimulate each other, so that the overall effect exceeds the combined effect of the individual medicinal ingredients. With such a leaping achievement that one plus one is greater than two, its effect will naturally be greatly increased, and the lifespan that can be extended is not as simple as thousands to tens of thousands of years, but can reach hundreds of thousands to one million years!"

"Wow!!!" The people in the palace exclaimed in exclamation. Their mouths opened wide and their hearts beat wildly...

I never thought that one elixir could increase lifespan for such a long time. If I could get one or two, I would do it...

An Dawei suddenly said: "So, the Huiyuan Pill is the elixir in your mouth?!!!"

Li Yun nodded with a smile and said: "That's true! The Huiyuan Pill has basically reached the ultimate level of elixir. One pill can extend your life for a million years, which is not bad..."

"What about the Holy Pill?!!!" Andavi asked impatiently.

"Holy Pill? Currently, pills of the Holy Pill level are still under design, and its design principle is..."

"What is it?!!!" everyone asked in unison.

"I wonder if any of you seniors have ever heard of the principle of eternal motion?" Li Yun asked.

"Eternally moving? You mean always moving?" Andavi thought.

"That's right! It's always moving! In the universe, things often appear to be stationary. For example, we are sitting here motionless, the table is motionless, the utensils are motionless, and even the wine in the wine glass is motionless... However, this is only a relative term. In fact, both us and them are constantly moving..." Li Yun said.

"Oh? Are we moving? Are these items moving too?!!!" Andavi asked in surprise.

Others were also a little stunned. They were obviously not moving, so why did Liufeng say that he was moving?

Bei Mo said suspiciously: "Xiao Liu, I am just sitting still and not moving right now?"

Li Yun smiled and said: "Senior, I just mentioned that whether we moved or not is only a relative term. For example, compared to you and me, and there are so many people and objects in the palace, you did not move, but we are now in On the bubble planet, and the bubble planet is orbiting the white hole in the center all the time, then if a person stands above the white hole and looks down at us, will he see that we are all moving? Woolen cloth?"

"It makes sense!!!" Bei Mo suddenly realized it and shouted excitedly. He seemed to feel something breaking through his rigid thinking at this moment, and this was exactly the effect of Liu Feng's question!

"So, motion and immobility are only relative terms. The universe is always filled with all kinds of energy, and these energies will push all kinds of things to move, all the time, endlessly... This universe It seems to be a perpetually moving universe. Unless the energy is exhausted and everything is burned out, the universe will slowly stop, become quiet, and eventually return to nothingness..."

"What? Are you saying that our universe will also come to an end?!" Bei Mo said in shock.

"This is not surprising. A fire will always burn out, a sea will always dry up, and a planet will become unable to rotate. The existence of things may be long or short, but it is very important. Few can escape the growth rings of time, and energy will always be exhausted. Many things seem to be eternal, but in fact they cannot withstand too many tossing and tests, and they will always come at a certain moment. It suddenly collapsed and left us..." Li Yun sighed.

"This..." Everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness when they heard it. Almost everyone felt the same about what Liu Feng said.

Li Yun continued: "For our lives, birth, growth, growth, prime age, old age, decline... No matter it is a lower life or a higher life, it seems that we cannot escape this reincarnation, even in the world of cultivation, cultivation Through cultivation and medicine, people can greatly extend their lifespan, but at the end of their lives, they still have to say goodbye to this world... However, for individuals, this is a cycle of life, but for the entire universe, the old Life passes away, new life is born, new life replaces old life, and the universe also realizes a perpetually moving process... Therefore, vitality does not disappear forever. The old vitality seems to disperse, but after they disappear , but it starts to be nurtured again in another place until the birth of new life..."

Bei Mo was extremely shocked when he heard this. To be honest, his thinking about life was not as profound as Liu Feng's, so he could not keep up with his thoughts. However, after hearing this, he still came to his senses and asked quickly: "Xiao Liu, Is there any way to prevent the old vitality from dissipating, but to keep it alive forever?"

Andavi agreed upon hearing this: "Yes, since vitality can exist forever, why let the old vitality dissipate and breed new vitality? Wouldn't it be better to let vitality always exist and develop?"

Li Yun smiled and said: "Senior is right, it seems to be a good way to let life develop forever, because if life continues to develop smoothly, we can continue to make new breakthroughs based on the previous accumulation, and eliminate the need for A process of learning and growth, it is indeed more efficient in terms of efficiency! But..."

"But what?!" An Dawei, Bei Mo and others asked urgently.

"I'm wondering why the universe is more inclined to let the old vitality gradually dissipate and give birth to new vitality. It's because the old vitality, that is, the old life will gradually become rigid after it develops to a certain extent. , The body is not diligent, and always wants to rest on the merits and enjoy the beauty of life. Because it is not enterprising and unwilling to endure hardship, it is difficult to improve both in cultivation and thinking, so it slowly becomes a possessor. Guys who don't shit in the toilet will not only consume a lot of energy every day, but also do nothing, suppressing the growth of new forces, then of course such people will be eliminated by the universe..." Li Yun analyzed.

"This..." The people in the seat were stunned when they heard this. Thinking carefully about what Liu Feng said, it seemed that he was talking about him, and their faces couldn't help but turn red...

Think about how long it has been since your cultivation level has improved?

How long has it been since you refreshed your thoughts?

How round has your belly become?

How long have you been too lazy to think...

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