The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3316 Design Ideas of the Holy Pill

( ) Li Yun continued: "Actually, this is true for a life, and it is also true for a civilization. A new civilization is always full of energy. People are hardworking, energetic, active in thinking, and are constantly growing in various fields. The level of civilization is always improving..."

"That's true..." Andavi thought of the Turia tribe's past and praised with deep sympathy.

"However, after reaching a certain stage, some rigid trends gradually appeared in various fields, and some superpowers slowly took control of the situation. They controlled power, money, resources, connections, etc. For them, as long as they continue to master these If they have something, they can just lie on it and enjoy the good days. They don’t need to work as hard as before. Therefore, their progress will slow down. At the same time, they will also use the things they have on hand to Attack those forces that are relentlessly chasing behind to prevent them from surpassing themselves. For example, they can eliminate or acquire a small force that is growing rapidly that may threaten them, and merge it into their own large force, so that they will This threat was nipped in the bud... It is not difficult to do this kind of thing, because generally speaking, small forces cannot have that much ability to fight against large forces, and small forces cannot guarantee themselves for the cause they are engaged in. It will definitely succeed. Instead of fighting to the death against the big forces, it is better to sell yourself to them now and get a large amount of cash out." Li Yun said.


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but think deeply, and felt that their eyes seemed to become deeper...

Li Yun then analyzed: "When there are too many such things, the development momentum in various fields may become slower and slower, and become more and more rigid, because one or several oligarchs may appear in each field. These oligarchs have actually become an obstacle to the continued development of the entire civilization. If they do not work hard to improve themselves, then the entire civilization will come to a standstill and lose its vitality. Not only will there be no hope of improvement, but there is also the danger of continuous degradation..."

"Xiao Liu, what you said is so good..." An Dawei sighed with great emotion...

Yun Han was also dumbfounded. From Liu Feng's words, he learned a lot of things, which may have a huge impact on his future control of the Turia tribe...

He asked urgently: "Xiaoliu, how can we change this trend and enable civilization to continue to develop and improve?"

Li Yun said: "Of course, specific problems must be solved in detail! This does not mean that the existence of oligarchic forces is necessarily a bad thing. To a certain extent, they are also the stabilizers of civilization, but they control core resources, control the market, and eliminate the weak. It is indeed suspected of stifling the vitality and vitality of civilization development, and they themselves are also prone to oligopoly disease, that is, the rigidity and slowness of personnel and institutions, internal intrigues, and serious deviations. In the end, the output is not enough to make up for the internal friction, and they will develop into civilization. Cancer... So, if you want to change this trend, you must first see clearly where the cancer is.

Only by precise cutting can we ensure that this field has the possibility to continue to develop. Otherwise, it is better to start over and find a new field that can replace this field for development..."

Yun Han nodded repeatedly after hearing this, thoughtfully...

Li Yun continued: "Civilization is like the cycle of life. If you want to maintain vitality and vitality, many times, like life, the old will disperse and the new will rise, because the universe cannot afford to wait, and the resources and vitality of the universe are also limited. It is better to give opportunities to new civilizations to develop and impact... Therefore, we can often see that some civilizations will disappear into the invisible after developing for a period of time, as if they have never been in this universe, and some Civilization can sing triumphant songs all the way, continue to grow, and finally reach the advanced stage of the cosmic race... Of course, we can also see that the number of cosmic races that can enter the advanced stage is getting smaller and smaller. Behind them, there are countless Civilization has been lost in the long river of history..."

"Alas..." Everyone heard this with great melancholy and sighed again and again...

The emotions of these people were affected by Li Yun's words. They had long forgotten that they wanted to know about elixirs and holy elixirs from him before, but now they had new thoughts about the development of their own civilization...

However, they forgot, but Li Yun did not forget. He changed the subject and said: "The cycle of life and civilization constitutes a perpetual motion. Unless the universe is burned out, this perpetual motion will continue. If If we can grasp this law of reincarnation, can we achieve the goal of coexistence and death with the universe?"

An Dawei was shocked when he heard this and asked urgently: "Could what Xiaoliu said be the principle behind the design of the holy elixir?!!!"

"The Imperial Master knows my heart very well! The aging of life seems to be irreversible, but when the universe closes a door on you, it will open another window for you. The disappearance of vitality is not the real disappearance. It will always be reborn and rise in places where people don't pay attention... So why don't we just go with the flow and let it go with the wind, but at a certain moment and somewhere, life will be revived. Taking root and sprouting?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Wo..." Andavi exclaimed, and his whole body was stunned!

He seemed to have understood what Liu Feng said, but he still could not accurately capture the true meaning of Liu Feng's words. However, it was exactly what Li Yun said just now that when the universe closes a door on you, it will give you another chance. Open a window to achieve a perpetually moving situation, allowing life to continue reincarnating...

This is the great wisdom of a person who truly understands the thoughts of the universe. Only by giving up when it is time to give up can you get it again when you should get it. There is gain when there is giving up, but it is just different in time and place. …

Beimo, Shuixin, Yanna, Guowei and others were all shocked by Liufeng's profound thoughts and wisdom. Their hearts were extremely hot at this moment, because they seemed to have seen the secret of immortality, and This heavenly secret is in the meaning of Liu Feng's words. It is mysterious and mysterious, so mysterious!

Others are also constantly reviewing and thinking about the amazing wisdom contained in Liu Feng's words in their minds. They find that their thoughts have become a little transcendent at a certain moment, transcending things, transcending themselves, and transcending the past. and the future…

Li Yun continued: "The idea of ​​​​giving up is actually a natural process. If a person's Taoism can be cultivated to that level, then he can naturally think of it and do it. However, I believe that the vast majority of people in the universe cannot achieve this. It is a transcendent realm, so my idea of ​​designing the holy elixir is to help these people realize this natural process..."

"Oh?! I wonder how the holy elixir is specifically designed?!!!" Andavi asked urgently.

"The Holy Pill is both a destination and a place of rebirth. When life is exhausted, everything returns to the Holy Pill, and the Holy Pill will sprout and grow again after absorbing the light of the sun and the moon and the power of the universe. , give that soul a new life body, and return to the universe at the right time and place... This process can be reincarnated continuously, and life can coexist and die with the universe..." Li Yun said leisurely.

"Oh my god..."

"It's so incredible..."

"With the Holy Pill, there is simply a space for self-reincarnation. This is such an exciting idea..."

"No matter what, as long as I have the Holy Pill, I will definitely find a way to get it!"

"Of course! The Holy Pill is the source of a person's eternal movement. You don't need anything else. The Holy Pill is definitely needed!"

"Xiao Liu, when will your holy elixir be refined?!"

"Yes, no matter what medicinal materials or raw materials you need to refine the holy elixir, just tell me, I will risk my life to find it for you!"

"As long as you can leave me a holy elixir, I can give you everything else!"

"That's right!"

The people in the hall were so excited that they all spoke, wishing that Liufeng could refine the holy elixir now and get it one by one...

Even Yun Han was confused and quickly sent a message to Li Yun: "Xiao Liu, does such a holy pill really exist? Can you leave one for me?!"

Li Yun did not respond directly to him, but said to everyone: "Seniors, everything about the Holy Pill is just a design idea. I haven't started to refine it yet, but..."

"But what?!" everyone asked anxiously.

"Everyone needs to understand that I have just explained this idea to you. The more important point is that even without the Holy Pill, you are not completely passive, because you can understand the principles of the universe and the nature. Life, old age, illness and death, to understand the dialectical relationship between giving and gaining... When your Taoism and the universe are close to synchronization, then you will find that the dissipation of vitality is not so terrible, because what dissipates will still come back. It's just that the time and place are different. Maybe you are the same person you were before, but you just didn't realize it..." Li Yun smiled.

"So, how can we realize it?" Andavi asked quickly.

"Senior, the first thing you need to understand is that this universe is a perpetually moving universe. Even if there is a holy elixir, your return and return are still in a dynamic process. The two cannot be exactly the same! That is, Say, the life you returned has come back after reincarnation. This new you will definitely be different from the old you, and cannot be exactly the same. Therefore, we don’t have to worry about what kind of self we were in the past, because Some of his important elements are already contained in you, and that’s enough! The reason why you can grow to your current height must be a big contribution from your past. This may be the source of your talent..."

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