The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3547 The power of compound interest

Little If too many are replaced, the overall system of the original spacecraft will be overwhelmed, which may actually reduce the combat effectiveness of the spacecraft...

Xiaoxing continued: "For high-end equipment like a spaceship, its combat power is mainly based on its original design. This design basically determines the height that the spacecraft's combat power can reach. Therefore, if you want to improve the combat power of the spacecraft, , it is necessary to improve its original design from the root before it can tap its potential. Otherwise, various replacements and repairs in the future will not have much effect on improving its combat power. At most, it will add some auxiliary functions, but the more replacements and repairs are made, the more it will be replaced and repaired. The greater the burden on the overall system, the inability to drive those external parts will have a negative effect, so those tinkering can only be used as psychological comfort..."

Hamilton laughed and said: "Haha, I understand! What Xiaoling wants to say is that space pirates and adventure organizations have to spend half of the proceeds each time to improve the combat power of the spacecraft. However, it may have some effect at the beginning, but later, it will not work. The more money you spend, the less useful it will be, and the combat effectiveness of the spaceship will become lower and lower, right?"

"Hey, that's right! So, aren't they messing around?" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Haha, hahahahaha..." The Guanxi people couldn't help laughing when they heard this...

Zang Xin was dumbfounded when he heard this. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this. If he had known this, he wouldn't have spent so much money...

He thought about it carefully and found that Ling Daozi's words were very reasonable, because the development of the combat power of many spaceships in his fleet was just as he said. It was really getting harder and harder to use, and sometimes even he was almost angry to death...

At that time, I thought that the newly replaced parts were of inferior quality and not as good as the original ones, so I ordered someone to replace them. However, I found that the original ones still worked well, so I disposed of or threw away the high-end parts that I had snatched. After entering the scrap warehouse, now that I think about it, I didn't think about it carefully at all, and the loss was incalculable. It really seemed like what Ling Daozi said was a fool's errand...

This feeling of finding a treasure but not recognizing it really makes Zang Xin feel extremely frustrated. You know, some treasures are obtained in exchange for human lives...

Xiaoxing said: "If all these factors are taken into account, the success rate of the underworld business is actually quite limited! At most, it is only at a level of 20 to 30%. And at this level, how good will the income be?"

"This..." Everyone was startled and couldn't help but think...

Zangxin pondered for a while and sighed: "Xiao Ling is right. This underworld business seems to be hugely profitable, but in fact it cannot match the risks. In the long run, it is really not as good as some ordinary businesses... I really suffered a big loss! !!”

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "I wonder what a smart person like you thinks? With your intelligence,

You can earn more than 30% profit by doing any business with low risk, right? If you operate and maintain it well, and your business channels and customers can be accumulated over a long period of time, you will be able to obtain the benefits of compound interest. The income will be far more than 30%, and there will be greater profits. It will be much better than doing the underworld business, right? ? "

"Compound interest? What does it mean?" Zangxin was startled.

"Compound interest is a concept in money. Don't underestimate this concept. The evolution of many things in the universe can be explained by it. In other words, many phenomena in the universe today are actually the result of compound interest..." Xiaoxing said.

"Is this so?!" Everyone was startled.

"To put it simply, although compound interest is a concept of money, it is also a concept of time. Many things may not be obvious at the beginning, but as time goes by, they will become more and more powerful, so that It’s unbelievable!”

"This..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but think deeply...

Xiaoxing continued: "Let's take a business as an example. If you do it well and work hard, you can strive for a 6% return rate every year. I believe it will not be difficult for everyone to achieve this, right? Maybe you will laugh at it. Isn’t this too little? If you do whatever you do, you can get dozens of points or even double your income, right?”

Ping He nodded and said: "That's true! Just like our spirit pomelo business, the income has basically doubled every year in recent years. Especially after my super spirit pomelo came out, it has doubled several times!"

"Very good! However, I want to ask you, can you ensure that this business can double every year in the future?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This... I'm afraid it's not possible. After all, the output of super pomelo is limited. Once it reaches a certain level, the income will be limited. Moreover, super pomelo also has a certain predatory effect on the fertility of the land. After planting for a period of time, it needs to be rotated. Maintain, and this will inevitably lead to a decrease in production... Unless we find other undeveloped planets and continue to expand planting, it is possible to increase production!" Ping He thought.

"Yes, so it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to keep doubling the growth every year. On the other hand, looking at the annual growth rate of 6%, this seems to be very difficult, but in actual operation, it is very difficult. It’s also huge, because I’m talking about maintaining this growth rate for a long time, and this long term may be a thousand years, or it may be more than 10,000 years!” Xiaoxing said.

"Wo!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and there was an uproar...

If it can really grow by six points every year as Ling Daozi said, and maintain it for ten thousand years, what will be the situation after ten thousand years?

Just listen to Xiaoxing continue: "Let's do the math. If you grow by six points every year, then it will double every twelve years! Please note that the basic growth rate after twelve years is double your current income. Here If you double the basic income, it will be four times your current income! In another twelve years, your income will be eight times your current income... In these ten thousand years, if you can maintain this growth rate, then you It can be doubled eight hundred and thirty-three times, and the corresponding income will be how many times your current income?"

"This..." Hearing this, Ping He quickly calculated...

At first he was enjoying it, but soon he felt bad!

Because after doubling dozens of times, the income has reached an astonishing level. With his computing power, he can barely calculate an approximate number. After doubling again, his computing power can no longer calculate how much it is. income…

Artus and others were surprised when they saw Ping He calculating constantly. They did not expect that Ping He, the God of Wealth, would sometimes be unable to calculate clearly, and it seemed that it had just started!

Finally, before the eighty count was reached, Ping Heping's calculation power collapsed. His whole face turned pale, his whole body trembled, and he slowly fell down...

"Oh my god..." Lina screamed and rushed to help him...

"Xiao Ling... tell me, how many will there be in the end..." Ping He looked at Xiao Xing and asked weakly.

"Okay, let's take a look..."

Xiaoxing created a light screen and displayed the answer to this question. Everyone looked at it quickly and almost fainted because the length of this string of numbers was unprecedented. No one knew how much it was, but everyone was stunned. You know, this amount of money is absolutely an astronomical figure, so large that it is unimaginable!

With this money, you can definitely buy countless star clusters, maybe the entire galaxy...

Looking at the numbers on the light screen, Ping He couldn't help but murmur, a strange blush suddenly appeared on his face, his eyes were shining, and he said excitedly: "I understand! This is the power of compound interest!!! That's right!" The power of time!!!”

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Well said! This is the power of compound interest! Don't underestimate this small growth rate. As long as you can maintain it for a long time, the benefits it will bring will be huge in the future, until you can't even imagine To the point! Now that you know this secret, will you still do underworld business?"

"Of course not!!!" everyone responded in unison.

Zang Xin looked at the string of numbers on the light screen that couldn't be longer and couldn't see the length at all. He couldn't help but tremble all over. He suddenly realized that he was really stupid!

After so many years of anonymity, intrigues, and traps, it is actually meaningless in the end. It is better to preside over a small business and develop it well and continue to grow. Maybe I am now the richest man in the galaxy!

In his opinion, it is basically not too difficult for him to maintain a growth rate of 6% per year. The most critical issue is to maintain it for a long time in order to obtain compound interest and obtain the gift of time...

"Go to hell with the underworld business! I will never do it again!!!" Zang Xin roared fiercely.

"Since you don't want to do it anymore, now let your men stop wasting cannonballs, quickly give them the information the Guanxi tribe needs, and then take them to find someone! If you can complete this task well, then we can consider letting them You return to Weili Star, start a new life, and start a new business..." Xiaoxing said.

"Is this... what you said is true?!!!" Zang Xin asked excitedly after hearing this.

"Of course it's true! But there are conditions. If you don't change your ways and continue to do bad things, and go all the way to the dark side, then you will only have one end. You don't need to tell me, right?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Don't worry, Xiao Ling! After hearing what you just said, I feel regretful in my intestines! From now on, I must do business well and strive to achieve long-term compound interest like you said! I believe we can do it ..." Zangxin said confidently.

"Very good! Then I want to see if you can really do it. If you can, I will ask the three major financial organizations to unfreeze your accounts to make it easier for you to do business..."

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