The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3548 The importance of inheritance

"Thank you, Xiao Ling!!! I can definitely do it!!! I must do it too!!!" Zang Xin shouted quickly after hearing this.

"Oh? Why do you say it is necessary?"

"I still have so many people under me. They have worked hard with me for so many years, and they have been through life and death, but they ended up like this. I am sorry for them... If I can't do it, I can't let them live the good life they want. , then how can I have the face to see them again?" Zang Xin cried.

"Well, seeing that you still have some humanity left in you, hurry up and take Senior Ah and the others to get the information. Let me tell you, don't take any chances. This flying castle is enough to destroy the entire Willy Star countless times!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"Yes...yes yes!!! Xiao Ling, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate..."

Zangxin quickly sent a message asking the people at the headquarters to stop firing. After a while, the bombardment stopped. So he took Artus and others out of the flying castle and went to the headquarters...

Li Yun couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene: "Do you think Zang Xin can really calm down and do business?"

Xiao Xing said happily: "This is really difficult to explain! It is difficult for people who are used to doing underworld business to turn around at once. At least there needs to be a transition period."

"Okay, then we might as well wait and see... Actually, don't you think? If the Weili Group cooperates with the Guanxi tribe, it may be of greater benefit to both parties!" Li Yun said.

"Both parties cooperate?" Xiaoxing's eyes lit up when he heard this!

"Yes, the Guanxi people have superb planting skills, but their land is limited and there are not many sales channels. Although their products are very popular, the market is still not big. If the output increases in the future, the market capacity will not be able to absorb it. If you want to maintain Rapid growth is impossible. However, the Weili Group owns a large number of plantations, but lacks manpower and lacks people who are proficient in planting methods to provide guidance. Therefore, they have empty land but cannot grow good products, and their output is extremely limited. In addition, the Weili Group has many outlets and is widely distributed. It has a certain market share in various parts of the galaxy. If the Guanxi clan's product output increases, a large number of products can be quickly pushed to various markets through their channels. It can be turned into profits very quickly, and if the Guanxi people can send people to the various plantations of the Weili Group to give guidance and work, it will also be of great help in increasing the output of those plantations. Wouldn’t this complement each other and get the best of both worlds?” Li Yun analyzed.

"My lord is so right! It seems that Xiaonu must remind Xiaonu of this idea to the spirit body..." Xiaoxing said, and quickly passed on this information...

"Ahead is the Eris Galaxy. It seems to have changed a lot!" Li Yun said in surprise.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Last time Meiping and Batie boasted to Xiaonu,

They say that they are masters at transforming the planet's environment, and that it won't take long for them to make this galaxy look brand new. Now it seems that they are really not bragging..."

"With their abilities and rich experience, it is still possible to transform a galaxy. Now it seems that they have been able to use the energy of a large number of planets and the energy of some stars to transform the planet. The level is indeed higher than that of the Milky Way. The race should be higher!" Li Yun said.

"But they haven't been able to fully utilize the energy of the star, so their spacecraft is at most planetary level, and it's still in the primary stage..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Actually, this level is already the upper-middle level among the races in the universe. It may be difficult for many races to truly break through to the planetary level, and they have been struggling in the middle and lower levels..." Li Yun said.

Xiaoxing nodded and agreed: "Yes! The levels of races in the universe are basically distributed in a pyramid shape. There are so many races in the middle and lower levels. How easy is it to stand out? The number of races above the middle level will shrink sharply. Although The absolute number of races is not large, but it is dwarfed by the number of races in the middle and lower classes. The situation of these races is completely different from that of the middle and lower classes, because they are competing for the dominance of the universe. They occupy the best land, the best products, and the best resources in the universe... They only need to put in very little work to get countless times the income of the middle and lower classes, and their lives are extremely nourishing..."

Li Yun smiled and said: "What you are talking about is actually a form of division of labor in the universe. The advanced races have mastered the key to the universe. They know countless cosmic arts that the middle and lower classes do not understand, so they can occupy the high-end of the universe. Resources, with such high-quality resources in their hands, they can make countless money and enjoy the best life no matter what they do. On the other hand, when looking at the middle and lower class races, the resources they have appear to be extremely limited and quite barren. There are countless people fiercely competing for these limited and meager resources, which destined their lives to be difficult. Except for a few people at the top who can live an easy life, it may be difficult for others to escape from the increasingly difficult vicious circle..."

"You are really on point! This is indeed a form of division of labor in the universe. Just like a civilized society, good resources, good jobs, and a good life are always in the hands of a small group of people at the high end, while others Then they have to do those hard and tiring jobs, and they also need to pay high taxes to support those at the top, and the people at the top have their own ways to evade those taxes, because they have already mastered this civilization. As a result, this civilized society will evolve into a form of division of labor between races in the universe. It is extremely difficult for people in the middle and lower classes to break through the hierarchy. It requires great efforts and depends on themselves. However, although some of them can indeed reach the top through hard work, due to lack of background and experience, when their luck runs out, they may fall down again and never recover!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Situations like the one you mentioned are actually everywhere! However, don't think that this is unfair, because if we delve into the details, we can find that there may indeed be unfairness, but many It’s understandable sometimes…”

"Oh? What other reasons do you think there is, sir?" Xiaoxing asked urgently.

Li Yun said: "Some people think that they have been living in poverty for more than ten or hundreds of years, and they have worked so hard, so why can't they be defeated by a descendant of the family? So they will think that this is unfair, and it must be the rules of this civilized society. What a huge flaw! Sometimes we also admit that the knowledge and abilities of these children from poor families are indeed much better than those of children from aristocratic families after their own efforts, but in reality these people often cannot defeat those children of aristocratic families. The social status is generally low, but the children of the aristocratic family can often occupy important positions and control the wind and rain, even if they themselves are insufficient in ability and have many shortcomings..."

"This phenomenon is indeed very common. Although the children from poor families are not convinced, they have to admit this reality. So what other reasons do you think there is?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Well, the key to this actually lies in two words, inheritance!" Li Yun said.


"That's right! Don't underestimate the inheritance of a family. Its content is extremely broad. It includes the inheritance of wealth, the inheritance of knowledge, the inheritance of experience, the inheritance of skills, and the inheritance of connections. As a descendant of a poor family, When facing a disciple of the aristocratic family, he is not facing a single competitor, but a large group of competitors, because behind this disciple of the aristocratic family, there is an entire family of people, and they and Think about the intricate network of relationships in the outside world. After countless years of development, a family's strength is so unfathomable that a person from a poor family can never imagine it. Therefore, if a child from a poor family wants to pass through the window of poverty that has lasted for more than ten years, Studying hard just to easily defeat someone from a family that has lasted for countless years is almost a wishful thinking..." Li Yun sighed.

"This... is indeed the case. What's more, as long as the people of this family are not too stupid, they can learn a variety of things from the inheritance of this family under the influence of childhood. These things can help them better integrate into the upper class society. , and this is something that children from poor families are bound to lack. Don’t underestimate these abilities that may not seem to be abilities, but they can play an extremely important role at certain times, so that children from poor families still don’t know why they are so good after failure. Failure..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? What about?" Li Yun asked.

Xiaoxing said: "Xiaonu will give you a small example. Some children from poor families have seen an extremely poor life since they were young because their families were too poor. Their parents wanted to support them and provide them with martial arts education, so they They work hard and live an extremely frugal life. They wish they could break a piece of crystal into two or even four petals and flower it. Even if some parents like certain tobacco, wine or beautiful things, they are reluctant to spend money to buy them, but they will never forget them. …”


"These embarrassments will be seen in the eyes and ears of this poor boy, so he secretly vowed that one day, if he has money, he must buy his parents the things they like and fulfill his filial piety..."

"Then what?"

"Suppose this kid from a poor family wants to join a certain force of his choice after graduation to get a career. The person competing with him is a kid from a certain family, but that force will set up a small test to determine who is more suitable. One of the tests of this job is to inadvertently place some luxury goods for them to take, and among them are the favorite things of the parents of poor children. At this time, the poor children may not be able to resist. This temptation led him to randomly pick up one or two items and put them in his bag to honor his parents. But to the children of the family, these things are just ordinary items, so he would not take them at all... The results of this test are unclear. And what about Yu..."

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