The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3725 Cleanup Operation

"What? The master wants to rectify the family?!" Ling Hai asked in surprise.

"That's right! The current situation of the Ling Mansion was hard-won, and I will never let it fall to those losers again! You know best, those losers almost want to eat us up, drink us all, and have fun every day. Come to ask for money, but no one has ever taken the initiative to offer suggestions or contribute to the Ling family. Now we cannot make the same mistake again. We must get rid of these wastes and retain those who are willing to protect and work hard for the Ling family. Only in this way, we The Ling family's foundation can only last long if it lives up to Xiao Ling's kindness and blessing..." Ling Tianmang said emotionally.

Ling Hai's heart was ups and downs when he heard this. He felt that Ling Tianmang was really different today. In the past, Ling Tianmang was lifeless and muddle along. He also allowed his descendants to do whatever they wanted and doted on them to an unreasonable level. So much so that all of those descendants were... They just sit back and eat, wishing to dig out a piece of meat from Ling Tianmang's body to eat every day, and fill a bowl of blood to drink. There are no rules in the clan, but they have never punished anyone. If this practice goes on for a long time, it will only become a way of raising people. Lazy people produce waste and even produce parasites and blood-sucking worms...

But today Ling Tianmang seems to have thought clearly. After Ling Daozi pushed the status and power of Ling Mansion to a new height, Ling Tianmang's thoughts did not relax at this time. Instead, he became more cautious. See The problem is also viewed from a higher level. x33 novels are updated the fastest on PC:

"Master is so right! No matter how powerful the fortress is, it can't withstand the internal corrosion. No matter how powerful the formation is, it will collapse after the core of the formation is destroyed. If our Ling family keeps a bunch of moths, sooner or later they will be defeated. Yes! If you really want to cut off these carrion, you must be more decisive and thorough, so that the new body can recover better and be healthier!" Ling Hai quickly agreed.

"That's right! I will show no mercy this time. Even if only my slaves and disciples are left, I will never let those unscrupulous descendants sneak into the Ling Mansion..." Ling Tianmang said harshly.

"Um, do you really want to drive them out of the Ling family completely?" Ling Hai was startled, but still asked.

"Can I still be hesitant? What do you think?" Ling Tianmang thought.

"Master, if we expel them all now, I'm afraid it wouldn't be appropriate..."

"But why?"

"Now our Ling Mansion is on the rise, and the outside world is unanimously optimistic. If we expel a large number of people, it may lead to speculation from the outside world that we are not united internally, that there are conflicts, etc. This will in turn give our Ling Mansion a negative impact. The reputation has affected our high-end and good image to the outside world!" Ling Hai analyzed. x33 novel first release

Ling Tianmang was startled when he heard the words. He felt that what Ling Hai said made sense. Such extreme behavior at this time would indeed damage the image of the Ling family. Now, the reputation and image of the Ling family in the outside world are extremely important. It took a lot of effort to get to where we are now, but if we suffer damage because we don't handle it well, it will be more than worth the gain.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Ling Tianmang asked.

"Master, in fact, since you have made up your mind, you only need to pick up the clan rules again! In fact, our clan rules have been extremely comprehensive, including the assessment and rewards for each of their families. It is clear that if the law were actually enforced before, almost all of them would be unqualified, would be restricted in welfare levels, and some might even live in poverty... Therefore, we only need to make the clan rules more detailed to make them consistent with the current situation, and then organize an assessment team to strictly supervise the assessment. Of course, our purpose is also for their own good. They can pass the assessment and obtain more resources for development, but if they have not realized that this is the real assessment,

If you are still living a life of drunkenness and dreams, then don’t blame us for being rude! "Ling Hai said.

"It makes sense! This way, we can loosen things from the outside and tighten it from the inside. When we talk about it in the future, we will have reasons to rely on and have credible evidence. We are not afraid of them talking nonsense outside..." Ling Tianmang agreed.

"Go outside? No, no, no, sir, we don't need to expel them from Ling Mansion!" Ling Hai said quickly.

"Huh? Isn't this my original intention, sir? What's the use of keeping these wastes?" Ling Tianmang asked curiously.

"Oh, Master, you just said that they might talk nonsense outside and smear our Ling family's face. Such problems are difficult to guard against, and they may be used by others to attack our reputation and image. Therefore, we are very cautious about these problems. People don’t have to be evicted, but a place can be specially arranged for them so that they can live a basic life. With our current financial resources, it is easy to do this!" Ling Hai said with a smile.

"Huh? What you said makes sense..." Ling Tianmang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he praised it!

In his opinion, Ling Hai's idea is indeed a good one. He doesn't have to worry about those people speaking ill of the Ling family outside to vent their anger, nor does he have to worry that they will be used by outsiders to attack the Ling family. At the same time, he doesn't have to worry about them really falling behind. To the point of being homeless, after all, these people are his descendants, and even if it doesn't work, he can't bear to really expel them. Moreover, who knows which day the next Ling Daozi or Ling Zeduan will be born among them?

He suddenly thought of Ling Daozi's growth experience, and couldn't help being inspired, and said: "Can we create a growth environment similar to Xiaoling's? Let them develop without the protection of our senior management. Only in this way, they Only then can we truly understand the difficulty of life and the fierce competition. In this way, it is possible to activate the blood power of our Ling family again!"

"My master's idea is a step further than my idea! However, it may cost more and take longer to build, but I think it must be worth it!" Ling Hai praised.

"Okay! If that's the case, let's follow this method. We must accomplish this, otherwise we will be looked down upon by Xiao Ling!" Ling Tianmang said loudly.

"Yes! Don't worry, sir, I will arrange this right away!" Ling Hai said excitedly.

The two discussed some details, and even talked to Ling Daozi about the matter. Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi was extremely supportive of this, so he immediately put the matter into action...

Ling Hai first found a pretty remote place with mountains, water, fields, forests, grasslands, snow, etc. Then he bought it all with a generous amount and got a formation from Ling Daozi to protect it. Get up, and from now on this place will be hidden from the world, and no one from the outside will know about it.

Then Ling Tianmang gave an order to move all the descendants of the Ling family to that area to live. Each family was guaranteed a basic life according to a certain treatment, and the rest was ignored and allowed to develop on their own.

Of course, Ling Tianmang will also arrange for some disciples to set up sects there, recruit internal and external disciples, and also move in some immigrants with good bloodlines, set up markets, set up trial venues, and even explore secret realms to seek opportunities, etc. , it is simply a copy of a small external world inside, which makes the people living there hardly feel that they have been cut off from the outside world, and also makes those people feel that there is a goal to pursue in life, because as long as they can be in those sects If you stand out from the crowd, you will have the opportunity to be reborn and serve the Ling family, or go to Tiangang Academy to practice, or join the Tiangang army...

After the bloodline descendants of the Ling family suffered this drastic change, they were all stunned. Originally, they thought that now that Ling Daozi had risen strongly, and Ling Zeduan had also become a genius in the divine realm, they would embrace it, and the future would be even more complicated. It was possible to live a life of drunkenness and dream, but unexpectedly, before enjoying this kind of life for a few days, Ling Tianmang sent him to the primitive tribe!

They also made a big fuss at the beginning and wanted to cry and plead with Ling Tianmang, but unfortunately they were trapped in that formation and the sky was not responding to the sky and the earth was not working. No one paid attention to them and they wanted to live. , to live a better life, they must rely on their own efforts. In the end, they had to surrender to life and began to make a living and develop according to the rules of the ethnic group...

Ling Tianmang paid attention to the situation in the rear area of ​​​​the Ling family from time to time. Seeing that the lives of those descendants were gradually developing in the direction he hoped for, he couldn't help but feel happy, and he perfected and promoted the plan more carefully...

Of course, he also knew that it would take a very long time for this plan to succeed, so he needed to wait patiently. However, before these wastes from the past came to harass the current Wanzhen Pavilion and Xingyun Palace, his ears had become much clearer, and his mentality had become clearer. It’s getting better too…

In fact, the outside world does not care at all about the changes in the Ling Mansion, and this matter itself is a secret, deliberately concealed from the outside world, which can be regarded as a protective measure for the rear area.

What the outside world is paying attention to recently is the alliance conference held by various tribes in the capital of Tiangang. This conference was held very timely, with the purpose of counterattacking the demonic forces and arresting the poisonous forces!

Since both purposes are extremely sensitive topics, the proceedings of this conference were held in secret. Apart from the participants, almost no other outsiders knew about it.

After the conference, the high-level officials of all ethnic groups returned one after another and began to act according to the agreed upon plan. This was the time when the righteous forces of Tiangang Star united once again and prepared to launch an all-out suppression operation...

For this operation, various tribes also organized their own teams to dispatch. At the same time, this operation also served as a training ground for young disciples. Each tribe also sent its young disciples to the battlefield to let them improve themselves in the battle. , everyone knows that improvement on the battlefield is the best, and there is almost no promotion loophole, because every improvement is achieved through actual combat...

This is also to lay the foundation for future galaxy wars. Without the tempering of war, how can it be possible to make achievements in higher-level battles?

When the news came, the atmosphere in Tiangang Academy was about to boil...

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