The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3726 Trouble again!

"Have you heard? The war between good and evil is about to begin!"

"Of course! Demons are raging, and of course we, the righteous people, must gather them together and annihilate them!"

"It is said that all clans will send out teams to carry out a clearing operation against those who have fallen into the devil's way!"

"Yes, in addition to demons, there are also demons who have practiced demonic skills, and those poisonous beings are our targets!"

"Wow, that's really exciting..."

"What's the excitement? Do you think we people can be idle? I heard the family ancestor said that the family will send young disciples to the battlefield this time to train!"

"What? You mean we also have a chance to go to the battlefield?!"

"Yes, although we young disciples cannot go to the main battlefield, once a war breaks out, the battlefield will be all-round, and the other side also has young disciples, so the young disciples on both sides will have to fight each other!"

"It makes sense, this is great! It seems that my sword is finally ready to drink blood!"

"Haha, it also depends on whether you can be selected! If you cannot reach the top 10,000 in the three student competitions, you will have no chance to compete!"

"Is that so? You guys chat slowly, I'm going back to practice sword practice..."

"It's boring. If I had known I would tell you later..."

Tiangang Academy has a huge pool of students. There are about 30,000 students in each class of 100 years. The total number of students in the three classes is 90,000. The time interval is three hundred years. According to the selection criteria revealed by this student with inside information , in the three student competitions, a student must be among the top 10,000 of the 90,000 people before he can be selected to the battlefield. This competition is quite fierce!

What I want to say here is that the total duration of ninety-year-old students in the academy is nine thousand years. In other words, the longest time a genius can practice in the academy is about nine thousand years. Of course, this During this period, it is also possible to graduate early due to various reasons. The main thing is to meet the graduation standards. If you can pass the graduation assessment, you can graduate. If you still fail to pass, then you can only graduate and leave after staying for nine thousand years. That is It's extremely shameless.

The so-called three-year student competition means that students from three adjacent years are mixed together for a competition. Although this approach is somewhat unfair to the students in the bottom two years, even among the students in the lowest class, there are still students with the ability of the top students. It was enough to defeat the students from the previous two years, which was something that often happened in previous competitions.

You must know that these people are all geniuses among geniuses of the same age, and they are all top in their respective places. Therefore, even if they enroll a hundred or two hundred years earlier than others, they are not necessarily sure that they can defeat the top students who enroll later.

Therefore, it is definitely an extremely difficult task to fight off the other eight geniuses in the competition to choose one of the nine. Many wins and losses may be between the same, and many times it also depends on luck.

For these geniuses who enter Tiangang Academy, most of them are worried about not being able to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, rather than worrying about being selected to die on the battlefield, because in essence, they are all cultivators, and in terms of cultivation They are all at the forefront of their peers, so they understand one thing very well. Cultivation requires opportunities and training. It is good to practice at home every day, but it will lack opportunities and training. When people sit at home, opportunities are unlikely to fall from the sky, so You must go out and look for your own opportunities, and whether the exercises you practice every day are practical can only be tested by going to the battlefield and fighting with real swords and guns...

The battlefield is a good place where it is easier to make breakthroughs. Although you may lose your life, as long as you can make a breakthrough, you will progress faster, stronger, and closer to the top than in the academy. Isn't the purpose of cultivation just to make continuous breakthroughs? My own limit?

These geniuses know exactly what they should do,

Therefore, after many people heard about this opportunity, they all got excited and worked harder to prepare for the competition...

On a peak in the mountains behind the college, there are towering trees and lush flowers and grass. There are waterfalls flowing down from the mountains and into a vast lake below. The collision between the waterfalls and the rocks stirred up water mist hundreds of meters high. The entire mountain peak is filled with thick mist, as if floating in the air. This is the Piaomiao Peak where Dean Guan Zhongshan is located!

Since the number of direct disciples accepted by the director of the Guan Guan is not many, only more than fifty people in total, the popularity here does not seem to be very prosperous, but there is also an advantage, that is, everyone can get a rather spacious apartment. The cave abode has complete facilities and favorable conditions, which is the envy of other disciples from all peaks.

People who live here not only have their own caves to practice and rest, but also have a place for their entourage to live. Because many people are from big families, they will naturally send their entourage to take care of their own geniuses. It is said to take care of them, but sometimes it also includes Protection is included. After all, in a place like Tiangang Academy, the people gathered are all hot-tempered young people, and all of them are cultivators. Sometimes they may get into a fight if they disagree with each other, so there are domestic slaves with high cultivation levels to take care of them. It becomes extremely important.

Ling Zeduan was no exception. When he came here, he brought a lot of people with him. In addition to a few domestic slaves who were responsible for daily life, there was also the little slave Rong Lixing specially assigned to him by Ling Tianmang. However, it made him What was chilling was that when a group of them arrived at Tiangang Academy, no one from Piaomiao Peak came to greet them, and no one helped them carry their luggage or show them the way.

Because the academy was so large, they spent a lot of time and finally found Piaomiao Peak, but they were blocked by the peak's protective formation.

If Rong Lixing, Ling Zeduan and others had not brought a lot of food and luggage with tents and the like, they would have had to sleep in the open air.

Although these people are all immortal cultivators, except for Rong Lixing, including Ling Zeduan, they are all at a very low level and cannot fully reach the state of inedia. Therefore, they need to supplement food, especially spiritual animal meat or spiritual vegetables, etc. So everyone ate a lot and finally felt a little warmer, so they started to set up the tent...

They didn't know what was going on. Later, Rong Lixing went to inquire about it, and then they found out that many people in the academy had gone to Tiangang Capital City to fight against the demonic forces. There were not many people left behind, and there were not many people who went to Piaomiao Peak. Quite a few, and the rest may be in retreat and won't come out for a while.

Rong Lixing and Ling Zeduan were also a little panicked now. They wondered what the situation in the capital was like.

The Ling family has finally risen to prominence recently, but unexpectedly they encountered demonic forces attacking and destroying them. If the Ling family suffered losses in this incident, wouldn't it mean that they themselves would also be doomed? ! x33 novel first release

Rong Lixing was Ling Tianmang's little slave, so he was naturally worried about his safety, so he quickly sent a message to inquire. He also stocked up some food, preparing to escape if something happened...

After waiting for many days, several people finally came out of Piaomiao Peak. I couldn't help but be startled when I saw them. After asking, I found out that they were the junior brothers who had just come to report this year. These people had also just come out of seclusion to get some fresh air. When they saw Ling Zeduan's cultivation level and age made him greatly surprised. He didn't expect that someone with such low qualifications and such an old age would be accepted as a direct disciple by the dean. This was simply a shame for Piaomiao Peak, but after all, the registration book was there, so, After some discussion, they decided to take them to the peak. However, they were given the smallest cave. The facilities inside were also very poor. Many of them were dilapidated and seemed to have been abandoned...

However, it was much better than sleeping outside, so Ling Zeduan and others happily tidied up the cave. Although it was a bit cramped to live in so many people, they still felt that the conditions were much better.

However, after the people from Piaomiao Peak arranged them to this small cave, they seemed to have forgotten about them. They were not even equipped with daily necessities, let alone daily meals and drinking water. Ling Zeduan and Rong Lixing did not know that With these benefits, because there was no information, they thought this was what it was like at Tiangang Academy. It seemed like this was a place of ascetic cultivation! x33 novel first release

Fortunately, Ling Zeduan has indeed changed now. If he were the former playboy disciple, he would have been clamoring to go back. However, after experiencing the Qunfang Cui incident, he was greatly touched, so he decided to change his past and was willing to endure hardships. , let yourself catch up with other geniuses as soon as possible on the road of cultivation!

Therefore, after encountering such a place of hard training, he thought that this was the proper posture for practice, so he quickly began to practice on his own, and his skills were derived from the Tianlong series of skills taught by Ling Daozi. , Ling Daozi has already told him that no matter what kind of training content the academy arranges for him, he can use it as an auxiliary, and the major must be the Tianlong Kung Fu and Tianlong Sword Technique that Ling Daozi gave him, because this technique The level of his swordsmanship and swordsmanship are all in the divine realm, which will help him stabilize the divine realm star roots in his body as soon as possible and start to refine and develop...

Ling Zeduan has practiced well during this period. In addition to practicing, he, Rong Lixing and others opened a vegetable field next to the cave, planted a lot of fruits and vegetables, and even some medicinal herbs, and then went to nearby Hunting in the mountains is a change of taste. After all, eating too hard is not conducive to cultivation...

However, he never imagined that going hunting would bring him trouble!

One day, he, Rong Lixing and others were roasting a big bird from the mountain. The meat of this bird was quite chewy and chewy after roasting. A group of people ate it with gusto...

"Bold! You...what are you doing?! How dare you roast the gray crane raised by the dean?!!!" A scolding made everyone so frightened that the meat in their hands fell to the ground...

This gray crane was shot by Ling Zeduan. During this period, he also shot many others, and they were all taken into the Five Zang Temple. However, they did not expect that this was not game, but was raised by someone. What is even more terrifying is that, The breeder is the dean!

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