The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3825 Confused Xiao Gang

Tong Yi felt extremely helpless when he thought about this problem. A race as big as the Tiangang tribe now relies on Ling Daozi in many aspects. This was something that was hard to imagine in the past, but it happened so naturally. Well, when did it start?

He thought about it carefully and found that the infiltration of Ling Daozi's force should have started when Ling Daozi came to Ling Mansion to recognize his relatives. Since then, Ling Daozi's reputation has been rising and his power has been expanding, and now he has controlled Tiangang. There are many important lifebloods of the clan!

Especially after the establishment of his Xingyun Palace, those products immediately became a dumping trend, occupying all major markets and attracting a considerable part of the purchasing power to him. Now people have to go to the Xingyun Palace before buying anything. Check out the website to see if there are similar items for sale. If so, you must give priority to purchasing products from Xingyun Palace, and they have never been disappointed by doing so, because Xingyun Palace’s products are really high-quality and relatively cheap, and cost-effective. Extremely high!

Among them, the most important thing is the provision of god-level antidotes, as well as various anti-virus equipment and formations. The demand for these products is huge every day, and it has been growing, because the consumption on the front line is also huge. , there is no way, in order to deal with the poisonous forces, each race must spend a lot of money to arm its precious soldiers to the teeth, and even every inch of skin!

Everyone knows that poisons are pervasive. If the protection is not in place, they will be poisoned if they make the slightest mistake. It would be a pity to lose a soldier because of this. It must be noted that it takes a huge amount of the race to train a soldier to become a capable person. Resources, and their equipment is also very valuable. Losing one is equivalent to losing a lot of money. If a batch of them are poisoned, it will be extremely heartbreaking...

Therefore, no matter how poor you are, you can’t help but buy anti-virus equipment, and you can’t help but equip yourself with god-level detoxifying pills!

Equipped with god-level detoxifying pills, it was originally just a patent for powerful people of all races. However, it has changed recently. The reason is that the price of Xingyun Palace has been reduced!

And once it dropped, it dropped by 60%!

You can buy a god-level antidote pill for only 40% of the original price. This is undoubtedly good news for people of all races, but for decision makers, it makes them even more distressed because the price drops. , those in the tribe who were not equipped with antidote pills immediately strongly requested that they be equipped with detoxification pills. If they were not worthy, it would be unjustifiable and would make people feel chilled!

As a result, the purchase volume of God-level detoxification pills that did not need to be purchased in the past has been rising in a straight line, and the total amount paid is far greater than the original budget. This is a huge headache for decision-makers of all races, because Only the head of the family knows the stakes involved. If this trend continues, the family's money will be swept away by the Xingyun Palace...

However, by doing this, Xingyun Palace gained both fame and fortune. On the one hand, they received praise from people of all races because they drastically reduced their prices to help them resist the poisonous forces. Isn't this a timely help? Everyone must be grateful for this great kindness from them. On the other hand, Xingyun Palace's sales increased significantly. Not only did it seize market share, but its profits soared. It made my hands cramp to count money...

Although Tong Yi didn't know how much profit Xingyun Palace made, looking at the development trend of Xingyun Palace soaring like a rocket, he knew that Ling Daozi must have made a lot of money, because now according to the information collected by Xiaogang, Xingyun Palace It has developed its power into many space worlds, and even the territories of the demon clan and the devil have Xingyun Palace!

It has been less than a year since Ling Daozi officially appeared until he now occupies such a large market!

Such a miraculous development speed can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented!

Up to now, not only the Tiangang Clan can't live without Ling Daozi, but also all the tribes on Tiangang Star can't live without him. This is the current situation of Ling Daozi's dependence...

Tong Yi sighed: "We must keep Ling Daozi now, so no matter how demanding and demanding he is, we must strongly support him, even unconditionally, not to mention that he also invested in real crystal silver?"

"That's what the patriarch said!" Wang Qimin, Wen Xu, Mu Jiaojiao, Ye Pengfei and others also agreed.

Xiao Gang said: "Master, based on the information I collected from everywhere, I found that Ling Daozi has recently taken a lot of land from various tribes. Most of these lands are within the capitals of various tribes or in the suburbs of the capital. Listen to him What he said today is to build an entertainment city, so does he want to enter the entertainment industry?"

"Well, this is very likely. Could it be that he wants to start some businesses such as brothels, gambling houses, and Goulan wine shops?" Tong Yi thought.

"Patriarch, these businesses are very profitable, but ordinary people can't run them, because people without background and power basically can't control them. Maybe one day they will get into big trouble, and they will be finished if they can't settle things. ! However, Xiaoling’s ability is more than enough. No one dares to mess with him now, so I guess he also wants to run this kind of business!" Wang Qimin analyzed.

Tong Yi nodded and sighed: "This kid is falling more and more into the money hole now. He wants to make any money! He doesn't even let go of the money from the flesh business. Isn't this more ruthless than the second child?! "

When Wang Qimin heard this, he laughed and said: "Evil people will have their own troubles. Although the second brother did well in business before, he is not worthy of being a rival compared to Xiao Ling. In the future, those businesses will definitely be taken away by Xiao Ling!"

"Gee, the second elder is going to be in trouble! I'm definitely optimistic about Xiao Ling! I support Xiao Ling!" Mu Jiaojiao said with a gloating smile.

"When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured! We are just waiting to see the show!" Wang Qimin said with a smile.

"Let's observe a moment of silence for the second elder first..." Wen Xu said with a smile.

"Come on, don't spread this news when you go out, otherwise the second child will come to me and cry!" Tong Yi quickly warned.

"Clan leader, don't worry!"

"By the way, besides preparing for war, there is another more important thing..." Tong Yi said.

"Clan leader, please speak!" Wang Qimin responded.

"It's the incident about Liu Feng that Xiao Ling mentioned just now. He took away those human mortals in order to transform them into soul warriors, which is a special kind of cultivator. This matter is enough to shock the world. We must not wait for it. Look at it!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this...

Tong Yi continued: "My idea is that since Liufeng can transform mortals from the human race into cultivators, can we follow his idea and transform mortals from other races into cultivators?"

"What?!" Wang Qimin and others were shocked. They didn't expect Tong Yi to have such an idea...

Ye Pengfei, who was sitting at the end, couldn't help but excitedly said: "The patriarch is so right! I was thinking before that we could try it. If we can transform those mortals into cultivators, then the strength of our clan will be It will definitely be greatly improved, and it will definitely be a dominant race on Tiangang Star in the future!"

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have such an idea! It seems that I will leave this task to you first. It just so happens that the current tasks in your space world are not very heavy and it is not a frontline position, so you have enough time and energy to do it. Give it a try and apply to the clan if you need anything." Tong Yi said happily.

Ye Pengfei quickly stood up and responded: "Yes! Clan leader! The final general will definitely go all out!"

"Okay! But we can't be too eager for quick success or instant benefit in this matter. We must move forward steadily and down-to-earth. We must also be careful not to leak the news to prevent other races from imitating." Tong Yi warned.

"I will finally understand!"

"Okay, let's get here today. You can go and rest first. The army will be dispatched soon. Everyone needs to recharge their batteries!"

"Yes! Patriarch!" Everyone responded, turned and left...

Xiao Gang said: "Master, I have used many methods to record the transformation of mortals. I believe that the memory can be preserved for at least a period of time. As long as we discuss it every day, the memory time can be greatly extended. Let's see how long it takes for this period of time In time, can Ye Pengfei's experiment succeed..."

"Very good! Didn't Xiao Ling say that? The reason why he can remember this is because he blocked the power of heaven. So are we capable of doing the same?" Tong Yi asked.

"If you want to shield the power of heaven, the formation level must reach level 38 or above. However, the strongest formation in our clan, which is the special space we are in, is only level 33, and there are still five A distance of five levels, and this distance of five levels means at least fifty thousand years of development time for us!" Xiao Gang sighed.

Tong Yi was dumbfounded and asked in surprise: "So, Xiao Ling's ability is at least 50,000 years ahead of us?"

"Yes! This is the minimum distance between us and him! But his ability is definitely more than level 38. The formation he used to imprison Zulong can also block the power of heaven, and that formation was just thrown out casually by him. That's all... What can reflect his true strength should be the quantum teleportation technique he just talked about!" Xiao Gang analyzed.

Tong Yi agreed: "It makes sense! The way of quantum teleportation is so amazing! It can actually make people run from Tiangang Star to Tailao Star in an instant. Now that I think about it, I still can't believe it. What is this Taoist technique about? ?”

Xiao Gang was stunned for a while and sighed: "Master, I have no clue about this Taoist technique right now!"

"Didn't I ask Xiao Ling to explain all the main principles of this Taoist technique?" Tong Yi said suspiciously.

"He did tell the truth, but there is not much difference between him telling it and not telling it!" Xiao Gang said.

"But why?"

"Well, we now know the basic principle, which is to first separate a person into a large number of extremely small particles, and then reassemble a bunch of extremely small particles into a person at an extremely distant place. Master, what do you think? What happened during this process? Is there any truth in it?"


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