The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3826: Defeated step by step

Tong Yi was speechless for a while. Thinking about it carefully, what Xiao Gang said did make sense!

No matter how detailed Ling Daozi describes the process of quantum teleportation, it is outrageously difficult to understand the truth!

To completely separate a person into particles, how small must those particles be before the separation is successful?

Why do the same bunch of particles appear at an extremely distant place after separation? How are those particles collected for assembly?

Moreover, whether it is separation or assembly, every step of operation and every particle must not make mistakes with each other. One mistake will lead to errors in separation and assembly, leading to total failure!

The assembly of the human body is different from the assembly of equipment. Can we try again after the assembly fails? Even if it could, how much energy would it take to find that mistake and correct all subsequent mistakes? How much ability does it take to do all this successfully?

The more they thought about it, the more headaches they got. In the process of thinking, their energy was consumed rapidly, their faces became worse and worse, and they were almost in bad shape...

Among them, what Tong Yi and Xiao Gang don't know is that the smaller the particles, the harder it is to control, and the difficulty of separation is also gradually increasing. The more detailed the separation, the greater the energy required. At the same time, control The greater the energy consumption required to protect it, and as the cultivation level of the separated person is higher, the level of energy consumption increases by multiples.

In the process of implementing this Taoist technique, the state of each particle must be completely controlled, that is, the amount of divine consciousness must also reach the same amount. Each divine consciousness controls every particle and operates directly!

Such Taoism is destined to be accomplished only by Xiaoxing and Li Yun. Of course, there may be some superpowers in the universe who also have extremely strong spiritual power. For example, some powerful sun gods should have the same spiritual power. It can reach the level of two people, but it is unknown whether they understand the quantum world...

Therefore, after Tong Yi and Xiao Gang discussed it for a while, they had no choice but to give up...

Giving up is a very wise move for the two of them. Xiaoxing said before that Tong Yi is about to become that curious cat. Although the cat's life is very hard, under the influence of curiosity, the cat's life will also be Play through each one one by one. If you are curious about this, you are also curious about that. If you want to join in the fun, you might get caught one time!

For example, this quantum teleportation technique, if two people indulge in it, they may not have to do anything else, and even if they use up all their energy, they will not be able to figure out anything. Not only will they miss important events in the clan, , and one's own foundation will also be greatly affected.

Seeing their helpless looks, Xiaoxing was really happy in a certain space in the Xingyun Palace, and he despised them...

In his opinion, these two people overestimated their abilities and wanted to understand the art of quantum teleportation. They simply didn't know how to write the word "death". If they continued to indulge in it, they would definitely be greatly harmed in the end. Fortunately, the two of them were still alive. He gave up in time very wisely, without Xiaoxing stepping in to wake him up.

What also surprised Xiaoxing was that Tong Yi actually asked Ye Pengfei to transform mortals of other races. It seems that he will not change his curiosity and competitiveness until he is beaten to death!

Speaking of curiosity and competitiveness, it is actually very consistent with Tong Yi's own personality. As a transcendent power and the military god of his clan, he is born with extremely strong curiosity and competitiveness, otherwise he would not be where he is now. .

After hearing Xiaoxing's words, he suddenly realized that things could still be done this way, so he felt a desire to win and wanted to learn Liufeng's methods to train mortals and turn them into cultivators, thereby improving his abilities. The strength of the clan.

But of course he didn't expect that he would fall into the pit dug by Ling Daozi again this time. How could it be so easy to transform a mortal?

It is impossible to rely on Ye Pengfei to transform people of other races. Moreover, even if it is not Ye Pengfei, it is the same for others to do it, because this is against the rules of heaven.

If Li Yun and Xiao Xing hadn't finally found the breakthrough point of soul power through careful research, and the human race, a special race with a high degree of brain space development, was used as the test subject, then they might still not be able to succeed until now.

But after Li Yun and Xiaoxing succeeded, they have been hiding the soul warriors deep in the two small universes, preventing them from easily appearing in this universe. Even if they appear, they must only come out after shielding the secrets of heaven. Their purpose is exactly the same. It is to protect this secret from being discovered by Heaven, otherwise it may cause trouble. After all, in their imagination, the Lord of the Universe must not tolerate this situation.

In this universe, the world of cultivation and the mortal world are clearly distinct, and each goes its own way. The mortal world is the interface at the bottom of the pyramid. Based on such a huge mortal world, a relatively smaller world of cultivation has emerged, but This is such a world of cultivation. Its energy consumption and demand for resources are countless times higher than those of the mortal world, and it puts great pressure on the cosmic environment!

Therefore, it is impossible for Heaven to allow the world of cultivation to continue to expand. It will always find ways to keep them within a relatively stable scale so that the universe can continue to operate and develop. If Yi Yi and others do this, Then you are going against the law of heaven, which will cause the scale of the world of cultivation to expand rapidly, and this also means a huge consumption of resources and increased plunder of the mortal world. At that time, a poor control may trigger an immortal world. Whenever there is a war, this starry sky may fall into chaos!

Of course, it is impossible for Tong Yi and Xiao Gang to think so much now. Their current mood can be said to be extremely exciting, because what they see is that this matter is extremely beneficial to the Tiangang tribe itself. If it can succeed, then it will It will be an undisputed fact that the Tiangang tribe will occupy the dominant position on this planet by greatly increasing the strength of this tribe and suppressing other races.

With such a vision, they will naturally invest a lot of manpower and material resources in this area to try...

Little Yun Gong might as well "guide" this aspect...

So Xiaoxing quickly instructed the people in the Xingyun Palace to open a product section on the website, which sells items that can improve the combat power of mortals. These items are very effective in improving the profound strength of mortals and their physical fitness. It is a product that Xiaoxing and Li Yun used in the early stages of the experiment. Although it has been eliminated, it is still extremely advanced and extremely attractive when used here...

However, this area will not be open to ordinary people. After all, the purchasing power of ordinary people is too low and there are delivery issues involved, so it is impossible to deliver every order. Therefore, it is only sold for bulk orders. The target is naturally those who want to make a substantial increase. A race of mortal combat power.

And Xiaoxing believes that there is no need to publicize and guide the Tiangang tribe's action of transforming mortals. They will soon be discovered by other races. They will also soon discover that Xingyun Palace is selling such products. With the current name of Xingyun Palace, And credibility, sales volume will continue to increase...

While the Tiangang clans were preparing for war, the battle situation between the demonic forces and the poisonous forces had gradually become clear. Although the demonic forces took the initiative with a bloody courage at the beginning, constantly attacking and encircling the poisonous people, and achieved considerable results. However, the strength of the poisonous forces has become stronger and stronger in the battle, and has gradually compressed the demonic forces, forcing them to huddle more in their own cities and rely on heavy anti-virus formations to protect themselves. , but he is unable to take the initiative to attack the poisonous people!

The demonic forces are extremely arrogant. They don't want to unite with the righteous forces to fight against the poisonous forces. They just want to defeat the poisonous forces on their own and control them in turn. Maybe they can finally control the entire Tiangang Star with this move. .

However, as the war continues to advance, the poisonous forces become more and more courageous, and the demonic forces are retreating steadily. The situation is extremely unfavorable for the demonic forces. They have to accept this reality, that is, if they do not unite with the righteous forces to fight against drugs, , they are very likely to be defeated and controlled by the poisonous forces. At that time, the demonic people will become the host of the poisonous people, and become the pawns and cannon fodder of the poisonous forces to attack the right path. Their fate will be extremely tragic...

During this period, if it were not for the protection and support of Xingyun Palace's products and services, the demonic forces would have collapsed long ago, but now they are not far away from a complete collapse!

The main problem is that they can hardly afford to pay for the goods from Xingyun Palace anymore!

Since the beginning of the war, economic activities in the territory controlled by the demonic forces have almost completely stopped. Without economic activities as a basis, financial resources will decline significantly. The consumption of wealth by war is extremely huge. The wealth consumed in one day is often as much as several months or even in peacetime. No race can withstand such a terrible consumption of half a year's income. It won't take long for them to be squeezed dry...

It can be said that in such a large-scale racial war, the two sides are actually fighting a war of attrition. It depends on who can afford it. From the perspective of both the demonic path and the poisonous path, the consumption of the demonic path is much greater than that of the poisonous path, because in order to Anti-virus, everyone must arm themselves to every inch of skin. This consumption is simply a bottomless pit. No matter how much investment there is, there is no bottom line. Although Xingyun Palace has significantly reduced the price, it is still difficult for the demonic forces to sustain it. Yes, however, the consumption of poison is much smaller. With just a little poison, they can make the devils frighten and go all out, and after applying the poison themselves, they can wait for the results calmly...

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