The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3862 The medicine cures the disease

( ) The two of them had been wary of these two people when they followed Yan Wei, Duoduo and others to Tailao Planet last time, so they did not act rashly. In order to arrive on Tailao Planet smoothly, They still chose to endure it and stayed until the moment the spacecraft arrived at Tailao Star, then they left immediately to implement their planned plan.

Looking back at this time, the vigilance actually came from the universe's most precious cloud-dispelling shield used by Yan Wei. Shi Du and Simba saw Yan Wei's blow with their own eyes. The terrifying power emitted by the cloud-dispelling shield was the same as Tong Yi's. The blow from the meteor hammer collided, and the astonishing energy wave erupted shook them both to the point of nearly fainting!

It was that blow that made the two of them so frightened that they did not dare to move at all during the entire flight. It was also because of that blow that the two of them changed their plans and decided to control the demons first and use them to vigorously cultivate more Many larvae will wait until they are strong enough before launching a war against the Tailao and Naxisai tribes...

They heard the discussion between Yan Wei, Duoduo and others, and they were very clear about the relationship between the Tailao and the Naxisai tribe. In their opinion, the civilization level of the Tailao tribe should be much lower than that of the Naxisai tribe. If Without the help of the Naxisai tribe, they would not be able to refine the cosmic treasure Paiyunshi. In addition, the Naxisai tribe's medical level is also extremely high. Duoduo even promised to provide the Tailao tribe with some god-level upgrade elixirs for them to Some of them can advance from the master level to a higher level and reach the level of transcendence!

Based on this judgment, Shi Du and Simba felt that the Naxisai tribe was their opponent, because if their medical skills could reach god level or above, then it would not be a problem to refine god-level detoxification pills, so the two became even more I didn't dare to do anything casually, but secretly observed along the way to learn more information...

Of course, what they don't know is that the so-called god-level upgrade pill of the Naxisai tribe does not actually reach the god-level level, but has many flaws. Although the user can upgrade to a large level, there will be some traces left in the process. There are many loopholes, laying great hidden dangers for future training and advancement!

The Naxisai tribe may be able to refine a god-level detoxifying pill by gathering the strength of the entire tribe, but it cannot be refined by just one Zhang Xingdou, so they currently have no ability to compete with the poisonous forces.

It was precisely because Shi Du and Simba made a misjudgment at that time that their action speed was much slower. It was not until recently that they cultivated a god-level mid-grade poison, and then they began to attack the Thai star. hand…

In their opinion, the Tailao tribe could not resist them, and the treasures that could protect the star spirits should have come from the hands of the Naxi Sai tribe. Their hatred for the Naxi Sai tribe could not help but deepen!

It can be said that their plan could have been carried out faster. It was because of the existence of the Naxi Sai tribe that they had to implement it slowly and cautiously. But now, it is precisely because of the protection of the Naxi Sai tribe that Tai Lao The star spirit got rid of his tracking and disappeared mysteriously. All his efforts during this period were wasted...

"Damn it! This time I must attack the Naxi Sai tribe!" Simba said fiercely.

"Especially that Duoduo, she is domineering and mean. After catching her, she must be trampled..." Shi Du also said loudly.

"Oh? Brother Shi also likes her?" Simba said with a lewd smile.

"Haha, although that beauty is a bit fierce, she is indeed beautiful, with icy muscles and jade bones. She is the beauty among beauties. How can you let her go in vain after you catch her?" Shi Du grinned.

"Okay, then Brother Shi, just play with her and give her to me later!"

"No problem!!! I don't mind if Brother Xin wants to play with us..."

"Haha, wonderful, wonderful..."

The two decided Duoduo's "fate" while talking casually. What they didn't know was that this conversation was naturally broadcast in front of Duoduo...

When Duoduo and Heishang saw this scene, they gritted their teeth and their eyes were about to burst out with anger...

Just a few days ago, they received a distress letter from the space base. The information above was exactly as they estimated. All six space bases that had been built and operating were infected. A large number of soldiers felt unwell and suspected that they had been infected. Poisoned!

This made Duoduo and others extremely anxious. They finally waited until Xingyun Palace's low-end detoxifying pills were prepared and then set off immediately to go to six bases for treatment...

What makes Duoduo feel amazing is that she can actually see the battle between good and evil on the spaceship, and can also see the chase scene taking place deep in the core of the earth. Although the scene is somewhat intermittent, it is I heard the main scenes and dialogues, including what Shi Du and Simba said just now, which were also clear to my ears...

Seeing the scene of the two people talking and laughing obscenely, Duoduo almost gritted her silver teeth and said fiercely: "I swear I won't be a human being until I kill these two lewd thieves!"

Heishang echoed: "Of course! These bastards must be killed! Lest they continue to harm other lives in this world... However, now that they have lost the star spirits, will they return to the space world? We have to take care of them. Watch them closely, don’t let them escape!”

"Don't worry, Liufeng is monitoring them, they can't escape!" Duoduo hummed.

Heishang also nodded when he heard this and said: "Why is Liufeng so powerful? It seems that Shi Du and Simba didn't even realize that they were being monitored by him!"

"Indeed! How did he do it? If we can do it, then all the poisonous people's plans will not escape our hands, and it will be easy to defeat them!" Duoduo sighed.

"Yes, Patriarch, you said that we have been camped on Tailao Planet for such a long time and have not been able to do this. And Liufeng appeared much later than us. Why can he do it easily? Could it be that he has What kind of powerful treasure do we not have?" Heishang asked suspiciously.

"Well, maybe he has some kind of powerful monitoring baby, but this baby should also have some flaws. You can see that the information it transmits is intermittent. It is obviously affected by the earth's core environment and the transmission is not smooth. On the battlefield of the battle between good and evil in the space world, the information transmission situation is obviously much better..." Duoduo said.

"Giggle, what the patriarch said is true! It seems that Liufeng's monitoring baby still needs to be improved! If we do it, can we do better?" Heishang said with a smile.

"Shall we do it? You can name it! Even such poor monitoring is something we are currently unable to achieve! If I were sitting firmly in a cave or a spaceship, I would be able to watch real-time images of various locations like this. Okay? It’s a pity that we still have to use talismans and the Internet to transmit information, and the network is often affected by various influences, making it impossible to see the real-time picture!" Duoduo complained.

"This... our spacecraft can achieve faster information transmission within a short distance. If the distance becomes longer, the transmission efficiency will greatly decrease until it is completely impossible to achieve. Is there any problem in it that we have not thought of? And? Liufeng and the others have already solved this problem, so they can achieve the current level of monitoring?" Heishang analyzed.

"It must be! Next, we must strengthen research in this area and strive to solve this problem in a short time, laying a solid foundation for us to defeat the poisonous people!" Duoduo said firmly.

"Clan Leader, I'm afraid it's still difficult to solve this problem in a short time, right? We will soon start a war with the poisonous people. Before that, we still have to rely on the monitoring capabilities of Xingyun Palace so that we can concentrate on fighting Good fight..." Heishang said.

"What you said makes sense. As you said, the top priority is that we must first treat all the soldiers on the base, and at the same time strengthen defense to prevent the poisoners from attacking again!" Duoduo said.


After about three days of flying at full speed, the two's spaceship finally arrived at the core base. Since they had been blessed by Liufeng's god-level detoxification pill, they were not afraid of the poisons everywhere in the base and flew directly in to get the most out of it. Distribute the antidote to the soldiers as quickly as possible...

The tragic situation in the base made the two of them extremely sad. They found that not only the soldiers were poisoned, but the space world created in the base was also ruthlessly destroyed. Many plants were dying, with dry leaves and yellow leaves, and there was no vitality. The waters of the world There are also black waves rolling in, like a large pot of highly poisonous water, polluting the surrounding environment to a complete mess. Basically, all the creatures in the water are almost dead...

Duoduo believed that if she had arrived a few days later, this dimension world would have become littered with corpses, devastated, and lonely...

Since Zhang Xingdou didn't follow them here, but went elsewhere, Duoduo didn't know what kind of poison was everywhere here, but she didn't have to worry about it so much. Anyway, she just used the Xingyun Palace for them. They prepared antidotes, as well as some drugs for cleaning the environment, and carried out the rescue according to the methods they taught. To their delight, the effect of these drugs was surprisingly good. It could be said that the medicine could cure the disease. After three days, all the soldiers were rescued, and the environment in the space world is gradually returning to normal!

"Clan leader, it's so amazing! The medicine in Xingyun Palace is so good?!" Heishang exclaimed in disbelief.

"Indeed, their medical skills are much higher than ours!" Duoduo had to admit this.

"The same thing Doctor Zhang said. It seems that with the Xingyun Palace as our backing, we don't have to be afraid of those poisonous people at all!" Heishang said happily.

"What are those poisonous people to be afraid of? Besides using some poison, what else can they do? Even the demons dare to attack them, so do we have to be timid?" Duoduo snorted.

"This... what the patriarch said is true! As soon as their poison loses the threat, their weak foundation will be exposed. In terms of fighting, they cannot be our opponents. It seems that we must launch a counterattack as soon as possible..."

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