The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3863 Tianjue Desert

() "Giggle, giggling ..."

Duoduo couldn't help laughing when she heard Heishang's words. She laughed so hard that her branches trembled. She finally calmed down a little. She gasped slightly and smiled proudly: "That's right! A poisonous person who has lost his poison is like a shrimp that has been peeled off its shell." Crab, where is the fighting power? Now we have to take the initiative to find out those poisonous people who attacked our base last time, and then target Shi Du and Simba and kill them all!"

"Clan leader, where are the poisonous people who mix in the territory of good and evil?"

"Aren't they being hunted by two people? It is estimated that they will either be destroyed, or join up with Shi Du and the others, or join the poisonous team that attacked our base, so we can just carry out the plan." Duoduo said.

"What the patriarch said makes sense! However, Poison Man is extremely cunning. According to the information provided by Liu Feng, Poison Man is good at hiding and escaping, and can also break into pieces. If we can't set up a powerful formation in advance, it will be difficult to kill him even if we attack suddenly. They were caught..." Heishang reminded.

"Formation? All the powerful formations of our Naxi Sai tribe are useless! Let the teams at each base prepare immediately and equip them with our best formations. We must catch those two prostitutes this time. Thief, let them see the fate of the pervert..." Duoduo said sharply.

"Yes! Patriarch!!!" Heishang responded loudly.

She quickly sent messages to various bases and issued battle orders...

The space bases of the Naxi Sai tribe started to operate again after the personnel recovered. The information transmission speed was much faster than before. It didn't take long for each base to reply to the information. Duoduo became even more excited after seeing their responses. , because the soldiers at each base recovered quickly after taking the antidote from Xingyun Palace, and they felt that their energy and strength were better than before they were poisoned, which made her suddenly confident!

It seems that the detoxification drugs in the Xingyun Palace are really good. With drugs of this level, the soldiers feel super safe in battle, and it is possible to display their strength beyond the level!

According to the information successively provided by the Xingyun Palace, the god-level poisons in the Poisoners' hands have now been basically exhausted. The remaining poisons are not enough to cause the same damage as before, and their threat is naturally greatly reduced.

In addition, most of the poisonous people have just escaped from the battlefield between good and evil. They are all in shock and are gathering in a base somewhere in the Tianjue Desert on Tailao Planet to rest, waiting for Shi Du and Simba's high-level officials to escape from the core space. return…

As for the poisonous team that attacked the Naxi Sai space base last time, they are currently hiding on an isolated space island waiting for orders...

The information from the Xingyun Palace was so fast and accurate that Duoduo was amazed and acted decisively.

Yes, if you don't act properly after getting such information, it would be a joke!

The space fleet of the Naxi Sai tribe was indeed extremely powerful. After only three days, the teams from the six major space bases successfully reunited, and under their noses was the majestic Tailao star. This planet has magnificent mountains and rivers. Large tracts of land and water are continuously connected. Forest belts and grasslands are running across the continent. Mountains, canyons, deserts, and snowfields...are almost all visible to the naked eye from space. What is even more eye-catching is the proliferation of red light on the planet. Here, bursts of fire soaring into the sky can reach dozens of miles high, spraying the underground magma material high into the sky and spreading all around, declaring that it is full of vitality...

Looking at such a Thai star, one feels a sense of awe. In any case, facing this most primitive display of huge power in the universe, every life will feel its incomparable insignificance...

Heishang took a deep breath and asked: "Clan Leader, should we attack that isolated space island first? Or the Tianjue Desert on Tailao Planet?"

Duoduo looked at the two locations on the tactical light and shadow, looking a little hesitant, because her previous decision was to attack the poisonous team that attacked the space base first and avenge the soldiers of the base, but now she felt that something was wrong in her heart. It was inappropriate, but I couldn’t explain why, so I asked, “What are your opinions, elders?”

Elders, look at me, and I look at you. Finally, Kun Ming analyzed: "The isolated island in space has a relatively tight defense, and the opponent is still preparing for war. It seems inappropriate to attack at this time. Once it is delayed by them, it will We have lost the opportunity to fight, so the best target for our first battle is the Tianjue Desert on Tailao Planet. These people account for the majority of the poisonous people, and they all escaped from the battlefield of good and evil. Their hearts have not settled down yet, and there is no Very good defense. They thought that the good and evil people could not find them, but they did not expect that they had fallen into our eyes. If we attack them at this time, we will definitely win a big victory!"

Duoduo couldn't help but brighten her eyes when she heard that, and praised: "Elder Kun said it very well! I also think that the defense of that space island seems to be very strong. If we can't attack with one attack, we will most likely be dragged there by them. At that time, you may be attacked by poisonous people from both sides..."

"Yes! If I attack the Tianjue Desert first, there is another advantage!" Kun Ming said proudly, stroking his beard.

"Oh? What other benefits are there?" Duoduo asked anxiously.

"If we can successfully capture those poisonous people, we can use them to set a trap there. Shi Du and Simba will return there sooner or later, and we can just come and catch the turtle in a jar!" Kun Ming said fiercely, and also Performed a big hand grabbing gesture...

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar, and they were so impressed by Kun Ming's strategy!

Indeed, if everything goes well, it may not be a problem to capture Shi Du and Simba. By then, the poisonous people will be leaderless and collapse thousands of miles away...


"Elder Kun is right. He wants to take advantage of his illness and take his life. First, capture and kill these defeated generals, and then set up Fu Shu to destroy Shi Du and Simba!"

"The duty of eradicating evil is over! Let's turn around and attack those poisonous people on the isolated space island. Let's see where they can escape to?!"

"It makes sense..."

Everyone agreed, and Duoduo also felt excited and shouted excitedly: "Everyone, just follow this plan! Now the whole army will set off immediately, pointing directly at the Tianjue Desert!!!"

"Yes! Patriarch!!!"

The huge fleet formed by six battle teams marched towards the Tailao star in a mighty manner. The momentum carried by the flight was unparalleled and terrifying...

However, given the high level of civilization of the Naxisai tribe, the stealth effect of this fleet is extremely good. In addition, the Naxisai tribe has been familiar with the global defense systems of the Tailao planet for many years. Due to reasons such as the two paths of good and evil being in a chaotic stage, this fleet perfectly escaped the monitoring systems of all races and arrived in the uninhabited Tianjue Desert with great smoothness!

The reason why this desert is called "Tian Jue" is because it is too desolate, too arid, and too terrible. Almost no life can survive in this area, except for a few stars on the periphery. Plant distribution, once you enter the inner perimeter, you will no longer see the slightest trace of life...

Inside the Tianjue Desert, everything you can see is yellow sand, and rows of sand dunes stretch out endlessly!

Sometimes you can't feel even a breath of wind here, and the whole world seems to be stagnant, making it difficult to breathe. Even if you breathe in, the air will feel so hot that it is not breathable at all...

Sometimes the wind is howling here, and the yellow sand is all over the sky. It's endless. It doesn't matter if it blows for ten days and a half. It is estimated that even if there is any chance of life, it will be wiped out by such a storm!

However, risking death and resurrecting, when many people thought that no life could survive in such an environment, there was an unexpected thing hidden under the yellow sand in the center of the desert, surrounded by a large area of ​​sand dunes. Underground space, this is the secret base developed by the poisonous forces on the Tailao planet!

In fact, the poisonous people who sneaked into the Tailao planet in the early days developed several bases, both developed by the Yuguan tribe and the Zhouguan tribe. The bases of the two poisonous races were kept secret from each other, because the bases between them were In fact, there is competition among them, and they even fought against each other in the early days, and the fight was very exciting.

But later, the two poisonous forces gradually realized that it would be difficult to survive on the Tailuo planet, let alone control the Tailuo planet, so they began to consider joint operations first and wait until they succeeded. How to divide it up, so they proposed a plan to jointly develop a base. After some site selection, they finally chose the center of the Tianjue Desert.

It can be said that before the arrival of Shi Du and Simba, all poisonous people were developing bases here, while still cultivating poisonous spirits. After the two of them arrived, this base officially began to operate on a large scale...

Taking advantage of the excellent conditions of the Tianjue Desert, the poisonous people were wreaking havoc here, but the Tailao people knew nothing about their actions. Even the Naxisai people were also unaware that there was such a thing under their noses. A terrifying team is growing day by day...

When Duoduo and the others received the information provided by Xingyun Palace, they were extremely shocked to discover the location of Poison Man's lair. This made them feel that they had made a big mistake. If they could have discovered Poison Man's lair earlier, then Shi Du and Before Simba arrives, and before those poisonous spirits are cultivated, these poisonous people and their nests can be destroyed first, and things will not be as troublesome as before. I almost got killed by the poisonous people!

Fortunately, it's not too late. With the support of Xingyun Palace, Duoduo and the others feel more confident. Now, while Shi Du and Simba's poisonous high-level officials are still in the core space, they must eliminate the poisonous people in Tianjue Desert. Destroy the human base first!

When the Naxi Sai fleet came to the Tianjue Desert like a ghost, an endless black storm was blowing here. The entire desert was shrouded in violent wind and sand, and the world was as suffocating and terrifying as the end of the world...

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