The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3890 The two people are related!

Xiaotai said: "Yes! Now that the poisonous people and the Naxisai tribe have come to our Tailao planet, it cannot be ruled out that other powerful alien races have also come here. It can be said that our current situation is extremely dangerous. , there is a danger of destruction at any time. Therefore, any method that can improve our strength should be implemented as soon as possible! In fact, it is not only our Tailao star, but also the races on the Tiangang star. I believe that the Tiangang clan is in trouble It will be more serious than us, maybe Tiangang Star will have been occupied by other foreign races before we can kill it!"

"This...there is Ling Daozi on Tiangang Star..." Yan Wei said in deep thought.

"Ling Daozi? Master has seen Ling Daozi with his own eyes. What kind of person do you think he is? Could it be that he occupied Tiangang Star?" Xiao Tai asked.

Regarding Ling Daozi, Xiaotai has not seen it with his own eyes because he did not follow Yan Wei to Tiangang Star at that time. Therefore, the relevant information comes from various information channels, including Yan Wei and Duoduo who have been to Tiangang Star. Stars get in people's mouths.

"Ling Daozi... is an extremely amazing person, strange..."

"What's weird?" Xiao Tai asked anxiously.

"I now find that Ling Daozi and Liufeng seem to have more and more things in common..." Yan Wei said.

"What they have in common? I've also discovered a lot, and I was just about to say something!" Xiaotai agreed.

"Oh? Did you find out what they have in common?"

"First, the two of them are close in age and have similar talents. They are both unique geniuses in the universe. Even their looks are incredible!"

"Not bad, where's the second one?"

"Secondly, the two people rose up at very close times. They were both in the past two or three years. Ling Daozi became famous about half a year earlier, but in terms of the time scale of the universe, this is almost negligible. In other words, the two The time for people to rise is the same!" Xiaotai said.

"Well, do you think the past six months or so are related to some reasons?" Yan Wei asked.

"This...does the master think there is some kind of connection between the two of them?" Xiaotai asked in surprise.

"Don't you think? I remember that after hearing Ling Daozi's information, Duoduo and I felt incredible. We were worried that Ling Daozi would help Tong Yi increase his strength, so we decided to go there in person and find an opportunity to kill him. As a result, his whereabouts were exposed I have to return early..." Yan Wei thought.

"But didn't Master and Duoduo meet Ling Daozi before they came back? Why didn't they find the right opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop?" Xiao Tai asked.

Yan Wei was startled when he heard the words and sighed: "After we met him, we were quickly attracted and obsessed by what he did. We couldn't even think of killing him. We even just wanted to kidnap him to our hometown." Xinglai, Duoduo still wants to learn his modeling skills, how can she be willing to kill him?"

"Master, didn't you also go learn it?"

"Yes, the way of modeling is so amazing! If the situation on this planet was not so chaotic, I would like to recruit elites to train it!" Yan Wei sighed.

"Is it really so magical?" Xiaotai asked in surprise.

"It's really that magical. If it weren't for the influence of this Taoist spirit, Duoduo and I wouldn't have leaked our whereabouts. It was only when that old man Zhan Feng discovered the clues in the training camp that we had to return immediately. !" Yan Wei said.

"That's it! It seems that Ling Daozi's high level of Taoism is really similar to Liu Feng's. It's incredible that there are two such similar geniuses in the universe! By the way..."

"What did you find?" Yan Wei asked urgently.

"The time when the master went to Tiangang Star and returned happened to be about half a year, and not long after the master came back, the Xingyun Palace began to become famous all over the world. In other words, the Xingyun Palace began to appear about three months ago. If Liu Feng really has some connection with Ling Daozi after three months of operation, then Liu Feng might have been flying from Tiangang Star to Tai Lao Star before half a year ago!" Xiao Tai analyzed. road.

"This... is possible!!!" Yan Wei's eyes lit up when he heard that.


"Master, if we assume that these two people were originally together, then many problems can be explained. For example, they are both so young, their cultivation levels are so similar, and they are both extremely handsome. They are all business forces. One is selling products on Tiangang Star, and the other is engaged in entertainment industry and cave houses on Tiangang Star. Now he has also started selling products! By the way, when it comes to products, the owner has seen them on Tiangang Star. What products does Ling Daozi sell?"

"This... Ling Daozi was holding auctions in his business center at that time. There were many alien products. They didn't look very high-end, but the auction prices were extremely high. Because of their collection value, they were very popular among the Tiangang people... Hmm , he also auctioned many cultivation weapons, and I took a lot of them, you can take a look! Finally, he also auctioned a silver fleet!!!" Yan Wei said loudly.

Xiaotai was shocked and said: "A silver fleet?!"

"Yes! I wanted to take pictures of the entire silver fleet, but I had no choice but to take too many actions before, so that my financial resources were not available, and the same was true for Duoduo. In the end, we could only watch it fall into the hands of Guan Qizhi, the ninth elder of Tiangang Star. , However, Guan Qizhi’s financial resources will definitely not be able to afford a silver fleet, and the Tiangang Clan military must be behind him!" Yan Wei said.

"How about that silver fleet?" Xiaotai asked.

"Actually, the Silver Fleet uses bronze-class battleships, but its style is an alien battleship. It is not the same as the battleships of Tiangang Star and Home Star. Because its design is very good, especially in terms of speed, It is superior to others, so the fleet composed of these battleships has reached the silver level! Even in my opinion, it is much more powerful than the ordinary silver fleet!"

"Oh my God... Master, look quickly, is it this kind of battleship?!!!" Xiaotai exclaimed in shock.

Many light curtains popped up in the space. Yan Wei took a closer look and couldn't help shouting: "Yes, it's this battleship! Where did you know about it?!"

"It's in the online mall of Xingyun Palace!" Xiaotai said excitedly.

"Online mall? Wow..." Yan Wei shouted!

The two of them understood everything instantly!

Liufeng and Ling Daozi are definitely related!

Since they can sell the same type of battleship, it is possible to sell other similar products. Thinking of this, Yan Wei immediately started browsing in person, and sure enough, he discovered many products that he had seen on Tiangang Star. These products were all The products that Ling Daozi put up for auction were even in Yan Wei's hands!

He snapped a lot of photos at that time, but he was busy with trivial matters after returning to Tailao Star and had no time to deal with those items. Now when he took them out and took a look, he found that many of them were on display in the Xingyun Palace's online mall...

"Master, now we can completely believe that Liu Feng and Ling Daozi are a team! One of them is doing business on Tiangang Star, and the other is doing business on this star. They are really making things happen! We are also worried that Ling Daozi will help Tongyi will increase our strength, but now it seems that Liufeng will also help us increase our strength to fight against foreign aggression, and their business principles should be the same. They definitely don’t want war to happen, otherwise it will definitely affect their business and make money..."

"Well, what you said makes sense! Ling Daozi is very fun. The products and things he does are refreshing and imaginative. But he probably doesn't like war. In fact, which business person would? What about those who like war? Only those space pirates and colonial forces like to do this, but those people always make small money, because as long as they fail once, they may lose all the money they made previously. In the final analysis, Their business level is incomparable to Liu Feng and Ling Daozi!" Yan Wei said.

"The master is right! Now we can eliminate all worries and do business with Liufeng with confidence! You can't miss a silver fleet like this, book it now!" Xiao Tai said excitedly.

"Of course! There are also those cultivation weapons, each of which can improve the combat power of our soldiers. When I saw it, I couldn't wait to take pictures. I thought that when I came back, I could study it and build it myself." Yan Wei said .

"Master, it's too late to build it yourself, and it may not be possible, because the quality of Xingyun Palace's products is too high, and we are still a long way from them! Now we can only sell the land and buy their products Only by arming our soldiers as soon as possible can we protect our homeland!"

"Okay, it seems we must send someone immediately to talk to Liufeng about selling the land..."

"Master, Elder Su and Elder An have completed the task of selling the medicine brands. They definitely need to go to the Xingyun Palace to get another batch of medicine brands. Why don't they just let them discuss the matter of selling the land? Anyway, this matter It's actually very simple, as long as we take out the corresponding map and sign an agreement with Xingyun Palace," Xiaotai said.


This task was quickly handed over to Su Mei and An Zhenzhen. They were about to leave for Xingyun Palace, but they received a message from the Xingyun Palace delivery staff that those high-end flying castles had arrived!

When Yan Wei heard this, he immediately took the senior elders of the clan to pick up the goods in person. When they saw these ten high-level flying castles, they were all shocked...

They immediately visited the Take-off Fort under the guidance of the delivery staff, while Su Mei and An Zhenzhen followed other delivery ships to the Xingyun Palace to sign an agreement...

In the Tailao Palace, representatives of various ethnic groups saw Yan Wei and the others returning from the air with ten high-level flying castles. Their faces were filled with excitement and arrogance. When they inquired about it, they all immediately became excited and made strong demands. Going in for a visit, Yan Wei wanted to refuse, but he had no choice but to do so under their strong request, because they would still need their help to deal with the poisonous people, and such flying castles were also on display in the online mall, and all races quickly would know this, so I had to take them to visit...

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