The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3891 12th Level Competence Circle

Representatives from all ethnic groups finally came to their senses after purchasing the medicine brand. It turned out that when Su Mei talked about the products of Xingyun Palace before, she not only mentioned plague-repelling medicine, but also antidotes, various cultivation weapons, Formations, spaceships, battleships, etc., of course, the most important thing is the flying castle!

Flying castle!

Advanced flying castle!

Seeing the ten high-level flying castles brought back by Yan Wei and the others, everyone suddenly realized that these are the real weapons, the treasures for all races to resist foreign enemies and protect themselves!

Under the guidance of people from the Xingyun Palace, they not only visited the design, construction and operation of the entire high-end flying fortress, but also personally experienced the true effects of the flying fort, such as the operating effects of the space world inside, and the various protective formations. The strength of the magic and protective shield, the energy supply and replenishment system, and the attack power of the flying castle, each of these major aspects greatly excited them, because it was much more powerful than they imagined, and this was just unlocked It’s just the first level of abilities. Regarding the performance of the entire Flying Fortress, there are a total of twelve levels of abilities. If each race can continue to improve in future studies, they can continue to unlock these abilities until the highest tenth level. If the second-level ability can really reach this level, this advanced flying castle will undoubtedly become the most ideal space shuttle in everyone's mind. There is no second one!

In fact, among the first-level ability circle of Feibao, what impresses everyone is not its attack power and protective capabilities, but its energy replenishment and supply system. This system is astonishingly advanced and is beyond everyone's imagination. There is a big difference in…

Just as Yanwei and Xiaotai had worried before, the energy consumption of weapons with higher capabilities will be more terrifying, so that they would not dare to use them at all. Things like the cloud-repelling shield can only be used as a suppressor. The room for use as a weapon of deterrence is extremely narrow, and this is basically the same understanding in the minds of representatives of all ethnic groups.

However, after visiting the energy replenishment and supply system of the Flying Fortress, everyone's eyes were opened. It turns out that energy replenishment can still be carried out in this way. The energy supply of this Flying Fortress is mainly based on star energy distributed in the universe. No matter when and where it is, it can receive and transform star energy, which includes sunlight, moonlight, starlight, and the energy emitted by other celestial bodies surrounding the flying castle. Through transformation, it can continuously replenish the Among other systems, the efficiency is quite high.

And when it is not fighting, it can also fully extend its wings to receive star energy. Since the contact area is greatly increased, the energy received by the flying castle is even greater, and it can make the flying castle fly in a shorter period of time. The energy system is fully charged to ensure that its abilities can be fully utilized.

What shocked everyone the most was that in addition to star energy, Feibao also had another staggering way to replenish energy, that is, it could swallow all kinds of waste. Almost any kind of waste would do, as long as it was thrown in , after a period of time, it can be converted into usable energy and absorbed by various systems of Feibao!

The ability to convert waste can not only provide the Flying Castle with unexpected additional energy, but also help the Flying Castle process the waste generated by the space world, so that the space world can maintain a clean, hygienic and healthy operation mode, and its accommodation and output The ability is also greatly improved!

It can be said that this ability alone has greatly increased the value of this flying castle, which is completely worth its selling price. It also made Yan Wei and Xiaotai's worries not come true. This is why Yan Wei is so happy and proud after learning about it. at…

Of course, these abilities are incredible in the eyes of these people, but in the eyes of the people in Xingyun Palace, these are just basic abilities. These so-called advanced flying castles sold to Tailao Star are also early products of Xingyun Palace. , have long been eliminated or sealed up. However, these concepts are still very inspiring to the Thai people, letting them know that the space flying castle can be designed and operated in this way. For example, the ability to transform waste is very practical. In the past, At that time, the waste generated by the flying castles of all races was directly thrown into space.

Doing so not only pollutes the interstellar space, but also increases the risk of space flight, because these interstellar garbage will float and fly everywhere in space, and sometimes the speed will become faster and faster under the action of gravity, becoming extremely dangerous. Flying weapons may cause certain damage to all aircraft. Therefore, people of all races sometimes dump garbage on some abandoned planets, but this is also not the best way to solve the problem. After all, it will also cause Contaminate those planets, and not every time you can find a suitable planet to dump. Sometimes you think it is an abandoned planet, but you don’t know that life has already sprouted or developed on it. Doing so may kill some life in the cradle. Among…

"too strong!"

"This is the best-designed and most comprehensive space flying castle I have ever seen!"

"Yes, if our clan can have such a flying fortress, our combat power will rise sharply, and we will no longer have to worry about the poisonous people and the Naxisai tribe..."

"Haha, with this kind of flying castle, we can travel to the stars and have a taste of the wandering race in space!"

"It makes sense! It can absorb star energy, and it can also swallow waste. There is a lot of waste in space. We no longer have to worry about the lack of energy stars. We just need to be patient and wait, then we can recharge our energy and get back on the road!"

"Yes, with such performance, it is worth its price! Although my family has little money, we must find a way to buy one no matter what. When the time comes, we will run away if we can't beat it, or even go to the interstellar to wander. How wonderful!"

"Haha, if you can buy a flying castle like this, are you still worried that you can't defeat it? Not to mention the poisonous people and the Naxisai tribe, we are not afraid of such an attack, even the more powerful alien races!"

"That's right..."

Representatives of all ethnic groups talked to each other and discussed this flying castle enthusiastically, almost to the point where they couldn't put it down...

Min Xing, the elder of the Wuteng tribe, said, "With such a flying fortress, we not only don't have to defend it, but we can also take the initiative to attack the poisonous people and the Naxisai tribe, right? Although the Naxisai tribe has a space fleet group, if we each If the clan’s flying castles unite, then it won’t be easy to defeat them?”

"Of course! Defeating them is nothing. Next, we can go directly to the Tiangang Star and grab more of their Tiangang Stones!" Dugu Xin, the elder of the Blackwater Tribe, said loudly.

"Yes..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but suddenly realized!

At this moment, everyone became excited. Unexpectedly, in this critical moment, Xingyun Palace actually sent such a treasure to themselves. It was impossible not to accept it or not. As long as they had more flying castles, they could form a team to kill Towards the Tiangang Star, to achieve the galaxy war goal that all races have planned for a long time, it seems that even the Tiangang Star is within easy reach...

"Everyone, everyone, please be patient!" Yan Wei waved his hands and said loudly.

"Brother Yan, do you have any good ideas?" Min Xing asked quickly.

"Good idea? After hearing these bad ideas from you, how can I come up with any good ideas?!" Yan Wei snorted.

Min Xing was stunned and wondered: "Bad idea? Did we say something wrong?"

"Of course! Big mistake!"

"But why?!" Min Xing asked urgently.

"Although this flying castle is good, what we can use at present is only the first level of ability circle, and not all of it, just a part of it!" Yan Wei said.

"Is that so? So what?" Min Xing asked.

"How about it? Brother Min, as for the first level of ability circle, the Flying Castle can only be used within the inner space of Tailao Planet, and cannot go to outer space, otherwise big problems will occur. Therefore, the current Flying Castle It is only applicable to the defense of this planet. If you want to be a wandering race in space and attack Tiangang Planet, you should save it!" Yan Wei said.

"Wo..." The people in the palace couldn't help but gape when they heard this, and looked at each other...

"If you want to achieve your goal, then you have to study hard and understand the hidden meaning of the flying castle. If you can't understand it, then just use it to protect your own territory. At this point, it is of great value. It's been maximized!" Yan Wei said loudly.

"I see... However, I believe that I can definitely understand the meaning of Tao in the Flying Castle!" Min Xing said confidently.

Dugu Xin agreed: "Yes, I can definitely integrate the Taoism in Feibao and unlock Feibao's ability circle layer by layer, until the twelfth level is the highest!!!"

"I can do it too..."

"We can definitely do it..."

"We must be the fastest to understand each other..."


Representatives of various ethnic groups were shouting, as if their race was highly intelligent and powerful. In the eyes of Yan Wei, their faces were actually extremely shameless. Even the Tailao tribe themselves did not dare to say such things. If so, what do those races count?

While he was visiting and experiencing, he had already discussed this issue with Xiaotai. As a result, Xiaotai's words made Yanwei almost mentally collapse. That is, in this first level of ability circle, many abilities are beyond what Xiaotai can understand now. , not to mention analyzing and imitating it, or even using it directly.

Moreover, Xiao Tai discovered that this flying castle may really have twelve levels of ability circles. However, in addition to the first level of ability circles, it has been tightly sealed from the second level. If you want to unlock that How easy is it to seal?

For the Tailao tribe and other tribes, the other eleven levels of ability circles are actually fictitious and cannot be coveted by them at all. In other words, Xingyun Palace sells such flying castles to the Tailao tribe and other tribes. The purpose of each race is actually to let them use the first level of ability circle. In other words, it is to give them the ability to protect their homeland, instead of having the ability to go to interstellar space to attack other planets...

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